Be it Gorkhaland or better yet Gorkhanchal - Rethinking statehood

Be it Gorkhaland or better yet Gorkhanchal!!  By Upendra

The recently concluded Lok Sabha election was historic for many reasons. For the first time since Independence, a non-Congress government has won the majority on its own. For the first time since Independence, Congress has been relegated to two digits – 44, its earlier worst performance was in 1999 when it had only managed to win 114 seats. Which means that the lower house of the parliament may not even have an official Leader of Opposition, for which the opposition party is required to win at least 1/10th of the seats, which translates to 54 seats.

Be it Gorkhaland or better yet Gorkhanchal - Rethinking statehood
Be it Gorkhaland or better yet Gorkhanchal - Rethinking statehood
Indeed “Modi Wave” which was uttered in hushed tones before the elections turned into a “Tsunamo” when the results were declared and has swept away almost all the oppositions and indecisions with it. This is both exciting and scary for us. Exciting because if the Bharatiya Janata Party under the leadership of Shri. Narendra Modi decide to form Gorkhaland, then there is no political or legal force which can prevent it; but on the other hand if they choose not to then there is nothing we can do to compel them. Literally it’s “now or never” for our statehood dreams to come true.

These are indeed exciting times for India as a nation, and particularly so for the people of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars. For the first time in the history of our statehood agitation, we have a government in the Centre which has a proven track record of forming smaller states. A Prime Minister elect who has acknowledged “Your dreams are My dreams.” A Member of Parliament representing us, who is high enough within his own party to be able to lobby on our behalf at the highest level and has won on the platform of “sympathetically examining” our century old demand; and a group of MPs from other parts of India who have declared their affinity and support for a statehood for the Gorkhas.

What we now need is - the political will to push for statehood, our own will to withstand adversity, and our ability to lobby across India. A separate state combining Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars in pretty much on the cards and rightfully so, and at this critical moment in history, I purpose re-thinking our statehood demand to be more inclusive and open towards those who are not Gorkhalis.


This election was indeed one of the most crucial elections as far as the statehood for Darjeeling region is concerned. With the state government hell bent on creating fissures amongst us and luring a section of our hill brethren with goodies and promises galore, I was worried that their sinister designs would prevail, and we would become so fragmented that we would cease to remain a single community.

Had the Trinmool Congress won, our statehood demand would have suffered a knockout punch, if not a complete death. Unlike advertised by TMC prior to the elections, Lepchas and Tamangs did not vote for them as a block, heck even Subash Ghishing did not vote for TMC. Thank God!!

Despite my misgivings and fears, we - the hill folks stuck together, and showed that blood indeed triumphs over mere money and lure of power. TMC ploy of “divide and rule” and “rule by fear of police and administration” backfired and in fact, it ended up Uniting the hill folks. So the biggest positive from the elections is the fact that we are UNITED and will remain so.

Dr. Mahendra P Lama deciding to contest is one of the best things to have happened for Darjeeling. Yes, he did loose, but in his loss is a promise of a better and stronger opposition based out of the hills to emerge. The 55000 votes he garnered may not look like much, but these are the votes of those who want change in Darjeeling, and both GJM and BJP will do well to respect their mandate and work towards addressing the grievances of these voters. They have a legitimate case against the current system of governance in the hills that need to be addressed. A healthy opposition is necessary to make the ruling party work, and I hope Dr. Lama will continue to remain politically active.

Another positive from this election is that, Elections 2014 was indeed one of the most free and fair elections I have witnessed in the hills, and I give due credit to our brothers and sisters who maintained peace and went about electoral politics in a very mature manner. We can have difference of opinions, ideas and ideals but that does not mean we need to eradicate the other. Differences in political standing without violence are a mark of an educated and politically mature society, and I am glad that we are getting there.

Let’s make this a norm and not an exception. Darjeeling and its people deserved this.


This win for BJP was as much because of the folks in the plains as it was because of the hill folks. This was a truly balanced election as far as the plains were concerned. Out of the four constituencies in the plains, BJP won in three – Siliguri, Phansidewa and Matigara and TMC could only win the Chopra constituency. Which indicates the fact that people in the Terai and plains are also tired of the “politics of fear and division” played by the TMC.

When Gorkhaland agitation was at its peak, many businessmen from Siliguri and Dooars were arrested on drummed up charges, including a charge of arson against the Darjeeling Chamber of Commerce Chairman. Many opposition voices in the plains especially those in Dooars were made to go quiet forcefully, and all those people who have supported the idea of a separate statehood for Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars were arrested and tortured. 

But people in the plains and Dooars have given a clear cut answer to such administrative high handedness, and atrocities meted out by the state government through their voting. I thank the people from the plains for their support and courage.

Rethinking statehood: “Gorkhanchal” and Inclusivity

Following a huge victory for BJP, while many political observers are cheering for a new state to be formed combining Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars; many others are skeptical. Basically there are three arguments put forth against Gorkhaland statehood - One of the main arguments put forward against “Gorkhaland,” is that, it will only be for the Gorkhas and will not be inclusive to people from the other communities. Another bone of contention is the term itself “Gorkhaland” sounds secessionist and is thus anti-Indian, even though the same group of people have no problem with the term “Nagaland.” While some “bhadralok” intellectuals cite the fact that Darjeeling is in the “chicken-neck area” and is thus vulnerable, this is why Gorkhaland should not be formed due to security concerns.

