Showing posts with label Hill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hill. Show all posts

The Actual Virus Plaguing the Darjeeling Hills

8:56 AM
Writes Chandan Pariyar

Darjeeling Hills is boiling with the fear of virus every passing day, disorder and chaos seems to be the order of the day. Yet  Corona isn't the virus that would eventually take us to our grave it would be unhealthy politics of our local leaders.

With 2021 Bengal Election nearing, the political parties in the Hills have found a new crutch to straighten their political leg, the Coronavirus .
COVID 19 No Facilities as Woman Breastfeeds in Bengal Tea Garde.Screengrab from a video taken by The Quint, was taken at a tea garden in Darjeeling run by the Bansal Tea Corporation.

At a time where the notion should have been  'Unity is Strength ,' the political parties are  busy drawing political blood. The leaders have become performers of a cheap roadside show, whether it is becoming a porter carrying loads in jeans and t-shirts, or the superhuman saviour of a district without doing anything much, or walking through the alleys of hospitals wearing a Modi coat. The cast is simple yet it confuses the Hill flock. With the increasing number of  COVID-19 + patients  in the Hills , the political parties are leaving no stone unturn to garner public sympathy. They should understand that the present problem of dealing with the virus should be their priority else there won't  be any public left in hills for their politics and their parties.

Now,more than ever,the people greatly feel the absence of locally elected political body and leaders who would have governed the people and would have been accountable to them. Whereas now our people are running from pillar to post  in desperation, whether it be finding out how to get  back home or asking for quarantine centers and sometimes even fighting with the administration in keeping and following the lockdown rules( a blatant violation was seen in Kalimpong when a lady had returned from Kolkata while Kpg was still a containment zone and had refused to be admitted to the quarantine center, only after huge protest and uproar by the locals, had the administration and the lady relented). With the numbers rising,  their demand of Testing labs in the Hills has still not been met with.  The lackadaisical treatment which has always been metted to the people from the hills and North Bengal with hundreds of  result of the test still unknown, the fear of an unknown fate seems prevailing within the hills.

The nationwide introduction of Ayushman Bharat in which a BPL family would be benefitted with 5 lacks medical insurance has  not been allowed to function by the TMC Bengal govt. The  people are deprived of basic healthcare facilities,whose fault is that? Thousands of poor families would have been benefitted by the insurance but the politiking of the Bengal govt has made sure we are deprived of even the most basic facility. None of the  local leaders address this issues least the hammer of displeasure of their Master's criticism fall on their puny political ambition.It is not important to them .

Another  scheme is Kishan  Saman Nidhi  which benefits 8crore farmers in the  country . This welfare schemes should have aided the farmers of our Hills in this time of crises but since there is no cut to the syndicate the scheme is not implemented. So when these farmers are deprived of their livelihood, will they take the blame?

The condition of the tea garden workers is well known to everyone, their garden opened even when the lockdwown was in strict accordance, their wages have yet to see any increase, many a times tea garden owners have left without issuing salaries and bonuses and have abandoned the garden. The leaders would not have a say, the agreements in Nabana is also not hidden from us.

Now isn't the time for these political parties to dig deep into their differences  rather they should have come together for their people, showing solidarity .However, it seems that  they have sniffed an opportunity  to suck what is left of the Hills people's blood like  parasites, trying to project the guise of working for the people when is reality very little has been actually done. All this so that  it can encash the Bidhan Sabha election in 2021.

These political party have over the years  stripped every bit of life and self respect from the community, the people, wages of the tea garden labourers of the world renowned Darjeeling Tea still miniscule and bonuses not paid,their sons in the exile, hundreds of them imprisoned for demanding their constitutional right, many being shot down,  many tortured to death in jails, unemployment , no Central University, lack of good government hospitals the list could go on forever. Thousands of our youngesters have migrated to cities and abroad not because they want to but because they have to due to lack of any employment. The money they sent back home is what has kept the hearth of many villages burning,it is what saved the people from the food and essential blockade done by Bengal govt during the Gorkhaland andolan of  2018.And yet during this crisis all the local leaders can do is prune themselves, busy soaking their political projection of having done something and nodding their heads and justifying all the mistakes of their masters at Nabanna. They  had just one agenda to fight for their people and for Gorkhaland. But that it seems has taken a backseat. Gorkhaland and the people don't matter to them, they don't want to rise from their luxurious slumber provided by their masters sucking the lives and blood of the hill people .The Hall of Illusions created by Maya has seeped into their beings lulling them into believing whatever is being projected. Through blindness to reality our political leaders has unleashed destruction and anguish upon our people.
All they are ready to do is make silver potholes for us to fall in the trap.

On the contrary the press conferences have become regular, FB pages are advertising the the work of their leaders , but none of them are addressing the real issue which should have been dealt by now, i.e, to Establish  Testing Lab in the Hills, set up more quarantinne centers, community awareness so that none faces discrimination in their villages.

These issues should have been dealt when the lockdown was announced .All parties should have come together to ask for Testing Labs, restrict movement during lockdwown.  While some became busy in providing relief work, others started watching them  with eagles eyes so that in the slightest error  they would inturn condemn them, and perpare their ground.So even after 2 and half months of shut down we are exactly where we were, deprived of basic  amenities to fight the virus.

When the team from Centre visited Kalimpong as then it  was a hotspot did any leader think it necessary to ask for a testing lab? Did they even go and meet the team? Wasn't  it necessary? Now they fight over claiming things to be done. Pathetic is not enough to describe the so called leaders.

If an honest survey was done about the leaders of the Hills, I am sure they will  have nothing good to share of as every person in the Hills know that they have not only conned us out of resources and life but they have stripped us of our dignity. They have to rise from their comfort zones,  provide public service beyond imagination or else their chances of existing in the Hills as a representatives of the  Hill population seemed hazy and blurred. Their lack of  vision would ensure their fall.

With true net testing being started in Kalimpong and Darjeeling from yesterday  there is still a long way for the battle against the Coronavirus. I am looking forward for their anticipation, are you ???

Via the Gorkhali

पहाडमा रोहिङ्या अनि गोर्खा जाती

9:52 PM

थुलुङ भाई

अहिले घरी सामाजिक संजालहरुमा कतिथ रुपले रोहिङ्या मुसलमान पहाडँ(कालेबुङ) भित्र पसेको भिडियो चर्चाको बिषय बनेको छ।

यदि साच्चै नै ती सबै ब्यक्तिहरु रोहिङ्या मुसलमानहरु हुन भने यो समग्र पहाडँ अनि गोर्खा जातीको निम्ति मात्रै नभएर देशको सुरक्षा ब्यवस्था माथी नै हमला हो।के भिडियोमा देखिएको ब्यक्तिहरु भारतीय  मुसलमान हुन अथवा पहाडँ घुम्न आएका साधारण पर्यटकहरु मात्र हुन?कहाँ छन् उनीहरु अहिले? के गर्दैछन्?

