Showing posts with label Gorkha Rastriya Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorkha Rastriya Congress. Show all posts

Gorkha Rashtriya Congress denied permission for public meeting in Darjeeling

8:14 AM
Darjeeling 14 Apr 2016 Gorkha Rashtriya Congress candidate Asoke Lepcha, who is contesting from Darjeeling, today complained his party was denied permission to hold a public meeting on Friday, the last day of campaigning before the hills go to the polls on April 17.

Lepcha said he had approached the concerned authorities on April 11 for permission to hold a public meeting on April 15 at Sumeru Manch in Chowk Bazaar, but the returning officer declined even though the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha was granted permission for that same day and venue.

Talking to reporters, the GRC candidate said, “On April 6, I had applied with the Darjeeling municipality for permission to hold a public meeting at Sumeru Manch and it was granted. After that, I submitted an application to the chief electoral officer on April 11 for permission to hold the meeting at the venue on April 15 from 10am to 1.30pm. But the returning officer rejected my request on the grounds that doing so would create a law and order situation.”
Gorkha Rashtriya Congress
Gorkha Rashtriya Congress

The reply to the online application in SUVIDHA, under No. 57/SUVIDHA/23-Darjeeling and dated April 11, 2016 by the sub-divisional officer, who is also the returning officer, cites apprehension by the police department of a possible breakdown in the law and order situation if the GRC was permitted to hold a meeting on Friday.

The IC Sadar police has remarked: possibility of “disruption of law and order in event of holding meeting is apprehended”.

The GRC alleged it was a ploy of the state government to stop the party from reaching out to the people with its Darjeeling- Sikkim merger agenda, which is starting to gain popularity with the people.

“How come the GJM, the TMC and other big parties are allowed to hold meetings? Will that not create law and order situations or cause traffic problems? Denying us permission is just an excuse to deprive us of our fundamental rights and a level playing field,” said Lepcha.

Subodh Pakhrin, chief coordinator of the GRC, also lambasted the state government for denying an equal playing field to the party in the election. “Democracy does not only mean numbers and mandates. It is important that the rule of the land should be made equal to all. We will write to the Election Commission about this. Our party may be small but our issue is not,” he said.

Meanwhile, returning officer Avik Chatterjee refuted the GRC’s allegation saying no disparity has been made. “The GJM has also sought permission to hold a meeting on April 15 at Sumeru Manch and its application was submitted before that of the GRC. The timing sought clashed too and the GRC also did not provide an alternate venue compelling us to deny permission,” he said.

According to official reports, the GRC submitted its application on April 11 at 3.14pm and the GJM at 1.42pm, with the latter seeking a timeslot from 2pm to 5pm. As per existing rules, permission for public meetings is granted to candidate or parties whose applications reach first, and in this case it was the GJM application which was entertained.


Gorkha Rashtriya Congress to march to Sikkim for Darjeeling-Sikkim merger

12:52 PM
Demanding the merger of Sikkim and Darjeeling district Gorkha Rashtriya Congress (GRS) is planning to take up Darjeeling-Sikkim 'padayatras' this month. According to the party, the demand is the easiest way to get separation from Bengal.
Gorkha Rashtriya Congress plans march to Sikkim this month

"Since 2004 we have been demanding the unification of Darjeeling district and Sikkim. But to press the demand for the first time we are going to organise ‘padayatras’ in this month. There will be a public meeting at Chawk Bazar in Darjeeling to mark the foundation day of GRS on 7 January, “ said the party spokesperson Pramoskar Blone in Siliguri today. "The documents available with us prove that Darjeeling belonged to the state of Sikkim. We will reach out to the people to place our views to them. The previous Sikkim government, while issuing a white paper, had stated that Darjeeling belonged to Sikkim. We have sent the memorandum to the previous UPA government at the Centre. We also have plans to send memorandum to the present government at Centre, “ Mr Blone added.
In the first leg of the ‘padayatras’ the GRS activists would march from Darjeeling to Rongpo, the Bengal-Sikkim border, in the next phases the marches will be organised from Rongpo to Singtham and again between Singhtham and Gangtok.

"We have yet to fix the dates but that will be held this month," he said.

When asked about the Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM) has been demanding separate Gorkhaland state Mr Blone said their demand is the easiest way to be separated from West Bengal. "Most of the people of Hills want separation. Our movement is the easiest way to get separation from the state. In 1986 the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) was created when the separate state demand was started, led by Subash Ghising. The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration ( GTA) was set up when a fresh movement started led by Bimal Gurung, but these setups did not help to get the separation from the state , “ Mr Blone said.

GJMM leaders said they did not support the merger demand. "Our demand is Gorkhaland. We are against the merger. At the same time people do not support the demand of merger, “ said party secretary Roshan Giri.


