Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts

Kalimpong landslide Six persons dead, six missing

9:16 AM
Six persons died and six went missing after heavy rains lashed Kalimpong subdivision last night and caused landslides.
The extent of damage caused by the 137mm rain, which Kalimpong received in 24 hours since 8.30am yesterday, is not yet known.

"Six persons died and another six are untraced. Of the six deaths, two are in the Kalimpong municipality area, two in block I, one each in blocks II and III," said Radhika Aiyar, the subdivisional officer of Kalimpong.

The rain triggered landslides at different places, causing widespread damage to houses, farmland and roads.

Six persons have been officially categorised as missing.

They are Ramesh Rai and Kusum Rai his wife from Nurserygaon at 7th Mile on the outskirts of the town and a four-member family from the remote Lingseykha village near the border with Sikkim.

Their names are not yet known.

The deceased include the son of the missing farmer couple, Amrit Rai, 9 who died after their house was swept away by a huge landslide when the family was sleeping.

Sanjay Gazmer, 30, and Priya Sarki, 25, died when their kutcha house came under slush during a landslide at Topkhana in the 11th Mile area of the town.

Alisha Rai, 18, of Minbusty in Gorubathan, D. Doma Sherpa, 14, from Lava village in Algarah block and Jai Prakash Rai, 60, from Paiyung village in Algarah block are also among the deceased.

Amrit Rai's elder brother, Vivek, 14, was injured in the incident, and is recovering at the Kalimpong subdivisional hospital.

Road links to many villages have been severed and acres of farmland have been destroyed.

"We are completely cut-off from the rest of the world. Please come and see our plight," said a teacher of a school in Gitdabling village, around 30km from here.

D. Nag, the block development officer of Kalimpong II, said many roads had been damaged and had cave-ins.

"Many villages in my block cannot be reached by road because of the damage caused by the landslides. We are finding it difficult to send teams to carry out damage assessment," he said.

P. K. Pal, the assistant meteorologist of the flood meteorology office in Jalpaiguri, said the amount of rain Kalimpong received in a period of 24 hours could be categorised as "very heavy".

"Yesterday, we had issued a warning for heavy rain in sub-Himalayan Bengal for the next 72 hours, but what happened last night was very heavy rain," he said over the phone.

Source: Telegraph

Landslide kills at least 20 people in Mirik and Kalimpong.

9:38 AM
1 July Darjeeling; 20 people have reportedly died due to landslides in Mirik and Kalimpong IN Darjeeling district so far.
Landslide kills at least 20 people in Mirik and Kalimpong.
Landslide kills at least 20 people in Mirik and Kalimpong.
In Mirik IT IS reported that at least 14 people have been killed in Limbu Gown alone, 3 people were killed in Mahendra Gown and 2 people were killed in Thana Line area.

Similarly in Kalimpong a Class 9 student was killed in Lava, and all roads to and from Lava are shut down. Even the injured have not been able to be taken to the hospital.

Last night's rain and high wind have caused landslides across Mirik region, and reports of at least 5 houses being damaged in Mirik town itself are coming in. Electricity lines are down, and many houses in Tingling T.E are supposed to have been damaged.

Early morning, excavators were pressed into service to clear the roads and electricity personnel are on their way to mend the lines which were downed last night.

Via - TheDC

Will work to make Kalimpong a separate District - Dr H.B.Chettri

9:49 PM
Kalimpong Celebrate 150yr being a part of India, Will work to make Kalimpong a separate District - Dr H.B.Chettri

Writes Nisha Chettri

An opening ceremony of 150th year of freedom from Bhutan and its annexation to India was celebrated with the speeches of retrospection by orators like H.B Chettri and Ganesh Mani Pradhan in Town Hall today, where a yearlong anniversary celebration has been decided to be celebrated soon.
The significance of the date was extolled after the article published in Statesmen by Sandip Jain- the editor of Himalayan Times. And a discussion with few people made Morcha of Kalimpong Sub-Division committee decide, to keep the historical date alive by an awareness ceremony.
Will work to make Kalimpong a separate District - Dr H.B.Chettri
Will work to make Kalimpong a
separate District - Dr H.B.Chettri
People of different political parties like Nanita Gautam of T.M.C, Dilip Pradhan of Congress, Tara Sundas of C.P.I.M, Kalyan Dewan of G.T.A, etc were present to pay homage to the years of sacrifice which Kalimpong made since time immemorial. The enthusiastic students of Kalimpong College also attended the program with utmost attention.
However H.B Chettri threw light on the importance of preserving the history of Kalimpong, He said ‘Learning about Jhasi’s Rani, Tatia Tope, etc have certainly improved our general knowledge but the requirement to learn about our own freedom fighters like Dal Bahadhur Giri and Jangabir Sapkota is neglected without doubt.’
He thrilled the audience by talking about the local characters which Kalimpong owned years ago and which is unheard today, he also mentioned to approach the education section to include the local history in the texts of the students. ‘We were ruled by Sikkim and Bhutan centauries ago, why we don’t study such histories first?’ he questioned.
Chettri later explained about the wide geography of the town which is 168 square kilometers, whose boundary starts from Sikkim Rangpoo and ends in Bhutan Todaytangta, that’s when he verbally declared to appeal the higher authorities to make Kalimpong a different district. ‘Kalimpong has a wide measurement, it has a large area, I will put up my effort to make Kalimpong a different district.’ Said chettri.
However the talk of the freedom’s celebration has taken a new turn and the student Morcha are positive and enthusiastic to celebrate a year-long program in order to remember and make the students aware of the importance of the date. ‘We would be encouraged to get an opportunity to organize or celebrate the freedom of Kalimpong; we will discuss more about it soon’ Said the central committee president of student morcha, Deep Thapa.


