Showing posts with label DHR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DHR. Show all posts

Darjeeling toy train cuts a man into halves near ‪Sonada‬

10:52 PM
Man Mowed Down by Train Near ‪Sonada‬

Reports: Tenzing Sangayla Bhutia

17 June 2016 Darjeeling Sonada: The World famous UNESCO's World Heritage Darjeeling toy train cuts an unidentified man in half and drags one half of the body all the way to Sonada while the other the half of his body was found near 8th Mile 4 km from Sonada.

People in Sonada were in for a shock when the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) also known toy train pulled in tonight. Along with the train came the dead body of a male which was stuck to the lower half of the train.

People would later find that the train had cut the man in half, with half of his body being found near 8th Mile, which is 4 kms away from Sonada town and the other half got pulled along with the train to the station.

The police have cordoned off the train and are currently trying to ascertain who the dead individual is.
Darjeeling toy train cuts a man into halves near ‪Sonada‬

The Railway authorities in collaboration with the pulled out the dead body from underneath the train.
Darjeeling toy train cuts an unidentified man in halves
Darjeeling toy train cuts an unidentified man in halves

Via The DC

Darjeeling Toy train long distance service put on hold

2:47 PM
DARJEELING 13 Jun 2016 The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway toy train service along the 87km route from Darjeeling to New Jalpaiguri station has been temporarily suspended  after three of its diesel engines broke down a few days ago and are presently under repairs.

The DHR has four diesel engines, but three being non-functional, with the latest breakdown happening on June 10, the Darjeeling-New Jalpaiguri long distance service was forced to be suspended. DHR  area manager Narendra Mohan today confirmed that the Darjeeling-NJP service has been put on hold till the diesel engines are repaired.

“Due to technical faults, three of our engines have broken down over the past few months forcing us to halt the 87km service. We hope to resume service from Wednesday but on alternative days, as we can get only one of the three engines repaired. However, we will try our utmost to have all the diesel engines up and running at the earliest,” he said.
Darjeeling Toy train
Darjeeling Toy train
The joy-rides on steam engines from Darjeeling to Ghoom and diesel services from Darjeeling to Kurseong and back are in operation though. Presently, there are about 14 steam engines  and four diesel engines for the DHR toy train.


Darjeeling toy train get glass walls for engine view

9:04 AM
Darjeeling June 8: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has replaced the opaque walls at the rear and front ends of two first class coaches with glasses so that travellers can see the more than century-old steam engine pull the train.

Narendra Mohan, the area officer of DHR, said the refit compartments were being used for toy trains running between Darjeeling and Ghoom since May.

He said two more coaches were also being given glasses at either ends and they would be put to use in two weeks.

"Tourists around the world come to Darjeeling to take a ride on the Unesco World Heritage railway. In order to make their ride more enjoyable and fulfilling, we have renovated two first class coaches and added glass windows at the rear and front ends. Prior to this, the coaches had opaque walls and the passengers in each of them could not see what was happening in the other coaches. But now they can easily do so," said Mohan.
The DHR compartments with glasses at the rear and front ends - file photo
The new feature has been introduced mainly to enable travellers to see how the steam engine functions. "They will now be able to see the driver operating the engine and the fireman feeding coal into the furnace," said Mohan.

"Earlier passengers could see these sights only when the train negotiated a bend. But now, they can see it anytime without having to leave their seats and rush to the windows. These coaches will be exclusively used in steam-driven joy rides between Darjeeling and Ghoom. Apart from the view in front, the tourists will also get to see the scenery behind through the glass," he added.

The coaches were renovated at Tindharia workshop - the locomotive and carriage workshop of the toy train - and the Siliguri loco shed.

While two of the coaches have already been put into use since the beginning of May, the remaining two will be in service within next fortnight.

The DHR official said the size of side glass windows of the four coaches had been made bigger so that tourists got a full view of the sceneries.


Darjeeling toy train resumes its daily train service between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling

9:48 AM
Siliguri, May 23: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway will resume its daily train service between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling next week, more than five months after it had been rescheduled to thrice a week because of lack of diesel engines.

Narendra Mohan, the area officer of the DHR, said daily services between NJP and Darjeeling halted in January when one of the four diesel engines had developed problems.

"We had to run the services on alternate days, instead of everyday, because one of the diesel engines had developed a snag and was sent for repairs. We were short of engines and we had to reduce the number of trips on the route. Since January, we have been operating the trains on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays," Mohan said.

"But the engine has been restored and is back with the DHR. We will conduct trial runs to see if it is functioning properly and will commence regular services from NJP to Darjeeling by next week," he said.

Additional coaches have been attached to toy trains on the Darjeeling-Ghoom route since May 19 to cater to tourists.

"Normally, there are two first-class coaches but now there are four. The footfall of tourists has increased in the past one week. Two coaches were not enough," Mohan said. "We are planning to keep the additional coaches till June."

The four coaches can ferry around 120 passengers and the cost is Rs 630 per person.

UNESCO to Survey ‪‎Darjeeling‬ Himalayan Railway Next Month

7:43 AM
Writes: Mrinalini Sharma

A six-member Unesco team will visit the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway for five days next month to conduct a survey of the World Heritage Site.

The visit is part of formulating# a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan - a blue print on conservation, management and sustainable development of toy train.

Officials of the DHR said the team would be here from April 9 to 13 and visit different stations of the hill railway.

