Showing posts with label DDUDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DDUDF. Show all posts

India-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty 1950 - DDUDF press release

12:11 AM
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) has issued a press release on the issue of the review of India-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty 1950. This Treaty was highlighted during the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Nepal a fortnight ago.
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF)
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF)
Release has stated that several crucial issues between India and Nepal were discussed during the just concluded successful visit of the Prime Minster of India to Nepal. In many significant issues some concrete decisions were taken as a way forward. Among these issues, the issues related to India-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty signed in 1950 were also discussed. This Treaty has always wrongly touched the sentiments of the Indian Gorkhas and has also adversely affected them in many ways. From the Nepalese side there has been plethora of demands either to review or to revise or even to abrogate this Treaty since last two to three decades. In the 1990s also various media reports did mention that the Nepal Government had some concrete proposals to place before the Indian Government on the replacement of this 1950 Treaty.

It states that Nepal as a sovereign nation looks at and treats this Treaty from a perspective that is different from the specific national security perspective of India. On the other hand, the Indian Gorkhas look at this Treaty from the view point of a bilateral arrangement which has adversely affected their political identity and Indian nationality. This is because Article 7 and 8 of the Treaty permit unrestricted movement of each other’s citizens into each other territory on a reciprocal basis. Not only this, many of the rights and privileges which are actually only meant for its own citizens have also been extended to these floating population on both sides of the border.

Release adds that this arrangement that promotes free flow of people from Nepal through the entire stretch of 1751 km open border and their settlements in different parts of India have rather adversely affected the Indian Gorkhas as their Indian identity and nationality get diluted because of the presence of the people with similar culture and language but of Nepalese nationalities. This dilution has been further confounded and the experience of discrimination has been much bitter as the Indian Gorkhas unlike other major ethnic groups in the country do not have their own State in India. Though the Indian Gorkhas have raised these issues in several national forums there has been no durable and permanent solution to this highly emotive issue.
Though at the heart of the Gorkhaland Movement of 1980s in Darjeeling was this issue of confusion and dilution of political identities of the Indian Gorkhas, the tripartite agreement leading to the setting up of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council in 1988 did not provide any durable and permanent solution to this critical issue that engulf and persecute the Indian Gorkhas. The recognition of Nepali language in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India in 1992 after four decade long protracted struggle by the Indian Gorkhas also could not satisfy the Indian Gorkhas in terms of establishing their Indian identity. Therefore, today also one of the foremost demands of the Indian Gorkhas is a durable and permanent solution to the question of their national identity which is constantly under threat and vulnerable because of the provisions and arrangements in the 1950 Treaty.

Further it adds that when Indian Prime Minster agreed to the idea of reviewing and revising this Treaty, the challenge is to have a broad based discussion and make the provisions of the Treaty that would go along the needs of the 21st century. Both India and Nepal would tread the path of reviewing / revising / abrogating the 1950 Treaty on the basis of each nation’s larger national interest. On the other hand , for the Indian Gorkhas it is high time to ensure that this Treaty either has a complete safeguard for the fostering of political and constitutional identity of the Indian Gorkhas or has an exclusive arrangement for durable solution to their protracted demand of keeping them separate from the floating population that crosses border under the provisions of the 1950 Treaty. This is the time for addressing the question of how the Indian Gorkhas ensure their deserving and exclusive Indian identity and how the Indian Gorkhas get recognition and commendations for their contributions to the building of modern India. Do the Indian Gorkhas aspire for resolutions of these issues within the Treaty or outside the Treaty ? If it is within, then what kinds of provisions are to be added to the existing Treaty. And if they want solutions outside the framework of the Treaty what kind of arrangement is needed. All these require a comprehensive and wider national discussions and deliberations.
The release has asked that how long does it take for effecting such changes in the 1950 Treaty ? How does the Indian Gorkhas get representation and their voices in the impending constitution of high level committee/commission to examine and review this Treaty ? What do the Indian Gorkhas discuss in this Commission ? What kind of durable solution would be suggested by the Indian Gorkhas before this Committee/Commission ? All these need to deliberated upon threadbare and meaningfully at various forums of Indian Gorkhas all across India and outside also. This is a great opportunity and appropriate moment for the Indian Gorkhas to push their case.