पुलिस प्रशासन अनि गोर्खाल्यान्ड क्षेत्रीय प्रशासनका अधिकारीहरुले झट्ट यो बिषय माथी ध्यानसंग छानबिन गरि सत्यता के हो जनता सामु ल्याउन नितान्त आवश्यक छ।कारण यस्ता घटनाहरुले पहाडँमा फेरि अशान्ति शृजना गर्न सक्छ भन्न सकिन्दैन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड क्षेत्रीय प्रशासनको प्रवेस द्वार सुकुना देखि केही मिनेट टाडो सालबाढीमा पनि बिगत दिनहरु भन्दा धेरै संख्यामा अवैध बंगलादेशीहरुको प्रवेस भएको कुरा प्रकाशमा आएको छ अनि उनिहरुले हेर्दाहेर्दै एउटा नयाँ गाउँ नै बनाएको लेखक स्वयं लाई अनुभव छ।तब प्रश्न उठँछ यहा,के यस्ता घटनाहरु प्रशासनको जानकारी बिना घटन सक्छ?के राज्यको खुफिया विभागलाई यस बारे जानकारी हुदैन? प्रश्न गम्भीर छ।अनि त्यो भन्दा गम्भीर कुरो यस्ता कुराहरु प्रकासमा आएपनी प्रशासन किन मौन? राज्य सरकार होस अथवा केन्द्र सरकार दुवैले यो बिसयमा चासो न राखेको झै देखिन्छ।

केन्द्र सरकारको एक रिपोर्ट अनुसार पश्चिम् बंगालमा मात्रै २ करोड अवैध बंगलादेशीहरु बसोबास गर्छन्।
आसाम राज्य पनि अवैध बंगलादेशीहरुको समस्याले ग्रसित छ भने उडिस्सा पनि अछुतो छैन।सन १९७९ सालमा अल आसाम स्टुडेन्ट युनियनले अवैध बंगलादेशीको मुद्दा सरकार सम्मुख उठाएका थिए।तर सरकारले गम्भीरता पुर्वक लिएन,फलस्वरूप वर्तमान समयमा आएर केन्द्र सरकारलाई हस्ताक्षेप गर्न कर लाग्यो अनि असली भारतीय मुसलमान अनि अवैध बंगलादेशी छुट्टाउने प्रक्रिया आसाममा चलिरहेको छ।यी तीन राज्य मध्ये अवैध बंगलादेशीहरुको निम्ति पश्चिम् बंगाल राज्यमा प्रवेस गर्न सबैभन्दा सजिलो रहेको पनि बिगतका कतिपय भाइरल भिडियोहरु अनि घटनाहरुले स्पष्ट बुझाएको छ।

अन्तमा कालेबुङ शहर भित्र रोहिङ्या प्रवेश गरेको कतिथ घटनालाई कुनै राजनीतिकरण नगरी गम्भीरता पुर्वक छानबिन गरि सत्य कुरा उजागर गर्न अहिलेको परिवेशमा आवश्यक छ।

जय हिन्द जय गोर्खा

Separate ministry or policy for mountainous state - IMI

6:35 AM
Separate policy push for mountain states

Vivek Chhetri (Telegraph)

Darjeeling: A civil society group seeking separate development policies for hill states renewed its demand on Friday at a meeting in Darjeeling attended by representatives from 12 hill states.

The Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI), floated in 2011, draws members from different walks of life including bureaucracy, politics, academicians and students among others.
Separate ministry or policy for mountainous state

"We believe (government) policies do not really take into the account the realities in mountainous areas. The schemes are drawn up in Delhi and many of the schemes and policies are more suited for the plains," Fantry Mein Jaswal, secretary of the IMI, said after the meeting on Friday.

The IMI has representatives in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Bengal (Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts) and Assam (Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao).

"Probably, (we need a) separate ministry for mountainous states or at least separate policies for hilly states," said Jaswal.

Some changes appear to be taking shape after the IMI's efforts. The ministry of environment, forests and climate change has now created a separate mountain division.

But more needs to be done, IMI representatives stressed and added that most chief ministers of these states had warmed up to the idea. "We have been holding annual summits since 2012 and have been working on different fronts," said Jaswal.

"The project will continue till March 2019 and an Indian Himalayan Region level compendium will be complied to look into these issues," said Praful Rao, president of the Darjeeling Himalayan Initiative (DHI).

"We had the first meeting in Darjeeling. Such consultative work will be held in all hill states," Rao added.

Bengali optional in hills: CM Mamata Banerjee

4:48 PM


Mirik, June 5: Mamata Banerjee today said Bengali would not be compulsory at schools in the Darjeeling hills and in certain areas of the Dooars and the Terai.

The chief minister's about-turn is perceived to be aimed at meeting the twin objectives of soothing the frayed nerves in the hills and retaining the advantage Trinamul had made in recent civic polls.

Despite Mamata's announcement, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha said it would continue to hold processions across the hills till June 8 on the language issue.

Mamata made the announcement at a government programme here amidst an agitation launched by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha on the language issue.

"Some persons here are playing politics and trying to divide people. The GTA elections are ahead and as they lack a proper issue, they are spreading rumours. We want to make it clear that Bengali will not be a compulsory language in the hills and in some parts of the Terai and the Dooars," Mamata said.

After the state government had made public its plan to make learning of Bengali compulsory at schools, Mamata and education minister Partha Chatterjee said the decision would be applicable to the hills as well.

However, the chief minister made a U-turn in Mirik today and said Bengali would be the fourth language in the hills.

"If Bengalis can read Nepali, then why can't Gorkhas read Bengali? We want to keep Bengali as an optional language as students in the hills need to know Bengali. In due course, when they will move out to other parts of the state for jobs, this learning will help them. It will be an optional language here," she said.

The change in the decision, observers said, was necessary to ensure that the hills did not shun Trinamul that had just won Mirik municipality and some seats in three other hill civic bodies.

"The decision had led to protests in the hills and the Morcha that was a bit upset after losing Mirik to Trinamul got a pertinent issue to revive its support base. After today's announcement, the situation has again become favourable for Trinamul," an observer said.

Mamata also said the state government would audit the spending of funds by the GTA that is administered by the Morcha.

(Via:Telegraph )

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) threatens bandh in the Hills, Mamata warns no violence

8:19 AM
23rd Sep 2016 Darjeeling Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) chief Bimal Gurung has threatened to go for a bandh in the Hills on 23 September if Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee fails to give detail break up of this Rs 4000 crore which, according to the chief minister, has been given to the GTA.

"You carry forward several development schemes which you have already taken up. Our government will give money for such schemes. Don't worry for money. You just go ahead with your goals for developing the Hills," the chief minister Mamata Banerjee said, making it clear that her government would not allow any disruption in the ongoing development in Darjeeling.
Battle between Mamata and  Bimal Gurung
"Yesterday, she had announced that her government has given Rs 4000 crore to the Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA). We want a detail break up of this Rs 4000 crore which, according to the chief minister, has been given to the GTA. If the chief minister Mamata Banerjee fails to give any break-up by September 27, we will go for bandhs in Darjeeling from September 28," Gurung said on Friday.

According to a PTI report, GJM chief Bimal Gurung said that CM stated that Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) was given Rs 4000 crore by the state government and that the CM should give details of the money spent.

"Let her give the details of the amount by 27 September. Failing which we will call a bandh on 28 September," he said.

