Telangana Will Support Gorkhaland Bill If Placed in the Parliament

Telangana Rastriya Samiti Will Support Gorkhaland Bill If Placed in the Parliament
The "Telengana Rastriya Samiti will 'certainly' support Gorkhaland bill, even if it is a private bill, said TRS leader Mr. K Keshava Rao.

TRS leaders K C Rao and K K Rao
TRS leaders K C Rao and K K Rao
Mr. Rao who is currently in Darjeeling to attend the two day seminar on "Small States and Gorkhaland" which begins today said that "even if a private bill for Gorkhaland is placed in the Parliament TRS would "certainly" support it."

However, Mr. Rao said, Gorkhaland does not have the required "majority [support of MPs] at the moment," because of which it will take a considerable effort on the part of everyone involved with Gorkhaland demand to work towards generating consensus.

Responding to a question by senior journalist Mr. Vivek Chhetri of Telegraph, when asked if a Private bill on Gorkhaland is placed in the Parliament if TRS would support it? Mr Rao a Rajya Sabha member said, "Yes, certainly, ut the TRS support will not help.... You will not have majority. Unless my friends from Gorkhaland are able to go and convince the (MPs). He added for the Morcha statehood is a "cause," for them (the MPs from other states), there is no cause."

The TRS has 11 MPs in the Lok Saha and Mr Keshav Rao is the sole representative in the Rajya Sabha. TRS led by Mr. K C Rao was the main force behind the creation of Telangana statehood.

Source: TheDC

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