Showing posts with label Gorkha Youth and Student Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorkha Youth and Student Association. Show all posts

Interview with BHANU ra PALA: By Praneet, Sujeence & Mikma

3:06 PM
“Jojo tapai ley Bhanu ra Pala hernu bha?” was the question my younger brother had asked me a year ago. Soon after that, I googled it and sat down to watch the play.

I was awed by their performance, their catchy dialogue and their brilliant acting. But above all, the play tried to drive home the hard hitting reality of our society at present with a coat of humor.

As the days went by I became a great fan of their dedication, passion and their work and it was my wish to know them better. Ultimately, I got a chance to see their third ever sequence “BHANU RA PALA” live in Delhi at the National Museum on the 13th Sept, 2015.

It was a thrilling experience to watch them live and felt really privileged and happy when I was given a chance to meet them back stage and document their story.

Mr. Lalit Golay who plays the main protagonist ‘Pala’ in the play is also the writer of the play. Pala seemed very charming, lively and humorous in his real life as well. It was he who introduced me to Mr. Madan Bhujel well known as ‘Bhanu’ and other supporting artists in the play.

While I was documenting them back stage, I witnessed their true dedications, hard work and bonding as a team. They spent their time rehearsing, practicing and memorizing their lines. Mr. Lalit Golay (pala) made his fellow artists understand the scene, go through the main dialogue sequences and made the characters work on crucial punch-lines.
Interview with BHANU ra PALA
Interview with BHANU ra PALA
Finally, the curtain of the stage was raised and “Bhanu ra Pala” gradually unfolded its first ever play organized at the National Level following a loud cheer and applause from the audience. The auditorium as exploding with the sound of laughter as the audience laughed their guts out hearing the catchy and humorous dialogues not to forget the acting. By the end of the play, the audience were seen smiling and cheering as the environment itself had become lively. After the play people ran to meet their favourite actors backstage. My curiosity to know more about the play and its actors led me to the main character ‘Pala’ who very humbly agreed to sit for a short chit-chat the next day.

The following account is given on the basis of a short interview with him.

How “Bhanu Ra Pala” was born?
If we go back to the time/ era when 'Bhanu' and 'Ghasi' (reference to the Poem 'Ghasi Kuwa' by legendary Nepali language poet Bhanubhakta Acharya) engage in a conversation where the latter talks about his contribution towards the society. Bhanu being a learned elite is intrigued by the noble thoughts of the common ghasi (grass-cutter)and this makes him the greatest poet of all times. Hypothetically speaking, if Bhanu had lived in today’s era and had such similar conversation, he might have felt much frustrated and suffocated and would come to Pala’s wine shop and vent out all his thoughts. Taking such scenarios in to prospect, the Drama “Bhanu ra Pala” was introduced in the year 2007, on 13th July, the same date when Bhanu Bhakta’ was born.

What made you add other characters to your play?
In the society we come across various characters from different aspects of community, such as a drunker, a policeman, etc. The reason behind introducing a drunker in the act is to show how within a society people are destroying their lives by drinking, even though he knows and understands the pros and cons of the current situation along.

What inspired you to be a theatre artist?
My uncle who was into drama and music who inspired me a lot. “When I was a kid I used to love hanging around with them and I was introduced into the world of drama.”

What was your first act?
Ah! The act was based on the famous writer Shiv Kumar Rai’s story titled “Dakhbangla” where I got a chance to play a small role of “dahi walla”. I still remember the dialogue it was “dahi dahi asali dahi”. I was in class 3 it still gives me goose-bumps.

Why have you portrayed all of your acts in a humorous style?
Each of my play has a lot of humour because I believe that every message be it political or social will reach the people more easily with the help of comedy, which makes my audience laugh, entertain them and brings awareness as well.

What is the reason behind hosting your act in Delhi?
The incessant rain which led to the landslides, destroyed many villages and roads in the sub division of Kalimpong, Kolamkham being one of them. Bikram Parajulee (the policeman in the play) who was a volunteer in one of the relief camps, was told by a local that they needed a school because the children over there were studying in a tarpaulin make shift shelter. This event was planned keeping in mind the children of Kolamkham and their future. Whatever money that they collect through this play would be donated for building a school for the children.

Have you ever thought of writing a book?
Ha ha (laughs)…I have been asked the same question before in one such instance a small kid came up to me and said “there are lots of books in the library but why haven’t you written one?”. That simple question asked by that small child make me think a lot thus, I have written my act “Bhannu ra Palla 3” in a book format.

Write up inputs: Praneet Subba , Sujeence Lama & Mikma Lepcha

Source: Gorkha Youth and Students' Association of India - GYASA

GYASA and RP Sharma MP Assam to work together on ’empowerment through education”

4:06 PM
Dinesh Sharma

09 August 2015: GYASA, Gorkha Youth and Student Association, delegates met with Shri Ram Prasad Sharma, a Gorkha Member of Parliament from Assam. We had such a positive meeting that the expected half an hour meeting stretched to 4 hours and two rounds of chai. Reminiscing his days of students politics and bhasha aandolan, RP Sharma sir opened and told us several of his youthful adventures and mesmerizing stories.
GYASA meeting with RP Sharma MP Assam
GYASA meeting with RP Sharma MP Assam 
RP Sir’s one point agenda is “WE NEED MORE UPSC SUCCESS STORIES”. He strongly believes most of our problems will be solved if we can get more Gorkhas through UPSC and other high-ranking positions in the country. We will be working together with RP Sharma on this issue of ’empowerment through education” which also happens to be a vision of GYASA. We also discussed about various other issues like a community center Delhi for all Gorkhas, demand HRD Ministry for constituting a language development board, and various other issues.

