Showing posts with label Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC). Show all posts

‎Gorkha‬ Apex Committee Sikkim Decries CM Pawan Chamling's Statement - Press Release

11:15 AM
23rd May 2016 Gorkha Apex Committee vehemently refutes the statement of Chief Minister of Sikkim where he have said that Gorkhas are the people who had come to serve in army and later settled in different parts of the country and the Sikkimese Nepali are not similar to Gorkha”.

Such unfortunate statement has immensely hurt the sentiments of the majority Gorkha people residing in Sikkim and all over India. He has completely forgotten the history, contribution and sacrifices done by Grokhas in nation building. By such statement he have tried to play with the future of 1.5 crores gorkhas in India and have reflected his anti-gorkha stand by this misdeed.
A person is known as ‘Nepali’ who has the citizenship of Nepal and the people residing in Nepal are also Gorkha as community who has similar custom, language and belief as that of the Gorkhas in India. The inability to understand such a simple fact by our leadership has forced the majority Sikkimese Gorkha to live their life in utter injustice and suppression and have always been termed as immigrants in their own land.
‎Gorkha‬ Apex Committee Sikkim
‎Gorkha‬ Apex Committee Sikkim
To end the misconception of Nationality and Community the Government of India had issued a notification on 23rd August 1988 explaining that the word “Nepali” means a citizen of Nepal and word “Gorkha” means a community. Further, in order to clarify the matter we had sought an answer from the Government of India asking whether the notification of 1988 applies to the people of Sikkim. The Home Ministry has replied that the notification applies to all the Gorkhas of Sikkim and India. The Gorkha Apex Committee have thus submitted the copy of notification, the copy of RTI reply and the copy of “Gorkha” certificate issued by the Government of Sikkim to all the District Collectors. District Collectors in turn have sought the clarification on this matter from the Government and at present the same is under consideration at the office of the Chairman, Law Comission, Government of Sikkim. Therefore, rather than showing attitude of a dictator the Chief Minister should take immediate decision on the matter to end the misconception looming in Sikkimese Society.

The person who promised the majority Sikkimese people to put an end to the stigma of “immigrants” to reach the power corridor in 1994 has now completely made them vulnerable and insecure. He have failed to stand for the majority community when the attempts were made to erase the history of majority people, he could not speak a single word when AOSS filed a case in the Supreme Court of India terming the majority as immigrants, he ignored when few organisations in West Bengal openly declared the Gorkhas as foreigners, he was again a mute spectator when a person filed a writ petition in the Rajya Sabha to declare the majority people of Sikkim as Immigrants. Further, Chief Minister of Sikkim becomes Gorkha automatically after crossing Rangpo and becomes Nepali after entering Sikkim. Therefore, Sikkim needs the answer on what basis is he calling himself as Gorkha outside Sikkim and Nepali inside Sikkim?

Moreover, Pawan Chamling had protested the demand of Nepali Seat reservation brought in by the opposition party in the State Assembly terming the demand of “Nepali” seat reservation as anti-national and now he is batting on term Nepali to gain his vested political interest.
However, the majority people of Sikkim have now understood the difference between Nationality and Community and will not be bewildered. The majority community will give a befitting reply to the leaders who are trying to malign their identity and existence.

Gorkha Apex Committee welcomes formation of committee for Scheduled Tribe status to the Gorkha Communities

5:40 PM
Sikkim: The Gorkha Apex Committee has extends its ‘heartfelt gratitude’ to the Central Government for constituting a committee to examine and recommend regarding granting of Scheduled Tribe status to the Gorkha Communities across India.

In a press press release GAC says, “It is indeed a joyous moment and Gorkha Apex Committee welcomes the Central Government of India for the initiative as well as recognizing ‘Gorkha’ as community in Sikkim. It was our sincere Endeavour to clarify the misconception of the community and nationality. Today, such misconception founds no room after Central Government acknowledges the presence of majority Gorkha in the State of Sikkim.”
Gorkha Apex Committee welcomes formation of committee for Scheduled Tribe status to the Gorkha Communities
Gorkha Apex Committee welcomes formation of committee for
Scheduled Tribe status to the Gorkha Communities
GAC has also suggests that the State Government should pursue the demand of Tribal Status for Gorkhas as a single community and should refrain from demanding the tribal status for individual communities. “If state Government pursue the demand of Tribal Status for individual communities it will be difficult for certain communities to get Tribal Status. The rejection of Tribal Status to these communities on the earlier occasion(s) was because of pursuing Tribal status for individual community," it states.

Via Sikkim Talk

Tribal status for Gorkhas of Sikkim and Darjeeling - Kiran Rijiju

9:41 AM
GAC thanks Central leadership on Gorkha tribal status demand

The Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC) has welcomed the statements of Union minister of State for Home Affairs Kiran Rijiju given to media assuring tribal status to Gorkha community within December.

