Siliguri - 74 dengue patients admitted in govt. hospital

Siliguri - A total of 74 confirmed dengue patients are admitted in a government hospital in Siliguri town of West Bengal, an official said Wednesday.

“There are 74 confirmed dengue cases admitted now. Half of them are serious,” North Bengal Medical College and Hospital Superintendent Sabyasachi Das said.

One person has died of the disease in Darjeeling in the last few days, said District Chief Medical Officer (Health) Subir Bhowmick.

A 31-year-old woman, Sarada Sha, died in the hospital Wednesday due to encephalitis, an ailment of the brain, Das said.

Around 700 suspected dengue cases have been reported in Darjeeling and adjoining Jalpaiguri district.

“Confirmatory tests are being done. Three hundred of them are from Darjeeling and four hundred from Jalpaiguri,” said a health official.

The patients were admitted in various hospitals and nursing homes in the region.

The local authorities have opened blood testing and awareness camps, while stressing on mosquito control and garbage clearance.

Signs and symptoms

Typically, people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80%) or only have mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever.Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion it is life-threatening.The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) ranges from 3–14 days, but most often it is 4–7 days. Therefore, travelers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have dengue if fever or other symptoms start more than 14 days after arriving home. Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea) and have a greater risk of severe complications,though initial symptoms are generally mild but include high fever.

Source: and

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