"The state government is forcing us to call a strike," Gurung said in Darjeeling around 1pm today. "An atmosphere of agitation is building up in the hills. Tourists should check the situation before making their travel plans," he added.

Around two hours later in Kalimpong, Mamata said she would not allow any shutdown.

"There will be no bandh. We will not allow negative and disruptive politics," Mamata said, before specifying why tourism was so important for the livelihood of the people in the hills.

Following the call for bandh, Mamata threatened that her government will not allow any bandh in the Darjeeling Hills and will resist any attempts to disrupt the development activities in the region.

Banerjee said that instead of working for development, they are indulging in politics.

"We want peace in hills. We will not allow violence. Enough is enough. We must work for development. We have developed Lamahatta, Mirik, Tiger Hill, Lava Lolegaon. But they want to destroy it all by violence," she said.

"We will not stop the process of development in the hills. We want people to get employment. We are here to address the issues of the hills. If the hills smile, we will smile," she said.

Gurung - already reeling from a spate of defections from the Morcha to Trinamul - said today: "It is not good for a chief minister to speak in excitement. She has given us Rs 238 crore for the development of the hills in the past four years and now, she claims that she has given Rs 4,000 crore. Even if she includes the salaries of staff and administrative expenses, the figure is a lie," said Gurung.

Morcha leaders today rolled out a set of numbers to drill holes into Mamata's claims. Government sources also produced their fact sheet to prove the chief minister's point (see chart).

Amid the debate on whose numbers were right, Gurung issued the strike threat, first call of the kind from the Morcha after more than three years. The last phase of the shutdown went on for a month till September 10, 2013, over the Gorkhaland demand.

The chief minister has announced to set up a development board for the Gurungs in Darjeeling. Mamata  has already formed development boards for ten tribal groups in Darjeeling including Lepchas,Bhutias, Tamangs. Now she has announced to set up Gurung development board in Darjeeling after the Pujas.

He took care to explain the two other reasons behind the strike call - increasing interference in the affairs of the hills by the state government and an alleged attempt to divide the community.

Although Morcha leaders tried to stress that the main reason behind the strike call was to expose the state government, an official said the threat was an indicator that Gurung was getting increasingly restless with the turn of events.

"He is realising that he is losing control over the hills and the strike call is a desperate attempt by him to remain relevant. The state government would not let the strike happen and a confrontation is imminent," said the officer.

To start with, the Trinamul Congress is gnawing at the Morcha's support base by forming development boards.

During the last Assembly elections, the Morcha's winning margin in the three hill constituencies fell by 68.5 per cent, compared to the 2011 results

"The civic and panchayat elections will take place in a few months. Of the four civic bodies in the hills, we are comfortably ahead of the Morcha in Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik. Didi has endeared herself to the rural people in the hills through repeated visits. Gurung is doing all this to retain his turf. He is scared," said a Trinamul insider.

According to him, Gurung is aware that the GTA would become redundant if Trinamul performs well in the civic and panchayat polls as major government projects could be carried out through these elected bodies.

The GTA has already become a fringe player in the hills as the state government is using the development boards to shower benefits on various communities. Today, Mamata handed over a cheque for Rs 10 crore to the Tamang body to build houses for the poor before inaugurating a youth hostel.

"All the development boards are with us. Harka (Bahadur Chhetri, a former Morcha leader) is with us... Bharati Pradhan is with us. Ghisingh's son is with us. We have the support of the hills," said Mamata.

Tomorrow, Trinamul will deal another blow to the Morcha as PWD and youth affairs minister Aroop Biswas will preside over a programme, where hundreds of Morcha supporters would join the ruling party.

Various sources

GJM demands “backward area” status for Darjeeling hills

9:18 AM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, Aug. 12: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today demanded that since the state government had decided to bring the entire population in the Darjeeling hills under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana, the Mamata Banerjee administration declare the region a “backward area”  and provide other benefits.

The Morcha, however, said the state government would not do so and the “hidden agenda” of covering the entire hills under the AAY was to cut down on the foodgrains it had promised the people of the region before the Assembly elections.

Under the AAY being implemented by the Centre through state governments, a financially backward family is entitled to 35kg of foodgrains at Rs 2 per kg a month.

The Morcha had assigned members of the party’s Study Forum to “find out the real motives of the state government” in implementing the AAY in the entire hills.
GJM demands “backward area” status for Darjeeling hills
Morcha leader DK Pradhan in Darjeeling on Friday. Picture by Suman Tamang
D.K. Pradhan, convener of the Study Forum, today said: “According to a notification issued by the directorate of district distribution, procurement & supply, food supplies department (memo no: 335(19) FMR/IIS-01/16) dated January 22, 2016, the hill population was included in Hill PDS category. As per the HPDS provisions, 11kg of foodgrains would be distributed per person per month in the entire hills.”

The provision in the notification reads: “The existing population in the hill will now be allotted 6 kg of rice and 5 kg of fortified atta per heard per month @ Rs 2.00 per kg in both cases.”

According to Pradhan, the 11kg of foodgrains were to be drawn under the Centre’s National Food Security Act and the special scheme of the state government.

The January 22 notification regarding hills reads: “The entire population of the hill subdivision will be treated as NFSA plus state special package of for hill (NFSA-Hill) and allocation of 2 kg of rice and 3 kg of atta will be given from NFSA quota. The balance amount of 4 kg of rice and 2 kg of atta will be given as top up over and above the NFSA quota and the expenditure will be borne by the Govt. of West Bengal. Accounts shall be maintained accordingly.”

After the Assembly elections, Pradhan alleged, the state had decided to implement only the AAY under the National Food Security Act in the entire hills so that it didn’t have to bear the additional expenditure of 4kg of rice and 2kg of atta.
Under the AAY, a backward family is entitled to 15kg of rice and 20kg of fortified atta at Rs 2 per kg per month.

“This basically means that a family of four and above will now be getting less amount of foodgrains than what the state government promised. According to the special package announced before the Assembly elections, a hill family of five is entitled to 55kg of foodgrains. The hidden agenda of getting the hill population under the AAY is to ensure that the state government does not have to bear the additional cost of supplying 6kg of foodgrains per person a month,” said Pradhan.

The Morcha central committee member said it was fine for the Morcha if the state provided 35kg of foodgrains to a family under the AAY and the remaining 6kg per head per month.

“We also demand that since the hills have been brought under the AAY, which is for the financially backward families, the state declare the hills a backward area and give benefits for the backward region like exemption from income tax, subsides in transport, fuel, gas connections and electricity,” said Pradhan.

Via Telegraph

Bimal Gurung says he will win all upcoming elections in the hills

12:14 PM
28 May 2016 Gorkha Janamukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung today said he is confident of his party winning all forthcoming elections in the hills and challenged the Opposition to try and defeat the Morcha, especially in the hills. He said so at Bagdogra airport this afternoon upon returning from Kolkata after attending the swearing-in ceremony of the new state government.

Seen in a particularly happy mood while talking to the journalists present, Gurung said, "We have shown everyone by winning all the three hill seats in the Assembly election that the GJM can win every election. It does not matter whether elections are for the Lok Sabha, the state Assembly, the Municipality, the GTA or Panchayats; there may be different methods to fight them, but victory for us is a surety."