Two killed four injured in an accident near Rely-Pala Kalimpong

11:47 AM
Kalimpong : In a tragic accident involving a vehicle traveling from Magjing to Singhgaji which met with an accident near Rely-Pala, two people were killed on the spot and four others have been seriously injured.

Two killed four injured in an accident near Rely-Pala Kalimpong
Two killed four injured in an accident near
Rely-Pala Kalimpong
Sadly, all the passengers were of one family and they were returning home after attending the funeral of a relative in Magjing.

The deceased have been identified as Kamal Chettri (33) and Chandra Kumar Chettri (32), while the injured include the driver, Arun Chettri, and his helper, Puran Chettri, along with Kiran Chettri and Jhuman Chettri. The four were rushed to the Kalimpong sub-divisional hospital, where they are under treatment.

Puran Chettri said the driver lost control of the vehicle and it fell nearly 50 feet down a steep hillside.

Source: EOI

Sushma Swaraj may come to Kalimpong GJM-BJP public meeting

9:59 AM
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha is set to organize a public meeting on Thursday at Kalimpong as part of its election campaign for BJP candidate. GJM Kalimpong branch secretary Kumar Chamling said BJP candidate SS Ahluwalia and GJM chief Bimal Gurung will attend the meeting while leaders from both the parties will also be present. Chamling further said BJP heavyweight leader Sushma Swaraj is also likely to be present although this has not been confirmed yet.

Sushma Swaraj may come to Kalimpong  GJM-BJP public meeting
Sushma Swaraj may come to Kalimpong . 

Speaking to media persons, Chamling ridiculed independent candidate Mahendra P Lama for the condition the latter had placed in exchange of his support to Ahluwalia. “The BJP has clearly stated it favours formation of smaller states,” said Chamling. “The party has assured to fulfill the long-standing demand of the Gorkhas. I believe Dr. Lama knows what this demand of the Gorkhas is!”


Kalimpong - DDUDF election committee formed

10:48 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) and its associates, namely the CPRM, BGP, GRNM and AIGL, today formed a sub-division level election committee at a meeting held at the Shyamadevi Bhavan.

DDUDF apex committee members at a meeting in Kalimpong
DDUDF apex committee members at a
meeting in Kalimpong
Speaking to journalists later, DDUDF apex committee chairman and BGP president Enos Das Pradhan said Sonam Tshering has been elected as the convener of the sub-divisional election committee along with seven other members, including the CPRM’s Mohan Paudayal, BGP’s PK Pradhan, AIGL’s Pratap Khati and GRNM’s Dawa Pakhrin.

Pradhan said more election committees will be formed at the municipal and block levels to campaign for independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama at the grassroots. The meeting as resolved to hold an interactive programme at the town hall here on March 31 where various community and religious organisations including representatives from educational institutes, civil society and students will also be invited. Further, the election committee will host a public meeting at Mela Ground on April 12 and several other functions will also be held in various places, informed Pradhan.

He also urged the GNLF to support Lama saying, “Ghisingh is the one who ignited the dream of statehood among us. It may be via the Sixth Schedule, but his ultimate goal is a Gorkhaland state. Dr Lama is in a mission to fulfill the dream he ignited. Ghisingh must support Lama at this crucial juncture.”

Taking a dig at the GJM and the BJP, Pradhan called them “fake pro-Gorkhaland” forces, adding no basis remains for believing their claims. He said, “People such as Ahluwalia are fake pro-Gorkhaland forces. They talk one thing in the parliamentary constituency and in another way in their manifestos. The BJP has not mentioned Gorkhaland anywhere in its election manifesto.”

He also condemned Mamata Banerjee for her speech in Gorubathan saying it was full of “threats”. Pradhan asserted Banerjee’s speech not only intended to “threaten a specific political party”, but was an “aggression on the self-esteem of the Gorkha community” as a whole.

Source: EOI

Chattrey Subba inaugurated BJP party office in Kalimpong

10:05 AM
The Kalimpong branch of the BJP today inaugurated its town party office here at RC Mintry Road. Former GLO leader Chattrey Subba, who recently joined the BJP, inaugurated the office in the presence of GJM women’s wing leaders Tara Lohar Lepcha, Mridula Subba and Lamu Sherpa, among others. 

Chattrey Subba inaugurating the BJP party office in Kalimpong.
Chattrey Subba inaugurating the BJP party
office in Kalimpong.

Chattrey Subba reiterated his commitment to the Gorkhaland issue and said he joined the BJP as it is in favour of formation of smaller states. A Gorkhaland state will certainly come into being once the BJP forms the government at the Centre, claimed Subba.

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