National School Safety programme held in Kalimpong

Kalimpong : A training programme on National School Safety was held here at the Ramakrishna auditorium under the joint initiative of the sub-divisional disaster management department, municipality and SDO office. Teachers associated with the National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Scouts and Guides from about 50 schools in the sub-division participated in the event. Deputy Magistrate Bardan Lepcha, sub-divisional disaster management officer Dirmit Lepcha and Siliguri SDDMO Rinchen Lamu Sherpa were among the prominent guests.

A trainer explaining safety measures at the National School Safety Programme.
A trainer explaining safety measures at the
National School Safety Programme.
Dirmit Lepcha highlighted the targets of the national level programme on school safety while experts and departmental officers including NK Pradhan, SK Dikshit, Niyog Tamang and Sandesh Tamang were resource persons. They elucidated the trainee teachers on various safety measures that can be adopted during emergency situations during times of natural calamities.

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