Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) gets a logo

The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) Logo was inaugurated today.

About the GTA Logo.

This Logo is dedicated to the 3Ts of Darjeeling, TEA , Tourism and Timber.
Darjeeling Tea has a reputation in the entire world of being a uniquely flavored tea. This particular tea is akin to poetry,its subtle flavor like gossamer billowing in the breeze. You can taste the tender mountain sunshine and the mists that roll down over lush green tea gardens, imparting its spirit into each cup you sip dreamily. Sometimes we enjoy it so much and the imagery around it,that we forget the real people who make it possible for tea lovers all over the world to sip each mouthful of this glorious beverage.That is the very reason this logo is dedicated to the hard working tea garden workers who pick tea leaves day in and day out, bent by the load of their bamboo baskets, callused hands cut and blackened with years of tea picking,out of shape. This logo salutes this hard working community.

The Tourism in Darjeeling Hills is important and If you have ever watched the sunrise over the majestic Kanchenjunga you have seen a piece of heaven here on earth.The beautiful mountain range has always been a part and parcel of Darjeeling people and their most possessed pride and joy. That is what we miss most when we are far away from home,opening our eyes every morning and f inding her glorious beauty and constancy to sustain us for another otherwise ordinary day. The immaculate Kanchenjunga sometimes is like healer radiating beauty and hope over all alike and sometimes constant like a mother looking over her children. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999. Though commonly called the ‘Toy-train’ by natives and tourists alike this little train and its railway lines are a feat of engineering and design considering the terrain over which it was built many years ago. This special toy train has over time become a symbol of Darjeeling signifying an old world charm hard to come by, in this age of rapid modernization.
The Rhodendron has been featured in the GTA Logo as the season of spring is a blessing everywhere in the world,but spring in Darjeeling even though shortlived between March and April is a sight to behold painted richly red and pink all over the hills.The magnificent Rhododendron trees put on a spectacular show ending as red petal carpets on gravelly hill roads over which school children walk home.This tree with its beautiful blooms are forever etched into our hearts as being a reminder of Darjeeling even though the numbers are sadly going down each year and there may come a time when we may not be able to witness such beauty and splendor.

The GTA Logo has been designed by Vikram Rai, a local graphic designer from Darjeeling and Saajan (Lhadup) Moktan a designer from Canada.

Source: Bimal Gurung Official

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