Showing posts with label MP S.S. Ahluwalia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MP S.S. Ahluwalia. Show all posts

Bengal not willing to attend GTA Tripartite Meeting - Darjeeling‬ MP SS Ahluwalia

9:31 AM
Darjeeling MP S.S. Ahluwalia today alleged that the state government did not want to attend a tripartite meeting on the GTA before the Assembly elections because it had failed to keep the promises in the accord for the hill autonomous body.

He added that the state wanted to stay away from such talks as it might have to face "uncomfortable questions".

"The state is not willing to attend any tripartite meeting on the GTA ahead of the Assembly polls. The only reason behind such reluctance is that it has failed to fulfil the promises made while signing the GTA agreement on July 18, 2011," the BJP MP said at a news conference in Matigara, on the outskirts of Siliguri, today.

Ahluwalia's comment comes at a time a tripartite meet, which was scheduled in New Delhi for tomorrow, has been postponed. The last round of talks was held on January 29, 2015, and since then, this is the third time that the tripartite is being deferred.
 Darjeeling‬ MP SS Ahluwalia
 Darjeeling‬ MP SS Ahluwalia
According to Ahluwalia, there are at least 30 commitments in the GTA agreement that have not been addressed by the state. "Nothing has been done by the state in the past four years. Now that the Assembly polls are round the corner, Trinamul, which is running the state government, is apprehensive that if these issues are raised during a tripartite meeting, the state representatives would have to face uncomfortable questions from the central government and those in the GTA," he said.

"It might pose a fresh problem for Trinamul, as leaders of the party often blow trumpets saying how much the state cares about the Darjeeling hills. To avert such a situation, the state is shying away from attending tripartite talks," he added.

Ahluwalia said: "There were some important promises , like establishing super-specialty hospitals in all hill subdivisions, a sainik school, a central university and development of the national highway. Although four years have passed since the agreement was signed, nothing has been done except creating the GTA. The state, instead of transferring the projects under central schemes to the GTA, is retaining them."

Yesterday, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president and the chief executive of the GTA, Bimal Gurung, had said they would highlight the "autocratic attitude" of the state at the proposed tripartite meet.

Today, Ahluwalia echoed him. "The state is not at all keen to develop the Darjeeling hills and is depriving the residents," he said.

Source: Telegraph

Tea Board of India to take 7 sick gardens from Duncan-Goenka - Gurung Thanks Nirmala Sitharaman and SS Ahluwalia

9:50 AM
Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Chief Bimal Gurung has applauded the efforts of Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia which has resulted in the Central government ordering the Tea Board of India to take over the 7 sick gardens from Duncan-Goenka conglomerate.

In an unprecedented and historic move the Central Government has asked the Tea Board to take over the management of the seven tea gardens owned by Duncan Industries in view of their deteriorating conditions.

This is the 1st time in the history of tea gardens that the Central government has directly interfered and used the rarely provisions of Chapter III-A of the Tea Act, 1953 (29 of 1953) - which allows the Central government to take over if "tea gardens are being managed in a manner "highly detrimental" to the tea industry and to public interest."
Tea Board of India to take 7 sick gardens from Duncan-Goenka
Minister Sitharaman attending workers meet with Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwali and GJM
Chief Bimal Gurung in Dooars on January, 2016
Mr. Gurung has stated that, "the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has for the past two years kept up the pressure on the Central Government to take decisive action to protect the rights of the workers, and we are thankful to Ms. Nirmala Sitharam and Mr. SS Ahluwalia who have understood the need for protecting the rights of the workers."

"The decision to take over a sick garden by the Central government has wide repercussions, as it sends a loud and clear message to the tea garden owners that you cannot take the workers and their welfare for granted anymore... every tea garden owner will now be compelled to think and rethink before deciding to abandon a garden" said a local activist working for tea garden worker's rights who is associated with Darjeeling and Dooars Tea Workers Relief Organization - DAWN

While applauding the Central Government, Mr. Bimal Gurung has decried the "double speak" on the part of the Trinmool Congress. In particular, Mr. Gurung highlighted the fact that three tea gardens owned and operated by Alchemist Group - Dhooteria, Miling and Peshok which belongs to Trinmool Rajya Sabha MP KD Singh has not paid its workers or provided ration for the past 8 months, and has demanded action against Alchemist group as well as KD Singh.