When asked about the GJM polling 50 per cent less votes in comparison to the last elections, he replied, "Politics mein idhar udhar to hotahi hai, lekin kya karna kaisa karna woh to aney wale din hi batayega, sirf kaam karte jana hain." (Ups and downs are normal in politics, but what should be done and how it should be done will be determined by the days to come, what is necessary is to continue to work).
Bimal Gurung says he will win all upcoming elections in the hills
Bimal Gurung a file photo
Gurung stressed the popularity of his party is still strong in the hills and this has been proven by the GJM winning all the three seats. On the probability of more community development boards getting formed, he said that is a matter to be decided by chief minister Mamata Banerjee and he has nothing to say. "I simply want to see the all-round development of the hills and the betterment of the people," said Gurung.

Asked whether he had had any discussion with the chief minister on development regarding the hills, he said, "We had no discussions but we will surely meet soon for talks on such issues, let's see what happens next. I am always in a positive mood and will always work for the people of the hills."

Gurung further said he is hopeful of receiving additional support from Mamata Banerjee for developing the Darjeeling hills as she herself has taken charge of the Hill Affairs Department.


Mothers and Her Gender: A Pledge to Renew

3:25 PM

Writes Animesh Rai

European Sociologist Robert Briffault in his three volume book “The Mothers” claims that in the early phase of human civilisation the institution of family was constituted by only a woman and her children. Human race was characterised by social promiscuity and marriage as an institution did not exist. The matured males were mostly engaged outside for hunting and collecting food. Many times, they had to spend weeks and months far away from their community. It was only when women consented their trust on men for security and socio-economic reasons that man was included into the household. It gave birth to a new institution called the family which was characterised by unity, love and harmony. Mothers have been credited for institutionalising this vital human social institution – the Family.

In modern times the notion of Mother has been used to symbolise other things as well.  Like we talk of the Mother Earth, Bharat Mata - Mother India, worship ‘Cow’ as a Mother, of late the conception has also penetrated and spread into the political structure of West Bengal. The political spells like  “liberating the captive Ama” – Mother in case of Gorkhaland movement in Darjeeling hills and Trinamool’s ear splitting “Ma-Mati-Manush” for Paribortan – The “Mother-Earth-People” for Change, whatever the expressions are meant to represent it does contain the gracious term Mother. Unfortunately, the contemporary political conceptualisation of ‘Mother’ at times tends to shake the political fabric of our nation-state.
Mothers and Her Gender: A Pledge to Renew
Mother representational image
The terminology Mother is constantly being used in the modern society to mean many good things and condone bad equally. The linking of political vices and defaming the pure character of the birth giver has brought a pitiful shame and pain to her, whom Briffault had allusively referred to as the developers and designers of a family. Patriarchs and chauvinist males have already started to attack on the gender of the Mother – the Women, to whom the majority of mankind worships, admires and adores in our nation. The growth of hatred, exploitation, cases of female child molestations to abuses of various kinds on women is increasing in the nation and within the local circles as well. The painful Delhi rape case of December 2013 to the recent ruthless rape of a Gorkha girl in Assam, the saffron Member of the Parliament asking a young girl to unfasten her jeans zip in Uttar Pradesh along with heightening problems of women trafficking are all affirmative of the growing brutalities against women in our country and region.

If the number of such patriarchs and chauvinists are on rise, let us also not forget and underestimate the number and strength of that the worshippers and lovers of Mothers too. The civil society at large has the capacity and power to unify the intensity of guarding our Mothers and protecting our co-gender groups from those limited lousy crooks. These negative forces would be easily dismayed, defeated and disappear in the love spell of a Mother – for her pure and unconditional love is enormous to empower and equip us in defending her and her gender.

Coming to the empirical ground, the sex ratio of Darjeeling district is one of the best in the state and nation. According to the Census of 2011, it is 97 per cent that is 970 females per one thousand males. We may not be at par with the state of Kerala in terms of education, income and other indexes but we are bit higher than them in terms of sex ratio. It is a representation of an equal society and of course, a positive sign indicative of prosperity and harmony. Let us continue to embrace our Mothers and our female counterparts and help them live their life in equality and dignity. Let us continue to rejoice and accept our baby girls for she is natured to nurture– a new family in future and to bless it with the values of human morality. On this Mother’s Day, let us take a pledge to respect and support our Mothers and womanhood at large and thank them for showing the way forward for the society. – Thank You and A Very Happy Mother’s Day!

Animesh Rai ia a Research Student Sikkim University

Jan Andolan Party cannot demand three-tier panchayat system in the hills - GJM

12:17 PM
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today asserted that the Jan Andolan Party does not have the general mandate to take up the demand for a three-tier panchayat system in the hills as the matter is already under discussion between the GJM and concerned authorities in Delhi.

The GJM was reacting to JAP president Harka Bahadur Chhetri’s call to all political parties in the hills, including the GJM, to take forward the demand. On April 21, the JAP called an all-party meeting in Kalimpong to discuss the demand for a three-tier panchayat system, but the meet failed to yield the desired results. Another meeting is scheduled on April 29.

GJM general secretary Roshan Giri today said he was aware of the all-party meeting called by the JAP but refused to participate. “We know the JAP has called an all-party meeting later this month and we are also invited. However, we will not attend the meeting because the JAP, which was formed recently, does not have the people’s mandate to initiate such programmes,” he claimed.
Jan Andolan Party cannot demand three-tier panchayat system in the hills - GJM
GJM general secretary Roshan Giri and Harka in the past
Another contention of the GJM is that the matter of implementing a three-tier panchayat system in the hills has already been taken up by the party with the state and central governments. “We have taken up the issue in all the bipartite and tripartite meetings held so far and it is also mentioned in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration agreement and act,” Giri said.

According to the GJM general secretary, the Centre is in favour of implementing a three-tier panchayat system in the hills, but the state government is trying to skirt discussions on the matter. “We have not had a panchayat election since 2005 and the rural populace of the hills is suffering due to this. Delhi is in favour of such a system though, and we believe a constitutional amendment is required to have the system implemented in the hills. Sadly though, the state government is not serious about the issue and has not sent representatives to the tripartite meetings and this has kept the matter on hold,” Giri alleged.

During the tenure of the now defunct Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, a two-tier panchayat system was put in place in the hills as a Mahakuma Parishad was established in Siliguri sub-division of Darjeeling district. However, Subash Ghisingh and his Gorkha National Liberation Front opposed the two-tier system and allowed only the gram panchayats to function. But here too, no election has been held.

Reacting to the GJM’s refusal to attend the all-party meeting, JAP general secretary Nayan Pradhan said, “We have invited all political parties including the GJM, but it is not our problem if someone doesn’t want to attend. Our objective is to try and solve the problems being faced by the rural population because of the absence of a panchayat system in the hills.”

The April 21 meeting was attended by the Trinamool Congress, the CPM, the Congress and the Gorkha Rashtriya Congress.

Source EOI

Demand for Gorkhaland: Ethnic politics still key cards in Darjeeling

5:28 PM
Writes: Amitava Banerjee

Political debate in the Queen of the Hills this election season continues to revolve around ethnic issues.