In a similar move the historic Treaty between India and Bhutan signed in 1949 was also comprehensively revised nearly after 58 years in 2007.

Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) has appealed to all the Indian Gorkhas that this is the ultimate attempt by the Indian Gorkhas to really give a final shape to their quest for national identity. It further states that how do the Indian Gorkhas come to a common and united national platform to deliberate on the finer nuances of the issues concerned ? The formidable challenge is for the organisations that have national character like Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh to galvanise and mobilise the opinion form all across the country and put them effectively and resolutely before any of the emerging national Committee/ Commission.

In this regard, it is very essential for the political parties; civil society institutions; social-cultural and other professional organisations; media persons-teachers-industrialists and farmers; sports persons-students-intellectuals and businessmen and the members of parliament and legislative assemblies to come together and deliberate on this very critical issue in a single forum. Besides, they all have to decide on the strategy and further course of action so that a conclusive and durable solution comes out of the entire process, release adds.

In conclusion it has stated that there is no time for the Indian Gorkhas to falter, dither and vacillate on these issues now. Unlike in the past, that is not the moment for them to look at this national issue from a very narrow political party and self-centric individual perspective. DDUDF would like to participate fully and wholeheartedly in this entire process of deliberations and consensus building. In fact, DDUDF unilaterally offers to bring out a comprehensive BASE PAPER in order to take the entire deliberations forward. To provide sound arguments and detail politico-legal information and statistics and firm basis for substantive discussion, this BASE PAPER will deal with history, socio-political dynamics, geographical and demographic dimensions, facets of international relations, the conduct and management of borders, trials-tribulations and harassments and atrocities faced by the Indian Gorkhas and finally the need to have constitutional provisions and a separate state as a durable and permanent solution.

GJM should introduce Gorkhaland Bill in Parliament within a year - Mahindra P Lama

10:05 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Front (DDUDF) chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama urged the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) to introduce the Gorkhaland Bill in Parliament and has offered assistance for the process. “If the GJM want to prove its worth as the leading party in the hills, it should introduce the Gorkhaland Bill in Parliament. The DDUDF is ready to provide assistance if the party is having any difficulties in making the bill,” Dr. Lama told reporters in Mirik. He was in town today for an official tour of the region to revamp the party’s base after the defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections 2014.

Dr. Lama Tells GJM to Introduce Gorkhaland Bill Within a Year
Dr. Lama Tells GJM to Introduce Gorkhaland Bill Within a Year
“Before turning into a political party, the DDUDF will first prove its worth through constructive works,” Dr. Lama emphasised. He claimed there are a lot of foundation stone laying ceremonies taking place in the name of development, but there has not been any actual development in the hills. He alleged the state government of interfering in the Gorkha Territorial Administration’s works in bringing development to the hills.

On the current workers wage issues in TGs across Darjeeling, Dooars and Terai, the DDUDF chief said, “The BJP-led central government will not be able to influence a lot in the wage hike issue, even if the GJM seeks support. Therefore, everyone should press for Minimum Wage Act to increase the daily wages of TG workers.

Dr. Lama urged the GJM and Darjeeling MP to introduce the Darjeeling-Dooars-Terai region into the North Eastern Council. He also question the GJM about the number of times Hill MP SS Ahluwalia has spoken in Lok Sabha or the number of questions he has asked and even the number of times he was present in parliamentary sessions. He also urged the GJM to promote three-tier panchayat elections in the hills.

During his Mirik tour, he visited Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalaya in Chabbisey and took note of the problems and informed he will soon meet HRDD Minister Smriti Irani and other senior departmental officials to discuss about the issues. He also attended a DDUDF committee-level meeting in Mirik bazaar.


