Showing posts with label S. S. Ahluwalia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S. S. Ahluwalia. Show all posts

Collective responsibility of leaders and common people towards the Gorkhaland demand

7:50 PM
Ek Thuki Suki, Hajaar Thuki Nadi - Bishal Lama

Salient points on Gorkhaland movement  

1)It is century old demand
2)It spans across the only revenue surplus region of West Bengal
3)It is not a separatist movement which is established by the fact that BJP has raised it in the parliament;

I will shed more light  on it some other day.

This discussion is more on what I think -  we, the people from Darjeeling hills, should now be focusing on after Mr SS Ahluwalia raised the issue in the parliament with the consent of the BJP high command.
Gorkhaland Map
Gorkhaland Map
Recently Mr SS Ahluwalia raised the issue of Gorkhas facing discrimination in their own land at the parliament while Mr Rajiv Rudy spoke about it to the media.
When we whine about our Gorkhaland movement gaining no traction on the media front, there's one thing that comes to my mind - have we tried enough? The honest answer to which is a big 'NO'. Have we tried to communicate our feelings, our desires and the merits of our movement to the rest of the country/world? How many of us have made an attempt to reach the government bodies/Prime Minister's office/BJP high command? Do we make use of freely available tools like online grievance sections of government portals, RTI, emails, twitter?
It comes to me as a surprise that our leaders themselves have very less presence in the social media space when ideally one tweet from them should be sparking debates where they would retort to opponents resulting in creation of even bigger fanbase among the youth. I request them to take a cue from leaders of every walk of life around the world.

What next? 
1. Even if Gorkhaland bill is tabled in Lok Sabha and lets say, passed, it will definitely get blocked in the Rajya Sabha.
2. Opposition will do its best and team up with TMC to oppose it.
3. Obviously out of curiosity people will start to refer internet for information where currently in all socio-political forums anti-Gorkhaland sect is a dominant force and they spread wrong facts and figures which they have been doing since decades. Unfortunately we have no online force to counter them.
4. Analysts will study current leaders of the movement to find out that those in power do not deserve it and seemingly deserving ones did not try hard enough because of which the opposition is spineless.

The pacemakers
1. To utter dismay, none of our leaders since late Mr Subash Ghishing has tried hands on igniting passion and enthusiasm among the actually concerned youth, which is how BJP won at the centre and AAP won at Delhi.
2. Instead of putting the cause of Gorkhaland above themselves, all our political leaders seem to be more interested in proving themselves correct and thus providing hindrance in forming a Joint Action Committee that Darjeeling urgently needs in order to prepare grounds to respond to the central committee that will be formed to look into this matter.
3. Darjeeling needs the leaders to step up and lead by example thereby attracting youths to participate in the movement in whatever ways possible. Their activity in social media will bring out the best from themselves as well as common folks. Public debates will definitely shake up some, if not many, of our strongly held perspectives, but the process will eventually refine those.
3.1 It is baffling that our leaders have still not realised the potential of Information Technology. Late Mr Madan Tamang used to upload his videos in youtube back then - what a visionary! If he were to be alive he would have definitely made full use of twitter and the concept of #hashtags. His assassination had rendered the political space vacuum which is yet to be filled.
3.2 Sadly even with such a huge population of #Gorkhas that once made an Indian Idol by sending sms-es (and made Reliance and sony richer), we were not able trend #Gorkhaland on the day when the matter was raised in parliament and Mr Rajiv Rudy chanted the same in front of the media.

Action points
We all have to start taking effective actions within our respective capacity instead of whining like kids - pachi swarga ma purkha haru lai ke jawaab diney?
Without any doubt, the leaders need to enter centrestage and drive the proceedings.
1. GJM has to keep everything transparent and make us common folks clear about the expectations, guidelines and timelines.
2. It has to drive the formation of a Joint Action Committee consisting of representatives from all parties/organisations.
3. Opposition forces have to be more critical and open minded in extend helping hands when necessary instead of moaning everytime.
3.1 Formation of JAC must be their immediate agenda
3.2  They must also get in touch with PMO/ BJP high command to put forward their points.
4. Every organisation that claims to be serious about Gorkhaland should take necessary steps to ensure that youths are attracted to it.
5. A motivated and unstoppable force of Gorkha youngsters is what every organisation in the hills lacks.

As for us laymen, thankfully we are as important as anyone else in a democratic set-up. We must participate in the process and prepare ourselves by:

1. Reading more about our movement
2. Exploring more and exposing the exploitation of Bengal government
3. Collating all information and spreading it across so that every Gorkha is prepared to face any inquiry on the topic.
4. Dedicating some internet hours to the cause -
4.1 Correct wrong propaganda spewed in public forums by anti-Gorkhaland forces
4.2 Use #Gorkhaland in posts/tweets
4.3 Clear doubts directly from the concerned official be it a GTA functionary or the Prime Minister of India.
4.4 Make use of RTI wherever needed
5. Most important of all, we must make sure that the ruling party as well the opposition forces do their work properly. They volunteered to serve the people which is you and me and therefore they are under an obligation to answer each and every question of ours.

