Showing posts with label GNLF latest news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GNLF latest news. Show all posts

GNLF to resume 6th Schedule demand in Darjeeling

8:24 AM

Gorkha National Liberation Front President Mann Ghisingh on Sunday asked his party leaders and members not to get stuck on the Hill Area Development Committee (HADC), maintaining that they should now move forward for the demand of the Sixth Schedule. This was said by Ghisingh at his party office in Dr. Zakir Hussain road where the flag of the Gorkha Rashtriya Ex-Servicmen was unveiled.

“We have to take forward the demand of Sixth Schedule visibly, in the eyes of the people and not get stuck with the HADC. Some time ago, some people were disappointed with this committee due to our decision to participate in the HADC that has been formeed by the West Bengal government,  but the main issue of our party is the Sixth Schedule and it is necessary to go to rural areas to make people understand the importance of the Sixth Scheduled.  We must make the people understand it in whichever way it is possible; be it putting up posters or making them hear the speeches of my father (the late GNLF president Subash Ghisingh). We must make the people aware of this issue,” he said.

Subash Ghisingh while chairing the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council had realized that the council formed under an act of the West Bengal government did not enjoy sufficient powers and the real autonomy for the hill council could be achieved only if it was constituted under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution.
The GNLF president also spoke on the political relationship that the party had maintained with the state government adding that though they were were continuing with it the party also needed the mandate of the people.

“The party leaders should go to different villages and increase their contact with the people and convince them. The primary issue of our part is 6th schedule and our second issue is the development of the villages,” said Ghisingh.

He claimed that the last hope for the people in the hills, Terrai and the Dooars was the GNLF.

The GNLF will soon call a meeting to chalk out the future
programmes of the party to take forward these issues.

[Via: EOIC, file pic]

GNLF seeks non-political person at GTA helm

8:14 PM

Gorkha National Liberation Front president Mann Ghisingh on Thursday said he would soon write to the state government, demanding non-political person to be appointed as the head of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA).

The party said that the Hill body was being presently run in a “biased manner.” Mr Ghising was speaking during an event to mark the 38th foundation day of the party, which they call the ‘Gorkhaland Namikaran Diwas,’ at a community hall at Lumthang at Happy Valley here.
Mr Ghisingh was said that they would write to the Election Commission, seeking panchayat elections in the Hills, even if it is for a single tier.

“Until the problems of the Hills are solved and a permanent solution comes forward, a neutral person with no political affiliation should be at the GTA helm. We are hearing a lot of complaints that the GTA is running in a biased manner and is one-sided. If a neutral person is appointed, he/she would listen to all sides. If this is not done in the coming days, there could be unrest in the hills. The situation here has finally normalised and the same thing should not be repeated, so we want a government person to run the body. We will soon send a letter to the state regarding this,” Mr Ghisingh said.

On the panchayat elections, he said, “The panchayat elections are being held everywhere in Bengal, but not in the Hills. People living in the panchayat areas are facing a lot of problems. A three-tier panchayat election in the hills may not be possible now as the constitution has to be amended, but a single-tier panchayat was possible during the DGHC (Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council), so they could do it now as well. We will write to the Election Commission, demanding for panchayat elections.”
Mr Ghisingh also commented on their present “good relationship” with the state government. “In chapter 1, we kept a good relationship with the state government and maintained diplomacy and did what we had to do, and now that chapter has ended, and there is no guarantee that chapter 2 will also be the same.

There could be a different strategy.” “We have to keep good relationships with the state government and move forward. But it should not be like, we sit when they ask us to, and stand up when they wish so. The GNLF is not like that, and till now, I have not bowed down my head for anyone. Even if my nature is that of a soft spoken person, I will only bow down my head for the one who has taught me to keep it high. I request leaders here not to threaten me, as we are not afraid, but just do not want this area to be disturbed,” he added.