"A team of Unesco experts will visit the DHR for five days from April 9 to 13. We have been informed that this is a visit before work on formulating the CCMP begins. The team will visit all stations of the hill railway, including Tindharia workshop," said Narendra Mohan, the area officer of the DHR.

"This will be a field survey of the DHR to understand the landscape on which the heritage railway is, various components of the DHR and other important details about its conservation and management. The team will have three officials from the Unesco's New Delhi office and three Unesco experts from different countries. The preparation of the CCMP will take at least two years," he added.
Darjeeling‬ Himalayan Railway
Darjeeling‬ Himalayan Railway
The CCMP is mandatory for all Unesco World Heritage properties.

The master plan for the DHR will be formulated by the Unesco experts in collaboration with the Indian Railways that would provide the funds.

Unesco has said the plan should cover all aspects like institutional, legal and economic and ensure that the "Outstanding Universal Value" should be protected.

Paul Whittle, the vice-chairman of UK-based Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS), wrote an e-mail to The Telegraph about the visit.

"It is great news that work is about to start on this long-awaited DHR Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan, funded by Indian Railways and led by a UNESCO appointed panel of experts. This initial visit is the essential first step in a lengthy and wide-ranging study that will form the basis of a robust and lasting plan for the conservation and sensitive development of this World Heritage railway," he wrote.

"We know that UNESCO will be seeking input and recommendations from a wide body of local organizations and other bodies. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society will certainly be contributing to UNESCO's work," the e-mail read.

Established in 1881, the DHR was accorded the Unesco World Heritage status in 1999.

It is the second railway in the world to be given a heritage status after the Semmering Railway in Austria in 1998.


Darjeeling toy rtain to add extra coaches for Christmas-New Year season

8:20 AM
Siliguri, Dec. 22: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway will add one extra coach to each of the three diesel-run toy trains for the joy rides to accommodate tourists who flock to the hills during the Christmas-New Year season.

The additional compartments on the Darjeeling-Ghoom-Darjeeling route would be introduced from December 25.

Narendra Mohan, the area officer of the DHR, said the decision to add the coaches was taken because there had been an increase of around 10 per cent in online reservations for the joy rides since the holiday season began this time.

"We have noticed that the online reservations for the DHR joy rides have risen to around 80 per cent in the past two-three days, which is around 10 per cent more compared to the previous years. So, we have decided to add an extra coach for all diesel-driven joy rides to accommodate more tourists," said Mohan.
Darjeeling toy rtain to add extra coaches for Christmas-New Year season
A diesel-driven toy train in the Darjeeling hills. File picture
Currently, the DHR offers seven joy rides, including a steam-run Red Panda that plies between Kurseong and Darjeeling.

The six other joy rides are between Darjeeling and Ghoom.

Three trains on the route are diesel-driven and the three others run on steam.

"The reason for attaching additional coaches to the diesel-driven trains is that they (the engines) can haul up to four coaches. The steam-driven engines can pull only two compartments. We will run the extra coaches till the reservations come back to normal," Mohan said.

DHR sources said a first-class coach has 28 seats and by adding the extra coaches, 84 more passengers can be accommodated for the joy rides daily.

On December 2, the DHR had resumed the toy train service between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling. The route had been shut since June 2010 because of a landslide at Paglajhora.

While one train travels from NJP to Darjeeling, another one runs from Darjeeling to NJP everyday.

"The occupancy has been fairly good in the past three weeks. In fact, in the past three days, the train that travels uphill from NJP to Darjeeling had full occupancy," Mohan said.

Source: Telegraph

Week long Darjeeling Cultural and Tourism Festival 2015

8:47 AM

Tourist in the second day of the ongoing week long Darjeeling Cultural and Tourism Festival (DCTF) did what they had only watched actors do in cinemas and wished. The festival organizers gave enthusiastic tourists a thrilling opportunity, to dance on the moving Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), a first for many of them.

And willing tourists did not let go of the opportunity as some of them climbed aboard the open coach of the toy train and showed their moves. “Fifteen years back I had taken my last ride on the toy train. But, today it was an amazing and different experience, to dance on one of them with people on the streets looking at us. I felt like a movies star,” said an elated Prashant Divedhi from Kolkata.

Burdawan resident Animika Bhowkick did not dance but the ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom and back was a memorable one for her. “I am not much of a dancer so I refrained from joining the others. However, it was just as much a scintillating experience to be a part of the road show. I thank the organizers and wish them well for future, too,” she said.

The DCTF that is organized by the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) has become an annual affair in the Hills. It is organized every year this month in November with the objective to attract tourists to the Hill station.

This year the festival is being held from November 1 to 7 in Darjeeling sub-division. Similar events will also be organized in the other sub-divisions of Kurseong, Kalimpong and Mirik, till November 8.

The cultural dance (on different Nepali songs) on the moving DHR train however will only be held for three days from today. Performers from the GTA’s information and cultural department will perform every morning for three days on the 10.40 am diesel run train from Darjeeling to Ghoom and back with a break at the Batasia War Memorial. Bhanu Kanta Ghisingh, the GTA information and cultural department assistant director said, “The idea behind having dancers from the department on the moving train is to bring to highlight and promote our cultural. Tourists can even participate with our dancing troupe, which we believe will give them a trilling experience”.

Not only tourists but the performers too were elated with the opportunity to dance on the heritage train. “I have been dancing for thirteen years but this is the first time on a moving train. This experience I will keep till my last days. Of course, dancing on moving train is never easy but I managed it all the same,” said Ram Limboo, one of the male dancers.

