Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community

Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF (Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum) independent LS candidate  has condemned Narendra Modi BJP PM candidate for his comment made during his election rally in Siliguri.M.P. Lama regarded Modi's comment as humiliating Gorkha community in India. “His comment describing the Gorkhas as mere security guards is highly condemnable. It has undermined and humiliated our contributions,” Lama said.Dr Lama said Modi, SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung ows apologies for to the entire Gorkha Community.
Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community
Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF independent LS candidate

He advised Modi to study history to understand the contributions made by the Gorkhas in building the nation. During his speech in Khaprail, Modi had said, “Gorkhas work as security guards across the country; people do not trust the police, but they trust the Gorkhas.”

Lama said Modi’s comments clearly show his lack of knowledge about the Gorkhas. Lama said he had placed a condition in exchange of his support saying the BJP should pledge in its election manifesto a Gorkhaland state would be created within six months of the saffron party coming to power, but Modi’s statement has proved the party’s promise is an empty one.

Lama said, “Modi is misleading us by claiming his dream and that of the Gorkhas is the same. A Gorkha’s dream is not just Gorkhaland, but many other aspirations intertwined. Modi totally failed to address the aspiration of the Gorkhas in his speech.”

Insisting there is no reason to trust the BJP, Lama said, “We elected BJP veteran Jaswant Singh in the last general elections. Telangana was created during his tenure, but the BJP did not speak a word about Gorkhaland.”

The DDUDF leader also said the saffron party is getting goose-bumps seeing the strong support for him, adding Ahluwalia is headed for a shameful loss. Rebuking GJM chief Bimal Gurung, the independent candidate said, “On one hand he shouts slogans demanding Gorkhaland, and on the other, he claps in agreement when Gorkhas are called security guards. How can such a dubious individual bring Gorkhaland?”

Further, Lama criticised GNLF chief Subash Ghising for his decision to support the TMC and termed it “technically flawed”. “The GNLF’s struggle for Gorkhaland boiled down to the DGHC. Then they shouted for Sixth Schedule status, but now they are turning to the DGHC again. It has been mentioned in the GTA accord the DGHC stands dissolved.”

Source: EOI

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