[Via: Statesman News Service]

GNLF March for implementation of the Sixth Schedule in Darjeeling Hills

7:53 AM

Writes Neeraj Zimba Tamang

The most prominent and important structural change in the administration is the grant of political autonomy and statehood in North East India. This process goes back to the British Era when the Interim Government of India had appointed a sub-committee to the Constituent Assembly, viz. North- East Frontier (Assam) Tribal and Excluded Areas Committee under the Chairmanship of first Assam Chief Minister, Gopinath Bardoloi. The committee recommended setting up of autonomous district councils to provide due representative structures at the local level to the tribal population. The recommendation was later incorporated into Sixth Schedule (article 244 (2) & Article 275(1)) of the Indian Constitution.
Gorkha National Students' Front (GNSF) march in Darjeeling for Sixth Schedule
Provisions of the Sixth Schedule As per the Sixth Schedule, the four states viz. Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram contain the Tribal Areas which are technically different from the Scheduled Areas. Though these areas fall within the executive authority of the state, provision has been made for the creation of the District Councils and regional councils for the exercise of the certain legislative and judicial powers. Each district is an autonomous district and Governor can modify / divide the boundaries of the said Tribal areas by notification. Currently, there are ten such Councils in the region as listed below:

Assam Bodoland Territorial Council Karbi. Anglong Autonomous Council Dima Hasao. Autonomous District Council Garo Hills.
Autonomous District Council Jaintia Hills. Autonomous District Council Khasi Hills. Autonomous District Council of Tripura
Mizoram Chakma Autonomous District Council Lai Autonomous District Council
Mara Autonomous District Council.

Analysis: Assessment of Sixth Schedule in North East First, we should note that the Sixth Schedule was primarily adopted to address the political aspirations of the Nagas. But the Nagas refused it because they said it was too little. The Sixth schedule lays down a framework of autonomous decentralized governance with legislative and executive powers over subjects like water, soil, land, local customs and culture. The Legislations passed by the Autonomous councils come into effect only after the assent of the Governor. Except Tripura and Bodoland councils, these bodies have also been given judicial powers to settle certain types of civil and criminal cases also. Thus, the councils under the sixth schedule have been given more power than the local governments under the 73rd and 74th amendments in the rest of the country. It has been established that this autonomy paradigm has brought a degree of equilibrium within the tribal societies mainly via the formal dispute resolution under customary laws and through control of money-lending etc. In Assam, Tripura and Mizoram, the autonomous councils have power to decide if a State legislation on subject matters under the autonomous councils should apply to their territories or not. Similarly, the Union legislations on similar subjects can be excluded from applying to these areas by the State Government in Assam and the union Government in the other two States. However, there are certain issues due to which the sixth schedule has ended up creating multiple power centers instead of bringing in a genuine process of democratization or autonomy in the region.

They are as follows: Conflict of Power
There are frequent conflicts of interest between the District Councils and the state legislatures. For example, in Meghalaya, despite the formation of the State, the whole of the State continues to be under the Sixth Schedule causing frequent conflicts with the State Government. Para 12 (A) of the Sixth Schedule clearly states that, whenever there is a conflict of interest between the District Councils and the state legislature, the latter would prevail. Thus state enjoys the superiority, but then it is alleged that autonomous councils are mere platforms for aspiring politicians who nurture ambitions to contest assembly polls in the future. Disparity among Autonomous Bodies and Local Bodies This is another important area of conflict. The local bodies established via Seventy-third Amendment are more liberally funded through the State Finance commissions. In a state where there are more than one autonomous councils; one claims that it is being treated less favourably than other. For example, in Assam, there is a perceived preferential treatment to Bodoland Territorial Council in matters of budget allocations. Functioning of Governor The Legislations passed by the Autonomous councils come into effect only after the assent of the Governor.

