Showing posts with label 4/5 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4/5 Gorkha Rifles. Show all posts

Gorkha Rifles set to complete 200 years of service

1:13 PM
The world known Gorkha Rifles or Gorkha Regiment is to complete 200 years of existence who have served India and the British-ruled Indian before independence on April 24 2015.
1st Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifle, Waziristan, 1936 - photo via
1st Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifle, Waziristan, 1936 - photo via
Known for their bravery Gorkha Rifels was organised under British East India Company at Subathu in Himachal Pradesh on April 24, 1815. The unit still exists and is known as the  First Gorkha rifles (1/1 GR) serves with the Indian army during peace and war.

As part of the commemoration of this historic occasion, there will be regimental celebrations at Pathankot in Punjab where 1/1 GR is presently stationed. The Colonel of the 1st Gorkha Rifles, Lt Gen Ravi Thodge, Master General Ordnance, will preside over the function at Pathankot where other senior officers of the regiment will also be present. A bigger celebration is planned later in the year, in October, at Subathu when the regimental reunion is supposed to take place and the Chief of Army Staff, General Dalbir Singh, a Gorkha Rifles officer himself , is likely to attend that.

Invitations for the event have also been extended to former Indian and British soldiers who served in the regiment.

The Gorkha regiment started out as one but now comprises seven regiments. Of those, the Indian army takes services from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and the 11th regiments and Gorkha troops also serve in the Rashtriya rifles, Artillery and the Territorial Army units.

Commenting on the 200th anniversary, Lt Gen TK Sapru (retd), former GOC-in-C Western Command and a former Gorkha officer described them as the most amazing soldiers. “Tailor made for soldiering, very honest with integrity of highest order. They very quick on their feet and somehow they have been endowed by God with all qualities required for soldiers,” he said.
The 200 years of service of the Gorkhas is also being marked by the British Army where a host of events are kick-starting from April 24 onwards. A formal event is being held on April 30th by the British Brigade of Gorkhas with a march from Wellington Barracks to the Gorkha Statue in Whitehall, where a memorial service will be held.

As per the British Gorkha Welfare Trust, there will be a service at the Gorkha Statue to re-dedicate the ‘Campaign Service’ and ‘Gurkha Units’ plates, to reflect 200 years of rich Gorkha history and to commemorate those killed in service to the British Crown.

With inputs from indianexpress

GTA Deputy Chief Meets Chief of the Indian Army Staff Gen Suhag

10:52 AM
General Dalbir Singh Suhag and GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration) Deputy Chief Col. Ramesh Allay (Retd) Meet - Raise Issues Facing Military Family in Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars
General Dalbir Singh Suhag (Left) and GTA Deputy Chief Col. Ramesh Allay (Retd) (Right) Meet
General Dalbir Singh Suhag (Left) and GTA Deputy Chief Col.
Ramesh Allay (Retd) (Right) Meet
GTA Deputy Chief and GTA Sainik Board Executive Sabhasad Col (Retd) Ramesh Allay met the Chief of the Army Staff General Dalbir Singh Suhag on 9th of September, 2014 at South Block.

Col. Allay shared the wishes of thousands of past and present Gorkhali soldiers to Gen Suhag who is himself from 4/5 Gorkha Rifles.

Col. Ally brought to the attention of Gen. Suhag various issues and problems facing the Ex-Army residing in Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars region. In Particular Col. Allay highlighted the fact how military family in the region have been deprived and denied the facilities that are rightfully theirs.

Col. Allay informed the Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Suhag that military families in Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars are deprived of reservation in education, health facilities, widow pensions, training and lack job quotas in both state government and Central government jobs.

The COAS Gen Suhag in turn assured Col. Allay that he will look into the issues and said that he is desirous of visiting the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration area and meet with the ex-servicemen and their families in the coming days.

Source: DC

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