Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु - गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा

8:07 PM
गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा कुनै नया कुरा होइन तेस्मा हामी गोर्खाली जाती डटेको नै छैनौ, "तेस्तो त भै रहन्छ" भनेर टाली दिन्छौ तर हिज आज यो हेपाइ ले रेखा पार गरेको के मलाइ अनि केही जागरुक जन्ताहरुलाई मात्र आभास भएको हो? आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भयो अस्पताल मा जो हिजो अस्ति दिल्ली को गुण्डाहरु ले कुटेर मर्नु र बाच्नु हुने स्थिती मा फ्याकी दिएको थियो। 

एति मात्र कहाँ हो र निकै छ नि एस्ता हरु अनि यो सब घटना भै सकेर के गर्छौ र फेस्बुक मा दुई तीन वटा पोस्ट हालेर शोक मनाउछौ, आफू ले मात्र देख्ने बजार को भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्छौ अनि बाँस! काम टर्यो मैले गर्ने कर्तव्य निभाए भनेर ठूलो श्वास फेरेर आफ्नो परिवार सङ रमाउछौ तर त्यो मरौ परेको परिवार मा के हुँदै होला अनि त्यो मरौ कस्ले गर्दा परेको हो? हामी आफै ले गर्दा, हो! हामी ले गर्दा त्यो घर मा मरौ परेको हो अरु बेला अरु ले हेप्दा हामी दरो भएर डटेर युद्ध गरेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन होला फेस्बुक र त्यो कोसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा हावा हावा को पोस्टर न टालेर खास रण भुमी मा ओर्लेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन।

खुकुरी उठाउनु भनेको होइन, लडाइ गर्नु भनेको होइन खुन खराबा गर्नु भनेको होइन, मानव्ता हराएको सन्सार मा यो हेपाइ खानु परेको स्थिती मा राज्निती ले अलिकती पनि काम गरेको छैन ईतिहास साक्षी छ अनि बर्तमन पनि। के फाइदा करोड करोड को बाटो बनाएर जब हेपाइ मा हिड्नु पर्यो भने, के फाइदा पावर र पोजिसन को जस्ले आफ्नै घाँटी मा बाध्धिएको लुगा सिलाउने धागो पनि चुट्टाउन सकेन भने?

नचिनिने भएछौ भन्ने कविता त भुतकाल मै लेख्नु भएको थियो तेति बेला त न चिनिने भएको थिएछ हाम्रो जाती अब झन के भै सक्यो सबैलाई थाहा छ। प्रणय प्रधान त सबै हेपाइ को एउटा एक्जाम्पल मात्र हो तेस्तो एक्जाम्पल त कति छ कति जो मर्न पनि सक्दैन बाच्न पनि सक्दैन। अनि हामी के गर्न सक्छौ? केइ न केइ, अह! एति गर्न सक्छै फेस्बुक मा एउटा पोस्ट हाल्नु अनि नेताहरु ले कसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्नु।

स्कुल कलेज मा एन्टि रेग्गिङ सर्टिफिकेट बनाउनु लगाउछ एड्मिस्सन गरि सकेर रेग्गिङ्ग न होस भनेर, यदि भएको ख्ण्ड मा जस्ले गर्छ तेस्लाइ प्रसासन ले डन्ड दिन्छ हामी गोर्खा जाती पनि त स्कुल भित्रै छौ अनि स्कुल को नाउ हो भारत। किन हामीलाई मात्र छुट्टाउछ? किन हामी मात्र हेप्पिन्छौ?हामी मिलेर किन बस्न सक्दैनौ?हामी डटेर किन लड्न सक्दैनौ? के हामी न बिकि बस्न सक्दैनौ?

आदत भै सक्यो आदत निहुरेर हिड्ने हेपाइ खाने कस्ले जिम्मेवारी उठाउछ हामी हेपिएको? को जिम्मेदार छ हाम्रो हेपाइ को? के हेपिएरै जीवन बिताउने आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भएको छ यदि हाम्रो जाती हेपाइ न खाने भए अरु जाती सम्मान भए कसैले आँखा उठाएर हेर्न सक्दैन थियो तर भयो होइन? भोलि हाम्रो जाती को पनि एसरी अस्पताल मा मृत्यु न होस जोगाएर राखौ, यो जन्ता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ नेता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ अनि सर्कार ले याद राख्नु पर्छ।

अनिकेश प्रधान

11-Year-Old Girl Child Molested in Kalimpong

12:03 PM

HORRIFIC: 11-Year-Old Girl Child Molested in Kalimpong


After an incident of molestation to a minor that came to light through social networking sites, the accused allegedly identified as Govind Sarki has been absconding, while the little survivor admits that she was molested.

Sarki is known to be a driver (Driving white WagonR) by profession, living with a wife and daughter of two. According to the information received from the survivor’s family, the mother, who suffers from fluency disorder, used to walk her towards her school every day. On Friday, Sakri coincidently was around their locality and volunteered to drop the girl to her school, which he used to do once in a while.
11-Year-Old Girl Child Molested in Kalimpong
On the way to her school, he stopped the car in an isolated area, came out of the driver’s seat, got in the second seat, locked the door, removed her shirt and molested her. It was known that she was alone in the car.

