Jan Aawaz seeks clear stance on Gorkhaland, GTA

Jan Aawaz seeks clear stance on Gorkhaland, GTA before extending support. Jan Aawaz, an apolitical organisation, has sought clarification from the Darjeeling constituency Lok Sabha candidates over the issues of statehood and repealing of the GTA. Organisation members met in Delhi on Tuesday and resolved to seek the stance of the candidates on the two issues, based on which it will declare support to the candidates. Jan Aawaz secretary Munish Tamang said the step has been taken to light up a debate among voters on the issue of statehood and the GTA.

He said, “What is the stance of the candidates on the issue of Gorkhaland? Merely supporting the agenda is not enough. Until and unless the GTA is scrapped the Gorkhaland agenda cannot be pushed ahead.”

Jan Aawaz believes these are the two fundamental issues on which the candidates must have a clear stance. Those who cannot provide a clear position are untrue to the aspirations of the people, it believes.

The Darjeeling constituency plays a “key role in resembling all Indian Gorkhas”, said Tamang, adding a Gorkha living anywhere in the nation has the “right to know the answers to these primary questions” from the LS candidates.

Responding to a query, the secretary said Jan Aawaz is working amid intellectual and conscious Gorkhas and has many supporters and members in Darjeeling. Candidates competing from the Darjeeling constituency have even written to the organisation seeking its support, added Tamang.


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