Showing posts with label 3/1 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3/1 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts

शहीद अश कुमार गुरुंग पंचतत्त्व में विलीन

10:31 PM
सोलन। पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों की घुसपैठ को नाकाम कर प्राणों की आहुति देने वाले शहीद लांस नायक अश कुमार गुरुंग शुक्रवार को पंचतत्त्व में विलीन हो गए। सुबाथू के श्मशानघाट में पूरे सैन्य व राजकीय सम्मान के साथ उनका अंतिम संस्कार किया गया। सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता मंत्री कर्नल धनी राम शांडिल ने भी सुबाथू पहुंच कर शहीद को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की।

बता दें कि, चार दिन पहले जम्मू-कश्मीर के तंगधार क्षेत्र में पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों ने भारतीय सीमा में घुसने का प्रयास किया था। दूसरी तरफ से जब गोलीबारी आरंभ हुई तो सीमा पर तैनात गोरखा राइफल्स के जवानों ने मोर्चा संभाल लिया और आतंकवादियों का डटकर मुकाबला करते हुए आतंकियों को खदेड़ दिया। लेकिन, इसी बीच गोलीबारी में भारतीय सेना के दो जवान शहीद हो गए थे। इनमें से एक 3/1 जीआर के लांस नायक अश कुमार गुरुंग थे। बुधवार को उनका शव हेलीकॉप्टर से सुबाथू लाया गया था और नेपाल से उनके परिजनों के आने की प्रतीक्षा की जा रही थी। शुक्रवार को परिजनों के सुबाथू पहुंचने के बाद शहीद का अंतिम संस्कार किया गया।
इससे पहले शहीद के शव को तिरंगे में लपेट कर श्मशानघाट तक पहुंचाया गया। इस मौके पर सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता मंत्री कर्नल धनी राम शांडिल ने शहीद के शव पर पुष्पचक्र अर्पित कर उन्हें भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। 14 गोरखा प्रशिक्षण केंद्र के कार्यवाहक कमांडेंट कर्नल एचपी सिंह सहित समस्त सैन्यअधिकारियों व जवानों ने शहीद को सलामी दी।
Shaheed Ash Kumar Gurung  3/1 Gorkha Rifles
Shaheed Ash Kumar Gurung 

Via eenaduindia

3 gorkhas of 3/1 GR dies fighting for the nation against terrorists

10:52 AM
Rfn Ankit Pradhan, L/Nk Aash Kumar Gurung and Rfn Bishal Gurung who became Saheed while defending our great nation, against terrorists.
3 gorkhas of 3/1 GR dies fighting for the nation against terrorists
According to sources, a group of 4-7 infiltrators who had sneaked into India near Darshan post along the Line of Control (LoC) opposite to Pakistan’s Chhajula Post.

The group of infiltrators were intercepted by the army’s 3/1 GR in the dense forest area. The group of infiltrators after being challenged opened indiscriminate fire with sophisticated weapons upon the forces, the fire was retaliated by the army ensuing a fierce gunfight, they said.

Following a fierce gunfight four army men including a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Subedar BB Thapa and Ankit Pradhan, Aash Kumar Gurung and Bishal Gurung sustained serious bullet injuries.

In the initial gunfight, four army men, including a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Subedar BB Thapa sustained serious bullet injuries. However, among the injured, three soldiers succumbed to injuries before being evacuated to army’s 92 base hospital here in Srinagar, they said, adding that the condition of the officer is also said to be critical.

The troops managed to kill one terrorist, and push by the rest, who fled to Pakistan.

Source: The DC & kashmirobserver

Gorkha Rifles set to complete 200 years of service

1:13 PM
The world known Gorkha Rifles or Gorkha Regiment is to complete 200 years of existence who have served India and the British-ruled Indian before independence on April 24 2015.
1st Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifle, Waziristan, 1936 - photo via
1st Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifle, Waziristan, 1936 - photo via
Known for their bravery Gorkha Rifels was organised under British East India Company at Subathu in Himachal Pradesh on April 24, 1815. The unit still exists and is known as the  First Gorkha rifles (1/1 GR) serves with the Indian army during peace and war.

