Gorkhaland Territorial Administration asks Centre to train its employees

The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) has decided to invite trainers from the personnel department of the Central government to train its employees to improve their office work culture.
Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung the GTA Chief
Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung the GTA Chief
An interactive session was ton Monday organised by senior GTA officials in the secretariat office at the Gorkha Ranga Manch Bhawan in Darjeeling GTA sabhasads, employees and municipality staff members attended the nearly two-hour long session.

GTA sabhasad Binay Tamang said after the session, “The GTA is an autonomous body and must function like a ministry. For this the priority is to improve the work culture in office. We held a meeting today and discussed the modalities on how this should be done.”

To begin with, the GTA has decided to conduct workshops for its employees with the help of the central government. “We have requested

Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia to approach the Centre to dispatch trainers from Delhi specialised in this field to educate employees both of the GTA and the municipalities on how to maintain work culture in office,” Tamang said.

The Darjeeling MP, who was present during the interactive session, said he would speak to the central government at the earliest on the matter.

“It is a good initiative that reflects the enthusiasm and earnestness of the GTA. The Centre has a personnel department that provides training to government employees. Training is a continuous process and will definitely help GTA employees,” he said.

Ahluwalia added, “In any government office, up-gradation of paper and electronic documents has to be done on a daily basis. Things like proper filing and RTI replies among many others have to be learnt so that transparency is maintained for good governance. GTA employees must be aware of all these.”

The GTA, however, has not finalised the dates to hold the camps andworkshops. “We only discussed the issue of work culture and we will schedule the dates and venues for the workshops later,” said the GTA sabhasad.

When asked about the reason to invite trainers from Delhi instead of sending GTA employees to the national capital, the Darjeeling MP said, “These trainings are conducted in Delhi and Kolkata where there are huge numbers. However, in the case of the GTA, the number of employeesis relatively smaller and council work will be affected if all go to Delhi,” he said.

Ahluwalia also raked up the issue of state government interference in the functioning of the GTA. “According to the GTA Act, 59 subjects were to be transferred, but unfortunately, only partial departments have been transferred so far. Also, issues like providing executive and financial powers, which figures in the Act, have not been followed by the state government. Instead, the latter is creating hindrance in the functioning of the GTA and this does not bode well,” he alleged, adding he would ask the central government to intervene to maintain the true spirit of the GTA Act as it is also a party to the MOA signed along with the state government.

Source: (EOIC)

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