Showing posts with label HIMALAYAN TALK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HIMALAYAN TALK. Show all posts

Election 2016 : Fighting With Battle lines Blurred

9:03 AM
Writes: NN OJha

After nearly seven decades of democratic functioning elections in India offer more anticipation than excitement. They come at fixed intervals with a rather boring frequency and go almost unnoticed. The events that precede and follow the possible announcement of poll schedule bringing into force the ‘model code of conduct’ by the mandarins in New Delhi’s ‘Nirvachan sadan’ are all predictable.

The parties lure electors with promises of a trip to moon and back, declare their candidates and attempt to garner support by convincing the voters how the candidate fielded by each is more deserving of their blessings than all the others. The voter knows who is fighting for what and against whom. The battle lines are drawn clearly so that the choice the voters exercise is clear and informed.

Interestingly it is on this account that battle 2016 is different from the previous elections in the Gorkhaland region. For the last over two decades since the Gorkhaland issue occupied the center stage of electoral politics it has been clear to the voters as to which candidate represents which party and what in a nutshell is the stand of the concerned party on this core issue.
Darjeeling assembly election 2016
Darjeeling assembly election 2016
Irrespective of the broad based academic debate triggered in the recent past by some intellectuals on whether the ‘sensible politics’ of development should take precedence over the ‘emotional politics’ of identity and Gorkhaland for the common voter Gorkhaland is still ‘the issue’. The Assembly election of 2011 and Parliamentary election of 2014 have demonstrated this fact with unmistakable clarity.

While the voter still seems to be unwavering and unchanged it is the political parties who are blurring the battle lines on the eve of the forthcoming election for the state legislative assembly. The GJMM whose main plank for the polls still continues to be statehood for Gorkhaland claims to have received assurances of support from the Indian National Congress and the Left Front (LF) both of who have been against the demand when they were in power in the state. GNLF who is yet to declare its electoral strategy or even its candidates is engaged in loud thinking about alliance with the TMC by either supporting TMC candidates or seeking TMC support for its yet to be announced candidates.

JAP, the new party formed by old politicians with brand intellectual as their USP has turned out to be most intriguing, almost foxy in its approach. Claiming to be in support of the statehood demand the party in the same breath runs down the idea as ‘emotional politics’ exhorting the masses to opt instead for sensible politics.

Within hours of the declaration of poll schedule TMC declared JAP supremo Dr Harka Bahadur Chhetri as its candidate from Kalimpong. Though JAP and Dr Chhetri wish away the whole thing as a result of ‘miscommunication’ insisting that Chhetri is to contest from Kalimpong not as TMC but as JAP candidate, TMC claims to have announced his name in response to a written request he made to TMC to contest as their candidate. Significantly JAP or Dr Chhetri himself hasn’t yet denied TMC’s claims about a written request from Dr Chhetri. Nor has TMC expressed any regrets or apology for the ‘miscommunication’. Quite clearly, between themselves, JAP and TMC want to hold each other’s hand without appearing to be doing so to the voters.

In a democracy based on electoral party politics there is nothing wrong if a party, say JAP, joins hands with another party TMC as part of its electoral strategy. What is wrong is intending one thing and pretending another, denying what you are visibly doing. That amounts to misleading the voters with whose support the party wishes to climb up the power ladder. If electoral practices were to be covered under the consumer protection act such conduct would be termed as ‘mislabeling’ and attract severe penalties.

Some of my younger friends object to JAP being singled out for criticism for its convergence or alliance with TMC when GJMM is also receiving support from the Left Front and Congress who were as opposed to Gorkhaland during their ruling days as TMC is today. They also argue that GNLF too is toying with the idea of receiving or lending support to TMC and still not a word is heard condemning them. JAP they argue is a new political party that needs to be given a chance.

Here is my take on each of these arguments.

No, JAP isn’t a new party. Only the name is new not the politicians in it all of whom are old hands we all know.

There is a difference between GNLF, GJMM and JAP. Let us begin with GNLF. The party is open, honest and candid that it doesn’t support statehood for Gorkhaland and is instead for the Sixth Schedule status. TMC too is opposed to the idea of statehood for Gorkhaland and may be open to sixth schedule. There is thus convergence of views between the two parties. At least there is no divergence or contradiction in terms. In case of alliance between the two the voters know what they are supporting or opposing irrespective of whether they are voting for GNLF or for the alliance partner TMC.