In his statement, Mr. Gurung has said, "while the Chief Minister Ms. Mamata Banerjee has giving assurances to tea garden workers on numerous occasions, she hasn't done one single thing that would benefit them... if she is serious about providing justice to the tea garden workers , she should take approrpiate action against her own Rajya Sabha MP KD Singh and ask him to resign on the basis on non-payment of wages to the workers in our hills.... Mr. KD Singh owes the hill workers around Rs 5.54 Crores"

Mr. Gurung has also highlighted the plight of workers in Panighatta and has demanded immediate action from both the state and the Central government to resolve the crisis that workers are facing

Via TheDC

‪Darjeeling‬ MP Demands - Land Rights + Minimum Wages Act + BPL Status for Tea Garden Workers in Parliament

9:49 AM
Darjeeling MP Shri. S.S. Ahluwalia yesterday raised the issue of suffering and pain that the tea garden workers in Darjeeling and Dooars have to face.

Highlighting the fact that Darjeeling tea is coveted world over, Mr. Ahluwalia said, "on his recent visit of the Queen of England, our Prime Minister gifted her among other things tea from the Makaibari estate in Darjeeling. While Darjeeling tea is celebrated internationally and was the 1st agricultural product from India to be accorded a Geographical Indicator (GI) status by the WTO, the tea garden workers have continued to languish in abject poverty.

Madam I want to draw your attention, and through you the attention of the Govt of India and the Govt of West Bengal, to the plights and sufferings of the tea garden workers from my constituency of Darjeeling and the adjoining Dooars region.

Since 2002 close to 2000 tea garden workers have starved to death in these tea gardens, and this year alone over 70 tea garden workers have died due to starvation, malnutrition and related diseases. However, nothing has been done to rectify the situation, and to provide assistance to the tea garden workers."
Darjeeling MP Shri. S.S. Ahluwalia
Darjeeling MP Shri. S.S. Ahluwalia
Mr. Ahluwalia stated that the sufferings of the tea garden workers could be directly linked to the Plantations Labor Act of 1951 which is highly feudalistic and nature and called for its amendment, he said, "Plantations across India are guided by the Plantation Labourer Act of 1951, PLA 1951 is heavily tilted in favour of the tea garden owners. So skewed is PLA towards the tea garden owners that, that under Sections 39 and 40, no courts in India (including the Supreme Court) can take any cognizance of any offence undertaken by tea garden management, and can only do so if the “complaint made by, or with the previous sanction in writing of, the chief inspector,” who in most cases is the labour commissioner.

Which means that even the courts cannot interfere against the tea garden management, unless requested to do so by the ‘chief inspectors’ which in today’s term are the ‘labour commissioners’. But the incidences of labour commissioners filling cases against tea garden owners are almost unheard of. The Plantation Labour Act as it stands today, is against the spirit of the Indian constitution and thus should be summarily amended to reflect current realities."

Highlighting the need for granting land rights to the tea garden workers, Shri. Ahluwalia said, "Madam, in addition to the flaws in PLA 1951 which is heavily skewed against the workers, one of the most significant fact working against the welfare of the workers in that the tea garden workers do not own the right to land.

They may live and serve in the tea gardens for generations, but if and when the tea garden owner decides, the worker’s family can be asked to vacate his home and leave the garden. Given which, each tea garden family is expected to send at least one worker to work for the tea garden. This is nothing less than a bonded labour like situation, where the workers have to continue sending their children to work in the gardens, lest they be asked to leave their home, friends and family if they chose not to. Thus, it is most important that the workers are given Land Rights so that they are not subject to whims and fancies of the tea garden owners."

Highlighting the discrepancy in pay that tea garden workers from Darjeeling receive, Mr. Ahluwalia said, "Madam the tea garden workers of Darjeeling and Dooars are the lowest paid workers in the nation. Their salary as it stands today is Rs 112.50 per day. Whereas the minimum wage rates for agricultural workers in West Bengal is Rs 206 per day (with food) for the non-skilled workers, Rs. 228 per day with food for semi-skilled workers, and Rs 252 per day with food for skilled workers [Details:].

Plucking tea, processing them and packaging them require high degree of skills, yet the tea garden workers are only paid Rs 112.50 per day. In comparison the tea garden workers in Kerala get paid a basic wage of Rs 254 per day, in Tamil Nadu it is Rs 209, in Karnataka it is Rs 228, and even in next door Sikkim the workers get paid Rs 220.