As part of the commemoration of this historic occasion, there will be regimental celebrations at Pathankot in Punjab where 1/1 GR is presently stationed. The Colonel of the 1st Gorkha Rifles, Lt Gen Ravi Thodge, Master General Ordnance, will preside over the function at Pathankot where other senior officers of the regiment will also be present. A bigger celebration is planned later in the year, in October, at Subathu when the regimental reunion is supposed to take place and the Chief of Army Staff, General Dalbir Singh, a Gorkha Rifles officer himself , is likely to attend that.

Invitations for the event have also been extended to former Indian and British soldiers who served in the regiment.

The Gorkha regiment started out as one but now comprises seven regiments. Of those, the Indian army takes services from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and the 11th regiments and Gorkha troops also serve in the Rashtriya rifles, Artillery and the Territorial Army units.

Commenting on the 200th anniversary, Lt Gen TK Sapru (retd), former GOC-in-C Western Command and a former Gorkha officer described them as the most amazing soldiers. “Tailor made for soldiering, very honest with integrity of highest order. They very quick on their feet and somehow they have been endowed by God with all qualities required for soldiers,” he said.
The 200 years of service of the Gorkhas is also being marked by the British Army where a host of events are kick-starting from April 24 onwards. A formal event is being held on April 30th by the British Brigade of Gorkhas with a march from Wellington Barracks to the Gorkha Statue in Whitehall, where a memorial service will be held.

As per the British Gorkha Welfare Trust, there will be a service at the Gorkha Statue to re-dedicate the ‘Campaign Service’ and ‘Gurkha Units’ plates, to reflect 200 years of rich Gorkha history and to commemorate those killed in service to the British Crown.

With inputs from indianexpress

Shaurya Chakra Rifleman Prem Bahadur Koka Magar 2/4 Gorkha Rifles

6:47 PM
On 09 May 2014, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Roka Magar, 2/4 GR was entrusted with the task of guarding one of the likely infiltration routes of the terrorist detected through HHTI dets located at kalas OP.
At 0230 hours on 10 May 2014 contact was established with the terrorists and fire fight ensued. As the terrorist scattered, one terrorist moved close to his ambush party. During the fire fight, Rifleman Prem thinking the terrorist as his buddy called for him. The terrorist did not respond and slowly turned his weapon towards him, Rifleman Prem realising his error of judgement caught the muzzle of the terrorist’s weapon as the terrorist opened fired and emptied his magazine. A hand to hand combat ensued between the two, and Rifleman Prem then punched the terrorist on his face and pushed him to the Nalla. During this unarmed combat, Rifleman Prem had dropped his weapon. Realizing that the terrorist might escape, with complete disregard to personal safety and using presence of mind, the NCO threw a grenade on to the fleeing terrorist which injured his leg. The grenade splinter immobilized the terrorist which prevented him from escaping across the Line of Control and facilitated his elimination subsequently.

For displaying the highest level of determination, presence of mind and raw physical courage during hand to hand combat with the terrorist and for critically injuring the terrorist which facilitated his neutralisation, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Koka Magar has been awarded India’s third highest Gallantry Award in peace time “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Gen Dalbir Singh Pays Homage to Martyr Naik Damodar Thapa, of Gorkha Rifles

9:51 PM
Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS, paid tributes to the mortal remains of Naik Damodar Thapa, of Gorkha Rifles, who made the supreme sacrifice fighting the terrorists near Line of Control in Tanghdar sector of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district on 06 August 2014.

Chief of the Army Staff Gen Dalbir Singh Pays His Tribute to Saheed Nk. Damodar Thapa
Chief of the Army Staff Gen Dalbir Singh Pays His Tribute to Saheed Nk. Damodar Thapa
Martyr Naik Damodar Thapa of 3/1 Gorkha Rifles
Martyr Naik Damodar Thapa of 3/1 Gorkha Rifles
Army had launched an operation in search of a group of terrorists on 05 Aug. Naik Damodar was leading his section during the search operation when contact with the terrorists was established. Heavy exchange of fire ensued in which Naik Damodar attained martyrdom. Three terrorists have been killed in the ongoing operation.

A wreath laying ceremony took place on 08 Aug 2014 at 5.30 pm at Delhi. Many senior serving Army officers also attended the ceremony to pay their homage.

Col Rohan Anand, SM PRO (Army)

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