Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Writes to PM on Gurgaon brutal assault Case

Making public their outrage, the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP) Official has written to the PMO India Shri. Narendra Modi and the Home Minister Shri. Rajnath Singh demanding immediate and strict action against the culprits associated with the Gurgaon case, as well as the officer who allegedly called a protesting Gorkhali cheli "Dhandewali - prostitute"
Speaking to the press, BGP Spokesperson Mr. R Moktan stated that "we are thankful to all the individuals and organizations, especially those from the North East who have stood with us during our time of need."

He further sated that the BGP has demanded the protection of Gorkhas and people from North East to the PM and the Home Minister.
In a surprising statement, they thanked Tejpur MP R P Sharma for the steps he has taken [of which we are not aware] and decried the lack of sensitivity shown by Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia in this case.

Via - The DC

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