In so far as GJMM is concerned it stands clearly for Gorkhaland. If any party, be it the Left or the Indian National Congress offers support for its candidates it is an implicit support by that party to the idea of Gorkhaland within the limited context. Situation would have been just the opposite had GJMM begged for support from these parties or had decided to support these parties in their bid for power in the state as a quid pro quo for the support these parties extend to GJMM’s candidates.

Now look at JAP. They claim to be in support of Gorkhaland and yet they enter into a general alliance with Gorkhaland’s sworn opponent the TMC. Where is the ideological convergence between the two? The alliance can’t even be justified in the name of development as the first priority overriding Gorkhaland. Just look at the manifesto of the TMC for these elections. Where does development of the region figure in it? The manifesto clubs us with jangalmahal equating us with the violence ridden red bastion of the Maoists with none of the development projects meant for the rest of the civilized Bengal meant for our region. When you look at the portion dealing with development achieved during the TMC’s past five years rule there is precious little to show for our region. (More on the analysis of the manifesto in my next write up).

In the backdrop of such confusing scenario can the voter be clear who and what he is voting for? For Gorkhaland which JAP claims it stands for or against Gorkhaland which their alliance partner TMC stands for? For development which JAP says is their over arching priority above Gorkhaland or for the deep descend from once promised Switzerland to now projected Jangalmahal that we find ourselves in as per the TMC’s manifesto?

Political parties owe it to their voters to get into the arena with their aims and objectives placed clearly for the voters enabling them to take an informed decision on who and what they are voting for. For the voters the election is a battle in which they wish to score victory for their aspirations. They turn out losers in spite of their best capabilities if the battle lines are so blurred. If the voters are losers political parties too become losers in the long run. It is time the parties realized this distant but hard truth.

Via TheDC 

NaMo Vs Didi at Darjeeling turf

9:49 PM
Our take: "Praise on honesty was a balancing act, but NaMo lost to Didi as Lepchas supported Bhaichung."

“When people have no faith on the police, they have faith on the Gorkhas and rely on their honesty. You dream is our dream”—Narendra Modi or NaMo in Siliguri. The words spoken by NaMo means a lot to the Gorkhas scattered across the country and fighting for identity, at a time when Bengal rebukes on no division of state.

Modi  Vs Didi at Darjeeling  turf
Modi  Vs Didi at Darjeeling  turf

Modi seems to have done his homework in the run up to lok sabha poll campaign in North Bengal. He showcased a balancing act where he managed to woe all sections of the agitating communities especially the Gorkhas. Also by not uttering or rather by not promising creation of separate state he kept his option open to woe the voters in the plains.

Ofcourse, despite this balancing act whether voters both in the plains and the hills will go in favour of BJP is still a million dollar question. Because so to say, this poll season hill votes are surely on the edge of division while in the plains people mostly remains united whenever the question of division arises. 

Infact, NaMo’s all praise for the honesty of Gorkhas on the same day failed to attract the Lepchas in the hills who pledged support to Bhaichung Bhutia. The Tamangs are being expected to follow the Lepcha footsteps. And adding to it Dr. Mahendra P.Lama and not to forget the CPIM is already there to divide the votes further.

It was no exception that the BJP prime ministerial candidate chose not to utter ‘Gorkhaland’ and that has done the damage.  A pledge to create ‘Gorkhaland’ would have done on the needed support to win comfortably. Opposition forces like CPRM, ABGL and DDUDF of which Dr. Lama is the candidate infact remained unimpressed. A poster against Modi in Kurseong was a testimony to that.

Having said that the Darjeeling issue has caught the National attention cannot be ruled out. But, NaMo’s speech to woe Darjeeling constituency voters seemed to loose on Mamata Bannerjee’s politics of divide and rule. She managed to bag the Lepcha support expectedly to be followed by Tamangs and the King of Darjeeling politics vis-a-vis Subash Ghisingh has already gone on record to support the Sikkim lad. BJP only has GJM support.

The stage is all set for a fight between NaMo and Didi on Darjeeling turf. No wonder where the GJM is heading towards would be known after the poll results.

