Opposition React to MP Ahluwalia's speech raising the Gorkhaland issue in the Parliament

Suspicion, Hope, Solidarity - Opposition React to MP Speech

Call it political prudence, or a matter of habit, the opposition are finding reasons to question the speech made by Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia in the Parliament, demanding a committee to study the Gorkhaland statehood issue.
Opposition React to MP Ahluwalia's speech raising the Gorkhaland issue in the Parliament
Opposition React to MP Ahluwalia's speech raising the Gorkhaland issue in the Parliament
Leading the opposition is Dr. Mahendra P Lama, who many see as the panacea of all our problems. Dr. Lama said, "the BJP is in majority in the Centre... what sense does it make for a BJP MP to raise Gorkhaland issue... if they are sincere, they should bring the bill for Gorkhaland in the Parliament and approve it."

Doubting the sincerity behind BJP MP raising the Gorkhaland issue, Dr. Lama said, "The Morcha dharna was ending and they would have been embarrassed to have returned empty handed, hence they pressured the MP into making that empty statement..."

He even decried the fact that Morcha dharna had not been covered in the press, while Cooach Behar dharna had found priority amongst national media. He said, "Morcha had lied about the Home Minister giving assurance on forming a committee to study the Gorkhaland demand... they were also unable to get the BJP to endorse their demand for a Central University..."

Similarly, CPRM Spokesperson Mr. Govind Chettri also saw the MP's speech as a mere rhetoric, and he said, "what is the point in making speeches, if they are not sincere about the issue? if BJP state committee and Central committee supported the demand, then Gorkhaland can be formed in a matter of two-three days... this is a mere ploy to muddy the water... "

However he added, "if this was a genuine attempt to raise the voice in favour of Gorkhaland, we welcome it, and we are hopeful that the MP will now coordinate with other like minded MPs to pressure the Government into constituting Gorkhaland."

Mr. Pratap Khati of the ABGL welcomed the move, and he said, "since the MP spoke for uplifting the Gorkha community, we thank him and offer our gratitude to him." He further added, "if BJP forms Gorkhaland, then they will be the saviour for Gorkhalis all over India"

However, he had his doubts too, he said, "the MP was not clear in his speech... why did not raise the issue of Gorkhaland statehood... if the state is formed the medical college, central university etc can all be formed.... did he really ask for a committee to examine the Gorkhaland demand, or was he asking for a committee to be formed to examine our demand for various developmental projects?"
Congress leader and former Darjeeling MP Dawa Norbula was measured in his assessment, he said, "it is a welcome move, but to turn it into a reality a lot of ground work needs to be done... and if we can all work together towards this goal, it will be more fruitful."

We hope that Bimal Gurung and rest of the GJM will pay heed to what the former MP has to say and call for a collective effort to ensure the formation of Gorkhaland statehood.

Source: TheDC

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