Given this, I believe it is high time we rethink our demand for statehood. If the term “Gorkhaland” is offensive to the non-Gorkhas, then I suggest that we change the name to “Gorkhanchal” which is way more inclusive and will, I believe, go a long way in assuaging the fears of minorities in Terai, Dooars and plains that the new state will be inclusive and not just for the Gorkhas. Also, this will help our movement to be rebranded and help in disconnecting our demand from the violent past connected with the term “Gorkhaland” – a legacy left behind by Subash Ghishing.

If Uttarakhand could become Uttaranchal, I don’t see why Gorkhaland cannot become Gorkhanchal? The name is community neutral and would be more inclusive and welcoming to the non-Gorkhas.

Indeed Darjeeling is in the chicken-neck area which in fact highlights the need for improving the security of the region, and that will only be possible by the formation of a new state. As is evident for the past 67 years of independence, Bangladeshi infiltration into India has continued unabated and will continue unabated as the West Bengal government is inclined to look the other way for the sake of their vote bank.

Such is the extent of the problem that the exodus and illegal immigration from Bangladeshis into India has been termed by the United Nations as "the single largest bilateral stock of international migrants" in the eastern hemisphere and also in the developing world .

Given this, formation of the state of Gorkhanchal [Gorkhaland] would put a stop to the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh getting a free pass into India. Furthermore, Darjeeling is the only region in India which touches four international boundaries, one of which happens to be China, and hence the need for a strong and well maintained border region can only be addressed by the formation of a new state. This emerges from the fact that West Bengal government has neglected the region to such an extent that National Highway – 55 which connects Darjeeling to the rest of India has been shut down since 2009 and is yet to be repaired. God forbid, if there is any attack in this region tomorrow, our forces cannot even reach the borders.

Moreover, the Gorkhalis have been the mainstay of India’s defense against the inimical forces of Pakistan and China right from the day India got independence. To question the formation of a statehood for the Gorkhas on the basis of national security issue, is not just preposterous, but also highly derogatory, and I as a Gorkhali whose generations of family have served in the Indian Army with gallantry and pride, take an offense to such ridiculous fear mongering and acquisitions.

Those who question our loyalty towards India are the ones who are weakening India by allowing massive and unabated Bangladeshi infiltration into India. It is imperative for the safety and security of India and to protect India’s interest in the region to form Gorkhanchal [Gorkhaland] state, and that is a fact.


As I had pointed out earlier [Details:], we can fulfill our statehood dream by working together with the rest of India. In the 16th Lok Sabha we have three Gorkhali MP’s - Shri. Ram Prasad Sarmah from Assam, Uttarakhand’s Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah, and Sikkim’s Shri P D Rai. In addition we have P.A Sangma who is a vocal advocate of Gorkhaland statehood [Details:], Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, who is an alumnus of St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling is very close to Narendra Modi, who along with Sikkim CM Dr. Pawan Kumar Chamling can influence the entire North-East in our favour.

K Chandrasekhar Rao who will become the Chief Minister of Telangana is a known Gorkhaland sympathiser, and one of the most influential individuals who can lobby on behalf of Gorkhanchal with the top BJP brass Shri. Swami Ramdev along with BJP leaders who are supportive of separate statehood for the Gorkhas - Shri. Subramanian Swamy, Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Shri. Rajiv Prasad Rudy should also be roped in to provide additional thrust for our statehood goal.

We need to develop proper means of sharing information and making people across India aware of “Why Gorkhanchal should be formed” [Eg:], I don’t see why rest of India would not come together and support our quest. Already people have changed their approach towards our demand with many today asking “Why Not Gorkhaland” instead of “Why should we form Gorkhaland?”.

This can be done by forming a Gorkhanchal Liaison Team – a lobby group, consisting of eminent Gorkhali and non-Gorkhali thinkers who support our demand and visit different states and leaders from various political parties and sway them in favor of our statehood demand.


But most important of all, we need to be united here at home. As I had written earlier, we need to come together as one unit and speak with one voice. You can choose which party you support be it GJM, CPRM, ABGL, GNLF, TMC or any other, but when it comes to a separate statehood, please do not have two opinions. 

We can learn from the political parties of Bengal, they may fight and bicker amongst themselves like cats and dogs, but when it comes to opposing Gorkhaland, all of them come together as one – be it the TMC, CPI (M), Congress, or even BJP Bengal unit.
If they can unite against our demand for a separate, then why can’t we UNITE for separate state?

Be it Gorkhaland or better yet Gorkhanchal!!

Writer Upendra

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1 comment :

  1. Your argument in favour of Gorkhanchal in place of Gorkhaland has lot of merit. The basic issue however is that all those who reside within the proposed Gorkhaland Gorkhalis, Bjharis, marwaris and even Bengalis must be completely united in pressinbg for the demand. The quintessential demand should not get deflected on the pretext of sixth schedule or some such stuff. Ideally the GJAC with representatives from all the political outfits in the region must be revived to act as the liasion bidy suggested by you


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