Vivek Ghatani Editor Indian Gorkhas

NaMo praises Gorkha honesty, does not utter ‘Gorkhaland’

8:36 PM
"Give us five years and see what we do: NaMo to Voters"

Pachkalguri (Siliguri), April 10: Narendra Modi (NaMo), the BJP prime ministerial candidate blustered the chief minister, alleged change of governance a fake one but praised the Gorkhas while he promised to fulfill the aspirations of the Gorkhas, Adivashis and Rajbonshis in his first ever political appearance in North Bengal on Thursday.
NaMo praises Gorkha honesty, does not utter ‘Gorkhaland’
Narendra Modi's Speech in Siliguri Darjeeling on 10th April 2014 

Addressing a packed crowd of around 1.5 lakhs supporters of GJM-BJP-KPP combine, NaMo left no stone unturned woe the sentiments of the Gorkhas presumably knowing that BJP candidate S.S.Ahaluwalia for the Darjeeling is banking on the support of the GJM to seek a berth from Bengal. He chose though not to utter the word “Gorkhaland” but said, “When people have no faith on the police, they have faith on the Gorkhas and rely on their honesty. You dream is our dream”.

The BJP candidate from Varanasi added that the Gorkhas have been ignored. Taking the example of Tenzing Sherpa, the man who climbed Mt. Everest along with Sir Edmund Hillary, he said, “Both Delhi and Bengal have forgotten to honour such a great man. Time has come now to serve the demand of the Gorkhas, Rajbonshis and Adivashis”.

The party which is running high in spirits in India had stroke a deal with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) before the name for the Darjeeling seat was announced. The GJM has pledged support to the party with a hope that it will take a positive step towards formation of ‘Gorkhaland’ – a separate state to be carved out from Bengal. Banerjee however is univocal who has tie and again repeated that she will not allow division of Bengal.

The BJP manifesto that was released on April 7 interestingly had not mentioned about Gorkhaland putting prospects of BJP winning the seat in jeopardy but later brought out an addendum saying that it would sympathetically looking into the long pending demands of the Gorkhas, Adivashis and Rajbonshis.  

Touching upon the infiltrators issue he said, “The Bangladeshi infiltrators have eaten up your rights,” he said adding the Delhi and West Bengal governments are not sympathetic for the sons of the soil.

Attacking the chief minister unlike in his rally in Kolkata where he had said that he supported the Bengal cash strap problem he lambasted saying that the change in Bengal is a fake one. “Rather than doing politics of vote bank by appeasing a particular community, she should have competed with smaller states in the field of development. The two and half years of governance of the TMC in West Bengal, has made people frustrated,” he added.

“The change in West Bengal is a fake one and you should now vote for the real change,” he said before his 32 minute-long-speech ended appealing to people to give the BJP five years time to serve them and see what it can do for the country.

Earlier in the morning the BJP’s star campaigner reached Pachkalguri on the outskirts of Siliguri by helicopter after arriving at Bagdogra airport in a chartered plane.
The crowd went hysteric after Modi’s helicopter was sited forcing S S Ahluwalia the BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate from Darjeeling to stop his speech to raise the slogans like Har Har Modi and Abki Bar Modi Sarkar. Bimal Gurung the GJM president, Ahluwalia, Rahul Sinha the BJP West Bengal state president and Atul Roy the Kamtapur People’s Party (KPP) president, who were present on the dias welcomed him.

Vivek Ghatani Editor Indian Gorkhas

Political diplomacy at different levels in this election - Himalayan Talk

11:18 AM

"Kautilya said that diplomacy is a subtle act of war. "

Though Mamata Banerjee's TMC and GJM backed BJP are campaigning dead hard against each other in Darjeeling, the story might be completely different post election in Delhi when it comes to larger picture for both the parties.When it comes to the center or national politics, well, its a different ball game altogether.We have already witnessed hardcore opponents getting together for an issue in the center, haven't we?.

Political diplomacy at different levels in this election - Himalayan Talk
Political diplomacy at different levels in this election - Himalayan Talk
Largest gorkha political party in Darjeeling, GJM (Gorkha Janmukti Morcha), have backed Mr SS Ahluwalia BJP candidate for upcoming Lok Sabha Election by all means. Even-though, Ahluwalia's counterpart,  Jaswant Singh have failed to deliver his pre-poll promises GJM still have faith on BJP and its leaders. 

Having said that, when BJP can expel leaders like Jaswant Singh what force on earth would prevent them from playing with the sentiment of Gorkhas all over India, Gorkhaland issue.

"We will sympathetically examine and appropriately consider the long pending demands of the Gorkhas, the Adivasis and other people of Darjeeling district and Dooars region." was the  "Maha Mantra" that got BJP candidate Jaswant Sing his votes in 2009.

Despite GJM's repeated mentioning that BJP support Gorkhaland, the 2014 manifesto of BJP does not have any mention of the word 'Darjeeling' or 'Gorkha' forget about 'Gorkhaland'.

