Ngo MARG Generate Awareness Program on Crime for Rural Students and Youth

"MARG Program Helps Generate Awareness Amongst Rural Students and Youth"

Darjeeling: Mankind in Action for Rural Growth (MARG) one of the leading NGO from the region working towards anti-human trafficking and child protection has successfully completed two-day awareness programme aimed at informing the rural students on rising crimes, such as human trafficking and crime against women. The NGO made the students aware of all legal provisions and other awareness topics related to such crimes.

MARG Program Helps Generate Awareness Amongst Rural Students and Youth
MARG Completes Awareness Program
Satisfied by the awareness camp, Students Against Trafficking members said now they are confident in approaching police in case of any untoward incident they come across.

MARG general secretary Nirnay John Chettri said spreading awareness about human trafficking and crime against women is the best way to tackle the menace. “Earlier, people used to hide such crimes fearing bad name for the family, but with increasing awareness on legal facilities and institutions, the people have started coming out to voice against the crimes,” he added.

May be it is a reflection of the hard work put up by organizations like MARG that more and more crimes against women and children are being reported these days, as compared to the past.

[with inputs and Pics: ECOI]

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