Things Gorkhas need to know about Narendra Modi's election rally in North Bengal

Here are the four things that Gorkhas need to know about P.M.  Narendra Modi's recent election rally in North Bengal for campaigning BJP candidates for Assembly Election 2016 in Bengal.

1.PM Modi Reasserts Commitment Towards Gorkhas - Credits MP SS Ahluwalia For Pushing for It
Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again touted the process of including 11 Gorkha communities into ST as his government's commitment towards the Gorkhas.
Speaking at Siliguri, he said, "for years the demand for inclusion into ST was pending... But Ahluwalia ji continued to push for it and he told me, I have promised our Gorkha friends we have to make it happen... and that is what made this possible... the process has started in earnest...."

2.PM Modi Contrasts Development in Sikkim vs Darjeeling - Chides Bengal Govt
Coming down heavily on Mamata government for not taking care of the Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars region, PM Modi yesterday said, "look at your next door neighbor Sikkim... today they are the 1st Organic State in India... where as look at this region.. its has everything similar... other than the fact that the Govt in Sikkim cares for its people, where as Bengal doesn't."

3.Darjeeling‬ MP SS Ahluwalia Reminds PM Why We Need a Central University
Taking advantage of the presence of PM Narendra Modi in Siliguri, yesterday Darjeeling MP reminded him of some of the main issues confronting our region. Most important among them was the formation of a Central University in Darjeeling Hills.

4.PM Modi All Praises for ‪Darjeeling‬ MP SS Ahluwalia
Speaking at the public rally yesterday, PM Narendra Modi was all praises for Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia. Modi remarked that "your MP works very hard for his constituents and has even woken me up at midnight to address pressing issues concerning Darjeeling region... with such an MP... even I feel delighted to work harder."
PM Modi also credited MP Ahluwalia for pushing forward the issue of ST status for 11 Gorkha communities.

Bimal Gurung Narendra Modi  at Madirahat..

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