However, Governor works as per the aid and advice of the state Council of Ministers. This makes many a times, the autonomous councils irrelevant as far as power to legislate is concerned. Remedies to Sixth Schedule problems several measures can be taken up as remedy to above problem.
Firstly, there is a need that Sixth Schedule is amended and Autonomous Councils are made to benefit from the recommendations of the state finance commission.

Secondly, state governments and the Autonomous Councils should identify powers under the Sixth Schedule that Governors may exercise at their discretion without having to act on the ‘aid and advice’ of the Council of Ministers.

Thirdly, the administration of the district autonomous councils should be periodically reviewed by a commission under Union Government.

Gorkha National Students' Front (GNSF) is the student wing of the Gorkha National Liberation Front's (GNLF)

GJM called Darjeeling bandh, State govt. and administration set to foil the strike

11:33 AM
Morcha to TMC: avoid conflict - Ministers to camp in hills on bandh day

Telegraph Darjeeling, Sept. 26: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today "requested" the Trinamul Congress and the GNLF to stay away from confrontation during the 12-hour bandh on Wednesday 28th September 2016, but the ruling party announced that three ministers would be in the hills on that day "to supervise the situation".

The Morcha called the dawn-to-dusk shutdown in the Darjeeling hills on Wednesday to protest the allegedly false claim of Mamata Banerjee that Rs 4,000 crore had been given to the GTA. The chief minister had already announced that she wouldn't allow bandh in the hills.

Binay Tamang, the assistant general secretary of the Morcha, held a press conference here today and appealed to Trinamul and the GNLF not to confront the strike.

"The strike is a protest against the domination of the Bengal government. Mamata Banerjee and Aroop Biswas came to the hills, instigated the people and left, leaving the hill residents here. They will not be here during the strike and we request local leaders and cadres of Trinamul and GNLF not to confront the bandh as we are not against our own people," said Tamang.

Tamang also asked the GNLF to cancel its public meeting on the strike day. "We appeal to them to postpone the meeting to any other day so that there is no confrontation that day."
GJM called Darjeeling bandh, State govt. and administration set to foil the strike
Darjeeling Bandh - A File Photo
The GNLF's student wing is scheduled to hold a meeting in Darjeeling on Wednesday.

The Morcha leader said the administration was holding meetings with businessmen and transport operators and taking their phone numbers.

"Holding rallies, demonstrations and burning effigies are part of a democratic movement. But if the administration tries to force open shops, the situation could flare up not just in the hills but across north Bengal and we request the administration to handle the situation calmly and in an unbiased manner," said Tamang, who also requested vehicles from Sikkim not to operate within the GTA area on Wednesday.

Within hours, N.B. Khawash, the spokesman for Trinamul (hills), said three ministers would be stationed in the hills on the strike day.

"Three Trinamul ministers will be coming to the hills. They will probably reach tomorrow. They will be in the hills during the strike day to supervise the situation," he said.

While tourism minister Gautam Deb will be in Kalimpong, north Bengal development minister Rabindranath Ghosh will camp in Kurseong. Tribal minister James Kujur will be in Darjeeling.

Ghosh said: "Three ministers from the state cabinet will be camping in the hills basically to instill confidence in people's mind and help them in all possible manners."

Deb said the strike was "uncalled for" and would not be accepted by the hill people. "The strike has been thrust on the common people at the start of tourism season," said Deb.

Khawash said Trinamul would appeal to the people through the public address system not to take part in the strike and make them aware of the situation. "We are positive that the people will respond to our appeal."

Even though the Morcha decided to call a strike at the start of the tourism season, the party-controlled GTA will hold World Tourism Day celebrations in Darjeeling and Kalimpong tomorrow. The GTA has, however, cancelled its programme in Mirik.

Pradip Lama, the secretary of the Darjeeling Association of Travel Agents (DATA), said: "I will not attend the GTA programmes tomorrow. This is because they will be celebrating the World Tourism Day tomorrow and observing a strike the next day. The strike will hamper tourism. My conscience does not allow me to attend the celebrations."

