Loyalty, Defiance, and Treachery
Writes Upendra for TheDC
Darjeeling is a small place, but it’s a place full of intrigue – “syanu tara bisalu thau” as we say in Nepali; and what happened this past week, is indicative of the “bishalu” nature of our people. Perhaps it is this “bishalu” nature of the people living here, which has prevented us and continues to prevent us from achieving our one and only goal – Gorkhaland.
Right from the demand for “Gorkhastan” by the communists, to the demands of “Gorkhaland” by GNLF and GJM, we have always managed to find detractors within our own selves. Be it the CPIM [now CPRM] during 1986, to TMC supporters currently, the most vocal critics of Gorkhaland have always been a section or the other of the hill people.
While the world sings paeans about “Gorkha loyalty,” it is surprising, shocking and disheartening to note that the Gorkhas themselves have never been loyal to each other.
As is made apparent in the way three MLAs elected from our hills resigned: Mr. Trilok Dewan resigned from both the post and the party, Dr. Rohit Sharma resigned from the post and remained with the party, while Dr. Harka Bahadur Chettri retained the post and resigned from the party. There were four possible options and our MLAs did not disappoint us, they chose three out of the four and showed the world how very divided the Gorkhalis actually are.
However, behind this division lies the story of loyalty, defiance, and treachery.
Loyalty is a rare virtue, and even though the word “loyalty” is very often used in politics, it is seldom understood, or given the due respect it deserves. When it comes to “loyalty” it can be seen from four angles, 1) Loyalty to the people 2) Loyalty to the cause 3) Loyalty to the party and 4) Loyalty to self.
When it comes to the politicians in Darjeeling, more often than not, loyalty has more or less remained confined to the last two – loyalty to self and the political party one is associated with, or hopes to associate with.
As far as the cause – Gorkhaland is concerned, there are those who overtly support the demand, but once out of the public eyes, they do not care for it one way or the other. The three Darjeeling MLAs who resigned recently from either the party or the post, till date did not make a single statement in the Bengal legislative assembly in favour of Gorkhaland. All three of them were happy being MLAs and the CAUSE did not matter to them.
Almost all our politicians have deceived, lied, cheated and made a fool of the people, so it is safe to state that their loyalty towards people is zero. However, amongst the three, as far as we are aware, Dr. Rohit Sharma has done the most for the people.
He raised the issue of non-inclusion of Nepali in WBCS mains in the assembly, he raised the issue of forming SSB in the hills, and he has helped over 100 critically ill patients with finding resources for their treatment and payment of medical bills. Even though he is an MLA from Kurseong, we are witness to him helping Jyotika (from Darjeeling) and getting Rs 1 Lakh sanctioned for her treatment, when Darjeeling MLA Mr. Trilok Dewan was nowhere to be found. We are also witness to Dr. Sharma extending help to those from Darjeeling who needed help in Delhi. He has bought ambulances for his constituents and assisted them when the landslides struck. As recently as August of 2015, Dr. Sharma and GTA tourism Secretary Mr. Sonam Bhutia helped the hill students from Darjeeling who are currently studying at Jadavpur University and provided them the Gorkha Bhawan hall for a token fee of Rs 500, while the same hall had demanded Rs 20000 for 8 hours use last year [Details:
Poem via: Ashim Rai Chamling Malekungcha |
So as far as I am concerned, I definitely rate Dr. Rohit Sharma higher in terms of loyalty towards the people. Perhaps he could have done more, but he did the most amongst the three.
There is a certain charm in being a rebel. It takes guts and also a great deal of courage to try and swim against the current. However, it helps to be a rebel for a cause, and sadly the two MLAs who have dared to show their defiance against what they term as “diktat” chose their MLA SEATS as the CAUSE worth defying for, instead of Gorkhaland.
I respect the fact that both Dr. Harka Bahadur Chettri and Mr. Trilok Dewan have resigned from GJM in defiance of the “party diktat.” After resigning both have highlighted how “suffocating the atmosphere was in GJM,” both have stated how “GJM would not listen to them,” both have stated how “their voices were never heard.”