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM), a BJP ally piggybacking on the demand for a separate Gorkhaland state, has significant sway in north Bengal’s Darjeeling Hills, which include Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong constituencies.
The demand for Gorkhaland gained prominence in 1986 when Subash Ghising and the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) spearheaded a 28-month violent agitation that left 1,200 people dead. Bimal Gurung, a dissident GNLF leader, later floated the GJM and seized power in 2008.

Ever since, even national parties have been unable to sidestep this ethnic brand of politics.

However, it has been a balancing act for the BJP. Careful not to alienate the rest of the state, it has shied from using the word “Gorkhaland” but included the phrase “sympathetically examine the long pending demand of the Gorkhas” in its manifesto.
Mamata Banerjee, on the other hand, is projecting herself as an antagonist of the new-state demand.
Demand for Gorkhaland: Ethnic politics still key cards in Darjeeling

She set up boards for the “all-round development” of various communities. Lepcha, Tamang, Sherpa, Bhutia, Rai, Limboo and Mangar hill communities already have such boards, while others are in the pipeline.

“If the GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, an administrative setup with all 45 elected members owing allegiance to the GJM) would have done its job sincerely, there would be no need for development boards. Development boards are the demand of the people,” said Banerjee.

Not to miss out on the opportunity, the GJM too has promised similar boards under the GTA, and the BJP is banking on the promise to include 10 Gorkha communities and the Dhimal community in the Scheduled Tribes list.

Harka Bahadur Chettri, the sitting Kalimpong MLA who severed ties with the GJM and floated the Jan Andolan Party (JAP), is gnawing into the GJM support base in Kalimpong with the promise to upgrade the sub-division into a district.

When Gurung accused the JAP and the TMC of being “anti-Gorkhas”, the JAP responded by drafting the West Bengal Reorganization Bill 2016 for the formation of a separate state under Article 3 of the Constitution and dared the BJP to pass it in Parliament.

via: The Hindustan Times

Many a muddle in Hill election season

9:06 AM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, April 15: The hills, in every way alive to a multi-pronged election season, is also in the middle of a comedy of confusions.

A contestant from Darjeeling's oldest party decided at the eleventh hour that fighting an election was not what his family wanted him to do.

His indecisive party chief first pledged support to Trinamul, then retracted.

Trinamul also hit Harka Bahadur Chhetri with a bolt from the blue by making him the ruling party's official candidate from Kalimpong when the hill leader had planned to contest on his own party's symbol.

But first about Laxman Pradhan of the Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League (ABGL), which is the oldest party in the Darjeeling hills.

The ABGL announced Pradhan as its Darjeeling candidate, but on the last day of filing nominations, March 29, Pradhan had a rethink.

When this newspaper called up Pradhan on March 29 to find out about his nomination, he said: "We are trying to find another candidate."

Pradhan explained: "I am actually not contesting as my family members are against it as I am a diabetic and have high blood pressure."

The call was made at 10.30am and Pradhan was confident that by 2pm, an alternative candidate would be found.

Well, no one was found. The ABGL does not have a contestant in Darjeeling.

After this, for some inexplicable reason, the ABGL also decided not to contest from the Kurseong seat.

The drama did not end here.

Trinamul candidate Sharda Rai Subba and the entire party district leadership went to Rhododendron Dell, residence of ABGL president Bharati Tamang soon.

The media was called to the Dell and Bharati announced that her party would support Trinamul.

But the next day, the party did a U-turn.

The next day at a media conference at the ABGL office, Bharati said her announcement the day before was her personal thought and the party would only decide on the matter on April 10. Trinamul leaders were speechless on hearing this.

Sources in the ABGL said after announcing to support Trinamul, party leaders realised they had not taken into account that its candidate, Ganesh Lama, was contesting from Nagrakata in the Dooars against Trinamul. A tie-up with Trinamul in the hills would confuse voters.

On April 10, ABGL general secretary Pratap Khati said: "In Darjeeling and Kurseong we urge the people to use their conscience."

But immediately after, he put out a spoiler alert. "They, however, should vote against the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha."

But what would the ABGL do in Kalimpong?

"We are not adverse to supporting the Jan Andolan Party (JAP)," said Khati. This did not clear the confusion completely because the JAP is an ally of Trinamul.

The JAP was hit by a bolt from the blue when its president Harka Bahadur Chhetri, was named the ruling party's official candidate.

Morcha president Bimal Gurung tried to deride Mamata Banerjee's move to make Kalimpong a separate district by claiming that the territory of Kalimpong had not been completely incorporated in the Indian union and it continued to be a land leased from Bhutan.

Via Telegraph

The end of Gorkhas' monopoly in Bengal legislative assembly from hills

8:57 AM
After Gorkhas' monopoly, BJP may open account in Bengal legislative assembly with three seats

Writes Madhuparna Das

DARJEELING/KURSEONG: The hills look different this election season — there are lots of Trinamool and BJP flags fluttering around, indicating the mood of its people. And unlike many years of identity politics — often marred by violence — the demand is one of multi-party democracy in Darjeeling, in Bengal.

It has been three decades since GNLF (Gorkha National Liberation Front) chief Subhash Ghisingh monopolised politics in the region. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, or GJM — an offshoot of the GNLF — carried on the legacy after dislodging the late Ghisingh. Interestingly, this time hill constituencies are described as 'advantage' seats for the BJP since the party in power has allied with the Morcha, and it is widely-speculated that BJP will open its account in Bengal legislative assembly with three seats.

"We respect democracy and believe that every party has the right to place their issues before the people. TMC is trying to hold election using the government machinery," GJM chief Bimal Gurung told ET.
In Darjeeling, where no mainstream party could ever get a foothold, Trinamool Congress is doing its best to make inroads and has tied up with GNLF, which went defunct after Ghisingh's forced exile. But Mamata Banerjee injected life into it to counter the GJM. Even though TMC had allied with the GJM in 2011, the two parties fell apart over the autonomy of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA).

UNEASY ALLIANCE The alliance between GNLF and TMC is also a tenuous one, and is compared to the ties between Congress and CPM. TMC has always opposed the idea of a separate statehood, but has ironically joined hands with the party that once had spearheaded the movement for a separate state — Gorkhaland — decades ago. CPM too announced its support for GJM but did not field a candidate.

Source ET Bureau 

Gorkha Janamukti Morcha to face stiff opposition in the hills

8:29 AM
Writes Drimi Chaudhuri

Darjeeling, Apr 14, 2016, For the first time since its formation in 2007, the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) might be facing a road block due to the machinations of TMC chief Mamata Banerjee, in the Darjeeling Hills.

Months before the  Assembly elections, Mamata managed to break into the Morcha’s ranks and engineered the departure of Hadka Bahadur Chhetri, arguably the most articulate Gorkha leader. A doctor by profession, the soft-spoken man from Kalimpong won the Assembly seat in 2011 and emerged a popular face from within the Morcha leadership.  After he quit Morcha over “ideological differences”, Chhetri floated his own outfit, Jan Andolan Party (JAP) in November 2015 and posed a threat to Bimal Gurung's Morcha.