Later, sources in the BJP said the party wanted to keep the door open for Trinamul chief Mamata Banerjee. The BJP would not like to anger Mamata at this juncture before the polls. 

TMC on the other hand has filed its own candidate, a national football star Bhaichung Bhutia from the neighboring state of Sikkim, who they think looks alike, talks the language and most importantly do what they want him to do. Bhutia have been uttering development commitments to woo the people in the hills.

Dr Mahidra P lama adpots his election symbol a Table Lamp so dose SKM (sikkim krantikari morcha).Is this a mere coincidence or is there a hidden agenda? According Pawan Kumar Chamling, Sikkim Democratic Front(SDF) President and the current chief minister of Sikkim , SKM'S hidden agenda is 'Sikkim-Darjeeling Merger.'SKM wants to merge Sikkim with Darjeeling.

Subash Ghishing returns to Darjeeling after 5 years of forced exile and felt his presence when parties in the hills and plains approached him for his support in the upcoming Lok Sabha election. Surprisingly, GJM, the main force behind Ghising's exile, also asked for his support in getting BJP candidate SS Alhuwali elected from the Darjeeling cobstituency.

GNLF chief Subash Ghishing, however, have declared his support for TMC candidate Bhaichung and justifies his stand by saying mind games and right moves matters in Politics. How ironic can it get, person who coined the term "Gorkhaland" has to support Anti-Gorkhaland force that has always been against Gorkhaland. Political diplomacy at its best, i guess it is.

Indian Gorkhas Exclusive -(All rights reserved)

Double mouthing could foil things for BJP-GJM alliance - HIMALAYAN TALK

11:04 PM
Danger to Follow: King is back to find his place

When it comes to general elections in the country, the Darjeeling parliamentary seat has always drawn attention in North Bengal. The area or constituency being a conglomerate of the plains and the hills, the voters divided over the demand of the Gorkhas vis-a-vis the Gorkhaland state to be carved out of West Bengal, this time too has been the seat which is most talked about. 

Having said that in the last parliamentary election Jaswant Singh the BJP nomine for the seat managed an easy win and despite the CPIM giving a first-class fight, for the observers it had been an easy guess to them before the polls as to who would win. The BJP then had also promised to look into the Gorkha demand ‘sympathetically’. The voters convinced then showered blindly with their votes to Jaswant.

BJP candidate in Darjeeling S.S. Ahluwalia and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung at a mass meeting in Sukna
BJP candidate in Darjeeling S.S. Ahluwalia and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung at a mass meeting in Sukna
Even before the first vote is to be casted, people here have got a reason not to believe the BJP and its ally the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). The anecdote is fast changing with barely two weeks remaining for the region to go to polls. The politics of winning the game is fast changing with Bhaichung Bhutia meeting Subash Ghisingh, the king who once ruled the hills and turned the table with his gracious googlies. 

The politics of double mouthing is what the hill voters are looking into and that could foil things for both BJP and its backing partner the GJM. The danger however interestingly for some could be that the king has come to the hills hungry to conquer its place of pride.

BY VIVEK GHATANI  - Indian Gorkhas Exclusive

Reminiscing ‘hope’ has been a generous way to win hill hearts - Himalayan Talk

10:19 AM
Tenzing Sherpa’s accountability cannot be counted with votes

A generous way to win hearts of the voters is to give them hope. Atleast that is what all fighting for the Darjeeling parliamentary seat are doing while campaigning for themselves for the past couple of days. ‘If’ BJP comes to power at the centre, the Darjeeling born great Everest climber is likely to get ‘Bharat Ratna’. Smiles on the face of many and brings hope on their hearts.

Reminiscing ‘hope’ has been a generous way to win hill hearts
People taking part in a rally in Darjeeling
‘If’ I (read Mahendra P.Lama) am elected as MP ‘I’ will raise ‘my’ voice for Gorkhaland in the parliament. Another ‘hope’ for the hills and hearts filled with another ‘hope’. How many times the people of the hills have heard that an elected MP has promised to raise ‘Gorkhaland’ in a house after being elected? The number may not be on the heads of hill people. 

Using word ‘If’ itself is a critical way to promise anything. When a word ‘If’ comes, it suggests that things may happen or may not. The act of great Tenzing Sherpa who climbed Everest along with Edmond Hillary has been written in history and known to the world. By all standards he needs to be honoured with a ‘Bharat Ratna’.