She returned home later in the (Friday) evening and told her mother about the incident, her mother, on the other hand, was not (fully) believed by her family members because of her disorder.

On Sunday, when the family members prepared to give the girl a bath, they asked her about the incident and she said everything slowly. The family members later took her to Sarki’s house to identify him, he was not present. When his photo was shown, she started shivering with fear, informed the family members. They filed an FIR later in the evening on Sunday and admitted her at the District Hospital for her medicals.

‘He also bit her in sensitive parts of the body’ said the family source, while the survivor was nodding behind her at the District Hospital when asked her, ‘How old are you?’ she responded ‘I am turning 11 soon’

It was also known that he gave her 10 rupees before and after he abused her. Sarki, on the other hand, has been absconding ever since the incident

‘If the kid is lying or unsure, why would he abscond after the incident?’ questioned the family members.

However, as per the verbal order of Child Welfare Committee-Alipurduar, (In-Charge Kalimpong), she was sent to Bal Suraksha Abhiyan (An NGO) in the evening, for the temporary shelter.

The case is filed in the Women Police Station and the police sources said that they are investigating in the matter.

Via TheDC

Priyanka Lama murder case, family seeks justice

8:11 AM
Priyanka Lama Murdered -  Family and Friends Demand Justice

Special Report: Nand Poudel

Nagarkatta police have found a blood-drenched dead body of Priyanka Lama(24) on Saturday evening. She is the resident of Chadar Line near Hindi High School under Nagarkatta Block.

Priyanka's family has suspected her death as a murder and police has said it will be confirmed only after the post mortem of her dead body.
Priyanka Lama 

According to the report in the evening of the incident, Priyanka had just crossed the gate of her house talking over her phone when there was a sudden loud noise.

Her neighbour, a lady who came out hurriedly hearing the loud noise spotted her fallen on the ground drenched in a pool of blood. She informed Priyanka's mother about the incident who fainted seeing the condition of her daughter.

Priyanka was rushed to Sulkapada hospital by local people where she was declared dead.

Sources from her family said she died of a big wound over her head from a sharp weapon. Excess flow of blood from her ears is also spotted which is believed to claim her life. The reason behind the murder is unknown to the family and the police have resumed the investigation.

Police have assured the culprit to be brought to justice as soon as possible. After the brutal incident, local people in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity have demanded the police administration to bring the culprit to justice within 24 hours.

Priyanka Lama was the only daughter of late Chandre Lama a resident of Chadar Line, Nagarkatta. After her father's death 15 years ago she was brought up by her mother a widow, Aruna Lama who was bearing Priyanka's education.

Her mother's only future recourse Priyanka was working in a private bank in Kurseong branch after completing her graduation. She had come home on two day's leave and was supposed to join her duty the following Monday but met her mysterious fate on Sunday evening.

Her relatives and neighbours who are grieving her suspicious death are not ready to take it as a natural death. Her uncle Mr Ganesh Aley mourning her death has demanded a deeper investigation in the murder case.

शनिबार साँझ नगरकट्टा पुलिसले रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा एक युवतीको मृतदेह उद्धार गरेको छ । मृत युवतीको नाम प्रियंका लामा (२४) जो नगरकट्टा खण्ड अन्तर्गत हिन्दी हाई स्कुल छेउ चादर लाइनका स्थानीय वासीन्दा हुन । परिवारले प्रियंकालाई हत्या गरिएको आरोप लगाएको छ भने यता नगकरकट्टा पुलिसले मृत्युको कारण पोष्टमार्टम पछी जान्न सकिने बताएको छ । घटनालाई लिएर नगरकट्टामा शोकको लहर छाएको छ ।

घटनाको प्राप्त जानकारी अनुसार शनिबार साँझको समय प्रियंका मोबाइलमा बात गर्दै घरको फाटक मात्र पार गरेकी थिन । अचानक केही आहट सुनेपछी छिमेकी महिला वाहिर आउछीन र प्रियंकालाई रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा भूइमा लडी रहेको देखछिन । यस्तो दृष्य देखेर महिला चिचाउदै प्रियंकाको आमालाई बोलाउ छिन । केही क्षण अघि मात्र संघै बसेर कफी पिएको छोरीलाई रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा देखेपछी आमा अरुणा आले त्यहीनै मुर्छा परछिन । गाउलेहरुले तुरन्तै सुलकापाडा अस्पताल पुराएता पनि चिकित्सकले प्रियंकाको मृत्यु भई सकेको बताउछ ।

परिवार सूत्रले जनाए अनुसार प्रियंकाको मृत्यु कुनै धारिलो हतियार प्रहार गरेर भएको बतायो । कारण प्रियंकाका शिरमा गहिरो चोट रहेको छ र कानबाट धेरै खुन गएको पनि देखिएको बताएको छ । प्रियंकाको मृत्युको कारणबारे परिवार पनि अनभिज्ञनै रहेको छ । पुलिसले छानबीन शुरु गरेको छ । पुलिसले चाँडै दोषीलाई चिन्हित गरेर कानूनी सजाय दिने बताएको छ । तर यसरी एक जना युवतीको साँझपखनै हत्या भएकोले नगरकट्टावासीले असुरक्षित महशुस गरेका छन । र पुलिसले २४ घण्टा भित्र दोषीलाई प्रकाउ गर्न पर्ने माग गरेको छ ।