The festival will showcase the various culture and traditions of the Hills communities. Stalls have been put up at the Gorkha Ranga Manch Bhawan dishing our traditional delicacies and in the evening local bands will entertain tourist and locals alike for the next six days.

Source EOI

100 years of Tindharia workshop - DHR, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

12:37 PM
1915-2015: 100 years of Tindharia Works, A UNESCO World Heritage Area
Article by: DHR Sano Rail

This year celebrates 100 years of Tindharia Works. It has always been considered a location relatively safe from landslips but this was to change in 2011.

The only background information I have of Tindharia is to be found in the late Terry Martin’s books ‘Halfway to Heaven’ and ‘Iron Sherpa’ - although I remember conversations with some local residents of the area over the past 20 years,
100 years of Tindharia workshop - DHR, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Until the early 19th Century, the Darjeeling Hills were heavily forested and largely unpopulated apart from the indigenous Lepcha people. I am not certain as to exactly where the area which is now Tindharia lay in relation to the borders of the kingdoms of Bhutan, Nepal and Sikkim before the British Raj purchased land around Darjeeling and Kurseong from Sikkim as sanatoriums and summer resorts.

The first roads into the area, to link Siliguri and Darjeeling, were the Pankabari Road up to Kurseong and then the Military Road across to Darjeeling. However, these were steep mountain tracks suitable only for pack horses rather than wheeled carts. The Hill Cart Road (now NH55 Tensing Norgay Road) was built around 1861 with a steady gradient up which two bullocks could haul a cart. It was largely along this formation that the DHR was constructed in 1879 - 81 to reduce the almost prohibitive cost of taking supplies up to Darjeeling and bringing down the products of the rapidly developing tea industry.

Tindharia was built as a ‘railway town’ by the DHR around its mechanical headquarters. It is said that the location, which is logistically illogical for a workshop, was chosen for being the lowest point in the Darjeeling Hills, on the DHR, where the British employees could work year round. It should be remembered that, at that time, Siliguri was just a very small settlement around the railway junction between the North Bengal Railway from Calcutta (through what is now Bangladesh) and the DHR up to Darjeeling and considered to be a most unhealthy location to spend any time.

The current workshop complex at Tindharia was not built until 1913 - 15. From 1881 until then, it is assumed that the large locomotive shed there, with the godowns around it, was also used as the workshops for major locomotive and rolling stock repairs. This would make sense as the Chief Mechanical Engineer’s bungalow and the Mechanical Department offices were adjacent to it. The original bungalow was a single storey wooden structure with a veranda, similar to many of the Tea Planters bungalows of the period, but was replaced in the mid 1940s with the current two-storey building in the then fashionable Indian interpretation of Art Deco style - which can also be seen at Darjeeling Station. The office building was destroyed during the political disturbances of the mid 1980s - although the remains still exist.

The first railway colonies were built around Tindharia station and the Locomotive Shed and include the bazaar area. Later ones were constructed further down the hill nearer to the new Workshops. I don’t know if it still exists, but the only street map I have seen of Tindharia was (2004) framed in the electric generating plant in the Workshops and also had the power lines into the town marked on it.
The opening of the new Workshops (which are just about to celebrate their centenary) coincided with the major expansion of the DHR system with new lines from Siliguri to Kishanganj (connecting with the metre gauge line to Katihar) and up the Teesta Valley (to develop international trading with Tibet at Kalimpong). Other developments at this time included the hospital at Tindharia, new headquarters offices for the DHR at Kurseong (adjacent to the station), the DHR Club at Kurseong (now All India Radio) and a new railway colony at Kurseong, which incorporating the railway officers’ residences above what is now the Tourist Lodge.

Until the DHR company sold out to Indian Railways in 1947, the method of working the line was very different to that of today. Not only were the now extinct freight facilities considerably larger (and more profitable) than the passenger services but all train operation was based at Tindharia. Therefore Tindharia was home not only to the workshop overhaul staff but to most of the routine maintenance staff, loco drivers, firemen, sanders, guards, jamader / brakesmen etc. Locomotives and their crews all started from Tindharia and worked on a cycle of diagrams which might involve spending one or more nights away from home at Darjeeling or Kurseong or Siliguri. One retired driver told me that at the height of the spring tea season, he had to make four round trips between Tindharia and Sukna each day to clear the loaded wagons off the Hills as fast as possible for a larger loco to assemble longer trains onwards to Siliguri and transhipment onto the Broad Gauge for Calcutta.

In its last year as a private company, the DHR employed at Tindharia:
• 1 Chief Mechanical Engineer
o 1 Chief Clerk
8 Clerks
1 Steno typist
1 Tracer
3 Menials
o 1 Loco Officer
1 Coal Inspector
3 Coal Clerks
30 Drivers
31 Firemen
200 Jamaders and Brakesmen
45 Jackmen and Loco Cleaners
1 Shed Clerk
2 Running Clerks
2 Callmen
o 1 Store Keeper
1 Head Clerk
7 Clerks
9 Menials
o 1 Workshop Foreman
1 Assistant Chargeman
2 Shop Clerks
2 Peons
2 Timekeepers
5 Chowkidars
88 Fitters
27 Drillers and Turners
12 Boilermakers
50 Riveters
16 Blacksmiths
14 Strikers
23 Carpenters
4 Coppersmiths
4 Tailors
16 Painters
11 Moulders
28 Khalasis
1 Tindal
1 Sweeper
• 1 Medical Officer (at Kurseong)
o 2 Assistant Medical Officers
1 Compounder
1 Nurse
1 Dresser
2 Menials
• 1 Commercial Inspector
o 2 Station Masters (including relief)
o 2 Assistant Station Masters (including relief)
12 Guards
2 Travelling Ticket Examiners
• 683 Total

This list does not include Civil Engineering and Permanent Way staff nor other Commercial passenger or freight staff based at Tindharia (as the inventory does not split the location of these establishments).

