Showing posts with label DDUDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DDUDF. Show all posts

Darjeeling MP Faces Heat Over Choice of Model Village

11:38 PM
The opposition parties have heavily criticized Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia on his choice of village for the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna.

Opposition leaders particular from the hills have condemned the move as being motivated by calculation of vote and vote bank than real development of an area which is hitherto neglected and marginalized as envisioned by the Prime Minister.

SS Ahluwalia in Naxal leader Kanu Sanyal's house
Pic by Kundan Yolmo: SS Ahluwalia in Naxal
leader Kanu Sanyal's house
Speaking to the press, DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama said, "We had repeatedly warned that we cannot afford to elect an outsider as our MP... this is what happens when you elect an outsider... SS Ahluwalai has no idea about the socio-economic and geographical realities of Darjeeling constituency... he is least bothered about the development of the hills... what has he done so far that exhibits that he has the best intentions towards Darjeeling hills? Nothing..."

Explaining his criticism Dr. Lama said, "see Hatighisa lies along a national highway... it is 20 kilometers away from a University and 22 kilometers away from a medical college... it is more or less already developed... as compared to places in the hills where the roads are yet to be built... or electricity is yet to be connected"

"Places like Todey-Tangta in Kalimpong sub-division and Jhepi in Rimbick region are far more deprived than Hatighisa," said Dr Lama

Ciriticising Ahluwalia's choice former Rajyasabha MP and CPI(M) leader Saman Pathak said, "there are so many villages in the hills that are yet to see even an iota of development... moreover Darjeeling hills haven't had any panchayat elections for the past 10 years... the state government has not handed over all the departments to GTA... in such a situation for the MP to select a village in the plains which is already more or less developed reeks of opportunism."

He further added, "it is shameful and hurtful that such a noble initiative which could be used to transform a marginalized and deprived village in the hills has been overlooked in favour of a village which sits next to a highway"

CPRM leader Govind Sharma added, "This MP has completely ignored the hills in favour of the plains... and its all right if you are focusing more on the plains as it is also part of Darjeeling district... but choose villages that really need development... not a one which sits next to national highway and already has access to schools, banks, hospitals... if you want to develop... develop those villages where there is no electricity or drinking water or health facilities."

MP Ahluwalia has stated that he will be spending around 24 crores to develop Hatighisa as a model village and transform it.

Speaking on the issue, Upendra an eminent political observer from the hills said, "see its all a matter of timing... with Siliguri Municipal Corporation and Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad elections round the corner, BJP is trying to make its presence felt in the plains... Going by the Votes polled in the MP elections... this time around BJP has a very good chance of forming boards at both SMC and SMP... given this it is but natural for them to be trying to strengthen their base in the plains..."

Moreover he adds, "Hatighisa is emotionally linked to numerous people in the plains due to its association with Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal led Naxalite movement... so I see it as a very politically astute move... this will help BJP to consolidate Kamtapuri/Rajbanshi and Adivasi votes and at the same time it will send a message to other voters in the plains that BJP is serious about developing the region"

But he added, "this does not mean that Darjeeling MP will completely neglect the hills... as far as I remember he has already said that he will pick one village from the plains and one from the hills... lets wait and see which village he picks up from the hills. "

Darjeeling is one of the most complicated constituencies in terms of its geographical and socio-political equations, but if genuine effort is made to develop this region, then the people across the board, from the hills to the plains will stand as one and cooperate.

DDUDF takes up Tea, Cinchona and Jelep la Issues with Commerce and Industry Minister

6:08 PM
The DDUDF Founder Trustee Prof Mahendra P Lama had a detail discussion meeting with Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Commerce and Industry at her office in Udyog Bhawan in New Delhi. The meeting mainly centred round issues on Darjeeling and Dooars Tea industry and the implementation of minimum wages act in these tea gardens. In this regard she mentioned that the minimum wages act have already been implemented by their respective governments in the tea growing areas in South India. In the course of discussion it was quite clear that it is West Bengal government which has to implement the minimum wages act in the tea gardens. However both the Left Front led Government and the present Trinamul Party led government are not interested and unwilling to implement this vital act because of reasons not known. She also mentioned that 17 tea gardens in Dooars and Darjeeling which are dysfunctional at the moment are being revived on an urgent basis. She also mentioned that in the Guwahati meeting with the trade union which she attended in October 2014 there was just one representative from whole of Darjeeling tea industry. She mentioned that the Union Government is very keen to implement minimum wages act in the whole of tea industry including in Darjeeling and Dooars. The pressure has not been created for this purpose at the state level.
Dr. Mahendra P Lama Meets Minister Nirmala Sitharaman - Takes up Tea, Cinchona and Jelep la Issues
Dr. Mahendra P Lama Meets Minister Nirmala Sitharaman - Takes up Tea, Cinchona and Jelep la Issues
Prof Lama also apprised her of how Nathu la Trade route was reopened after 44 years in 2006 and what benefits it could bring to the people of the region. In this context the popular demand of the people of North Bengal to reopen the Jelep la trade route which was more vibrant and prolific was also emphasised upon. Minister did mention that her Ministry would look into the entire gamut of issues.