GJM Bimal Gurung to face JAP Harka Bahadur Chettri and  Mamata Banerjee alliance
GJM Bimal Gurung to face JAP Harka Bahadur Chettri and  Mamata Banerjee alliance
Things went a different way after Mamata drove a spike through the , announcing the state government's decision to set Kalimpong as a separate district. Soon, Chhetri aligned himself with the ruling Trinamool Congress and will be contesting in the second phase of the six-phase state polls on April 17 with support from Trinamool. If the enthusiasm of supporters at his rallies and public meetings are anything to go by, Chhetri will manage to upset Morcha's cart and retain his seat.
Chhetri has also brought about a change in Hill politics after almost three decades of agitation, which often turned violent and obstructive.

The sitting MLA from Kalimpong has refused to use the plank of the statehood movement for a separate Gorkhaland. "Gorkha political leaders have always used the issue of Gorkhaland as a poll plank, be it in the Panchayat elections or the parliamentary polls. I want to bring about change by maintaining amicable relation with the state government," he said.

Chhetri, who won the 2011 Assembly elections with nearly 1.3 lakh votes, hopes to repeat the feat and give a drubbing to his earlier party in the hustings.

 "I want to ensure actual development for Darjeeling and adjoining areas. My focus will be on getting steady water supply, set up schools and technical institutes, bring reliable healthcare facilities, things people need,” he said.

Chhetri believes that despite pressure from Morcha, he can turn things his way because he has the people's support .



9:25 AM
Writes Rinchu

“देखोस न देखोस यो वर्तमान... भावी पिडिले देख्ने छ... कसैले छद्म वेशमा, तिम्रो इतिहास लेख्दै छ… उत्सर्ग गर, उत्सर्ग गर… the present may not see the consequences, the future generations will have to live it, for someone somewhere is recording your actions today… do strive for good, do strive for better.” Beautiful lines by Laxmi Devi Sundas – poignant and inspiring! Every time I have felt hopeless, frustrated and disgusted by my observation of the whole political discourse on Gorkhaland, these lines have always perked me up… but not today.

The 2016 MLA elections are looming around the corner. The tall promises claimed by our political parties, their political alliances, the divisive rhetoric, cringing idiosyncrasies, personal vitriolic jibes and their respective election agenda’s have yet again brought under scanner the contentious demand for Gorkhaland (which is not a new thing) but what is different this time (in my opinion) is the underlying subtle threat against the very existence and sustenance of the demand – primarily arising out of the lumping or synonymously mixing up of the two words – Gorkhaland and Development. This has forced me to come out of my comfort zone to introspect on the demand for Gorkhaland vis-a-vis Development.

I grew up at a time when the dominant narrative for the demand for Gorkhaland within the Union of India was that of “development”. As a child, I was not sure what “development” implied, but I did have some vague notions like - good roads, hospitals, schools and colleges, buildings, jobs, tourism, water, buses, etc. Looking back, I wasn’t quite off the mark from the notion of development that is held by the majority of the people in the Darjeeling Hills even today, including the so-called “intellectuals”. In the simplest sense, development is commonly understood as some process that will bring about economic (material) gains or benefits to our place and people. So, we shout out loud - hami lai Gorkhaland chahincha development ko lagi.

However, in the context of Wasted Bengal, please be reminded that this claim – we lack development, hence we need Gorkhaland – has been quashed and will continue to remain quashed on the simple premise that there are many other districts within the State that are even less (economically) developed than the Darjeeling region. So the notion of “development” argued in this manner can neither be seen as a necessary nor a sufficient condition for demanding Gorkhaland.

I, later moved to Kolkata for my higher studies, where I experienced incessant inquiries (ok some were genuine curiosities) – on the grounds of where I was from, what language I spoke, how I looked, and to some extent, even my surname, which I initially enjoyed. But as these inquiries turned into racial slur that questioned my legitimacy to the very place I was born, that too over a stretch of 5 years, it began to dawn on me that the demand for a separate state should be much more than mere economic development.

Rightly so, back home, the narrative was beginning to change – from development to the “quest for national identity”. Gorkhas all over India, to some extent, seemed to be arriving at a consensus that the Gorkha communities in India are suffering from “identity crisis” and that the demand for Gorkhaland was/is the only solution to their problem.

For a while this resonated with me but as I began to introspect more on this new construct of “identity and identity-crisis”, I realized that the term “identity-crisis” might not have been an appropriate word to describe our situation in the first place. Erik Erikson (1966) first coined and conceptualized the term ‘identity-crisis,” described it as “a time of intensive analysis and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself”.

Now, do we not know who are? The ignorant as well as malicious inquiries, doubts and mistrust with which we are perceived outside Darjeeling Hills, stems not from our “identity-crisis” but from the NON-RECOGNITION of our already existing identities.

In addition to our National Identity, we have multiple identities – ethnic, religious, indigenous identities, etc. So the Gorkhaland demand isn’t about “we are seeking national identity because we are suffering from an identity-crisis,” but for seeking recognition for the already existing identities of the Gorkhas in India - in particular, recognition for a place-based identity (more on this later).
I see no substantial merit in pushing forward for Gorkhaland statehood on these above mentioned ground. Alternatively, we can re-conceptualise or re-think the demand for Gorkhaland, but this time around, not on grounds of ‘development’ or ‘identity-crisis’ as we have done in the past but on our basic rights to FREEDOM.

Freedom to “live the kind of lives that we value living”, freedom to choose, freedom to decide for our own selves, freedom to live a dignified life, freedom to GOVERN ourselves; and most importantly, freedom from the injustices that have plagued our people for decades under Wasted Bengal. For way too long we have simply followed what our leaders have said, this time around, let us listen to our hearts and reflect on the un-freedom and injustices that we have been consciously and unconsciously experiencing.

To put it simply, I want Gorkhaland to live a dignified life. Period.

If you look around, much of our grievances arise from not having control over our resources, not being able to take our own decisions, not being able to get recognition for our place, people, language, our history, bad governance, lack of responsive and responsible administration and so forth. These grievances that we experience are nothing but manifestations of INJUSTICES – either in the form of unfair and inequitable distribution of resources, funds, opportunities, or in the form of discrimination, apathy, indifference towards our people and our region. INJUSTICES also manifest in the form of lack of participation in decision-making processes and non-recognition of our culture, communities, languages, etc. You will find plenty of examples under each of these categories.
As a consequence of these pervasive injustices, we have become handicapped and are living like second-class citizens, with an occasional derogatory tag of a foreigner thrown in, in our own PLACE – a place (i.e. Darjeeling Hills) that is imbued with meanings, our history, our values, our people, our culture and traditions - that remains controlled by the “bhadraloks” in Kolkata, who also decide for us.

However, the sad part is that, till date, we have not been able to relate these grievances as forms of injustices and therefore, have completely internalized it. Perhaps this is what Rutgurd Boelens meant, when he wrote, - “The more a discourse is internalized by people, and accepted as true and legitimate, the stronger the influence of the prescriptions it establishes, and the stronger its self-fulfilling forces, actions and effects.”

