Oldest Darjeeling himalayan railway video

This is one of the earliest or the oldest video of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) or popularly known as Darjeeling Toy Train in the internet one can find. In the video we can see the world famous Darjeeling Toy train whistling past its way through scenic beauty of the hill.

The idea of a railway link between Siliguri and Darjeeling was first mooted in the year 1870 by Franklin Prestage, who at that time was the Sole agent of the Eastern Bengal Railway Co. He proposed to build the rail line along the old Hill Cart Road being used by the Tonga Service and which was later destroyed by landslides. He placed a detailed scheme for laying the Railway Line in the year 1878 before then Lt. Governor Sir. Ashley Eden. The Lt. Governor appointed a high power committee to study the proposal who reported the feasibility and advantages of the proposed railway.

In the year 1879, the proposed scheme by Franklin Prestage was accepted and construction work started on a war footing. By March 1880, a line was opened up to Tindharay and by the end of the year up to Kurseong. In July 1881, the DHR first rolled into Darjeeling town. On September 15, 1881, the original name given to the railway - Darjeeling Steam Tramway Co - was changed to a more dignified appellation - The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. In the same year, M/s Gillanders Aubuthnot & Co was appointed as the first booking and handling agents of the DHR.

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