The Mechanical Engineering Department did not function as separate Open Line and Workshop divisions - only maintenance (all types) and train crews.

Although all the above employees were based at Tindharia, some of their work-output was actually for the DHR extension lines from Siliguria to Teesta Valley or Kishanganj, not the DHR main line to Darjeeling.

It is probable that the above establishment levels were much higher than those in the 1930s since the DHR had only just started reducing its operations after World War II - when road traffic was restricted, many special trains were run for the Army (both rest leave and medical convalescence in the Hills) and Tindharia Workshops was undertaking production of many Broad Gauge railway components to allow other railway workshops in India to increase output of military hardware.

Today, Tindharia is best described as a ‘ghost town’; a shadow of its former self. The DHR no longer runs services to Teesta Valley and Kishanganj or freight trains and the remaining passenger services are now based at Darjeeling and Siliguri. Only a much-reduced establishment at the Workshops, the last in India to give heavy repairs to steam locomotives and wooden bodied coaches, remains to give local employment. Even the passing trade of cars, taxis and buses up the Hill Cart Road requiring refreshments has ceased because of landslips either side of the town in 2010 - 12 and again recently.

It is hoped that the soon-to-commence UNESCO Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) for the DHR will recognise that all the non-railway, environmental, social and cultural criteria of the World Heritage Site listing (as well as the obvious railway elements) are summarised in the railway town of Tindharia and that a sub-plan can be developed to give the area a sustainable future and hope.

Politics can stay away for 10 years

8:08 AM

Vivek Ghatani

The toy train and National Highway 55 have become prodigious synonyms in the hills. The landslides are the spot spoiler therefore giving fresh headaches to the authorities of the small train. Not anymore for the highway authorities because as long as the highway is not repaired and maintained, all troubles is the small train headache.

The fresh landslides affected direct train services for DHR is a testimony of how poor developed are the hills. But people in politics are not really worried for it as the more time they take to repair, the longer is their political extension. The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) can escape here because you have no authority to repair the road that has been non-functional since years.

How on earth residents along National Highway 55 are spending life has no impact on the leaders of recent times in the hills. Ofcourse for them there are always more options. The Rohini Road has served best options for Kurseong and Darjeeling to reach Siliguri. Simultaneously a resident in Tindharia has to pay Rs 40 per head per ride when they have to reach Siliguri or Kurseong. That alone means a fare of Rs 80 (up and down) abruptly raising the expense.

The DHR has bored the brunt of major landslides like the residents along Mahanadi, Ghayabari and Tindharia. The small train, infamous all over the world for its manoeuvring engineering works, has been on the low side when it comes to allocation of budget for its maintenance from the centre. The earning for the DHR reportedly has dipped down drastically thus making it difficult to sustain.

The restoration of Highway could have well supported the sustainability for both DHR and residents. Time has come for the Mamata Banerjee to deliver her Switzerland promise for the hills although Calcutta never turned into London as she ascertained.

Politics can stay aside in the hills for some 10 years now because the past three decades of politics for Gorkhaland has hindered development in a greater scale. The loss for no development or rather maintenance of what it has can invariably felt by the common man

Toy train resumes Darjeeling-NJP service after 5 years

7:43 AM
 Mrinalini Sharma

World heritage, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway today resumed its full-fledged toy-train service along the whole length of 80km tracks from New Jalpaiguri (NJP ) to Darjeeling after a gap of five years.
The toy train service from NJP to Darjeeling, the most sought-after choice of tourists, has been suspended since June 14, 2010, after a major landslide swept away 500 metres of NH55 at Paglajhora - located 35km from here - and the track running parallel to it.
Darjeeling toy train
Toy train resumes Darjeeling-NJP service
Although the toy trains used to run from NJP till Gayabari, another landslide on the highway at Tindharia in September 2011 cut short the joy ride till Chunabhati. Chunabhati is 27km from Siliguri and Gayabari is 7km uphill.

The resumption of Siliguri-Darjeeling service today was a low-key affair with no fanfare. The diesel-driven toy train hauling two first class coaches and a second class one started its journey to Darjeeling from the NJP station around 8.50am with a single passenger Edward Copperman from Ireland.

"I arrived in Siliguri on Tuesday and got to know through Internet that the DHR service from Siliguri to Darjeeling would resume today after a gap of nearly five years. The toy train is very popular in Ireland and I have heard that the scenery along the route is spectacular. This is my first visit to Darjeeling and it feels great that I am the first passenger to board the Unesco World heritage train which is resuming its journey from here to Darjeeling after five years," said Copperman who works for a travel agency.

The scheduled departure of the train from NJP is 8.40am and its scheduled arrival at Darjeeling is at 4.15pm. Although the train departs from NJP, the toy-train service is popularly referred to as the Siliguri-Darjeeling service.