To wrap it up, Gorkhaland for me is a demand for freedom – freedom from the injustices that we, under Wasted Bengal have suffered, are suffering and will suffer. Gorkhaland for me is a demand for freedom – Freedom to live a dignified life that we value living. Of course, one can argue, that development itself can be viewed “as freedom” (but again, this calls for another piece and is not applicable for the current election scenario). In any case, I don’t want to give our idiotic political leaders the benefit of doubt - economic development is their selling quotient.

So, my dear readers, for once, let our emotions rule our heads, let us put our rationality aside, and let us recall all the sacrifices of our people in the past who gave their lives, youth, career, homes and loved ones during our previous agitations for the realization of Gorkhaland; and let us VOTE - for Gorkhaland, and for showing to Bengal that we remain united in our quest to be separated from their colonial rule.

I know, the choice may be difficult – the tradeoff between our immediate needs (i.e. economic development right now) might seem more appealing to many and outweigh our long term need for freedom, but please do keep in mind that if the party that is opposing the very formation of Gorkhaland (i.e. TMC) gets one chance to put its feet in our place THIS TIME (through our very own JAP or GNLF) – forget about fighting and sustaining the demand for Gorkhaland, we may not be able to resurrect it for the coming couple of decades.

So vote for Gorkhaland!
Although development and Gorkhaland are supposed to complement each other as they are ‘ends and means’ in and of themselves, yet this time around the idiotic politicians have polarized these issues and turned it into a fight for Development vs. Gorkhaland. Given this, I want to remind you all that development may not get us Gorkhaland, but Gorkhaland will definitely bring in development.
Let our actions today, help in laying down strong foundations for our future generations. Let us give them reasons to be proud of our choices and our taking a stand against Wasted Bengal and anyone supporting them… Let us not give our future generations a reason to look back at our actions of today and curse and regret our actions, just as we regret the actions of those who sold out our dreams earlier.

“देखोस न देखोस यो वर्तमान... भावी पिडिले देख्ने छ...”

Via TheDC

GJM to complaint against development boards to Election Commission

11:28 AM
Morcha mulls moving EC against development boards

It’s election time and things have started heating up in the hills. For one, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has decided to lodge a complaint with the Election Commission against the community development boards formed by the state government for allegedly violating the model code of conduct.

GJM general secretary Roshan Giri yesterday said the chairmen of the Sherpa, Bhutia, Tamang, Mangar, Khambu Rai and Limbu community development boards held an indoor meeting on Friday in Darjeeling where they decided to support the Trinamool despite holding offices of profit.

On Friday, representatives and members of the six associations under the radar held a meeting to decide ways to pursue measures for safeguarding and promoting their tradition, culture and language. The contentious issue of which party to support in the election was also discussed in the meeting and the associations unanimously decided to extend support to that political party (read TMC) that had helped the communities.

However, all the six chairmen had clarified the meeting was not convened by the development boards but by the associations and that they had not forced any member to vote for the TMC or any other political party.

“We will approach the ECI and lodge complaints against the six development boards for violating the model code of conduct. How can officials of development boards that function under the state government speak for a party? These officials receive salary and vehicles and other perks from the state government,” Giri said following the public meeting held by the GJM this afternoon in support of the party’s candidate from Darjeeling.

Nonetheless, the GJM general secretary was quick to add that the development boards would not affect his party’s prospects on April 17, the day of voting. “We are more concerned about polling being fair and clean even though we are confident of winning handsomely even if the development boards support the TMC,” he said.

GJM president Bimal Gurung also echoed Giri saying the Mamata Banerjee-led TMC would taste defeat, in spite of the state government showering money worth crores to the boards ahead of the election. “She has spent crores on the development boards just to garner votes. But one must remember that when it comes to issues pertaining to identity, statehood and aspirations, the hills will always remain united even if more doles are offered,” he said.

“The state government may try to tear us apart by creating divisions. But we will keep on mending the damage until we achieve statehood,” thundered Gurung to loud applause from the crowd gathered at the Motor Stand area of town.

According to the GJM chief, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise during his April 7 speech in Siliguri that the 11 communities of the hills would be granted tribal status was a stepping stone towards achieving statehood. “Modi-ji himself told me that day that the 11 communities would be granted tribal status. I would like to remind you that he once said the dreams of the Gorkha people were his dreams too. We must remember that things are achieved one at a time,” said Gurung, adding he has invited the prime minister to Darjeeling.

Darjeeling GJM candidate Amar Singh Rai trained his guns on the TMC-JAP-GNLF ‘jote’ (alliance) saying it was temporary and that its intentions were ill. “JAP says development is its priority, the GNLF wants Sixth Schedule status and the TMC is anti-Gorkhaland. The alliance is an unholy nexus against our statehood aspiration and will be scattered when they taste defeat,” he said.

Meanwhile, the other GJM leaders who spoke at the campaign meeting appeared more interested in denouncing JAP president Harka Bahadur Chhetri than rallying for the party candidate.

Via: EOIC,

Hill Development boards meeting on Assembly election in Darjeeling

7:57 PM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, April 6: The heads of seven development boards formed for different communities in the Darjeeling hills have decided to hold a meeting here on Friday to discuss the stand they will take on the coming Assembly election.

Although the chairman of West Bengal Sherpa Cultural Board said the meeting would discuss "issues related to the upcoming election", sources said the purpose of the talks was to decide whether the heads of the boards should support any party in the polls and if so, how they should send the message to the members of the communities.

The development boards' formation by the Mamata Banerjee government has given a toehold to the Trinamul Congress in the hills, where the writ of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha largely runs.

The meeting is considered significant as this is the first time that the chairmen of the boards are formally sitting together to discuss an election strategy.
Hill Development boards meeting on Assembly election in Darjeeling
Lyangsong Tamsang, the chairman of the Mayel Lyang Lepcha Development Board,
after receiving a cheque for Rs 10 crore from Mamata Banerjee at
Ronaldshay Park in Kalimpong
Nima Wangdi Sherpa, the chairman of the Sherpa cultural board today told The Telegraph: "It is true that a meeting of the chairpersons of seven boards will be held at the Gorkha Dukha Niwarak Sammelan Hall in Darjeeling on April 8. The agenda is basically to discuss issues related to the upcoming election."

He, however, refused to get into the details of the meeting's agenda.

Sources said the chairmen of the development boards would be discussing the stand they would take in the polls. "If they decide to support any party, then, they will have to find a way to present it before the members of their respective communities. Those things will also be decided at the meeting," said an aide to the chairman of one of the boards.

The state government has so far formed boards for Lepcha, Tamang, Sherpa, Bhutia, Mangar, Rai and Limbu communities which make up 35 per cent of the hill population.

"Apart from the chairpersons, leaders of other communities like Scheduled Caste, Bhujel and probably Newars, which are also demanding development boards, are likely to attend the meeting," said Sherpa.

Asked about the likely outcome of the talks, Sherpa said: "We cannot say anything at the moment."

Observers believe the board chairmen will most probably decide on supporting the Trinamul candidates in the hills. "It is obvious that they will decide to support the Trinamul candidates because they were given positions by the state government. Most of the board chairmen were present at Mamata Banerjee's election rally in Kurseong on March 15," said an observer.