However, I have a question for both these gentlemen – Sir, why were you guys silent all this while? What stopped you from speaking out against this “diktat” and “suffocating environment” earlier?
In Darjeeling, every thinking and educated person detests GJM, and even GJM supporters are aware of that fact, so why did you guys not get out of the “suffocating” environment and inform the people? Why did you wait for till when you were asked to resign, to voice your dissent?
Mr. Trilok Dewan does get the benefit of doubt. Perhaps it was a late bout of conscience hitting him or a case of his ego repeatedly being bruised, whatever his reasons were, his resignation from both the party and the post absolves him of any selfishness on his part.
Before resigning from his Legislative assembly post Dr. Rohit Sharma entered the hall with a “We Want Gorkhaland” t-shirt, and shouted slogans for Gorkhaland and freedom of self-administration inside the assembly, and then he resigned.
While GJM supporters see bravery in his action and site it as an act of defiance against the tyrannical Bengal government, I see political gimmick. Though it is easy to respect the fact that he dared to raise his voice for Gorkhaland inside Bengal assembly, I wish he had done so on the 1st day of every legislative session, instead of on his last day.
So when it comes to defiance, even though I would rate Mr. Trilok Dewan higher than Dr. Rohit Sharma – sadly both their actions are passionately ineffective. However, Dr. Harka Bahadur is a class apart; his defiance is much driven by his self-interest above all, which leads us to the third category.
I have always felt that our politicians have so much to learn from the Bengali politicians. Their fierce loyalty to each other when it comes to defending a “collective cause” is unparalleled and something that we should all want to emulate the most.
Till date, I haven’t seen or heard a single main stream Bengali politician rushing in to support the formation of Gorkhaland state. Bengali social leaders, academics, fringe politicians and common people have supported separate state for the Gorkhas, but till today no main-stream Bengali politician has supported the Gorkhaland statehood.
In contrast, look at us, we are divided amongst ourselves so much that we not only have a plethora of demands, but we also have treacherous individuals amongst our midst who would not give two hoot to decrying the demand for Gorkhaland, if the payment is right.
From demanding 6th Scheduled (GNLF), to demanding Sikkim merger (GRC), to demanding Union Territory (Hill Congress), to demanding Autonomous Administration (CPIM), to demanding Development boards (selected communities), to demanding Development (Hill TMC), to demanding Separate district for Kalimpong (Dr. Harka), to demanding Gorkhaland (GJM, CPRM etc). Almost every single political party has their own personal cause that they are championing and trying to impose on the people.
We are hardly 15 lakhs here in Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars region, and yet look at the causes that have divided us. While all the Bengali politicians speak with one voice – “NO” – against Gorkhaland, we keep on sending multiple messages. Perhaps even the center is confused and tired of our shenanigans.
So the greatest form of treachery being committed on our people is perpetuated by our politicians, who are ably supported by us.
However, let us look at our three MLAs and see who has been more treacherous. Dr. Rohit Sharma has remained loyal to his party, which right now represents the majority in Darjeeling, so he can be called treacherous, only if we are willing to blame his entire party of treachery towards the people. GJM as a whole has undoubtedly failed the people of Darjeeling, so Dr. Sharma is definitely guilty by association. But as an individual he has remained loyal to the party and the hill cause.
Mr. Trilok Dewan who yesterday said that only “drivers” and “contractors” were running the GJM, also said, “What Gorkha society benefited over the constant conflict with Bengal government? Was it beneficial for our region to have agitations in regular basis? Does not it affect common people? GTA is raised in good times and only in difficulties the issue of Gorkhaland is voiced.” He is absolutely correct, and he is the prime example of how people voice “Gorkhaland” whenever they are put in a difficult spot.
Till Date, Mr. Trilok Dewan has not uttered a single word on Gorkhaland in any of the Bengal legislative meetings. Till date, he did not raise the concern of the talks only being confined to the GTA and not exactly Gorkhaland. But after resigning, he has plenty to talk about on what went wrong. Isn’t it a bit hypocritical of him to use Gorkhaland after he was put in spot and not before that?