The government on Monday issued a notification declaring that no leave would be granted to employees posted in the GTA area from September 27 to 29 in view of the bandh called by the Morcha on September 28.

According to senior Nabanna officials, the notice gives a hint that the chief minister is set to take the Morcha head on during the bandh.

Later this evening, principal secretary of the state transport department, Alapan Bandyopadhayay, issued another notification declaring that "wilful non-plying of public service vehicles" might lead to cancellation of permits and licences.

The notification also states that the government will take steps to ensure that traffic is normal on September 28. If damage is caused to any vehicle "by unruly and violent agitators", the state will compensate through insurance, it states.

In August 2013, the Morcha had called a prolonged bandh in the hills demanding Gorkhaland and the government had issued a notification that said salary of the employees would be deducted if they did not attend offices during the shutdown.

But this time, the picture is different as Mamata appears to be tough while dealing with the bandh call.

State government and district administration ready to foil the 12-hour Darjeeling bandh called by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.

HT, 27 Sep 2016, DARJEELING: The state government and district administration are getting ready to foil the 12-hour Darjeeling bandh called by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung on September 28.

While James Kujur, minister in-charge of tribal development, will oversee matters in Darjeeling on September 28, tourism minister Gautam Deb will be camping in Kalimpong and North Bengal.

“Forceful bandh has been declared illegal by the Supreme Court. We have made all necessary arrangements to tackle any eventuality. Senior police officials will be camping in Darjeeling,” said Darjeeling SP Amit P Javalgi.
A notification from the finance department, Government of West Bengal stated that all state government offices in the GTA area, including those provided with grants-in-aid by the state government, will remain open and all employees should report for duty from September 27 to September 29. Absence will result in show cause and salary deduction. Some exceptions including hospitalisation, death in the family have been made.

“Special arrangements for transport have been made. State transport department will run extra buses. We have asked all unions to ply their vehicles. We have tied up with companies to provide insurance in case vehicles are vandalised,” said district magistrate Anurag Shrivastava.

A circular from the transport department stated that the Regional Transport Officer will ensure that public transport remains uninterrupted. “Permits/ licenses are liable to be cancelled for willful non-plying of public service vehicles. Regional Transport Authority will be in charge of cancellation of permits and licenses,” said the circular.
“What can we do? We are caught between the GJM and the district administration. The district administration is pressurising us to keep our shops open. The GJM is saying just the opposite. For how long will the district administration provide us security? We will be marked,” said a shopkeeper.

“The bandh is not the fallout of a tussle between Mamata Banerjee and Bimal Gurung. It is for Gorkhaland and Bengal’s suppression of the demand. We want to see the formation of Gorkhaland by 2019. All proGorkhaland people will support the bandh,” claimed Roshan Giri, general secretary, GJM Binay Tamang, assistant general secretary, GJM warned, “If the police and district administration use force, we will extend the 12-hour bandh and make it indefinite. The jurisdiction of the bandh will then spill over to Siliguri and Dooars.”

The GJM will be sending appeal letters to transport unions of Sikkim not to ply in GTA areas, mainly on National Highway 10 on the day of the bandh.

Though the bandh call was initially called to protest chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s statement that Rs 4000 crores has been allotted to the GTA in the past four-and-a half years, the GJM hurriedly added the “Gorkhaland” demand to the bandh call agenda- a perfect prescription for a successful strike.
Mamata has announced that under no condition will she allow the bandh to paralyze the Hills while Gurung is adamant to see the strike through.

GJM to spread bandh to plains if police "atrocities" continue

EOI DARJEELING 26 Sep 2016 Accusing the district police of intimidating traders, business establishments and vehicle syndicates to remain open on September 28, the proposed bandh day, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today warned of continuing the strike and even spreading it to Siliguri and the Dooars.

GJM assistant secretary Binay Tamang said the party would make every effort to ensure a peaceful bandh on Wednesday. But he warned that recent police activities had the potential to create a flare-up.