While emphasizing on the need to counsel, motivate, and educate our upcoming generations, RP sir also pointed out that despite being such a huge community in India, we are yet to see a Gorkha Governor, Cabinet Minister Rank, Defence General, and so on. If we have our priority set on EDUCATION, the day is not fare when we will have our own Gorkha personality at the helm of affairs.

RP sir also emphasized upon the need to work in tandem with the police department to assist Gorkhas living in Delhi/NCR. While insisting on our right, it is also fundamental that we perform our duties.


GYASA met Mahendra P. Lama at JNU Delhi

2:23 PM
27th July, 2015: GYASA (Gorkha Youth and Student Association) expressed their gratitude to Professor Mahendra P. Lama , the founding president of the DDUDF, for taking time to see them at Jawaharlal Nehru University. It was a fruitful session where they felt intellectually enriched they said. As he was very supportive of the social movement initiated by GYASA, and encouraged them to stay focused in their vision. As the movement grows, staying focused on the goal will be challenging and crucial to the success of the movement.
GYASA met Mahendra P. Lama at JNU Delhi
GYASA met Mahendra P. Lama at JNU Delhi
Prof. Lama says that EDUCATION is the prime key of the upliftment of the Gorkha society. Where he said “Shisha ko kheti” or “Gyan ko kheti” is what we must do to get more Gorkha people into our policy-making and governance in the country. Most of our people, despite being first or second educated generation have achieved quite a feat in all spheres – be it civil services, academics, military service, or private sector. Our people are extremely talented but we do not have proper guidance and counseling for the students.

While education is essential, we also must not forget our roots. NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER FOR PETTY GAINS! THINK BIG! NEVER FORGET YOUR ROOTS, says Prof. Lama. This is because we must inculcate the culture of giving back to the society in our own little way. An institutionalized effort for research and development must be done on our language, culture, and history. While our language has been constitutionally recognized not substantial had happened for research and study into the language.

Prof. Lama in his own words says, “Unfortunately our political leaderships have failed us in every respect. They have been so lacklustre, under-rated at all levels; ignorant to the hilt; marginalised by virtue of their background and acts; harmfully shortsighted and self centric at the highest societal cost. They are seemingly a bunch of emotions, hollow promises with dangerous instincts of self prophesy and survival. They have become local lords and regional cocoons. As a result, the national image and power of the Gorkhas have steadily eroded and widely stigmatised thereby putting the very future of coming generation in total jeopardy.

Hope lies in the resurrection, commitment and re-emergence and active role of the Gorkha youths to come together nationwide and question these leaderships and imbibe in them larger issues of aspirations of the youths. Only this will bring about a healthy and far reaching transformation. It is some sort of a beginning of renaissance within the pan-India community.”

We must be aware of the changing cosmopolitan needs in terms of skills and career growth. Nurturing a READING HABIT amongst the youth is of prime importance to spread the message. We have all the traits of the most civilized society – polite and respectful to others, humble, communally and religiously tolerant, and so on. However the basic premise of a civilized society, EDUCATION is missing. Once we have the weapon education with us, nothing can stop the Gorkhas from achieving what we aspire to be.

Educated youth and individuals must take part in social movement and contribute more towards changing our social mindset and channelize the energy of our coming generation into more socially constructive activities.

Source - GYASA

GYASA delegation met GTA Secretary-General Roshan Giri

2:37 PM
24th July, 2015: Gorkha Youth and Student Association (GYASA) thanks Shri Roshan Giri, Executive Member Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) and Secretary-General of Gorkha Janmukhti Morcha (GJM), for meeting GYASA delegation on 24 July 2015 and discussed about various issues concerning Gorkhas in Delhi/NCR. We also appreciate his efforts for taking up the issue of setting up a Central University in Darjeeling region with the centre.
Gorkha Youth and Student Association (GYASA) with Shri Roshan Giri
Gorkha Youth and Student Association (GYASA) with Shri Roshan Giri
During the summon we with him, we discussed about the various social issues concerning our Gorkha community and GYASA initiatives in the Delhi/NCR. He was very supportive regarding our efforts and encouraged us to continue for the welfare of our community living in the cities. We also discussed and appealed for his support and help on the following our agendas-
  1. To make Gorkha Welfare Center more accessible during emergency situation and for people in distress. We strongly feel that the Gorkha Welfare Center, if used as a support center for people in need and distress, would go a long way in reassuring a sense of security and support for the people living here.
  2. Some of the recent assault case on the three Gorkha boys from Darjeeling, and stalking and assault on one Gorkha sister are now highlighted in court. The main issue is, we have been struggling with finding a lawyer to represent Gorkha in these cases. As we want your assistance to explore options for appointing a panel or lawyers in Delhi/NCR who can speak for us during such emergency. Thus the panel can handle all Gorkha related cases that needs legal advice and counselling. Some of the North Eastern states have recently initiated such step and it has gone a long way in building confidence among the community that they are safe in the city.
  3.  Request the GTA administration to approach the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) with an appeal to appoint people from Darjeeling into Delhi Police. Most of the North Eastern states have nominated their personals. As recently, Delhi Police for North East (DPNE) has also taken Darjeeling and Gorkhas under their ambit and we are very optimistic that some of our people can also be nominated for the DPNE initiative.
We believe that such small initiatives can go a long way to help both the administration and the common people in maintaining law and order and to ensure a feeling of safety and security among Gorkha people living in Delhi/NCR. He assured that we will take up our case with the concerned authorities and help us in all possible ways and advised us to also meet Shri Bimal Gurung, Chief Executive of GTA and Chief of GJM during his Delhi visit sometime in August. We thank him for all of his time and support.

Source: Gorkha Youth and Students' Association of India - GYASA
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