Sadak Kavit congregation of Nepali poets from Nepal and India in Kalimpong

Kalimpong - “Sadak Kavita” a Kalimpong based literary group today organized a literary function “Kavya Sambad” here at the premises of Saptashree Gyanpith, which saw  a congregation of Nepali poets from Nepal and India. The core attraction of the function was poetry recitation by renowned Nepal-based poet Bimala Tumkhewa.

Sanumati Rai handing over commendation certificate to Bimala Tumkhewa in Kalimpong on Saturday.
Sanumati Rai handing over commendation certificate to
 Bimala Tumkhewa in Kalimpong on Saturday.
Expressing gladness over the keen interest of Indian Nepali poets on the poems of those from Nepal, Tumkhewa began reciting her poems and left all in the audience awestruck. She recited over a dozen of her poems including, “Manmaya ra Hazar Sapana”,“Jetti Subbini”, “Simal ko Nango Haga” and “Saharma Badnam Katha” to mention a few. Expressing her poems Tumkhewa said, “These days, love and rebellion are simultaneously appearing in my poems. May be this is what we call ‘time writing’.”

Moved by Tumkhewa’s recitation Kalimpong based popular poet Manoj Bogati commented, “Many actually entitled Tumkhewa as a poet of love. Several portrayed her as a poet of softness and humbleness, while others saw her as poet of pain. But she in fact is a poet of a lay man.” Tumkhewa earned a bulk of praise from several other poets present in the function.

Praising her poet Samsher Ali said, “We rarely had had an opportunity to witness poems addressing with love the aspects of life.”

Another emerging poet and program coordinator Pradip Lohagun opined the field of poem in Nepali literature has achieved a new height after the mass movement in Nepal.  He said Tumkhewa’s poems have stirred the Indian Nepali poets to strive for higher levels.

While Tumkhewa recited poems in the first segment of the function today, the second segment saw recitations by emergent poets of Darjeeling. Darjeeling based emerging poets Nima Sherpa, Bhupendra Subba, Pradip Lohagun, Lekhnath Chettri, Tika Bhai, Chewang Yonzon and many others recited their poems to the audience. Prominent poet from Kalimpong Sanumati Rai and Saptashree Gyanpith Director Tapan Pradhan jointly honoured poet Tumkhewa by handing over a memento and a commendation certificate.

Source: EOI

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