I demand that the wages for tea garden workers be set the same for all the tea workers across India, and the minimum wages be set according to current rates."

Highlighting the abysmal state of tea garden governance and management, Shri. Ahluwalia highlighted the stats from a 2013 Govt of West Bengal report, he stated:

Madam the tea companies are expected to provide fringe benefits to the workers, yet an exhaustive survey of 273 tea gardens in the region, by the Govt of West Bengal found that:

87 tea estates could not provide registration certificate/number under Plantation Labour Act. This raises the question whether a large number of estates are being run by fictitious owners

116 tea estates have been run by different management in the last 10 years. Some of these estates are run by the promoters, who do not care for long-term development of the plantations

175 estates do not have labour welfare officers. Five tea estates could not provide registration number granted by Tea Board of India. Leases of 114 tea estates have expired; of them 105 have applied for renewal

41 tea estates did not deposit money towards provident fund contribution in 2012-13. In preceding three years, the numbers were 13, 18 and 24, respectively. In 46 estates total PF dues as part of workers’ contribution are Rs 17.14 crore. In 55 estates dues, as part of management’s contribution, are Rs 33.79 crore

08 tea estates have not paid wages to workers. In 35 estates workers are yet to be paid arrear wages as per last wage settlement. Food rations are due in 35 estates

84 tea estates are getting financial support through the Centrally sponsored employment guarantee scheme, MGNREGS; 22 estates are covered under food subsidy scheme, Antyodaya Anna Yojana

95,835 workers, or 36 per cent of the 262,426 living in tea estates across West Bengal, are yet to be provided with housing facilities as required under the Plantation Labour Act

166 of 273 tea estates have hospitals. The rest depend on visiting doctors. Of the 166, only 56 tea estates have full-time residential doctors and 50 have a nurse. Of the doctors at the 166 tea estates, 92 do not have an MBBS degree

[Details here:]

Shri. Ahluwalia thus demanded:

1. Immediate granting of land rights for all the tea garden workers in Darjeeling and Dooars region.
2. Implementation of minimum wages act in the tea gardens of Darjeeling and Dooars and associated benefits.
3. Declare all tea garden workers as living under Below Poverty Line, until they are included in Minimum Wages Act, and grant them all the facilities and benefits due to those classified under BPL sections.
4. An inter-Ministerial committee comprising of tea garden representatives and local experts (in addition to Govt officials) to study the nature, scope and scale of problems plaguing the tea industry, and to develop a comprehensive plan to revive the tea industry
5. Make comprehensive changes to the PLA to reflect the realities of 2015-16 and to make all those provisions redundant that go against the spirit of our constitution.

8. Allow for immediate amendments to Section 39 and 40 – allowing courts to take cognizance of the offenses in tea gardens.
9. Make it mandatory for the Tea Board of India to provide ration and benefits to the workers, in case of any tea garden owners abandoning their garden.
10. Make it a criminal offense for the tea garden owners to abandon their tea gardens, or fail to provide them necessary wages and benefits that are stipulated by the law.

He also highlighted the failure of estate owners to fulfil statutory benefits for workers, like housing and hospitals.

Following his speech, the TMC MP Mr. Sugata Bose stated that the Bengal government was providing assistance to the tea garden workers, and he said that the Bengal government was willing to change the laws to assist the tea garden workers.

BJP MP Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudy then supported the issue and requested the Minister for Commerce and Industry Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman to respond.

To which the Hon'ble Minister Sitharam said, "Thank you Madam, the Hon'ble Member has raised a very, very sensitive issue... since last year, this is a matter of great conecrn for us. In fact, I visited North Bengal, particularly, some tea estates from where we have reports of alleged deaths of workers. I have fone and visited and seen the situation then... but certainly the Hon. Member has raised a very, very important issue and a ot of people have also identified and associated themselves. I will come with a comprehensive reply subsiquently."

Via TheDC

Mamata Banerjee force GJM resume Gorkhaland agitation to consolidate votes - Ahluwalia

11:17 AM
Siliguri, Sept. 28: Darjeeling MP S.S. Ahluwalia today said the chief minister Mamata Banerjee made a tactical move to force the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to resume its statehood agitation before the Assembly polls with an intention to make it a campaign issue and consolidate anti-Gorkhaland votes.