But why would he have to vote for BJP to get the status? How many in India who received the honour did actually vote for the ruling party to be honoured? Absurdity for a leader of national stature to say ‘if’ his party comes to power ‘Sherpa’ would be honoured with ‘Bharat Ratna’. Blaming opposition for overlooking such honour to such great personality is an easy task. It is as if you did not know about Sherpa given the fact that you spent some time in Bengal. You could have fought for the prestigious award for Sherpa given the fact that BJP represented the hills for the last five years in the lower house. A person to receive such honour has to prove his ability. Sherpa has done that already. Gorkhas need not prove Sherpa’s act of high achievement. It is because of the Sherpa’s work he should be honoured not because we vote you and he gets the honour.

It may be a Herculean task for a first timer Dr. Lama to say ‘I would give you Gorkhaland once I am elected’. Even if he is elected he would be a lone representative in the parliament for the Gorkhas although a lone MP from Sikkim can add to the number. Ofcourse he (the Sikkim MP) will not even make an effort to add the number because of political gimmicks. 

So the ‘son of the soil’ cannot make such bigger a promise. Using your own term ‘if’ you are wary of forming the government at the centre then why not promise to create ‘Gorkhaland’ rather than looking at the demand ‘sympathetically’. That in the real time would win the hill votes. A ‘sincere commitment’ to create Gorkhaland from National outfits can bring in the much needed support. It is a wide known fact that the Trinamool candidate Bhaichung Bhutia cannot promise the same because of his political compulsions.

Submitted by Vivek Ghatani

Darjeeling in the middle of political crossroads, squat of unity - Himalayan Talk

10:15 PM

A great street sweeper who performed shoddily

Darjeeling in the middle of crossroads, squat of unity

If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say “Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Darjeeling in the middle of crossroads, squat of unity - Himalayan Talk
Darjeeling in the middle of crossroads, squat of unity - Himalayan Talk
Darjeeling and its people are in the middle of crossroads, caught between mainstream politics and the demand for Gorkhaland. Here we have some sketching developmental note and there we get voices saying ‘I would speak for the demand’. Difficult task for the people has come to knock its door, to choose from the one between a leader who wants development and others who are ready to raise the demand at the highest level.

Bimal Gurung’s so called fearless and last battle for Gorkhaland is nowhere nearing to achievement. The people had entrusted you to be that great street sweeper but your lack of knowledge on Michelangelo Painting or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare poetry has been clearly exposed. You have lost the battle even before you started it. A battle is won when you leave little option for the opponent to makes its move, infact no option at all. 

Dr. Mahendra P.Lama, a noted academician and one of the candidates in the poll fray, turning down a request from Gurung to support BJP for the Darjeeling parliamentary seat holds right in every respect. CPRM backing out to support BJP holds right in every respect. GNLF trying out its own options for making its political survival also hold right in every respect. Let us leave Bhaichung Bhutia. He is not entitled to utter even the letter ‘G’ of ‘Gorkhaland’ because he is a burrowed player from the opponent team. 

That Gurung and his aides failed even to go a step further for their last battle for Gorkhaland can be attributed from the above facts. The GJM failed to bring all these forces in a single platform. That, if supporting BJP in the ensuing election will make the battle easier is the sincere logic of the GJM, then it would have been wiser for it to discuss the matter first at the local level with all political and apolitical forces. When you were in trouble you did form the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee (GJAC). Once you were out of the trouble you forgot about it. 

You played football where you seem to be the ball itself. You join hands sometime at Brigade with Didi, now with a Punjabi brother but no relation with your brothers. The lack of political maturity has been exposed. 

‘Gorkhaland’ does not belong to Bhaichung Bhutia or S.S. Ahluwalia. It is not their demand. It is the demand of the people of the Darjeeling hills, hitherto the demand of the Gorkhas scattered in the country who has been facing an identity crises. It is not about development only. More than that it is the people’s aspiration who wants to be recognized as Indian rather than a perception that they are a citizen from Nepal who migrated to India.

With every move that you make let not the GenNext Gorkhas curse you rather than calling you a great street sweeper. With votes beginning to divide in the hills even before nominations are being filed, one cannot deny the fact that the TMC would grow stronger by the end of the polls. Time has allowed once again to the hills to reunite and choose a consensus MP in a bid to have atleast one in the parliament who would speak for us.

Submitted by Vivek Ghatani to Indian Gorkhas

Vivek Ghatani is a freelance journalist working since the past 10 years covering Darjeeling, North Bengal and Sikkim. He has already worked with publications like The Statesman, The Telegraph, The Himalayan Mirror and Civil Society Magazine apart from contributing in many local magazines from time to time.

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