To sum everything up in one simple sentence, as our wise ancestors have rightly put - "EK THUKI SUKI, HAJAAR THUKI NADI"  - "A single drop dries up quickly, while thousand drops maketh a river".
A small effort from every Gorkha will resonate into an energy that will propel our movement to the much needed next level.

Speech by Darjeeling MP S S Ahluwalia in the Parliament on the Gorkha's Demand

7:21 PM
Transcript of the Speech Made by Shri. S S Ahluwalia in the Parliament of India.
In his speech today the MP started by highlighting the fact that the budget presented this year was a visionary budget, which has the potential to transform India. From Kashmit to Kankyakumari, and from Kutch to Kohima. He then stated that “I represent a region that shares international border with four countries – Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and China which is only about 27 kms away... I come from a region which borders two states Sikkim and Bihar, and connects mainland India to the North East India... any movement in this area, be it strategic, military or for the development of North Eastern States, it has to pass through my constituency.”
MP SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung.jpg
MP SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung
He then highlighted the fact that, “due to socio-economic deprivation this region is the birth place of Naxalbad movement... today Naxalbad has finished and it has transformed into Maobad and has spread from Pashupatinath to Tirupathi... yet this region has remained undeveloped... this region produces the finest tea in the world and also oranges and pineapples... yet there has been no effort to develop the agro-industry in the region... the farmers there are suffering... for instance, those farmers who want to sell oranges to markets in Bangladesh cannot do so, as they charge a tax of Rs 37/ kg because of which the farmers are suffering...”

The MP then highlighted the fact that, Darjeeling is home of the Gorkhas – whose creed is, “responsibility, loyalty, and sincerity... from contributions made by brave freedom fighters like Saheed Durga Malla whose statue is installed near Gate # 5 and adorns the Parliamentary premise reminds us of our our freedom struggle... another name Tenzing resonates with the undying bravery of the people of Darjeeling... and names like Ari Bahadur Gurung who was a member of the Constituent Assembly of our great nation reminds of the significance of the region I represent.”
The MP then stated, “Madam Speaker, I want to highlight a few issues surrounding my constituency... There has been no war that India has fought, be it the war of 1962, 1965, Kargil, or the Mumai terrorist attack where Gorkhas have not laid down their lives for our motherland... and in recognizing this sacrifice Ms.

Today those same Gorkhas have been agitating since 1907... The demand for a separate administrative unit - separate state in today’s term – comprising the Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars was 1st raised in 1907 by the Hillman’s Association – comprising the representatives from all the communities of the Darjeeling region.

Since, then this demand has been raised 29 times in various shapes and forms. The most prominent being the violent agitation for separate statehood in 1986-88 which caused the death of hundreds of Gorkhaland supporters in Police firing, this eventually led to the formation of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council in 1988... but this disposition did not fulfill the aspiration of the Gorkhas.

This demand was again reignited in 2007 and lasted till 2011 which led to the formation of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration in 2011, and in an agreement signed by the then Home Minister P Chidambaram, Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee it is written – “the GJM, while not dropping their demand for a separate State of Gorkhaland, has agreed to the setting up of an autonomous Body [GTA]”

But despite the fact that the Gorkhas had signed this document in earnest, Bengal has continued to treat them as a 2nd class citizen, because of which they have been forced to begin their agitation again”

He then highlighted an issue which was 1st raised by TheDC and our readers i.e. non-inclusion of Nepali as an Optional paper in WBCS.

Today in the Parliament, Darjeeling MP stated, “The issue of discrimination against Gorkhas can be understood by the fact that, despite this Parliament recognizing Nepali as one of the National Languages of India in 1992, the Gorkhas cannot choose Nepali as an optional paper in WBCS… They can become IAS or IPS offices, but they cannot become WBCS officers… this is the heights of discrimination that the Gorkhas have to face…. Which is why they are agitating for Gorkhaland again at Jantar-Mantar… and amongst the various demands and grievances they have, this is merely one example of such discrimination”

The MP then reminded the Government of the promise made in BJP election manifesto in which they have promised to “sympathetically examine the demands of the Gorkhas, Rajbanshis, Adivasis and other people residing in the Darjeeling district, Dooars region”

He also highlighted that “various facilities that were supposed to be accorded to the region including the establishment of a Central University, Central Institute of Technology, Sainik School, National Games and Sports Academy, Central Government Engineering College, reservation of seats for students of the region in colleges and institutions of higher education including engineering, medical and management all over India etc” promised during the formation of GTA have not yet been fulfilled.