Rijiju had reportedly told media in New Delhi that the tribal status demand of several communities in Northeast including Gorkha community are with the Prime Minister’s Office for consideration within December.

“The Union minister of State for Home Affairs in his statement has clearly said that the tribal status is not just for the Gorkhas of Sikkim and Darjeeling but for the entire Gorkha community residing across India. From his statement it is clear that the majority people of Sikkim are Gorkhas,” said GAC chief convener Passang Sherpa in a press conference today here at Press Club of Sikkim.
Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC) press release
Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC) press release page 1

Tribal status for Gorkhas of Sikkim and Darjeeling - Kiran Rijiju's
Gorkha Apex Committee (GAC) press release page 2
Sherpa said the continuous representations made by the GAC on tribal status demand have been fruitful.

“We extend our gratitude to the Central leadership for their fore sightedness which has helped clarify the looming misconception in the State of Sikkim as Gorkhas have been a misnomer as Nepali here. Such assurance of tribal status to Gorkha community has provided us an opportunity to correct our historical mistake regarding community and citizenship. The GAC shall reach out to every nook and corner to sensitize the common people of Sikkim on the same. We hope that the leaders of Sikkim will refrain themselves from misleading the people of Sikkim from now on,” said the GAC members.

Source -


7:54 PM

The Nepali language of today were previously known as Parvate, Gorkha or Khas Kura before it was changed to Nepali in 1920s in Nepal by Nepali Government and in the year 1932 in India after the Calcutta University gave its consent to change Parvate/Gorkhali language to “Nepali” without understanding the impact of it on people residing in India, in days to come. After the consent from Calcutta University all textbooks, stories, poems and all literary work started to use word “Nepali” to denote the language and common people mistook it as community in India. Gradually, the word “Nepali” is started to define the Gorkha/Nepali speaking people creating lots of misconception regarding their community and citizenship leading to confusion among the Indian psyche as word “Nepali” means a citizen of Nepal.
Post Independence of India from British Rule in 1947. India and Nepal signed a treaty of peace and friendship in 1950. As per the treaty the nationals of one country gets the same privileges as that of the other in the matter of residence, ownership of property, participation in trade and commerce, movement and other privileges of a similar nature. The reciprocal treaty allowed the nationals of one country to enjoy all the rights as that of the other, except the right of citizenship or political rights (voting). It was a treaty of peace and friendship between two nations and has immensely helped Nepal and India to grow as stronger neighbours.
However, this treaty brought in lots of misconceptions regarding the citizenship of certain classes of people residing across the Darjeeling Hills in West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Manipur in the east to Dehradun and Uttarakhand in the west who shared similar culture, tradition and language with the citizens of Nepal. Owing to clarify such misconceptions the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India on the 23rd August 1988, vide notification no. 96011/6/88—IC-1 issued a notification and the notification reads: – whereas it has come to the notice of the Central Government that there have been some misconceptions about the Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution of India of certain classes of person commonly known as Gorkhas.(copy enclosed) It seems that Central Government felt it necessary to clear such misconception on national interest and in the interest of genuine, patriotic, law abiding citizen of India. Indian Government is clear about the communities that those who were calling themselves “Nepali” as community must use word “Gorkha” to clear such misconceptions regarding their Citizenship.
Gorkha community includes Indo-Aryan castes like Bahun, Chettri, Thakuri, Kami, Damai, Sarki etc. and the Mongolian group like Gurung, Magar, Newar, Tamang, Thami, Bhujel (Khawas), Rai (Khambu), Limboo (Subba), Sunuwar (Mukhia), Yakha (Dewan), Sherpa, Yolmo, Kagatey etc.
Even after the clarification of Home Ministry on the issue of community and citizenship way back in 1988 people of Sikkim were never sensitised on it. The ignorance went up to the extent that the people of Sikkim thought that the notification is for the Gorkhas residing beyond Sikkim only.
Hence, in order to clarify on the issue of community and citizenship, Gorkha Apex Committee had filed an application under RTI Act 2005 asking the Home Ministry whether the notification of 1988 applies to the people of Sikkim. The Foreigners Division of Ministry of Home Affairs has replied that the notification applies to all who fits in the definition of Gorkha. (Copy of reply enclosed).
Therefore, it is now utmost important for the people of Sikkim to understand the difference between community and citizenship. It is further to note here, that Shri. Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs have recently assured the Tribal status for Gorkha Community within the month of December 2015. In his statement he has clearly said that the Tribal Status is not just for the Gorkhas of Sikkim and Darjeeling but for the entire Gorkha Community residing across India. From the statement of Kiren Rijiju it is clear that the majority people of Sikkim are Gorkhas. Now,it is evident that the continuous representations made to Union leaders by Gorkha Apex Committee have finally paid off. The Gorkha Apex Committee extends its gratitude to Central Leadership for their fore sightedness which has helped clarify the looming misconceptions in the state of Sikkim.
Such clarification from Ministry of Home Affairs and assurance of Tribal Status to Gorkha Community have provided us an opportunity to correct our historical mistake regarding community and citizenship, therefore, Gorkha Apex Committee shall reach out to every nook and corner to sensitise the common people of Sikkim on the same. We hope, that the leaders of Sikkim will refrain themselves from misleading the people of Sikkim from now on.