M.P Lama justified the DDUDF’s 11-point deputation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

9:27 AM
Kalimpong: Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) president Dr. Mahindra P Lama has justified the organisation’s 11-point deputation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi as an initiative for the development of the hills and the overall welfare of the Gorkha people. Addressing a press meet here today, he said the deputation aims to highlight the Gorkha people’s political ambition, identity and overall development.

DDUDF chief Mahendra P Lama (R) at the press meet in Kalimpong.
DDUDF chief Mahendra P Lama (R) at the
press meet in Kalimpong.
Lama was unable to represent Darjeeling in Parliament, but the deputation sent just after 15 days of Modi taking office was to put pressure on Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia to work for the development of the hills.

The key issue in the deputation includes the demand for a separate state. Lama wants Darjeeling district, the Dooars, Chopra and Islampur integrated to form the proposed state.

“The DDUDF is currently preparing a plan for a separate state keeping in mind the people’s political aspirations and identity, along with its boundaries and name,” Lama informed.

The remaining 10 points in the deputation include the demand for the formation of a high-level committee to accord minority status to the Gorkha community; three-tier panchayat elections in the GTA area; inclusion of Darjeeling and the Dooars in the North Eastern States Council; reopening of the Jalepla trade route; revamping of tea and cinchona production; development of educational and research institutes in Darjeeling and the Dooars; tax holiday for the Darjeeling-Dooars region; encouragement for investment, amendment in forest regulations; and ST status to the Gorkhas.

Lama said the DDUDF had also written a letter to External Affairs Minister Sushma Sauraj for reopening the Jalepla trade route.

“She has responded positively and has assured to look into the issue,” he added.

The organisation also wants the central government to intervene in the daily minimum wage issue of tea garden workers and increase the wage to Rs350 per day, the DDUDF president informed.

“We have written the letter in the form of a guideline. We expect the Darjeeling MP to use the guideline and work for the betterment of the people of the hills. We do not want him to be startled by our aspirations and questions, which is why we have formulated this overtly comprehensive letter,” Lama further explained.

He went on to say that his organisation has demanded the MP to provide timely updates on his activities in the hills.

“We want a half-yearly report on the work done and in the pipeline by the MP along with a detailed account of the usage of the MP fund,” added Lama.

When asked as to when the DDUDF would register itself as a political party, Lama just said the announcement will be made at the appropriate moment.

Source: EOI

Reasons for DDUDF's defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections

9:56 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Front (DDUDF) cited organisational weakness from the grass-root level, the impact of Modi wave across the country and the lack of adequate election funds as the key reasons for its defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections this year. The DDUDF conducted a general body meeting today to address the election debacle and its strategy ahead at the Shyama Devi Hall in the Thakur Bari area of Kalimpong. The meeting was chaired by organisation chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama, in the presence of prominent DDUDF members including Dr. Anosdas Pradhan, P Arjun, Sukman Moktan and R Moktan among various other members.

The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
Dr. Pradhan, while talking to press after the meeting, informed the apex body formed in collaboration with the BGP and other government and non-government organisation for the elections has been dissolved. “The responsibly for the defeat of DDUDF chief Dr. Mahindar P Lama has been taken by apex committee. The organisation has therefore decided to dissolve the committee,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lama said, “We tried to make the organisation strong in just 5-6 months, which was not adequate. We could also not reach the people from the grassroot level, which was important considering the number of people in rural areas of the hills. We also did not have enough funds to spend for the election as compared to other parties, while the Modi-wave which swept the entire nation also did not help us.” He also rubbished all the rumours about him and his organisation about the defeat and urged the people not to believe such rumours.

Dr. Lama had expected about 2 lakh votes but receive only about a third of the expected numbers. “It is not easy for any other party to secure the amount of votes we secured in just five months, but the votes also made it clear that only 55,000 people believe in change and development,” he analysed. Despite the defeat, the organisation will continue its commitment towards Gorkhaland and will work for its development. “The DDUDF has been formulating strategies and plans to continue its activity in the hills,” Dr Lama added.