“Why are the police going around and taking phone numbers of traders and syndicate members? Don’t we have the right to protest in a democratic manner by putting up posters, rallying and calling strikes?

If the police attempt to open offices, schools, business establishments forcibly and if the situation turns volatile, the state government and the district administration will have to take the blame,” he threatened.

The GJM has called a 12-hour bandh in the hills on Wednesday seeking clarification from the state government within September 27 on the claim made by chief minister Mamata Banerjee that Rs 4,000 crore has been allocated for development work and that the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration had failed to execute it in the last four years.

The GJM assistant secretary said the party leadership was initially against calling the bandh, but for the intimidating statement by state minister Arup Biswas in Kalimpong on September 24. “It (Biswas' statement) has become an issue of challenge. We will definitely go ahead with our proposed bandh and even continue it and spread it to the plains if the police attempt to foil it,” said Tamang.

The GJM leader also said the party will be writing to Sikkim and apprise it about Wednesday’s bandh. “Since parts of NH-10 fall under Kalimpong sub-division, there is bound to be inconvenience.

We appeal to traders of Sikkim, vehicle owners and others to restrict their movements on the bandh day,” Tamang said.

Interestingly, the Gorkha National Student’s Front, a frontal organisation of the Gorkha National Liberation Front, will be holding its public meeting in Darjeeling on Wednesday. “We appeal to the GNLF  student wing and their party president Mann Ghisingh to postpone their public meeting,” Tamang said today.

But M.G.Subba, the Darjeeling sub-division convener of the GNLF, refused to budge and said the public meeting would go ahead as planned. “The public meeting is our pre-announced programme to highlight  the Sixth Schedule issue. The GJM should understand this. Why did they announce the strike all of a sudden?” he asked.

The GJM has also asked tourists in the hills to leave before September 27 if they have flight or train schedules for Wednesday. Later in the day, leaders of the hill TMC unit told reporters they condemned the bandh and that they would hit the streets on Wednesday to foil it. “We condemn GJM’s strike call and will protest on Wednesday. We don’t want conflict and so have started making the public aware of the disadvantages of strikes. This so because bandhs are not good for tourism, especially with the puja festivities approaching,” said N.B. Khawas, spokesperson for the hill TMC. He also said state tourism minister Gautam Deb, tribal minister James Kujur and north Bengal development minister Rabindranath Ghosh would come to the hills on Wednesday to observe developments.

Bengal Government Goes All Out to Thwart Strike Call by GJM - Threatens Cancellation of Licences, Permits, Mandates Govt Employees Presence on 27th, 28th and 29th 

Vivek Chhetri Telegraph The West Bengal government on Monday issued a notification declaring that no leave would be granted to employees posted in the GTA area from September 27 to 29 in view of the bandh called by the Morcha on September 28.

According to senior Nabanna officials, the notice gives a hint that the chief minister is set to take the Morcha head on during the bandh.

Later this evening, principal secretary of the state transport department, Alapan Bandyopadhayay, issued another notification declaring that "wilful non-plying of public service vehicles" might lead to cancellation of permits and licences.

The notification also states that the government will take steps to ensure that traffic is normal on September 28. If damage is caused to any vehicle "by unruly and violent agitators", the state will compensate through insurance, it states.

In August 2013, the Morcha had called a prolonged bandh in the hills demanding Gorkhaland and the government had issued a notification that said salary of the employees would be deducted if they did not attend offices during the shutdown.

But this time, the picture is different as Mamata appears to be tough while dealing with the bandh call.

HC directive to government on Darjeeling bandh
The Calcutta High Court today directed the West Bengal government to ensure that normal life is not disrupted in view of a Darjeeling hills bandh called by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) tomorrow.

A division bench presided by Chief Justice G C Gupta observed that the court can start a suo motu contempt proceeding against GJM as bandhs are illegal and unconstitutional and against existing judgements of Supreme Court and different high courts.