Source: VOS

Gorkha Apex Committee on Restoration of Nepali Seats in the State Assembly of Sikkim

10:11 PM
Gorkha Apex Committee's press release on  Restoration of Nepali Seats in the State Assembly of Sikkim

The private member bill moved by Opposition MLA for restoration of Nepali Seats in the State Assembly of Sikkim in the ongoing budget session has created uproar both inside and outside of the Assembly. Looking at the current development on the Representation of People's (Amendment) Act 1980, Gorkha Apex Committee who are seriously pursuing the demand of Debate on the said Act in both State and National Level and hence, keeping in consideration of the larger interest of the people of Sikkim it has become a matter of utmost importance to clarify certain expects of the Representation of People's (Amendment) Act, 1980.
 Restoration of Nepali Seats in the State Assembly of Sikkim
The Representation of People's Act, 1980 was enacted by the Parliament in the month of January 1980. The election held in October 1979 in the state of Sikkim was held under an Ordinance by the President of India called Ordinance no. 7 of 1979. The major political parties had opposed the said Ordinance terming it as "Black Bill" as because the bill had provided no safeguard to the Sikkimese people and the aspirations of Sikkimese people were kept in abeyance. The Ordinance no. 7 of 1979 which later became the Representation of People’s (Amendment) Act 1980 had removed the Reservation of Sikkimese Nepali seats as provided by the "Parity" system under Chogyal Regime. When Article 371F (f) have the provision for the reservation of Seats for any section of the people of Sikkim and Article 371F (k) protects all the Old Laws of Sikkim, the question arises as what was the basis of removing the reservation of Nepali Seats in the Assembly? GAC strongly feels that the term "Nepali" used to identify the majority Sikkimese people is the only reason behind losing the Nepali Seats under Reservation of People’s (Amendment) Act, 1980. The term "Nepali" to identify a community and provide reservation therein is illegal. The term "Nepali" being a word which describes the nationality of a foreign country, it is not possible for the Indian Government to provide the Reservation of Assembly seats in an Indian state to the people who identify themselves as foreign national. Therefore, the demand of restoration of Nepali seat would be immature.

Further, the recommendation of State Government to provide Tribal Status to the left out communities of Sikkim is already been declined by the Office of the Registrar General of India (ORGI) in its latest report of December 2014. Another recommendation by Burman Commission to increase the Assembly seats from present 32 to 40 seats is not possible when Delimitation Act, 2002 doesn't permit delimitations of constituencies before the first General Election after 2026. Moreover, if the Tribal status could restore the Assembly seats Limboo and Tamang would have had their reservation by now. Hence, it will be a sheer foolishness on our part to wait for Tribal Status and Burman Commission's recommendation as far as rights and interests of Majority Sikkimese people are concerned.

It is heartening to know that both Ruling and Opposition parties are concern about the political rights of Majority Sikkimese people, however, the Assembly discussion seems to be just a diversion from the main issue of the "Debate in the Parliament regarding the Representation of People's Act 1980''. If all the political leaders of Sikkim are really concern about the rights and interest of Sikkimese people, they must support the demands of Gorkha Apex Committee to have a debate on the Representation of People's (Amendment) Act 1980 in the Parliament of India which is only amicable solution to the problem looming in Sikkimese Society today.

Source - Gorkha Apex Committee

Gorkha Apex Committee GAC writes to Ministry of Home Affairs ,Govt of India on protection of Article 371F.

10:53 AM
Sikkim: GAC has questioned what steps have been taken on memorandum which was submitted before seeking the protection of Article 371F.
Gorkha Apex Committee

Speaking GAC Chief Convenor Shri Passang Sherpa , he told that some positive responses are now visible in this matter from central leaders in New Delhi. Sherpa further told that previously memorandum copies too were submitted to those leaders in that regard.

To make the demand and to follow course of action from center the GAC team will make a visit to MHA very soon.

Adding here, Sherpa also question that despite central leaders are booting up for our concern then equally state leaders too requires to intervene in protection of Article 371F matter seriously. GAC is taking several measures in both state and national level to apprise about concern and demands.

Source: VOS
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