DDUDF programmes in Nagari-Dhaje constituency

DDUDF - Taking forward its outreach mission, the Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation today organised interactive programmes in Nagari-Dhaje constituency. A team comprising DDUDF founder Dr. Mahendra P Lama, convener Hem Baraily and members including Pravin Zimba, Dhurba Mukhia, Bikram Golay and Suresh Kumar Chettri visited Nagari Farm and Mangerjong tea garden and held three meetings with residents.

Dr. Mahendra P Lama
Dr. Mahendra P Lama
Lama expressed deep concern over the depleting conditions at the tea gardens and promised the DDUDF will strive towards resolving all problems of garden workers. He stressed wages in tea gardens must conform to the Minimum Wages Act and all tea gardens of the hills should be enlisted in the World Heritage list. Hi-tech for value addition must be introduced into the tea industry, Lama further added.

Talking about the statehood movement, the DDUDF’s primary agenda, Lama said earlier movements have all failed to achieve the goal as the leadership could not raise the demand at the right time and in the right places. He also spoke on the need for high-quality educational institutions, three-tiered Panchayat system and briefed the gathering about the 25-point agenda of the DDUDF. (EOIC)


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