When the toy train reached Siliguri Junction at 10am, eight more passengers boarded the train.
Among them was Shweta Rani from Bhagalpur in Bihar, who along with her husband and two children, had come for a holiday to Darjeeling.

"We had arrived in Siliguri yesterday and were supposed to go to Darjeeling by road today. However, we got to know through Internet that the Siliguri-Darjeeling service would be starting today. So, we decided to travel by it. My children had wanted to take a ride in the heritage railway during our Darjeeling visit and their wish has been fulfilled," said Shweta.

In March 2013, Unesco - which had conferred World Heritage status on the DHR in 1999 - had rapped the Indian Railways over the delay in restoration of the tracks at Tindharia and Paglajhora and resumption of service from NJP to Darjeeling.

In February 2014, the toy train service resumed from NJP to Gayabari after restoration of the tracks at Tindharia.

"The restoration of tracks at Paglajhora was completed on December 13 last year and trial runs were being conducted since December 24. We had applied for permission to restart the Siliguri-Darjeeling service to the Northeast Frontier Railway and got it a few days back. So, we are starting full-fledged daily service from NJP to Darjeeling with passengers from today. It will be a regular service from Siliguri and online reservations will start as soon as the service has been updated in the railway reservation system. Till then, we will provide manual tickets to the passengers," said a DHR official at Siliguri Junction.

Another train service from Darjeeling to Siliguri started from Darjeeling at 10.15am today and reached Siliguri after 8pm.

Source: Telegraph,

Darjeeling to Siliguri toy train service has missed its date with Christma

8:54 AM
The toy train has missed its date with Christmas. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway on Wednesday deferred the decision to resume train services from Siliguri to Darjeeling, set to begin from Thursday after a hiatus of more than three years. Regular services will resume from January 2015, said a DHR release.
Darjeeling to Siliguri toy train service has missed its date with Christma
Darjeeling toy train
The Siliguri to Darjeeling service that covers a distance of 87km traversing some of the most beautiful natural sceneries came to an abrupt halt in 2010 after a huge landslide destroyed a major chunk of National Highway 55. Nearly 500m of the highway between Ghayabari and Kurseong at Paglajhora was swept away including the toy train tracks.

Ever since restoration work finally got complete earlier this year, the DHR has been making trial runs. Northeast Frontier Railway general manager RS Vridi on Wednesday said during a trial run, “I have made a detailed inspection of the repair work on the train tracks and am fairly satisfied. However, we want to undertake some more trial runs to ensure the repaired sections are safe before resuming regular services.”

It may be noted here that toy train services between Darjeeling and Kurseong were not affected. The 16km-long Darjeeling-Ghoom steam engine joy ride too has been functioning normally.

When asked about the next probable date for resuming the Siliguri to Darjeeling services, the general manager said, “I had a close look at the lines at Paglajhora, the most vulnerable point, and found them satisfactory. With trial runs underway at present, we expect to start operating the Siliguri to Darjeeling service from January next year.”

The DHR bagged the coveted status of a World Heritage Site at the 23rd session of the UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee on December 2, 1999. Despite this, the star tourist puller has been facing difficult times due to frequent disruptions in services.

DHR assistant divisional mechanical engineer Basant Raj Diyali said the trial runs are being conducted from Gayabari to Mahanadi while one would be conducted from Siliguri to Darjeeling and back on Thursday morning to check for probable faults along the route. “We are taking trial runs on stretches were the tracks have been repaired. We will conduct more runs before we re-start services,” he said, adding the trial runs that began from December 9 have been successful so far.

Vridi also took a short ride to Darjeeling from Ghoom station, but refused to say anything about future plans for the DHR, saying policy matters are the onus of Parliament.

Source: EOI

Restore Darjeeling Himalayan Railway writes New Railway Minister to Mamata Banerjee

8:25 PM
The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway  (DHR), warned by UNESCO that it could lose its status as a world heritage site, has found fresh hope of restoring the link that can help retain that status.
 Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
 Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
New Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda has written to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, according to Darjeeling MP S S Ahluwalia, who adds Gowda has sought her “cooperation” in restoring the disrupted service. The Centre would allocate the funds, while the ministries of railways and road transport (the road too needs repair) would have to work jointly on the project, the MP says quoting from the letter, dated July 23.
Built between 1879 and 1881, the 81-km, high-altitude line ran the famous Darjeeling “toy train” between Darjeeling and New Jalpaiguri and remains the only Indian railway with the UNESCO world heritage tag. It has fallen into disrepair, with landslides in Paglajhora in 2010 having dismantled 8 km of the tracks. The service continues between Mahanadi and Darjeeling at one end, and between New Jalpaiguri and Gayabari at the other.
Last year, UNESCO warned the West Bengal government and Darjeeling Himalayan Railway that the world heritage site tag would be withdrawn unless the service was restored. Subsequently, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was allocated Rs 88 crore for restoration but the link between Mahanadi and Gayabari remains suspended. The road between those two points, too, has been snapped.
Ahluwalia then took it up again. “I wrote to the railway minister explaining the situation. He has responded and also written to Mamata Banerjee to cooperate in the restoration, and to the road transport ministry for support in rebuilding the road between Mahanadi and Gayabari,” said Ahluwalia.
DHR sources said restoration work had started after the warning but was stopped due to bad weather and labour problems in the area. North Bengal Development Minister Gautam Deb said, “We requested the central government to start restoration and allocate funds. The UNESCO team’s report said it was a highly seismic zone and the track could not be restored unless the road is rebuilt first. But the Centre did not make any effort.”
Former minister of state for railways Adhir Chowdhury blamed the state government: “After Railways allotted Rs 88 crore, the Bengal government failed to use the funds.”
According to Narendra Mohan, area manager of DHR, a pair of “jungle safari” trains runs between NJP and Gayabari while four pairs of trains run between Mahanadi and Darjeeling almost regularly. Chartered trains run on the operational track on request.

