Gorkhas in Delhi Honour Our ICON - Rangu Souriya

Writes: Dinesh Sharma

In an interview to TheDC Ms. Rangu Souriya who is one of the "100 Women of India" awardee, thus recognized by the Government of India had said, "As history is our witness, there is nothing that woman cannot do… we can do what any man does, and in a better way… I think the inner interest, courage, bravery and sense of responsibility towards my society is perhaps because I am a woman."

Yesterday, as our Host/MC Ms, Bhumika put it, "it was a women power day... the hands which rock the cradle rule the world..."

It felt amazing to see one of the most outstanding HEROES from North East Jt. Commissioner Robin Hibu (of DPNEF) and Ms. Rangu Souriya (anti-Trafficking crusader) together. Comm. Hibu stated that Ms, Souriya was "an ICON for all of NE," and Ms. Souriya said "it was my dream to meet the most noble hearted person, about whom I had heard so much..."

At the end of the meet and greet, Commissioner Hibu pledged his support to the cause championed by Ms Souriya and assured her of guaranteeing support not only in Delhi, but all of NE India. Comm. Hibu stated that if there was any person who evoked the feeling of saying "JAI GORKHA" it was Ms. Souriya.

The feeling that Ms. Rangu Souriya has accomplished so much, despite having to face such an ordeal was not lost on the Gorkha community in Delhi, who got together to give a rousing welcome and felicitate Ms. Souriya.

It might be recalled that Ms. Souriya is in Delhi for the Presidential Honour she is receiving at the Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi later today - on 22nd January 2016.

Ms. Rongu Souriya is one of the "#100 women in India" who will be felicitated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Yesterday the Gorkha Foundation, India, an umbrella body comprising various Gorkha social organizations and Individuals in Delhi/NCR organized a felicitation program to honour one of our HEROES.

The Program was attended by eminent Gorkha personalities in Delhi/NCR including Jyoti Thapa Mani, author of The Khukri Braves, Ramesh Thakuri, theatre personality and grandson of legendary Ram Singh Thakuri. Local leader and Delhi MCD Councillor, Shri Dharamvir Singh also joined the program including Colonel Sukul Pradhan, Advocate Prem Chhetri, businessman Neeraj Chhetry, Mothers’ Group Delhi/NCR, and other individuals from across the city.

The event began with a recital of Vande Mataram by BIkram Khatri followed by an introduction of Rongu Souriya by Shri Prem Chhetri. Speaking at the occasion, Rongu Souriya narrated the life threatening ordeals and challenges she faces when dealing with criminals and child traffickers.

As she spoke, Ms. Rangu mentioned that even after rescuing children from traffickers and brothels, the bigger challenge is in rehabilitating the rescued girls. In most cases, the society at large refuses to accept the rescued girls which traumatizes them further, often leading to suicide and vulnerable to fall back to the same crime again. In the absence of any such children home or rehabilitation center for her girls, Rongu Souriya stated that many a times she is forced to take it on herself to normalize their lives. She sometimes even have to fight with the parents who refuse to accept their daughter back.

Listening to her, we all felt that the society needs to change its mindset if it wants to seriously tackle the issue of child trafficking and prostitution, a trade in which the Gorkha community is extremely vulnerable.

Ms. Rongu Souriya also emphasized upon the need to create awareness amongst the rural and the economically weak section of the population. There is also an urgent need to awaken the consciousness of the Gorkha community and tackle such issues and a collective resolve to stand up against any such crimes.

As she spoke of the seriousness of the situation and her failure to get any government support, she appealed to each individuals present in the gathering to do their part and support her initiative in whatever way they can. Ms. Souriya’s passionate speech had the audience spellbound, shocked, and teary at some points.

Speaking at the occasion, MCD Councillor, Shri Dharamvir Singh spoke about the need for a collective fight against such social evils. He assured his full support for any assistance required at any point of time.

Eminent Gorkhali author Ms. Jyoti Thapa Mani spoke about the need for a community oriented approach for tackling such evils that has plagued the Gorkha community. Rescuing a child is just the beginning of the ordeal, the real challenge is in rehabilitating the girl child. It is indeed a wonder that Rangu Souriya has successfully rescued and rehabilitated more than 500 kids even without a shelter home. Jyoti Thapa later presented a copy of her book The Khukri Braves to Rongu Souriya and said that “Rongu’s fight is the spirit of Gorkha that refuses to cower down in the face of any back-breaking challenge.”

Mr. Rajen Chhetry of GYASA, while assuring his whole support for Rongu Souriya’s fight against child trafficking called upon the authorities and the government to acknowledge the contribution and impact she has made to the community. He said “While the President of the country invites her for a felicitation, we as a community have never actually even supported such Gorkha bravehearts. She has been fighting this war alone and here we are clapping only when the President invites her. We must wake up soon and take a stock of the real situation.”

Several speakers at the event spoke and assured support for Rongu Souriya’s project. Some of the attendees also made financial commitment to support her cause. Neeraj Chhetry, social worker and business man called for a deeper introspection onto the root cause of the problem. He said that creating opportunities and government support for entrepreneurship will go a long way in keeping a check on the rising crime rates against girls and people from the region in general.

The evening ended with casual interaction and sumptuous dinner prepared and hosted by Mothers’ Group Delhi/NCR.

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