Showing posts with label 2/4 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2/4 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts

Shaurya Chakra Rifleman Prem Bahadur Koka Magar 2/4 Gorkha Rifles

6:47 PM
On 09 May 2014, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Roka Magar, 2/4 GR was entrusted with the task of guarding one of the likely infiltration routes of the terrorist detected through HHTI dets located at kalas OP.
At 0230 hours on 10 May 2014 contact was established with the terrorists and fire fight ensued. As the terrorist scattered, one terrorist moved close to his ambush party. During the fire fight, Rifleman Prem thinking the terrorist as his buddy called for him. The terrorist did not respond and slowly turned his weapon towards him, Rifleman Prem realising his error of judgement caught the muzzle of the terrorist’s weapon as the terrorist opened fired and emptied his magazine. A hand to hand combat ensued between the two, and Rifleman Prem then punched the terrorist on his face and pushed him to the Nalla. During this unarmed combat, Rifleman Prem had dropped his weapon. Realizing that the terrorist might escape, with complete disregard to personal safety and using presence of mind, the NCO threw a grenade on to the fleeing terrorist which injured his leg. The grenade splinter immobilized the terrorist which prevented him from escaping across the Line of Control and facilitated his elimination subsequently.

For displaying the highest level of determination, presence of mind and raw physical courage during hand to hand combat with the terrorist and for critically injuring the terrorist which facilitated his neutralisation, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Koka Magar has been awarded India’s third highest Gallantry Award in peace time “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Lance Naik Kalicharan Gurung Vir Chakra 2/4 Gorkha Rifles

10:35 PM
On 25 July 1948, the forward elements of C Company, 2/4 Gorkha Rifles while advancing towards Kanzalwan in J&K came under heavy enemy fire and were effectively pinned down.

Lance Naik Kalicharan Gurung
Lance Naik Kalicharan Gurung 
Lance Naik Kalicharan Gurung, a Section Commander, was ordered to advance along a flank and assist the remainder Platoon to pull out. It was a difficult task for Lance Naik Kalicharan’s Section as the enemy had trapped the Platoon in a gully bringing down fire from all directions. Undeterred by effective enemy fire the young Kalicharan managed to occupy a tactical position and brought fire to bear upon the enemy positions. He then crawled forward a considerable distance towards the enemy position and with raw courage killed two enemy soldiers to facilitate evacuation of own casualties lying in the open. With utter disregard to his personal life and amidst hail of bullets, he brought back two of his wounded comrades, dressed their wounds and successfully withdrew the Section.

Lance Naik Kalicharan Gurung showed exceptional initiative, cool courage, determination and leadership of the highest order and was able to save lives of his colleagues and was awarded the Vir Chakra.

Source: ADGPI - Indian Army
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