However, I am hopeful that his revelation will shake things up in Darjeeling, and will help in ushering in a new era of fairness and openness in how politics is conducted in Darjeeling. We are hopeful that Mr. Dewan will release the murky details of GJM politics and help in cleansing our hills of the politics of lies, deceit and hypocrisy.
In terms of treachery, however the undisputed winner is Dr. Harka Bahadur. Despite all his claims to innocence, Dr. Harka has time and again supported Mamata and her actions. He has released anti-Gorkhaland statements and sought favours with TMC. Thus it comes as no surprise that today Dr. Harka Bahadur is running from one Bengali TV channel to another vilifying GJM, GTA and even Gorkhaland.
Responding to the question on Development Boards, Dr. Harka said, “the Boards are doing much better job than the GTA… so why complain?” Perhaps it’s true (facts suggest otherwise), but it is also indicative of the fact that he supports the formation of such Jat-based boards which majority of us hill folks see as the 1st wedge placed by Bengal for dividing and ruling over the hill people.
Today he claims to champion the cause of the people of Kalimpong, but we all remember him missing from action when landslide struck Kalimpong [details:
http://on.fb.me/1L4mgDi]. In fact, Lingsheka region in Kalimpong is still cut off from the rest of Darjeeling – so here is the question, where is the love Mr. MLA? If you were really concerned about the people of Kalimpong, wouldn’t you have made that a priority?
Dr. Harka says he will fight for making Kalimpong a district, well that is a worthy cause indeed. However as one of our colleagues from Kalimpong Mr. Dk Waiba writes, “फेसबुकभरी कालेबुङलाई जिल्ला बनाउनुपर्छ भन्ने कुराको चर्चा छ। चर्चाका केन्द्रविन्दुमा छन् गोजमुमो पार्टीको राजीनामा दिनुपर्ने फरमानलाई विरोध गरेर पार्टीबाटै राजीनामा दिने विधायक डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्री। कालेबुङलाई जिल्ला बनाउनु अति राम्रो कुरा हो। प्रशासनिक सुविधाको निम्ति अलग जिल्ला बनिनु पर्छ। यसको समर्थक म पनि हुँ। घोषणा नै गरिदिएँ। तर यहाँ यत्तिखेर मलाई के लागिरहेको छ भने यसपल्ट कालेबुङलाई जिल्ला बनाउने पहल हुने हो होइन त्यसभन्दा अघि सिलगडी जिल्ला बनिएर दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाबाट सधैँको निम्ति चुँढिएर जाने सम्भावना भने मैले देखेको छु। हामी हल्ला धेर गर्छौँ तलकाहरू काम धेर गर्छन अनि चुपचाप काम गर्नेहरूले कालेबुङ जिल्ला बनिन अघिनै सिलगडी जिल्ला बनाएर लैजादा हामी हिस्रिकै पर्छौँ अनि त्यतिबेला फेरि एकचोटी नेतालाई सराप्छौँ। प्रशासनिक सुविधाको निम्ति कालेबुङ मात्रै किन जिल्ला बनाउनु ? खर्साङलाई पनि अलग्गै जिल्ला बनाऊँ... कि कसो ? तीनवटै महकुमा जिल्लामा परिणत भएपछि सबै महकुमाका जनतालाई सुविधा हुने होइन र ? जहाँ खण्डहरूको संख्या बड्ने छ, पञ्चायतको संख्या बढ्ने छ। तब सबै ठाउँका जनताले प्रशासनकि सुविधा पाउन सजिलो हुनेछ”।
Dr. Harka is one of the key proponents of GJM as well as GTA. Never once in the past has he voiced his opinion against either, however, today he is busy pointing out all the flaws in GTA, he is also busy decrying GJM. Today he sees virtue in Jat-specific Development boards, and virtue in the benevolence of Bengal and Mamata. It is said that a council will soon be formed which will control all the development boards, and Dr. Harka will supposedly head that council. Perhaps that is what inspired him to rebel, and not really the Kalimpong cause.
Francis Bacon once said, “the zeal which begins with hypocrisy must conclude in treachery; at first it deceives, at last it betrays”
It is easy to see who the hypocrite is, as his betrayal is evident for the world to witness today.
Originally published here http://on.fb.me/1YBljpN