9th April, 2008 Black Day when democracy was crushed by West Bengal - Bimal Gurung

गणतन्त्रको हनन र कालो दिन।

९ अप्रैल २००८ को दिन आफ्नो बास भूमि गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको मांग गर्दै गणतान्त्रिक एवं शान्ति पूर्ण जुलूसमा सहभागी हुदा दार्जीलिङ मोडमा बंगाल पुलिसले बर्बरता अनि अमानवीय ढंगमा भूतपूर्व सैनिकहरू माथी लठ्ठी चार्ज गरेर रक्ताम्मे बनाएर बंगालको प्रशासनले आत्यचारको सब हद पार गरेको त्यो कालो दिन यस संसारमा सूर्य-जून रहञ्जेल गोरखा संसारले भुल्ने छैन अनु यस कालो दिनको हामी अन्तर्आत्माबाट बिरोध गर्दछौं।

जसले हिन्दूस्तान देशको रक्षाको खातिर आफ्नो बैश जवानी देशको सिमानालाई दिए अनि कति सैनिकहरूले देशकै लागी शहीद भए तर त्यही जातिको देशमा संवैधानिक पहिचान र चिन्ह्रारीको मांग गर्दा बंगालले लठ्ठी चार्ज गरेर भारत माताको रक्षा गर्ने सब सैनिकहरूको अपमान गरेको छ।

बंगालमा खाटी बंगाली अनि हामीसबै जातिको सुरक्षा छैन रौन्गिया र बंगलादेशीहरुको मात्र सुरक्षा छ यसैले आज मलाई खानेले तपाईहरुको पालो पर्खिरहेको छ । सचेत,सजग,जागरूक हुने अपील,अनुरोध गर्दछु।

अन्तमा पूवसैनिकहरु दनु भएको त्याग,बलिदान खेरो जान दिने छुइन ढिलो छिट्टो हाम्रो गोर्खाल्याण्ड अवश्य हुनेछ।

जय गोरखा। जय भारत।
बिमल गुरुङ,
अध्यक्ष, गोजमुमो, भारत।


Black Day when democracy was crushed by West Bengal

On 9th April, 2008 ex-servicemen who had been marching peacefully in support of our right to have a state of our own - Gorkhaland, were brutalized by the West Bengal police at Darjeeling More. The inhuman treatment and humiliation meted out to our ex-servicemen by West Bengal government and it police will not be forgotten by Gorkhas living across the world. We condemn the brutality meted out then, and also the brutality unleashed now.

These same soldiers who risked their lives to protect our motherland, many of whom have been martyred protecting her sovereignty, were humiliated in the streets of Siliguri. They were brutally beaten up, their medals bloodied by the West Bengal police for demanding our constitutional right to have a state of our own. In dishonouring the Gorkha soldiers, West Bengal police insulted all the soldiers who have served our mother land.  

In Bengal, us Gorkhas, the ghoti Bengalis, and all the indigenous communities are not safe. Only Rohingyas and illegal Bangladeshis are. The same tiger that seeks to devour me today, will be waiting to make you its prey tomorrow.  Therefore, I request everyone to remain mindful, alert and conscious.

Once again, I assure you all that the sacrifices made by our ex-servicemen won't go in vain, it may take us time, but Gorkhaland will be formed.

Jai Gorkha, Jai Bharat
Bimal Gurung
President, Central Committee
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha

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