Ahluwalia, who is campaigning for BJP candidates for the three-tier Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad polls, said: "The manner in which the chief minister is meddling in the affairs of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration is part of a tactical plan by her party. The idea is to create such circumstances in the GTA that the Morcha leaders are left with the only option, to resume the movement for a separate state."

He added: "There has been peace and amity in the hills for the past few years. But now, the chief minister and her party want the movement to resume so that they can refer to the agitation in their campaign before the Assembly polls, reiterate that Trinamul was against division of Bengal and attempt to consolidate the anti-Gorkhaland votes ."
 Darjeeling MP S.S. Ahluwalia
Darjeeling MP S.S. Ahluwalia
The MP's statement came a couple of days after Morcha chief Bimal Gurung's comment that the chief minister was forcing them to resume the Gorkhaland movement.

Ahluwalia said today: "First of all, the chief minister and her party conceded Morcha's demand and signed the (GTA) accord where it was mentioned that the Morcha was not dropping the demand of Gorkhaland. Secondly, although the autonomous body was formed, transfer of departments to the GTA remained only on paper."

The MP added: "Thirdly, no funds were provided by the state to the GTA and it kept dilly-dallying on the issue of transfer of departments and allocation of funds. It also bypassed the GTA and took up some development projects on its own. All these are enough indications to prove that Trinamul always wanted to push the Morcha to a corner, which would prompt the party to think of reviving the movement."

The MP who was at a meeting between GTA representatives and Union home minister Rajnath Singh in Delhi recently, said: "The GTA representatives narrated the problems (to Singh) in detail. They have also sought the Centre's intervention and a tripartite meeting. Let me clarify, the BJP will not let Trinamul succeed."

Reacting to Ahluwalia's assertions, Binny Sharma, general secretary and spokesperson for Trinamul (hill) committee, said: "It is the BJP which is trying to make the hills unstable. The BJP leaders always have double standards and speak differently in the plains and the hills on the Gorkhaland issue. Our party supremo and chief minister has said we are against division of state."

Source Telegraph

Bimal Gurung complain Centre about incapacitated functioning of the GTA

1:39 PM
Gurung seeks Delhi role on GTA

Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, Sept. 18: Bimal Gurung today called on Union home minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi to complain about the "incapacitated functioning" of the GTA and sought the Centre's intervention to fulfill the commitments made in the GTA agreement.

The GTA chief executive said he had informed Singh about the state government's alleged meddling in the functioning of the hill body and non-transfer of departments among other things.

After the meeting, Gurung said in a press release: "....met Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon'ble minister of home affairs and informed about the issue of incapacitated functioning of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration which was deemed to be an autonomous administrative institution that was born out of a tripartite agreement..."

The Darjeeling MP, S.S. Ahluwalia, and Kurseong MLA Rohit Sharma were also present during Gurung's meeting with Singh.
Bimal Gurung complain Centre about incapacitated functioning of the GTA
Bimal Gurung, Darjeeling MP, S.S. Ahluwalia, and Kurseong MLA Rohit Sharma
 met home minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi
The Morcha chief said he had told the Union home minister that the hill body was not being allowed to function autonomously by the state and "functions and functionaries of the 40 departments and 59 subjects to be transferred haven't yet come under the active control of the GTA".

"Gurung said he had appealed to the Centre "to hold a meeting for fulfillment of commitments as mentioned" in the GTA agreement.

The GTA chief said the minister's response "has been positive".

Source Telegraph

Ahluwalia clarifies his speech on Gorkhaland issue on I-Day in Kalimpong

12:02 PM
Writes Prashant Acharya

Darjeeling BJP MP S S Ahluwalia today called media to clarify his speech on Gorkhaland on Independence Day. BJP Lok Sabha MP from Darjeeling S.S. Ahluwalia had lent his support for Gorkhaland in an address during an Independence Day event in Kalimpong.
S S Ahluwalia today called media to clarify his speech on Gorkhaland on Independence Day.
S S Ahluwalia today called media to clarify his speech on Gorkhaland on Independence Day.
Ahluwalia said that the media twisted to different meaning of his speech and he did not mean the same. He once again read out his speech during the press meet and asked the media to listen properly, it read, "The Biharis say they are from Bihar, the Punjabis say they belong to Punjab, those who are Tamils say they belong to Tamil Nadu. When will the Gorkhas say that they belong to Gorkhaland? Their dreams should also come true,"

He said that his speech mean to clarify people that when will Gorkhas called themselves that they are from Gorkhaland.

