National Rail Museum gets Darjeeling toy trains vintage engine

Celebrating its 37 years of existence, the National Rail Museum launched the service of a vintage locomotive for the toy train at the museum complex at Chanakyapuri here over the weekend. The engine, manufactured in England, was first used by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway for toy trains in 1881. It was rebuilt at a workshop in Darjeeling in 1917 and finally withdrawn from service in 1957.

Rail Museum toy train gets vintage engine

The coach attached with the train was also built at Darjeeling at a cost of Rs. 1,907 in 1902. It has a seating capacity of 16. The 4.360-metre-long coach was withdrawn in 1968, after being in service for about 66 years.

Railway Board Chairman Arunendra Kumar dedicated the vintage engine hitched with eight coaches to the museum.

Mr. Kumar later took a joy ride with children and their parents. Talking to mediapersons he said the museum has now been put on the Delhi Tourist map. This will allow tourists to see and understand the history of the Indian Railways.

The museum has an annual footfall of 3.5 lakh.

The addition of Ho-Ho bus service is likely to increase its popularity.y.


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