The MP then stated that, “the people from my constituency which spreads from the hills to Naxalbari, Phansidewa, Siliguri and Chopra need development initiatives... we are talking about smart cities... we need smart corridors... we need corridors that connect air travel to rail, which then connects to smart roadways... the passage to Bangladesh, Bhutam, Nepal and Burma happens over our chest... through Siliguri... hence Madam, I demand that a smart corridor be built to connect these places....”
Requesting the house to be considerate to the plight of people living next to NH31A, the MP said, “Madam from Ghospukur to Sevoke smart roads have to be built, but I request that may it be done without removing the people who have been living there for ages... may it be developed but without causing trouble and problem those who are already settled in the area....”

Finally he reiterated, “Madam, I want to reiterate and request the Government... to immediately form a committee to examine the long pending demand of this region.”

The Speaker than ordered, Shri. Nishikant Dubey, Shri. Shivakumar Udasi, Shri. Devji M Patel, Shri. Uday Pratap Singh, Shri. P P Chaudhari, and Dr. Kirit P Solanki to be associated with the matters raised by the Darjeeling MP.

[Copy of unedited speech transcript derived from Loksabha website]
Via: TheDC

GJM to conduct pujas for "world peace and Gorkhaland"

10:46 AM
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha will conduct several pujas over three days starting December 26 for "world peace and Gorkhaland", one of its senior leaders said today.
Bimal Gurung (in white kurta) during a puja on the Ganga in Varanasi on December 14
Bimal Gurung (in white kurta) during a puja on the Ganga in Varanasi on December 14
The list of the pujas is long, but the Morcha had a short reply to give when asked why the party felt the need to appease the gods now.

"This is being done for world peace and Gorkhaland," said Binay Tamang, the assistant secretary of the Morcha

Earlier, when Metro had asked Bimal Gurung, the Morcha chief, about his recent round of pilgrimage and puja - he had been to Varanasi, Kalighat in Calcutta and the Kamakhya temple in Assam earlier this month - he had said: "We have consistently faced a lot of obstacles. This is why we are offering pujas."

Morcha sources today spoke about a hermit Gurung had met, on whose advice the Morcha leader decided to conduct the pujas.

A source in the Morcha said: "A learned priest, Jagat Guru Baba from Varanasi, had met Bimal Gurung sometime back and it is being said that the guru advised Gurung to conduct these pujas for good dividends for the party and also for the demand of Gorkhaland."

What obstacles had come in his way, the Morcha chief did not specify when he spoke to Metro earlier but it is known that there has been a strain in relations with chief minister Mamata Banerjee since the Morcha decided to support BJP candidate S.S. Ahluwalia in the Lok Sabha poll for the Darjeeling seat, ignoring Trinamul candidate Bhaichung Bhutia.

Ahluwalia won the Darjeeling seat.

The chief minister also reportedly told Gurung on December 1 - the day the Morcha chief visited Kalighat - at Nabanna that the GTA's accounts would be audited by the CAG.

Gurung heads the GTA, too.

Morcha leaders in the hills said later that no one had a problem with any audit being conducted.

Gurung, who has seen many a hiccup in his relations with the state government, went out of his way on December 7 to explain why he had visited Mamata at Nabanna on December 1.

He had "nothing to fight about" with the chief minister, he said in Darjeeling as now the movement would be conducted in Delhi.

The Morcha has recently been in a spot of bother over another matter - one of it's leaders, now suspended, is wanted in an arms haul case.

According to police sources, GTA member Sanjay Thulung, who is untraceable, has been named by two men who were arrested with the arms in Assam.

The Morcha, which was tight-lipped after Thulung's house was raided, suspended him earlier this month.

The three-day puja will see 34 pandits from Varanasi come to Darjeeling. They will conduct pujas from 6am till midnight in the presence of 117 kumaris (girl children).

"The party will be conducting Maha Bindyabasini, Maha Puniya, 108 kumari pujas, Vishnu Mahayog and Ved Mantra at the Gorkha Rangamanch Bhavan in Darjeeling. On December 26, the puja will be conducted at Patlabas party office and nine kumaris will be present there. The next two-day puja will be held at Gorkha Rangamanch Bhavan," Tamang said.

"The puja at Gorkha Rangamanch is open to the public. We would request people to come without eating egg, meat or alcohol," Tamang added.

Source: Telegraph

Darjeeling MP Faces Heat Over Choice of Model Village

11:38 PM
The opposition parties have heavily criticized Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia on his choice of village for the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna.

Opposition leaders particular from the hills have condemned the move as being motivated by calculation of vote and vote bank than real development of an area which is hitherto neglected and marginalized as envisioned by the Prime Minister.

