Sikkim driver rescued a 10 year old girl from trafficking

Deepak Rai, a driver of Rinchenpong-Gyalshing rescued a 10 yr old girl from trafficking at Taxi stand, Gyalshing today morning. As per Deepak, a lady with a kid approached him to take his vehicle till Melli with "mo magey fare" but told him that the payment would be made only at Melli.

Deepak Rai, a driver of Rinchenpong-Gyalshing
Deepak Rai, a driver of Rinchenpong-Gyalshing.
Mr. Deepak found her suspicious because she was dragging the kid who was in Pelling school dress and was constantly receiving calls from a guy speaking in Bengali language. She was not very comfortable.

Mr. Deepak immediately reported to the Police and the lady is under custody for further interrogation. It is reported that the kid is actually from Tikpur and was going to Pelling School (Class VI) from her aunty's place, Dokuthang.

Real name and address of the lady is yet to be confirmed by the police as she had given 7 names and 4 addresses till now.

I on behalf of the DAC, West would like to thank Mr. Deepak Gurung for saving a kid from trafficking and appeal to rest of the drivers to also be vigilant like Deepak.

Source: Simon Subba

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