The division bench, also comprising Justice Arindam Sinha, directed the state government to ensure normal life in the hills by ensuring that individual constitutional rights are not infringed.

Moving a petition challenging the 12-hour bandh called by GJM supremo Bimal Gurung on Wednesday, Trinamool Congress MP and advocate Idris Ali submitted that existing Supreme Court and high court judgements have on many occasions declared bandhs as illegal.

Despite that a bandh has been called in Darjeeling Hills during the peak tourist season before Durga Pujas to disrupt normal life and to affect the livelihood of thousands of people involved directly or indirectly with the tourism industry, Ali submitted.

He prayed that if GJM goes ahead with the bandh call and tries to enforce it, then the hills party be directed to pay monetary compensation for any loss to the people or the state.

Gurung has called the bandh alleging that the Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government had not done enough for the development of the hills and also sought detail of projects taken up or completed as stated by the chief minister recently in Kalimpong at a public meeting.

RTI on committee for tribal status to 11 Gorkha communities

9:29 AM
RTI glare on tribal status committee

Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, Sept. 11: The GNLF today presented an RTI reply which stated that a committee formed by the Centre to examine the demand of granting tribal status to 11 hill communities that was formed in April had not yet sat for a single meeting.

The RTI further states that Ashok Pai, who was to head the committee, formed by the ministry of tribal affairs, has been transferred to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.

The ministry of tribal affairs had on April 2 announced the formation of a committee headed by Pai, joint secretary in the tribal affairs department, to examine and recommend the granting of ST status to Bhujel, Gurung, Mangar, Newar, Jogi, Khas, Rai, Sunuwar, Thami, Yakka (Dewan) and Dhimal communities in "Sikkim and other Gorkha dominated states and areas".

The committee was to submit its report to the tribal affairs department within "three months".

The RTI reply to Neeraj Zimba Tamang, legal advisor to the GNLF, stated: "No meeting of the Pai committee has been held till now, since chairman, Shri Ashok Pai has been transferred to National Commission for Schedule Tribes. The Ministry is not aware of further developments in this regard."

The reply is dated August 29 and has been issued by Jossy Joseph, section officer and CPIO of ministry tribal affairs.

Zimba had on August 5 sought answers on the status of Pai Committee, the work it is currently doing, whether the panel had made any field investigations, visits, and whether the report has been submitted to tribal affairs department etc.
Rti on Tribal status to 11 Gorkha Commun ities
Copy of  RTI on Tribal status to 11 Gorkha Communities.

Copy of  RTI on Tribal status to 11 Gorkha Communities.
Copy of  RTI on Tribal status to 11 Gorkha Communities. II

The announcement of the formation of the panel just when the Bengal Assembly election was round the corner had come as a major boost for the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.

When told about the RTI reply to GNLF, Morcha leader Binay Tamang, said over the phone from Delhi: "It is a fact that a committee has been formed. As far as we know, the committee is to get information from the principal secretaries of backward classes of various states and then sit for a meeting. Transfer of officials is an administrative matter, which the government has to look into. We are in Delhi and will find out the details."

Via Telegraph

GNLF party allege GJM insincerity towards statehood demand, amidst GJM claim

10:30 PM
DARJEELING 4 Aug 2016 The Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) today rubbished recent claims made by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) party leaderships that the central government was keen to find a solution to the statehood demand.

On August 2, GJM general secretary Roshan Giri had issued a press statement after meeting union home minister Rajnath Singh in Delhi and placing a memorandum with the statehood and other demands. In his statement the GJM general secretary had said, “The union home minister has assured to hold a meeting after August 15 that will decide on the formation of a committee, to verify our demand for a separate state”.

The GNLF’s central committee legal advisor Neeraj Tamang Zimba, today furnished a RTI (right to information) reply from Ashutosh Jain, the CS-II and CPIO under the ministry of home affairs (SR section) to squash the GJM claim.