Source: indianexpress

The fading legacy of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

8:39 PM
Unless authorities involves more and more local participation, the DHR (Darjeeling Himalayan Railway) would remain just a showpiece for Darjeeling GenNext - writes Vivek Ghatani, Senior Editor,

At Kurseong Railway station above 4750 ft, tourists mostly Bengalis from south Bengal stands in queue for a railway ticket to travel in the infamous toy train. Their enthusiasm to board the train upto Darjeeling has no limits. They had heard somewhere in Kolkata that a toy train ride from Kurseong to Darjeeling is picturesque and more of it fun.
The fading legacy of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
The fading legacy of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

“Is this the queue for 7 a.m train to Darjeeling,” asked a gentleman not knowing exactly where to stand. Once he was informed that the queue actually is for the 7a.m daily train, a crowd of 7-8 people gathered around.

A middle aged woman finally appeared at the ticket counter bringing relief for the tourists standing in queue. One after another the tourists bought the ticket and boarded the train waiting for it customers. Once the queue finished, the ticket counter woman shut the small window before handing the chart to one of the guard.

A whistle blowed and the two compartment train pulled by a diesel engine one pierced through the congested Kurseong town heading towards Darjeeling. Smiles adorned amidst the passengers as travelling in a small train was a new experience for all.

Soon after the train left the station, I met an old friend of mine. The friend is an employee of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) since many years. Meeting after a long time always opens up chat. Since he is working with the DHR I inquired many things about DHR. It was no shocking to me when my friend whispered, “The DHR is running at a loss every year”.    

The fact, the story of DHR running at a loss, is often heard from its enthusiasts while the Indian Railways remains tighlipped may be out of fear of losing the heritage status accorded in 1999 by UNESCO. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) and its toy train with a steam engine is the only the second such railway to get the status after Festooning Railways in Austria which uses the similar steam engine.

This steam engine train built by the British in 1881 is considered to be a manoeuvring engineering work whose tracks pierces through perky hilly terrain of Darjeeling hills that starts from the foothills of Siliguri. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway indeed still today a world famous epitome for the Queen of hills.

Inspite of the fact, people from these politically disturbed hills unfortunately has not benefitted the way it should have from this world famous epitome. As I come across meeting many people of the hills asking them has the DHR in reality served the purpose for the people to earn from it? The answers to my knowledge till today has been a big ‘NO’ that has triggered or forced us to conclude that the manoeuvring  work of the Britishers has become a show piece rather than a combination of show piece and earning epitome for the people.

The whole agimony of debate vis-a vis whether people are benefitted directly from DHR draws attention because of the fact that the hill economy is directly depended on tourism. A ‘Gorkha Bhansa Ghar’ (Kitchen of Gorkha cuisines) at Kurseong Railway station, an effort of ex-serviceman to woe tourist visiting hills by travelling on toy train has failed to attract tourists ever since its inception.

A fellow former journalist and a school teacher rightly says people from his locality in Tindharia, known to be a hub for DHR because of the place having the famous Tindharia Workshop, directly depended on DHR. “Ninty percent people from here was an employee of the DHR. Most worked in the Tindharia workshop. But the legacy is no more because of the fact that DHR is not functioning properly. After the old timers retired, there has not been recruitment anymore and the GenNext are now disinterested in toy train except a few,” he says.

People ofcourse here too formed cultural troupes to woe tourists, opened up tea stalls and eateries at various stations before finding that the National highway collapsed bringing closure to the functioning of DHR along Kurseong-Siliguri route.    

Likewise many such efforts from the local people have gone in vain right away starting from Tindharia to Darjeeling. The only reason for all this is lack of promotion both of the DHR and local efforts by the Indian Railways. In other words the Indian Railways has not been serious to develop further the world heritage status railway of India.

As a result, the fading legacy of the DHR is putting the real existence in jeopardy with people remaining least interested in toy train and its legacy. The Indian railways may be taking pride while running at a loss, but for the people this marvellous engineering piece would be nothing rather than a show piece for the GenNext of the Darjeeling hills unless the concerned authorities involves more and more local flavours so that it becomes a source of livelihood.    

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway to run toy train called Red Panda

2:16 PM
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) will run a steam engine-driven train, toy train, between Kurseong and Darjeeling from the end of the month and the special train has been named after the red panda.

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway to run toy train called Red Panda
DHR to run toy train called Red Panda
The endangered animal was recently chosen by the Election Commission as a mascot for creating awareness about free and fair election in the Darjeeling Lok Sabha seat.

Sugato Lahiri, the chief public relations officer of Northeast Frontier Railway under which the DHR operates, today said the toy train would run on Saturday and Sundays.

“We had been thinking about starting a special train between Kurseong and Darjeeling since last year. The name Red Panda was also finalised at that time but some formalities had to be completed. Recently, we got the sanction to start the train between Kurseong and Darjeeling and the service would start by the end of the month. The train would run on Saturday and Sunday every week,” Lahiri told The Telegraph from NFR headquarters in Maligaon.