The DDUDF chief also said he has not yet decided on forming a separate party and will take a decision on it in future after taking consultation with the stakeholders. “This is not something that can be decided by one person, it would need approval and commitment from everyone involved. We are currently trying to take public opinion and consulting within the organisation. A decision will be taken when the right time comes,” Dr. Lama stressed.

Hitting at the GJM, the DDUDF spokesperson P Arjun said, “Morcha did not win the election on its strength, in fact it was the impact of Modi-wave that helped the BJP candidate win the election this year. Moreover, BJP has never said anything in public regarding the formation of Gorkhaland, yet the GJM has won the election twice in the name of separate state. We have a doubt on the Morcha leadership.”

Source: EOI

DDUDF soon to be a political organisation

12:46 PM
Apolitical organisation Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Front will soon reorganise itself into a political outfit, according to Mirik DDUDF convener Tilak Rai. He said the organisation has been conducting regular meetings on the issue and will take a decision following the Lok Sabha election results.

Mirik DDUDF convener Tilak Rai
Mirik DDUDF convener Tilak Rai
Claiming the key to success in terms of the statehood demand is the unwavering support of the people, Rai said, “Win or lose, we have the people’s support and we will take our demand for statehood to Delhi once the new government forms at the Centre.”

Currently, the DDUDF is busy working to unite the people for the statehood cause and believes the general public’s ultimate aspiration is now on the right track under the organisation.

“We can achieve Gorkhaland and establish a firm and long lasting solution to the identity crisis issue if the people remain united for the cause. With that in mind, we are galvanising and educating the people to be prepared before heading to Delhi,” he emphasised.

Source: EOI

DDUDF demand three tier panchayat elections in the Darjeeling hill

11:18 AM
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) is resolute on its demand for holding three tier panchayat elections in the Darjeeling hills. Just a day after hill TMC president Rajen Mukhia said two tire panchayat elections will be conducted after the announcement of LS poll results, DDUDF founder Dr. Mahandra P Lama said the foundation will stay firm on its demand for a three tier panchayat election. The DDUDF today sat for a review meeting in Mirik to discuss the issue.

Dr. Mahendra P Lama speaks to media persons in Mirik on Sunday.
Dr. Mahendra P Lama speaks to media persons
 in Mirik on Sunday.
Speaking to journalists after the meeting, Dr. Lama said, “Three tier panchayat elections are officially authorized by the constitution. Even the GTA agreement has mentioned a provision for it and respecting the agreement, the government must hold three tire panchayat elections here. If three tier panchayat elections are not held it will be a breach of agreement and we will strongly oppose it.”

Dr. Lama said it was the DGHC which brought in two tier panchayat elections in 1992, abandoning the three tier elections, but the constitutional recognition of the DGHC itself has expired now.  He said DGHC policy must be removed from the constitution and three tier panchayat elections held for multi-facetted development of the hills. The three tier format of panchayat elections is people’s desire, Lama stated.

Commenting on the media reports of possible panchayat elections during June-July, Lama said, "The state government is worried that after being elected as MP, we might press for constitutional right of three tier panchayat polls." He also slammed the TMC government saying the latter should not try to gain political mileage by speaking of panchayat elections while the LS elections are going on in the state.

Stressing the state government must abide by the GTA agreement, Lama said if the government does not hold three tier panchayat elections the DDUDF will resist it tooth and nail. He also urged the GJM should also speak against the state government's plan to conduct two tier panchayat elections.

Source - EOI

Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation may take a political form

1:31 PM
Hills are curious to know whether the apolitical (DDUDF) Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation will take a political form. DDUDF founder Dr. Mahendra P Lama contested the LS elections as an independent candidate and received full support of the CPRM, AIGL and BGP.