The GNLF legal advisor said that in his RTI that was filed on May 2, 2016, he had made four queries.
RTI by Neeraj Zimba Tamang on ‪‎Gorkhaland‬
Zimba said questions one and two referred to which political party from the Darjeeling was the first to raise the statehood demand and since then how many parties had raised the issue with the central government. While the third and fourth queries were on the views of the Union government in this regard and available certified copies of the circulars and the file notes in which the issue of a separate state of Gorkhaland was discussed in the last two years. “You will be surprised by the reply from the CPIO that was made on May 24, 2016. In his reply to my first two queries, Jain has said that the CPIO does not maintain such information. On the other hand for my third and fourth queries, the CPIO has said that the central government does not have any proposal under consideration regarding creation of the state of Gorkhaland,” the GNLF leader said.

The GNLF legal advisor alleged that GJM was only resorting to gimmicks vis-à-vis going to Delhi and meeting central leaders from the BJP including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on different pretexts over the years. “GJM leaders only go to Delhi to take pictures with BJP central leaders. Nothing more than that ever happens,” said Zimba.

The BJP too came under fire from the GNLF leader, who the latter alleged was betraying the Hills people with false promises and specifically highlighted saffron party’s word-play on its 2014 election manifesto.

In its manifesto, the BJP has said that it would “sympathetically examine and appropriately consider” the long pending demands of the Gorkhas. The word Gorkhaland does not find mention anywhere. However, in the case of the Bodos and other tribals of Assam, the party says that “initiatives” will be taken for a permanent solution of their long pending issues.

Zimaba observed, “There is vast difference in the BJP’s outlook towards the people of Darjeeling Hills and those from other states which is reflected in their election manifesto. Words like sympathetically examine and appropriately consider which can mean several things are used for Darjeeling. Also our issue is shown as demands. Whereas, the BJP says initiative, in this case steps will be taken for a permanent solution of long pending issues of the Bodos”.

The GNLF perceived to be cozying up to the TMC is advocating for implementation of sixth schedule in the Hills and has chosen not to take a stand on the statehood issue. “We have neither compromised nor given up the Gorkhaland demand. It is just that our party does not have the mandate for a separate state and so we are pursuing the sixth schedule issue which we feel is the best solution,” said Zimba.

When asked to comment on the allegation, Giri said, “We are sincere with the statehood demand and are pursuing it over the years with the central government. We have nothing to say to those people whose sole purpose is to criticize us for no rhyme or reasons”.


Mamata receives warm welcome from GNLF, and Development Boards

10:13 AM
Writes: Prashant Acharya

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was given a grand reception yesterday afternoon at the Bagdogra airport and in Rohini near Kurseong by hill communities that included the Khambu Rai, Lepcha Development Council members as also cadres of the Gorkha National Liberation Front.

This was the first time that GNLF supporters were seen welcoming the chief minister with khadas and Nepali scarves and reflects the ongoing bonhomie between the Trinamool chief and Mann Ghisingh, who the chief minister has appointed as vice chairman of the North Bengal Board of Sports and Games.
Thousands of people from both the plains and the hills had gathered at the airport since morning to welcome the chief minister, who landed around three in the afternoon and proceeded directly to Darjeeling without uttering a word to the press people present.

In Rohini, she was accorded a grand welcome with flowers, khadas and traditional garlands. The chief minister even alighted from her car to accept the greetings. Banerjee will be in Darjeeling for five days and welcome President Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday who will be flying directly to the Lebong helipad from Bagdogra. On Wednesday, July 13 the President and Banerjee will attend a function observing the birth anniversary of Nepali poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya. The chief minister is also slated to attend the annual meeting of the Darjeeling Tea Association during her five-day stay.
Over 400 members of the Bhujel community met chief minister Mamata Banerjee at Bagdogra airport yesterday and submitted a memorandum demanding a development board.
Mamata receives warm welcome from GNLF, and Development Boards
The state government has formed seven development boards in the hills - for Lepchas, Bhutias, Sherpas, Tamangs, Rais, Mangars and Limbus.