There was also a brief discussion on the present poor state of Cinchona plantation and urgent need to revive the same as one of the modern industries based on traditional medicinal practices. In this regard, the demand made in the Memorandum was also discussed.

The DDUDF also demanded that the incentive given to the industrial set up in the North East region since 2007 should be extended to Darjeeling and Dooars till at least 2017. The Minister has assured to look into the matter. The DDUDF invited her to visit Darjeeling and Dooars in near future.

The DDUDF submitted to the Minister a comprehensive note on these issues.


“Present Gorkhaland Bill in Parliament” - DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama

11:04 AM
“Protest Alone Won’t Suffice – Present Gorkhaland Bill in Parliament” Says Dr. Lama

Labelling the proposed GJM rally and dharana in Delhi in support of Gorkhaland statehood as being a mere Gimmick, DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama has challenged GJM to pressure BJP into placing Gorkhaland bill in the parliament.
DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama
DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama
Speaking to the reporters Dr. Lama said, “both of the so called andolan for Gorkhaland have remained confined to the hills and those rushing in to sign interim arrangements like DGHC and GTA with Bengal have made it even more difficult for us to achieve statehood”

He further said that “unless and until we put enough pressure on Darjeeling MP to bring forth Gorkhaland bill in the parliament, nothing will be achieved from various dharanas and protests.”

He said, “people of Darjeeling have supported BJP only for Gorkhaland and the fact that BJP is not taking any initiatives towards Gorkhaland statehood reflects two things i) BJP does not give a hoot about GJM and Gorkhaland demand or ii) GJM has been unable to impress upon the Centre the need for forming Gorkhaland... both of which are detrimental to Gorkhalis living across India.”

He did not mince his words when it came to so called “intellectuals” from our community, he said, “I am shocked at the silence maintained by our educated, thinking, intellectuals who have chosen to keep mum over the Gorkhaland issue and also the Identity Crisis faced by Gorkhalis.”

He has requested Darjeeling MP SS Ahaluwalia to focus on mobilizing people for Gorkhaland, instead of cleaning walls and drains...

Source: DC

Seminar on Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty Held in Kalimpong

11:17 AM
Clearing the Air Surrounding Article 7 of Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty

A seminar jointly organized by the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP) and DDUDF was held in Kalimpong Town Hall to discuss the ramifications of Article 7 of Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty and the ensuing identity crisis felt by the Indian Gorkhalis.
Seminar on Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty Held in Kalimpong
Seminar on Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty Held in Kalimpong
Many experts have opined that the question of ‘identity’ plaguing Indian Gorkhas is mostly emanated from the Article 7 of the Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1950) which reads, “The Governments of India and Nepal agree to grant, on a reciprocal basis, to the nationals of one country in the territories of the other the same privileges in the matter of residence, ownership of property, participation in trade and commerce, movement and other privileges of a similar nature,” which makes it difficult to identify the Indian citizens of Nepali ethnicity Vs. the Nepali citizens who have immigrated to India for work and livelihood purposes.

The seminar which lead by a discussion panel that consisted of DDUDF Chief Dr. Mahendra P Lama, Bhatariya Gorkha Parisangh National President Dr Enos Das Pradhan, Kalimpong MLA Dr. Harka Bahadur Chettri, Brig. C S Thapa (retd) and Col D S Kharga from Dehradun, Mr. B B Chettri from Meghalaya, BGP Spokesperson Mr Nityananda Upadhaya from Assam, and Mr Pashupati Sharma in the panel, saw participation from people from across party lines, civic organizations, NGOs, and common people.

The discussion basically centred around the proposed amendments via a working paper (developed by Dr. Mahendra P Lama) that need to be implemented and contained on various suggestions regarding the amendment of the treaty which could clearly demarcate the difference between Indian Gorkhas and Nepali citizens.

Highlighting the difference between “Citizenship and Identity” Dr. Mahendra P Lama said, that citizenship is a technical issue, where as identity is a political issue and hence need to be look at from different lenses. He further said that the formation of Gorkhaland statehood would solve both the technical and political issues facing the Indian Gorkhas altogether.