"However, the most interesting thing would be how they appeal to community members to support Trinamul. Will it be a direct appeal or will they send across a subtle message to voters," said the observer.

The observers believe the chairmen of the boards are under pressure. "Mamata Banerjee has nominated them to the posts with a belief that they wield a lot of clout among their respective communities. So, these leaders are obviously under pressure to deliver," said an observer.

Morcha president and GTA chief executive Bimal Gurung has always said the boards were created to divide the hill population. Realising the importance of the development boards in the upcoming election, he had met leaders of different communities over the past few weeks.

"Gurung has held meetings with leaders of Sherpa, Limbu, Rai and Christian communities throughout March at Gorkha Rangamanch Bhavan in Darjeeling. Gurung is confident that development board leaders cannot influence a lot of voters ," said a close aide to Gurung.

The GTA had announced in February that development boards for 19 hill communities would be established with an allocation of Rs 5 crore each.


Tribal status committee for Gorkhas centre's election stunt - JAP

9:29 AM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, April 5: The Jana Andolan Party (JAP) today said it was contemplating filing a complaint with the Election Commission against the Centre's order to constitute a committee to "examine" the demand of granting tribal status to 11 communities "living in Sikkim and other Gorkha dominated states and areas".

The nascent hill party floated by Harka Bahadur Chhetri feels the order by the Union ministry of tribal affairs is a violation of model code of conduct.

"The order looks like an election stunt. The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha is going to the press with the order and is trying to influence voters. This looks like a violation of model code of conduct. I am currently on the campaign trail and our party's bureau will sit for a meeting and decide by tomorrow whether to file a complaint (with the Election Commission) on the violation of the poll code," Chhetri, the president of the JAP, said today.
Jan Andolan Party Harka Bahadur Chhetri
Jan Andolan Party Harka Bahadur Chhetri
Granting tribal status to 10 Gorkha communities in the Darjeeling hills and Dhimals in Bengal's plains was a demand pursued by the GTA ruled by the Morcha.

Chhetri noted that the panel was just to examine the demand for the tribal tag. "The Morcha has no slogan and it seems the party has begged Rajnath Singh (Union home minister) to save it. The important thing in the order is that the committee has to consult 'respective state governments'. Their (Morcha's) relation (with the state) is known."

The Morcha doesn't enjoy a good rapport with the Trinamul government.

N.B. Khawash, the general secretary of Trinamul (hills), too, tried to highlight this particular section in the order. "It is clear that the state government has to be consulted. In this context, people have to think whether it would be wise to send Amar Singh Rai (Morcha candidate in Darjeelng) or Sharda Rai Subba (Trinamul candidate) to the Assembly. They must also think whether Shanta Chhetri (Trinamul candidate in Kurseong) or Rohit Sharma (Morcha candidate) to the Assembly. We request the voters to take a wise decision."

Jolt to JAP
Topden Bhutia, a close aide to JAP chief Chhetri, resigned from the party on Tuesday, while former president of the Kalimpong branch committee of the GNLF, Anil Lopchan, joined the Morcha. In another development, Bharati Tamang, ABGL president, said the party had not yet taken a decision on supporting Trinamul candidates in Darjeeling and Kurseong.


Darjeeling Hailstorm - Tourists stroll in icy streets; Loreto basketball court roof collapses

7:44 AM
Darjeeling, March 31: Darjeeling was covered in white with the hill town experiencing an unprecedented bout of hailstorm at noon today.

Hailstone accompanied by a strong drizzle that lasted for nearly an hour from 11.45am had the town covered in more than four inches of ice.

It had last snowed here in 2008 and even though hailstones were not as soothing as snowfall, an icy Darjeeling was greeted with much enthusiasm by local residents and tourists alike. <>The scene was like a snow-covered Darjeeling.Saha and his friends were stuck in a massive traffic jam near the district magistrate' office along 18 Lebong Cart Road. Hailstorms occur when there is moisture in the air and temperature soars high. Walking became a Herculean task mainly through uphill paths.
Victoria falls covered with hailstones in Darjeeling on 31st march 2016
Victoria falls covered with hailstones in Darjeeling on 31st march 2016
Tea planters were concerned about the damage to first flush.

Sandeep Mukherjee, the principal advisor to the Darjeeling Tea Association, said: "Hailstones at this time will definitely affect the first flush. We are, however, still collecting reports of the damage from different places."

The first flush plucking starts from February-end and continues till April. First flush constitutes around 15-20 per cent of the total annual tea production and commands highest price and is suited for export. Darjeeling produces around 8 million kg of made-tea annually.
The roof of Loreto basketball court (below) was destroyed in the hailstorm
on Thursday. Pictures by Suman Tamang
Sources at the Indian Meteorological Department in Calcutta said there was a forecast of rainfall and thunder-squall across north Bengal in the next few days and hailstorm in Sikkim. "Like it happened in Darjeeling today, there is a forecast of similar hailstorm in Sikkim in the next few days. There was isolated rain in some areas of north Bengal today," said an IMD source.

While Siliguri received rain today, there was a bout of hailstorm in Fulbari.

Via Telegraph

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha ally with BJP only in plains for Assembly Election

10:03 AM
Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, March 24: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today said it will only support the BJP in the plains Assembly segments at a time the Left Front has not fielded any nominee against the party in the hills.

Earlier this month, the Left Front had said it would support the Morcha in the three hill seats.

Today, Morcha general Roshan Giri said: "We have fielded our own candidates in the three hill segments of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong as well as Islampur and Chopra in the plains. Apart from this, our choices (nominees) have been given BJP tickets from Kalchini, Madarihat, Nagrakata and Kumargram. In the rest of the seats, our party will support the BJP candidates as we are in an alliance with them. We have never sought support from other parties as we are in an alliance with the BJP."

The CPM's decision to not contest in the hills had put pressure on the Morcha with the Jan Andolan Party (JAP), alleging that Bimal Gurung's outfit had an understanding with those against statehood.
GJM general secretary Roshan Giri
GJM general secretary Roshan Giri
Today, Morcha president Gurung said: "We are confident of our victory in the hills but we have to work hard in the plains. We cannot take things lightly even in Kalchini."

The Morcha's Bishal Lama has been given the BJP ticket from Kalchini.

In the last two Assembly polls, Morcha-supported Wilson Chapramary had won from Kalchini. This time, however, Chapramary is the Trinamul nominee.

Observers said the Morcha was eager to distance itself from the CPM's announcement of support as its rivals in the hills are expected to raise the issue during campaigning.

CPM state secretariat member Asok Bhattacharya had said: "We have not fielded any candidate in the hills as we believe that the Morcha is the strongest political party there and since it is also against the TMC, we did not want any division in the anti-TMC votes. The support, however, does not mean that we are seeking support from the Morcha in the plains."

In another development, GNLF's Sagar Rai, Basant Pradhan, Jipsang Lepcha and Migma Sherpa joined the Morcha, along with 40-odd supporters.

The ABGL today named Laxman Pradhan, the party vice-president, as its Darjeeling candidate.

The names of the candidates for Kalimpong and Kurseong seats have not been finalised yet.


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