Kurseong is 38km from Darjeeling.

The special train would be driven by steam engines and have two first-class non-AC coaches.

Earlier, toy trains with steam engines ran between Kurseong and Darjeeling but for the past three-four years, the steam engines have been replaced by diesel ones.

Now, steam engines operate only on the Ghoom-Darjeeling route. Ghoom is 68km from here.

Two daily trains run on the Kurseong-Darjeeling stretch. The trains are diesel-driven and have one first class and one second class coach, both non-AC.

The DHR authorities are hopeful that the Red Panda train will generate favourable response among tourists for whom the Unesco World Heritage Railway is a major attraction.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed the red panda as an endangered species.

“Darjeeling is known for its rich flora and fauna and scenic beauty. Darjeeling hills are famous for being the sanctuary of the Red Panda, which is an endangered species. Tourists come from across the country and abroad to see the animal. Darjeeling is also popular for the DHR. We thought combining the two popular items of the hills would be an attractive package for tourists. To ride in the luxury of first-class coaches drawn by a steam engine would be a rewarding experience for steam engine enthusiasts,” Lahiri said.

Source: Telegraph

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway resumed Kurseong to Mahanadi toy train service

10:16 AM
Darjeeling -Siliguri, March 25: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) today resumed the toy train service between Kurseong and Mahanadi, a stretch of 13km, following the repair of tracks at the landslide-hit Tindharia.
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway resumed Kurseong to Mahanadi  toy train service
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway resumed Kurseong to Mahanadi  toy train service

“We have extended the daily toy train service up to Mahanadi. From now on, the Himalaya-On-Wheels that reaches Kurseong from Darjeeling around 1.20pm, will travel 13km further till Mahanadi and return. This is a big achievement for the DHR because the track between Mahanadi and Kurseong had been lying unused for nearly four years now. Now only 6km of damaged tracks at Paglajhora remain to be repaired,” said D.S. Kunwar, the additional divisional railway manager of Katihar division, under which DHR functions.

The main aim of extending the service up to Mahanadi is to make operational a major portion of the 78km hill railway track that had been damaged by landslides along NH55 at Paglajhora and Tindharia, around 35km and 30km from here respectively.


England-based Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society pledged Rs10 lakh for its preservation

9:20 PM
The state of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has remained in tatters for quite a while now, but help from an unlikely quarter has raised hopes of rejuvenating the world renowned heritage of the Darjeeling hills going forward.

DHRS vice president Paul Whittle.
DHRS vice president Paul Whittle.
England-based Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS) has reportedly pledged the toy train Rs10 lakh for its preservation. The money will be awarded to the organisation that comes with a holistic project.

"We have collected Rs10 lakh from our members and will hand it over to the organisation that will provide us with a sound preservation project. We love the DHR and want it preserved and functional not only for foreign tourists but also local stakeholders," explained DHRS vice president Paul Whittle, who arrived in Darjeeling on Thursday.

Incidentally, Whittle also runs a tour and travel agency in England and visits Darjeeling regularly with visiting groups.

"Our commitment builds on strong relationships with our friends and partners in the Darjeeling region. We will consider a suitable project that directly helps to preserve the unique character of the DHR," he said.

The DHRS will also communicate with DHR officials for future projects that may need external support.

"We are already in talks with DHR authorities as to the type of projects they would like us to support. We are ready to extend all possible help," said the DHRS vice chairman. Whittle added he would meet the DHR divisional manager on Sunday to enquire The DHRS was founded in 1997 and boasts of more than 700 members in 24 countries working towards providing support and awareness about the DHR.

"This is the first time that we are handing out money for preservation work of the DHR. Our initial objective was to be involved only in creating awareness in various countries besides holding charity events to raise money," said Whittle.

The DHRS vice president pointed out the importance of restoring the DHR track that runs the entire length to Darjeeling from New Jalpaiguri station.

"It is important the lines get restored all the way from Darjeeling to NJP. Some stretches have been damaged by landslides," he noted.

Stretches of the DHR track was washed away in 2010 by landslides near Paglajhora, while the Tindharay stretch also got heavily damaged two years later.

"I have seen work in progress to restore the tracks and lines at Paglajhora and in Tindharay. Much needs to be done urgently even though the ongoing restoration work is impressive," remarked Whittle.

He was of the opinion that fast-tracking the restoration work would attract tourists whose love affair with the DHR has got rudely interrupted.

"I have written to senior officials requesting railway lines be opened till Tindharay from Darjeeling by the middle of this month as 60 visitors from the UK are coming only to ride on the toy train. But there has been no response so far," said the DHRS vice president.

Meanwhile, DHR officials could not be contacted for comment on the DHRS initiative even after several attempts.


Early history of Darjeeling Himalayan Railways

11:57 PM

Early history and the development of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways

When JW Grant, Commercial Resident in Malda, set his foot in Darjeeling on a cold February afternoon in 1829, he became the first European ever to do so in this Land of the Thunderbolts, Darjeeling had always found favour with the ruling British. Not only was it lavished with funds for its development and welfare, the town was also maintained as a showpiece in an effort to further massage the egos of the East India Co.  One out of the many reasons for the largesse shown towards Darjeeling was the British wanted to project the place as a model under their colonial rule. Darjeeling and its smaller neighbours Kurseong and Kalimpong hence also benefited from the generosity of the British rulers.

