Politics is not just making speeches - Subash Ghishing

The Illustrated weekly of India: 2/10/1988

I am a philosopher, not a politician. Today a knowledge of philosophy is essential. It gives you an extraordinary vision. Only a philosophical leader can truly lead his people. Politics is simply a child of philosophy. And philosophy is the guardian of all knowledge. Once you have acquired philosophical knowledge, you automatically understand psychology, sociology and politics. A leader can then use his vast knowledge for the good of his people.

Our agitation had a scientific approach. I used psychology and philosophy in it too. It was a disciplined exercise. We would increase the tempo and then bring it to a halt. It wasn’t an agitation without a break like in Punjab or Sri Lanka.

Politics is not just making speeches, it goes much beyond that, it is ocean -deep. To kill one bird with one stone is not politics, but to kill 10 or 20 or 30 birds with one stone is politics. In politics 2+2 does not equal to 4 but 2+2 is equal to10 or 20. That is why I say, if one wishes to be in politics, one must possess this knowledge. Otherwise you indulge in “Bull Politics” – that is, attacking whatever you see in front of you. It took me several year to acquire the knowledge.
Politics is not just making speeches - Subash Ghishing
Today, there is a crying need for leaders all over the world. Not leaders hunched with the weight of borrowed politics, but leaders with an inner vision. Indira Gandhi was the best prime mister we had. An iron lady, nothing frightened her, only the authors, for authors possess philosophical knowledge. I have heard her speeches on radio, read her writings and I can make out that she was afraid of their wisdom. Such is the strength of this knowledge that even god cannot criticize it.

This knowledge and the inner strength helps my power of oratory too. Handling the public requires a special technique. When I give a speech women, and even men, weep. I have the power to pacify an angry public, and if I am in the mood, I can make stones melt.


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