Speaking on the issue, Dr. H B Chettri said that the issues raised in this seminar were pertinent and finding solutions to the questions posed in the forum was of utmost importance for protecting the future of Gorkhalis in India. He further stressed that all the political and non-political groups needed to come together to address these issues and that everyone needs to do all they can to highlight the Gorkha cause at any and every forum that they have access to.

Dr. Enos Das Pradhan said that the proposed ‘working paper’ was merely a start to answering some of the most pertinent questions facing the Gorkhali community today. He further said that issues such as “identity” that are of national importance need to be addressed in a unified manner, and that all the Gorkhalis across India need to speak with one voice to address these issues.

Over all the seminar was focused on requesting all the political and non-political entities to come together in the struggle for Gorkhaland statehood, and for all Gorkhas across India to speak with one voice when it came to Gorkha issue.

Source: DC
[Pic: Animesh Rai Via: Darjeeling - Darjeeling News]

BGP to hold National Seminar and Interactive Sesson on Indo-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty 1950

3:49 PM
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP), the national umbrella social organisation has initiated a process of holding the first NATIONAL SEMINAR AND INTERACTIVE SESSION  on Indo-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1950 on Sunday the 2nd November 2014 at 11.00 AM at Kalimpong Town Hall. Dr. Mahendra P Lama (DDUDF Founder President), Mr. B. B. Chhetri, President, Meghalaya State Unit of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, Brig (Retd) C. S. Thapa a well known Gorkha author and thinker from Dehradun, Mr. Somen Nag, Political observer from Siliguri, Shri R. B. Rai, Former MP, Smt. Dil Kumari Bhandari, former MP will form the panel for interactive session.
BGP to hold National Seminar and Interactive Sesson Indo-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty 1950
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh president Enos Das Pradhan
The Indian Prime Minister agreed to the idea of reviewing and revising the Indo-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty 1950 and the challenge before every Indian is to have a broad-based discussion and make the provisions of the Treaty that would go along the needs of the 21st Century.

Both India and Nepal would tread the path of reviewing / revising / abrogating the 1950 Treaty on the basis of each nation's larger national interest. On the other hand, for the India Gorkhas it is high time to ensure that this Treaty either had a complete safeguard for the fostering of political and constitutional identity of the Indian Gorkhas or has an exclusive arrangement for durable solution to their protracted demand of keeping them separate from the floating population that crosses border under the provisions of the 9150 Treaty.

Do the Indian Gorkhas aspire for resolutions of these issues within the Treaty or outside the Treaty? If it is within, then what kinds of provisions are to be added to the existing Treaty. And if they want solutions outside the framework of the Treaty what kind of arrangement is needed. All these require a comprehensive and wider national discussions and deliberations.

Kindly attend and encourage your students, colleagues, members of your organisations to attend and participate at this Seminar. If you don't You will be missing a great opportunity in the history of this deliberate on this very critical issue in a single forum. Let the nation hear ONE VOICE of Gorkhas on this issue.

Source: Enos Das Pradhan

DDUDF organisational meeting in Kurseong

10:22 AM
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum, (DDUDF), an apolitical organisation in the region, today organized its organisational meeting at Gorkha Jan Pustakalay in Kurseong. The meeting was called to make people aware that the DDUDF is still active and is still focused and working for the overall interest of the people of the Hills.
The DDUDF chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama talking
to reporters after the meeting in Kurseong on Saturday
The meeting in Kurseong today was DDUDF’s first meeting after several months. The meeting had the presence of large number of supporters and foundation activists from Kurseong and other places in the hills.

Talking to reporters after the meeting, DDUDF chief Dr. Mahendra P Lama said that today’s meeting was held to inform the people about the organisation’s activities following the Lok Sabha election debacle. He also highlighted the various programmes decided to be organised by the DDUDF in future.

Dr. Lama informed his organization has already written letters to different union ministers on various issues including demand for a separate state and three-tier panchayat elections.

“Had we won the elections, the scenario would have been different by now. However, we have still continued to work and many issues that we have demanded are being considered or initiated, directly or indirectly by the state and the central government,” Dr. Lama claimed. Citing examples, he further claimed, Mansarovar development project, issue of Jalep la Pass, Bagdogra international airport, Red Bank tea estate issue and many more were initially proposed by him. “I will continue to work for these issues for the betterment of the Hills,” he emphasised.

As per Dr. Lama, his organization is still working for the overall interest of the people and people must come forward with their different issues and grievances. His organization is always ready to help them.

Speaking on the GTA, Dr.Lama said, “In India, different institutions have their own budget, policy and plan but it is really surprisingly that such a government authorized organisation like the GTA is running without budget, policy and plan. If they really have such provisions, then they must publicise it, so that people may have a better prospective about the GTA’s activities.”

