Showing posts with label GRNM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRNM. Show all posts

Kalimpong - DDUDF election committee formed

10:48 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) and its associates, namely the CPRM, BGP, GRNM and AIGL, today formed a sub-division level election committee at a meeting held at the Shyamadevi Bhavan.

DDUDF apex committee members at a meeting in Kalimpong
DDUDF apex committee members at a
meeting in Kalimpong
Speaking to journalists later, DDUDF apex committee chairman and BGP president Enos Das Pradhan said Sonam Tshering has been elected as the convener of the sub-divisional election committee along with seven other members, including the CPRM’s Mohan Paudayal, BGP’s PK Pradhan, AIGL’s Pratap Khati and GRNM’s Dawa Pakhrin.

Pradhan said more election committees will be formed at the municipal and block levels to campaign for independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama at the grassroots. The meeting as resolved to hold an interactive programme at the town hall here on March 31 where various community and religious organisations including representatives from educational institutes, civil society and students will also be invited. Further, the election committee will host a public meeting at Mela Ground on April 12 and several other functions will also be held in various places, informed Pradhan.

He also urged the GNLF to support Lama saying, “Ghisingh is the one who ignited the dream of statehood among us. It may be via the Sixth Schedule, but his ultimate goal is a Gorkhaland state. Dr Lama is in a mission to fulfill the dream he ignited. Ghisingh must support Lama at this crucial juncture.”

Taking a dig at the GJM and the BJP, Pradhan called them “fake pro-Gorkhaland” forces, adding no basis remains for believing their claims. He said, “People such as Ahluwalia are fake pro-Gorkhaland forces. They talk one thing in the parliamentary constituency and in another way in their manifestos. The BJP has not mentioned Gorkhaland anywhere in its election manifesto.”

He also condemned Mamata Banerjee for her speech in Gorubathan saying it was full of “threats”. Pradhan asserted Banerjee’s speech not only intended to “threaten a specific political party”, but was an “aggression on the self-esteem of the Gorkha community” as a whole.

Source: EOI

Gorkhaland Rajya Nirman Morcha - Gorkhaland can be formed without state’s approval

10:43 AM
Congratulating the Telangana aspirants for the passage of “T Bill” in the parliament Gorkhaland Rajya Nirman Morcha president Dawa Pakhrin said now new states can be formed directly from the parliament without necessarily going via state legislative assemblies. Expressing hope that a separate state of Gorkhaland can be formed even if the state government opposes it Pakhrin said, “The tradition that was there during BJP rule which required the bills on new states to move via state assemblies has now been broken. Thus now Gorkhaland can be formed irrespective of state government’s intervention.”

Gorkhaland Rajya Nirman Morcha president Dawa Pakhrin
Gorkhaland Rajya Nirman Morcha president Dawa Pakhrin

Calling for fresh and serious struggle for a Gorkha state the GRNM president said, “Exhibiting mock struggles here when Telangana issue is raised should be stopped.” He opined, had the GTA agreement not been signed in July Gorkhaland would have been achieved by now. “The Gorkhaland activists must learn from the Telanagna movement. We must have one single goal of Gorkhaland as it is the matter of our national identity” Pakhrin pointed out.  

Source: EOIC
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