Early history of Darjeeling Himalayan Railways
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, in 1921

The British Government of that day, in an effort to provide a sanctuary to its officers from the scorching heat of the Indian plains, steadily promoted and developed the area as a hill station. Gradual progress in tourism related infrastructure of the area soon saw Darjeeling becoming the Queen amongst all the Hill Stations in India.

Like all Queens, Darjeeling too needed a jewel on her crown befitting a monarch and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways was the jewel that was so far lacking.

The idea of a railway link between Siliguri and Darjeeling was first mooted in the year 1870 by Franklin Prestage, who at that time was the Sole agent of the Eastern Bengal Railway Co. He proposed to build the rail line along the old Hill Cart Road being used by the Tonga Service and which was later destroyed by landslides. He placed a detailed scheme for laying the Railway Line in the year 1878 before then Lt. Governor Sir. Ashley Eden. The Lt. Governor appointed a high power committee to study the proposal who reported the feasibility and advantages of the proposed railway.

The Committee reported that Rs1.5 lakh would be required annually for the upkeep of the existent Hill Cart Road connecting Darjeeling to Siliguri and building the train route would help defray this cost. In later years after DHR came into service, this assessment held true and it was found that the Government was indeed saving a lot of money on this front, thus lessening the burden on taxpayers.

In the year 1879, the proposed scheme by Franklin Prestage was accepted and construction work started on a war footing. By March 1880, a line was opened up to Tindharay and by the end of the year up to Kurseong. In July 1881, the DHR first rolled into Darjeeling town. On September 15, 1881, the original name given to the railway - Darjeeling Steam Tramway Co - was changed to a more dignified appellation - The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. In the same year, M/s Gillanders Aubuthnot & Co was appointed as the first booking and handling agents of the DHR.

The first engines that were used were those capable of drawing a load of up to 7 tonnes. They were later upgraded to more powerful ones that could pull a load of up to 35 tonnes. The engine first used could pull carriages at an average speed of 11km per hour while the engine that was later introduced could travel at an average speed of 18km per hour. The DHR ran on a 24 inch gauge, with each wheel measuring just 19.5 inches in diameter.

The fortunes of the DHR increased quickly and its fame spread far and wide not just because of the simply breathtaking terrain that it passed through with the mighty Kanchenjunga remaining a dramatic backdrop, but more so because of the scientific marvel that it still is. The building of the toy train line up to Darjeeling and then up to Teesta was an engineering feat that has remained unmatched in the Hills even till date.

Initially though, the passenger carriages that were used were of real basic nature with small four-wheeled trolleys that had canvas coverings. Two wooden benches served as seats. Later years saw them being replaced by standard railway carriages measuring 26 feet 6 inches long and offering modern facilities.

In 1914, the first workshop in the Hills was opened at Tindharay where all the rolling stock was built with the exception of the wheels which were imported from a manufacturing unit in Manchester, the UK. The first engine used was the standard of that time with four coupled wheels weighing 14 tonnes and with cylinders measuring 11 inches bore and 14 inches trake. A Garnatte, or eight wheeled articulated engine weighing 28 tonnes was used later. The steel rails were of an exceptionally high quality weighing 41.25 lbs per yard. The popularity of the DHR increased with each passing year and as per figures available for the year ending March 31, 1920, the railway carried 2,63,083 passengers and 61,704 tonnes of goods that particular year.

On May 15, 1915, the Teesta Valley Line of the DHR was started with the idea of connecting Sikkim and Kalimpong to the rest of the country. The line started in Siliguri and ran up to Geilkhola (about 4km from Teesta) with further plans to take the line up to either Gangtok or some other place near it.

The old PWD road that ran along the roaring Teesta River was used to construct the rail line. This old road, which had been washed away in various places by the great landslip of 1899, was repaired and the rail line laid on it. The Teesta Valley Line was mainly used to transport wool imported from Tibet and oranges from Sikkim. As per data available, up to 20 tonnes of oranges were transported from Sikkim during the peak orange growing season.

The Indian Railways formally took over the management of the DHR on October 20, 1948 post Independence. The landslides that occurred in the year 1950 washed away the rail line and the cost of repairing it was deemed too heavy for the newly formed Indian Railway to meet.

Thus ended the dream of the DHR to connect Gangtok and Kalimpong with the rest of the country by rail line and this dream was effectively terminated forever. (The author is the Editor of Himalayan Times, Kalimpong)

Sandip C. Jain

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway worried about encroachment and occupation of railway lands

9:54 AM
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway officials are worried with the regular encroachment and occupation of railway land in the hills. They allege DHR land is being illegally used to construct private buildings, schools, playgrounds and other establishments.

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 

Besides, people have also been constructing houses and shops very close to the tracks, leaving just enough space for the toy train to pass. The railways officials fear such activity could be harmful for both the train and the general people.

The officials cited examples of a large portion of railway land and tracks near Kurseong Railway Yard that is being used as a parking space for vehicles. This has disrupted normal movement of the train, while in some instances the trains even have to stop before the tracks are cleared. Such incidents of parking along railway tracks are not only limited to Kurseong town, but has been seen all along the route starting from Siliguri to Darjeeling.

A senior DHR official said a toy train once got derailed in Kakjhora near Darjeeling due to the negligence of locals. The cause of the accident was found to be construction materials thrown on the tracks. He said such practices should be stopped to avoid major mishaps in future. The official urged the people to step forward and help make the DHR successful in its efforts to resume rail services and protect the legacy of the famed toy train. (EOIC)


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