"A couple of days ago, sources in the government had said they would form a board to cover three (more) hill communities. This encouraged the Bhujels to approach the chief minister," an observer said:

On Saturday, a government official had said the state intended to form the West Bengal Biswakarma Welfare Board for the development of communities like the Kami, Damai and Sarki.

[With additional inputs from Telegraph]

Via TheDC

गोरखा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

9:16 PM
गोरखा राष्ट्रिय मुक्ति मोर्चा (गोरामुमो) अनि जन आन्दोलन पार्टी(जाप)-का अध्यक्षहरू अब तृणमूल कंग्रेसका नेताहरूको अधीनमा परेका छन् जसले गत विधानसभा चुनाउ पनि जित्न सकेका थिएनन्। यो पहाड़वासीको निम्ति ठूलो अपमान हो अनि समतल केन्द्रित राजनैतिक दलहरूले पहाड़का राजनैतिक दलहरूको कहिल्यै सम्मान गर्दैनन् भन्ने उदाहरण पनि हो।

तृणमूल कंग्रेसका दार्जीलिङ जिल्ला अध्यक्षले कसरी अध्यक्ष या उपाध्यक्षको कुनै पनि पद पाएनन् अनि कसरी गोरामुमो अनि जापका अध्यक्षहरूले उक्त पदहरू पाए? यसले प्रत्यक्षरूपमै जाप अनि गोरामुमो तृणमूल कंग्रेसकै खेमाकाहरू हुन् भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्छ। हिल तृणमूलभन्दा पनि जाप अनि गोरामुमो तृणमूल कंग्रेसको निम्ति धेरै महत्वपूर्ण रहेको सत्य पनि यसले स्पष्ट पार्छ।

पहाड़का समग्र जनता यी दुई दल जाप अनि गोरामुमोदेखि टाँड़ा बस्नुपर्छ। उनीहरू गोरखाल्याण्ड बेच्ने दल हो अनि गोरखाल्याण्ड बेचेकोमा राज्य सरकारले उनीहरूलाई पुरस्कृत गरेका हुन्।

गोरामुमो अनि जापले गोजमुमोलाई भ्रष्टाचारको जुन आरोप लगाइरहेका छन् त्यो पूर्णरूपले निराधार रहेको छ। जबकि उनीहरूले नै गोरखाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई नवान्नमा बिक्री गरेका छन् जो पहाड़को इतिहासमा सबैभन्दा ठूलो भ्रष्टाचार हो अनि यसप्रकारको भ्रष्टाचार पहाड़वासीले कहिल्यै देखेका थिएनन् अनि सोचेका पनि थिएनन्। उनीहरूलाई जनभावना अनि जातीय अस्मिता र स्वाभिमानको कुनै सरोकार छैन, यसैले गोरखाल्याण्डको मुद्दा बेचेर राज्य सरकारबाट पाएको पुरस्कारले उनीहरू गदगद भइरहेका छन्, त्यसैको पुरस्कारको रूपमा राज्य सरकारले उनीहरूलाई पद प्रदान गरेको हो।

गोरामुमो अनि जापले जनताको सपनामाथि घात गरेपछि अब गोरखाहरूको स्वाभिमान अनि जातीय अस्मिताको निम्ति निरन्तर संघर्ष गरिरहने एकमात्र इमान्दार दल गोरखा जनमुक्ति मोर्चामात्रै रहेको प्रमाणित गरिदिएको छ। किनभने गोरखाल्याण्डको निम्ति प्राणको बाजीसमेत लगाउने अब गोरखा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङमात्रै रहेको प्रमाणित भयो।

श्री रोशन गिरी,
गोरखा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा।
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