SS Ahluwalia in Naxal leader Kanu Sanyal's house
Pic by Kundan Yolmo: SS Ahluwalia in Naxal
leader Kanu Sanyal's house
Speaking to the press, DDUDF Chief Dr. M P Lama said, "We had repeatedly warned that we cannot afford to elect an outsider as our MP... this is what happens when you elect an outsider... SS Ahluwalai has no idea about the socio-economic and geographical realities of Darjeeling constituency... he is least bothered about the development of the hills... what has he done so far that exhibits that he has the best intentions towards Darjeeling hills? Nothing..."

Explaining his criticism Dr. Lama said, "see Hatighisa lies along a national highway... it is 20 kilometers away from a University and 22 kilometers away from a medical college... it is more or less already developed... as compared to places in the hills where the roads are yet to be built... or electricity is yet to be connected"

"Places like Todey-Tangta in Kalimpong sub-division and Jhepi in Rimbick region are far more deprived than Hatighisa," said Dr Lama

Ciriticising Ahluwalia's choice former Rajyasabha MP and CPI(M) leader Saman Pathak said, "there are so many villages in the hills that are yet to see even an iota of development... moreover Darjeeling hills haven't had any panchayat elections for the past 10 years... the state government has not handed over all the departments to GTA... in such a situation for the MP to select a village in the plains which is already more or less developed reeks of opportunism."

He further added, "it is shameful and hurtful that such a noble initiative which could be used to transform a marginalized and deprived village in the hills has been overlooked in favour of a village which sits next to a highway"

CPRM leader Govind Sharma added, "This MP has completely ignored the hills in favour of the plains... and its all right if you are focusing more on the plains as it is also part of Darjeeling district... but choose villages that really need development... not a one which sits next to national highway and already has access to schools, banks, hospitals... if you want to develop... develop those villages where there is no electricity or drinking water or health facilities."

MP Ahluwalia has stated that he will be spending around 24 crores to develop Hatighisa as a model village and transform it.

Speaking on the issue, Upendra an eminent political observer from the hills said, "see its all a matter of timing... with Siliguri Municipal Corporation and Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad elections round the corner, BJP is trying to make its presence felt in the plains... Going by the Votes polled in the MP elections... this time around BJP has a very good chance of forming boards at both SMC and SMP... given this it is but natural for them to be trying to strengthen their base in the plains..."

Moreover he adds, "Hatighisa is emotionally linked to numerous people in the plains due to its association with Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal led Naxalite movement... so I see it as a very politically astute move... this will help BJP to consolidate Kamtapuri/Rajbanshi and Adivasi votes and at the same time it will send a message to other voters in the plains that BJP is serious about developing the region"

But he added, "this does not mean that Darjeeling MP will completely neglect the hills... as far as I remember he has already said that he will pick one village from the plains and one from the hills... lets wait and see which village he picks up from the hills. "

Darjeeling is one of the most complicated constituencies in terms of its geographical and socio-political equations, but if genuine effort is made to develop this region, then the people across the board, from the hills to the plains will stand as one and cooperate.

GJM delegation met External Affairs, Road Transport & Highway and Tourism and Culture ministers in Delhi

6:41 PM
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) delegation led by Shri Bimal Gurung, President GJM, Shri S. S. Ahluwalia, Member of Parliament, Shri Roshan Giri, General Secretary, GJM, Shri Benoy Tamang, Asst General Secretary and Shri P.T Ola , Central Committee, GJM met Hon'ble Minister of External Affairs, Smt Sushma Swaraj, Hon'ble Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari and Hon'ble Minister for Tourism and Culture, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik in New Delhi today.
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha  (GJM) delegation met External Affairs minister Sushma Swaraj
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha  (GJM) delegation met External Affairs minister Sushma Swaraj
The GJM delegation briefed all three union ministers regarding the present situation of Darjeeling hills and appraised them on the century old demand of the Gorkhas.

Here are few specific points raised by the GJM to the concerned Ministers :-

1. Smt Sushma Swaraj, Hon'ble Minister of External Affairs.
i. Reopening of Jhelepa Pass for trade via Kalimpong.
ii. Opening of Passport Seva Kendra at Siliguri.
2. Shri. Nitin Jairam Gadkari, Hon'ble Minister of Road Transport and Highway.
i. Immediate steps to repair the NH55 road with special focus on Tindharia and also repair the 40 km road between Kurseong and Darjeeling.
ii. Alternative NH from Siliguri via Mirik along Balasan River to Darjeeling.
iii. Immediate repair of the Coronation Bridge as it connects the Darjeeling district with Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar districts, the Northeast and Bhutan with the rest of India.
Shri Shripad Yesso Naik, Hon'ble Minister for Tourism and Culture.
i. Proposal of a Hotel Management School under the Government of India worth 63 cr
ii. Sidrabong Hydro Project to be declared a National Heritage.

Source: Bimal Gurung Official Page

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