Ahluwalia who was still seen confusion over the establishment of Gorkhaland also said, "BJP is with the aspirations of the Gorkhas and will fulfill their long demand and our party has also mentioned it in the manifesto."

BJP MP also said that he is soon going to start the process for making Hatigicha village as an Adarsh Gram which he has taken responsibility to obtain it just after swearing as MP.

"It was late due to lack of support from the state government and the administration showed less interest, said Ahluwalia.

Source: khabartaja24

Reactions after Ahluwalia BJP MP Darjeeling backs Gorkhaland

10:01 AM
BJP Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia on Saturday raised his voice for a separate Gorkhaland and wondered when will Gorkhas living in Darjeeling can say that they are residents of their state but his party distanced itself from his comments and said it does not want a division of Bengal.
Reactions after Ahluwalia BJP MP Darjeeling backs Gorkhaland
Ahluwalia BJP MP from Darjeeling  backs Gorkhaland 
"The Biharis say they are from Bihar, the Punjabis say they belong to Punjab, those who are Tamils say they belong to Tamil Nadu. When will the Gorkhas say that they belong to Gorkhaland? Their dreams should also come true," Ahluwalia said at a programme in Darjeeling during the day. The BJP state leadership, however, quickly distanced itself from Ahluwalia's comment and said it does not want division of Bengal.

The comment evoked sharp reactions in political circles. Accusing Mr. Ahluwalia of making “divisive” comments, Trinamool Congress secretary-general Partha Chatterjee said: “We will not tolerate such provoking remarks made to gain political mileage.”

Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader and Siliguri Mayor Ashok Bhattacharya accused the Member of Parliament of “double standards” and “opportunistic politics”.

His remarks may start a controversy as Bengalis in the plains and the rest of the State largely oppose the demand for a separate Gorkha homeland.

Mr. Ahluwalia had taken a similar stance even prior to the Lok Sabha elections, but had remained silent on the issue thereafter.

Not for division: BJP

Realising that the remark may snowball into a major political issue before next year’s Assembly election, the BJP’s State leadership distanced itself from the comment. “The BJP does not support any division of West Bengal … Perhaps he got carried away by emotions during his speech,” the lone BJP MLA in West Bengal, Shamik Bhattacharya, said.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had strongly opposed the Gorkhaland demand and quelled the agitation with strong administrative action. After the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government at the Centre granted statehood for Telangana in February 2014, fresh agitations had erupted in Darjeeling demanding a Gorkhaland State.

"The BJP doesn't want division of West Bengal but want economical development of Darjeeling. Maybe he had made an emotional speech," BJP MLA Shamik Bhattacharya said. After Centre s nod for Telangana, protests had rocked Darjeeling over the separate Gorkhaland issue. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had firmly dealt with the protests over a separate state and had nipped the agitation in the bud.

Political parties in West Bengal have reacted strongly to Darjeeling MP S.S Ahluwalia’s open backing of the demand for statehood for Gorkhaland.

Source - DNA - thehindu

SS Ahluwalia raised Gorkhaland issue on 69th Independence Day in Kalimpong

12:02 AM


BJP Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia today raised his voice for a separate Gorkhaland and wondered when will Gorkhas living in Darjeeling can say that they are residents of Gorkhaland. 

"The Biharis say they are from Bihar, the Punjabis say they belong to Punjab, those who are Tamils say they belong to Tamil Nadu. When will the Gorkhas say that they belong to Gorkhaland? Their dreams should also come true," Mr Ahluwalia said at a programme in Kalimpong during the day.

The BJP state leadership, however, quickly distanced itself from Ahluwalia's comment and said it does not want division of Bengal.

"The BJP doesn't want division of West Bengal but want economical development of Darjeeling. Maybe he had made an emotional speech," BJP MLA Shamik Bhattacharya said.

We are thankful to our MP for keeping the spirit of our statehood alive and for being vocal on the issue...

Gorkhaland is a reality waiting to happen, and the earlier Bengal and Central realize this fact the better it will be for everyone.

[Via: TheDC]

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