Darjeeling-Sikkim merger - (GRC) Gorkha Rashtriya Congress

9:59 AM
The Gorkha Rashtriya Congress has intensified its campaign for the Lok Sabha elections across the Darjeeling hills. On Sunday, GRC supporters distributed leaflets in Kurseong promoting the party’s sole election agenda of a Darjeeling-Sikkim merger.

GRC president Nima Lama (R) talking to reporters in Kurseong on Sunday.
GRC president Nima Lama (R) talking to reporters
 in Kurseong on Sunday.
GRC president Nima Lama, party candidate for the Darjeeling seat, said it has been several decades since the people of the hills have raised the demand for statehood. However, the state government has always managed to snub such demands by offering autonomous setups, which are totally unacceptable alternatives, he said.

Talking to reporters here on Sunday, the GRC president said, “Now the people have to knock at the right doors and also make up their minds to vote for GRC to achieve a Sikkim-Darjeeling merger.”

Lama said the GRC has started its election campaigning by issuing leaflets that appeal for votes in support of a Sikkim-Darjeeling merger. He also said the party has urged all communities of the hills to pursue their demand for statehood through the GRC and free themselves from the divisive policies of the state government. The leaflet highlights a number of points related to the party’s stand about Darjeeling being an integral part of Sikkim and never a part of Bengal, added Lama.

The GRC chief also claimed the Centre is in no mood to entertain the demand for a separate state, but it has supported the GRC’s idea of a Sikkim-Darjeeling merger and also sought public feedback on the issue. Lama also insisted the GRC’s proposal is being supported by leaders at the Centre as it seeks unification and not separation.


Gorkha Rastriya Congress (GRC) in LS poll with Sikkim-Darjeeling merger agenda

10:49 AM
Kurseong, 9 March: Gorkha Rastriya Congress (GRC) has started campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections by issuing a leaflet that ends with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi —‘Everyone makes mistakes, but only fools keep repeating them.’

GRC President and its poll candidate Nima Lama said that for the past several decades, the people in the Hills have been demanding and agitating for a separate state of Gorkhaland, but that all the time, the Hills have been given with autonomous bodies.

GRC in poll fray with Sikkim-Darj merger issue
GRC in poll fray with Sikkim-Darj merger issue
According to him, people now need to “knock at the right door” and accordingly make up their minds to vote in favour of Sikkim-Darjeeling merger.

The GRC leadership today met media persons in Kurseong, where they issued the leaflet that appeals to people to vote for GRC candidate Mr Lama and for the cause of Sikkim-Darjeeling merger.

Talking to reporters, the GRC president said the party has appealed to all the communities living in the Hills to vote for the party for their upliftment and against the state government’s “divisive policies.”

He said the leaflet carries several information related to their demand, most importantly the one that says that Darjeeling is an integral part of Sikkim and that it was never a part of Bengal.

He further claimed that the central leadership in Delhi does not even want to hear the Gorkhaland. He claimed that the Centre has instead supported the GRC demand and for the merger of Darjeeling with Sikkim and that it has even asked for a public mandate on the matter in the Hills.

He added that their demand has been positively considered by the central leadership as their demand is for unification and it does not have to do with separatism.
Another GRC leader Amar Laksum said his party has lso unveiled a CD that contains three songs related to the Darjeeling-Sikkim merger.

Gorkha Rastriya Congress contest L.S. election for merging Darjeeling and Sikkim

10:12 AM
Gorkha Rastriya Congress general secretary Subodh Pakhrin today said his party is contesting in the upcoming Lok Sabha election to seek a referendum for merging Darjeeling and Sikkim and to garner wide support for the cause. He further said the GRC does not seek to grab an MP seat and enjoy the privileges, and its sole objective is of a Darjeeling-Sikkim merger. 

GRC general secretary Subodh Pakhrin.
GRC general secretary Subodh Pakhrin.
Darjeeling is a lost territory of Sikkim and it was never a part of Bengal. The land of Darjeeling must be returned to its rightful owner, added Pakhrin.

According to the GRC leader, his party’s demand has been considered positively by national level leaders as it seeks unification and not separation. He said the leaders have supported the GRC’s demand, but at the same time they have asked for a mandate from the people of the Darjeeling hills on the issue making public support for the issue vital.

Pakhrin admitted that the GRC does not enjoy huge public support, but insisted its issue has depth, which is difficult to cast aside. “Truth is always a bitter pill to swallow, but truth has always triumphed in the end. Our support base is increasing, hence we are fighting the election to seek public mandate and highlight the issue of the Sikkim-Darjeeling merger,” he remarked.

The GRC leader also informed the party has already met leaders from Sikkim and Darjeeling a number of times on the issue. Besides, the GRC has also hobnobbed on a regular basis with intellectuals and supporters of the idea.

The GRC has announced party president Nima Lama as its candidate from Darjeeling constituency for the Lok Sabha election.


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