DDUDF) Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation Logo
(DDUDF) Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation Logo
Lama, whose primary agenda is to achieve statehood, was criticised the most by the GJM during campaigning. Now, the poll results, due on May 16, will decide Lama’s future move, which could also mean a change in the structure of the DDUDF. It remains to be seen how Lama tackles his supporters and the organisation. Further, it is more difficult to forecast the DDUDF’s future prospects if Lama were to lose.

It may be recalled that during an election campaign meeting here, DDUDF spokesperson P Arjun had said the DDUDF will transform into a political party and will pursue the statehood movement after the polls.

On being asked for his comments on this, Mirik block DDUDF convener Tilak Rai said internal discussions are going on while hinting an announcement could come after the poll results are out. Clarifying that the DDUDF could likely take the shape of a political outfit, Rai said it will struggle for statehood with the support of the people.

Stressing that the foundation will fight tooth and nail against corruption, he said be it will press for transparency in development projects with both the GTA and the state government.

Rai said, “Even if the TMC or the BJP emerge victorious from Darjeeling, we will ensure proper work is done by the MP. Let the BJP or the Congress or even a Third Front come to power at the Centre, we will keep our struggle for a separate state of Gorkhaland alive as also the inclusion of the region in the North East Council.”

He also said the DDUDF will demand implementation of all central government schemes in the region.

The DDUDF convener also voiced strong resentment towards the recent rape incident in Manipur. He said the foundation stands by the Gorkhas of not only Manipur, but of all the northeastern states. Rai said the DDUDF has already dispatched letters to concerned authorities demanding a judicial probe into the matter. He thanked people for voting for Lama, while appealing to them to remain prepared for a new movement.


GJM-TMC rift during elections will not affect the GTA-state relationship - Bimal Gurung

1:19 PM
Kalimpong: GTA chief executive Bimal Gurung today said he believes the rift created between the GJM and TMC during the general elections will have no adverse effect on the GTA-state government relationship. Speaking to journalists here, Gurung downplayed the possibility about the GJM’s decision to support the BJP disrupting ties with the TMC government, saying the latter should not take the matter “seriously”. 

GJM and TMC rift during elections will not effect the GTA-state relationship -  Bimal Gurung
Bimal Gurung in Kalimpong on Tuesday- Eoi
“This election was meant to elect 543 MPs from across the country to form the central government. Had it been the GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration) or state Assembly elections, it would have been necessary to speak with the state government,” he said.

In his bid to restore the GJM-TMC bonhomie, Gurung said Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee should not be irked by the Morcha’s decision to back the BJP. He added if his party’s decision has really affected GTA-state government relation, it would be better for Banerjee to “quit politics”.

A confident Gurung also said only 20-25 per cent of votes from the Darjeeling constituency has gone to other parties, while the remaining has dropped into the BJP’s bag. He further said the votes that have gone to rival parties are of those who are against statehood. The GJM chief also derided GNLF chief Subash Ghisingh for “utterly failing to comprehend the political situation in the hills”. While surprising the public with his decision to support the TMC, Ghisingh himself did not exercise his franchise. Even if the TMC, GNLF and DDUDF emerge as worthy opponents, the GJM will not give any weight to them, said Gurung dismissively. He said the GJM had swept the three hill sub-divisions in the last assembly elections and his party is least bothered by the so-called comeback of the GNLF.

The GJM chief also said the party will ensure panchayat elections are held in the Darjeeling hills after the election results are announced. Despite legal snags on whether the election is to be two-tiered or three-tiered, the GJM is in favour of holding panchayat elections as they have not been held for quite a while in the hills, he said. The party leadership is slated to discuss the issue during a meeting this Sunday.

Responding to a query, Gurung said the GTA has become an object that the GJM can neither happily settle with nor deny outright. Admitting the setup is not functioning in its full capacity, he asserted only a separate state of Gorkhaland can solve the myriad issues plaguing the Gorkhas.


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