Teesta Sunil Rai accused of raping minor girl in police remand

Teesta 21st April: The Kalimpong Police today produced rape accused Sunil Rai (35) before the CJM court here and sought his custody. Rai was on Friday arrested for raping a three year old girl in Teesta Bazaar. Considering the appeal, the court has sent Sunil Rai for a day’s police remand.
Protest at Teesta against rape case
Protest at Teesta against rape case- Photo:Vishal Rai Teeste
Meanwhile, the Teesta residents have continued their protests for the third straight day after the incident. They were present in the court premises since morning, demonstrating in demand of harshest punishment for the accused. The police had hard time taking Sunil Rai into the court as the protesters were seemingly agitated and were about to lose their patience. The enraged people holding placards, shouted slogans demanding capital punishment for the accused and justice to the victim and her family.  Protesters also took out rallies in Teesta Bazaar, Kalimpong and other areas.

Sunil Rai was brought to the court from Kalimpong Thana, around 1:00 in the afternoon amid tight security. Considering the sensitivity of the situation, the court did not make the accused stand long before it, sending him into one day police remand immediately. Sunil Rai will again be presented at the court tomorrow.

While the entire hills have condemned the incident, the youth and women wings of Gokha Janmukti Morcha have also voiced strong criticism towards the incident. The two GJM sister organizations today held meeting here at its party office and passed a resolution of condemnation. Expressing satisfaction towards the timely arrest of the accused the organizations have submitted a deputation to police OC demanding stringent punishment for the accused.

Source: EOI

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