Dr. Lama also criticized the GJM‘s proposed Delhi dharna programs and said the party had staged several dharna in Delhi in the past, without any major success. “Therefore, they must publicize the outcome of the previous dharna staged in Delhi, so that people can know what actually is happening,” he added.  “What is the need to stage dharnas in Delhi, when they have their own MP and their own government in the centre? They could instead simply bring the bill for a separate state in the parliament when their ally is running the country,” Dr. Lama suggested.

Source: Eoi

DDUDF writes to Prime Minister for immediate inquiry and justice in Visva-Bharati case

12:11 PM
Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) , while strongly condemning the incident of sexual harassment of a Sikkimese girl student at Visva-Bharati University, has asked for immediate inquiry and also urgent justice to the victim and the affected family. It has demanded the most stringent and potent punishment to the perpetrators, so that it acts as a deterrent in future. The DDUDF in its letter addressed to the President of India (the highest authority in the Central University system), has requested for his urgent and effective intervention in this case.
DDUDF writes to Prime Minister for immediate inquiry and  justice in Visva-Bharati case

Quoting the Times of India (Calcutta Edition, dated Saturday, 30 August 2014) under the headline caption “Pressured into Not Filing Cop Complaint”, the DDUDF said if the news item is factually correct and true, then the Vice Chancellor of Vishwa Bharati University has no moral right to continue as the Vice Chancellor of a prestigious national University. “The news item very clearly denotes that the VC has been indifferent, insensitive, partial and inhuman in the handling of the entire case,” the DDUDF press release read. The forum also requests for the immediate dismissal of the Vice Chancellor if the newspaper report and the account given by the father of the victim is correct.

The DDUDF has further demanded recommendation of the Bezbaruah Committee Report, submitted a couple of weeks back to the Ministry of Home Affairs. It has also urged the President of India to make Darjeeling and Dooars a member of the North Eastern Council, so that the students are also covered under the statutes recommended by the Bezbaruah Committee in future.

The forum has also forwarded the copy of the letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is the Chancellor of the University, and Minister of Human Resources Development Smriti Irani and Chairman, University Grants Commission.

The DDUDF has also appealed to all the students of Vishwa Bharati University, particularly from the Northeast region including Darjeeling and Dooars, to remain calm and handle this difficult situation with maturity and as per the legal provisions and norms of the country.

Source: EOI

‘GJM did not make inroads,’ says GTF, will take statehood demand to Delhi

11:39 AM
The Gorkhaland Task Force, which had been lying low following the formation of Gorkhaland Joint Action Force last year, has sprung into action yet again. The GTF, formed under the aegis of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh and constituting of various political and apolitical organizations, conducted a meeting on Monday in Kalimpong. The meeting attended by Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, Gorkha Rastriya Nirman Morcha and Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum leaders decided to unify and take ahead the statehood movement.
 GTF, will take statehood demand to Delhi
 GTF, will take statehood demand to Delhi
BGP president Dr. Anos Das Pradhan, GTF Chairman Sukhman Moktan, DDUDF founder and president Dr. Mahindra P Lama and GRNM representatives attended the meeting.  The GTF member organizations have decided to prepare a delegation to visit Delhi and meet the BJP-led Central leaders to put pressure on them on the statehood demand.

Dr. Pradhan informed the task force would take the plan ahead only after the national level working committee meeting of the Gorkha Rastriya Parisangh in Delhi. “During the meeting the prepared dossier will be discussed and the plan ahead will be formulated. The meeting is also expected to discuss about a new approach to the statehood demand and for restarting the movement afresh,” he added. After the working committee meeting, the GTF delegation will meet Central leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath Singh separately and inform them about the task force’s plan.

“We waited for the GJM to take the Gorkhaland talks ahead with the Centre for three months, yet the party did not make any inroads. Therefore, we have decided to take the initiative on our own,” Dr. Pradhan declared. The GTF has decided to hold the meeting with the Prime Minister and home minister in the presence of Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia. “Ahluwalia is an elected representative of the people of the hills. Therefore, he has to help us in this initiative,” the BGP president stated. He further informed the GTF has already written an email to the MP seeking his help in getting the appointment with the central big-wigs. Further the task force will also approach the GJM leadership to take part in the initiative.

Citing the recently initiated talks between India and Nepal on the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty, Dr. Pradhan urged the Centre to work for the uplift and welfare of Indian Gorkhas as well. He said the commission set up by the Indian government to hold the talks should also include an Indian Gorkha representative. “We will discuss all these issues during our meeting with the prime minister,” Dr. Pradhan claimed.

Source: EOI

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