प्रियंका लामा नगरकट्टा चादरलाइन निवासी स्वः चन्द्रे लामाका एकलो छोरी हुन । चन्द्रे लामाको आज भन्दा १५ वर्ष अघिनै स्वरगारोहण भएको थियो । त्यपछी विद्यवी असाहय आमा अरुणा लामाले छोेरीको पालन पोषण अनि शिक्षा दान गराएका थिन । आमको एक मात्रा जीवनको साहारा छोरी प्रियंका थिन । जसले रा्रोसित शिक्षा आर्जन गरेर गत दिसम्बर महिनामा मात्र कुनै एक बेसरकारी व्यांकमा खारसाङ शाखामा नौकरी पाएकी थिन । दुई दिन छुट्टि हुँदा घर आएकी प्रियंका सोमबार काममा जानु थियो । तर आईतबार रातीनै प्रियंकाको रहस्मय मृत्यु भयो । प्रियंकाको परिवार आफन्ता लगायत छिमेकीहरुले यस घटनालाई कुनै पनि अवस्थामा मान लिन सकेको छैन । प्रियंकाका मामा गणेश आले भने, हामी धेरै मर्माहत छौं । यो हत्यो हो । पुलिसले गहराईमा गएर घटनाको छानबीन गर्नु पर्ने तिनले माग गरेका छन ।


Kalimpong Girl Murdered in Delhi

9:55 PM
Lakshmi Chettri, a 32 years old woman from 15th Mile Dalapchand Busty in Kalimpong, was found dead in her residence at 1 Desu Road, Mehrauli, New Delhi. The incident happened on 25th Oct.
Kalimpong Girl Murdered in Delhi

According the the Post Mortem reports, the case was that of Murder. The reason for the murder and the person/people behind it are still unknown.

Lakhsmi was survived by her farmer parents back at home, who stand devastated by the incident. The Darjeeling representatives at the North East Cell and in Delhi supported by other active members helped the family with Lakshmi's Cremation at Delhi itself.

The Team has further approached Higher Police officials in Delhi regarding the case, who have promised immediate and serious investigation in the matter.

Via The DC

Fake Momo Challenge messages creates panic

8:03 AM
Some people spreading fake messages to create panic, says CID All the numbers from where messages were sent to people in to play the Momo Challenge were based abroad, the CID said.

The West Bengal CID on Tuesday downplayed the growing Momo Challenge scare in the state, saying most of the messages received by people inviting them to play the alleged killer game appear to be fake, and that there is no reason to connect the recently reported suicide cases to it.
Fake Momo Challenge messages creates panic

No formal complaints regarding the game have been filed at any of the police stations in the state till date. All the numbers from where the messages were sent to people in the state to play the Momo Challenge were based abroad and an investigation has been initiated into this, the DIG (Operations), CID, Nishat Pervez said.

“Even I got the ‘Momo Challenge’ message on my cellphone but the sender is known to me. No Momo cases have been filed in any of the police stations, be it in the districts or the city, contrary to media reports. Instead, what is gaining prominence is a fake message that is being circulated through social media. The messages have no links that would take the recipient to the actual game. Even the preliminary investigation into the alleged suicidal deaths in north Bengal too did not reveal any clue relating to the ‘Momo Challenge’ having played a role in the deaths,” Pervez said.

“Fake messages can be created and that is what has happened,” he said.
Media and social media are abuzz with alleged Momo Challenge cases, and several complaints have been filed of people receiving messages asking them to play the game. But the CID said that this was nothing but mischief.

“Most of the cases investigated so far were found to be mischievous. What needs to be done is to carry out awareness campaigns and to make people, especially parents, aware. They should be extra vigilant,” said a senior CID officer.

“Should they notice any such message on their mobiles, they should immediately file complaints at the local police stations. We will probe the cases and try to identify the persons involved in it,” Pervez said.

Momo game allegedly claim it's first victim in Darjeeling hills

11:56 AM
Amitava Banerjee | MP |Darjeeling: Debate over whether the class 12 student was coerced by the "Momo" game to commit suicide raged in the Hills. 
Momo Game

On August 20, an 18-year-old student Manish Sarki went missing in his hometown —Kurseong. Sarki was a Class 12 commerce student. When Manish did not return home until 9 pm, his anxious parents and neighbours launched a search operation for him. Later, he was found hanging inside a pig sty located at St. Mary's Hill in Kurseong.

On the walls of the pig sty, there were symbols and words spray painted such as — 'Illuminati' 'Doped', 'Hanged Man' and the name of a girl. "My son is a victim of the 'Momo game.' He was an obedient boy and good in studies. He would stay indoors most of the time and used to spend a lot of time playing games on his cell phone. I have lost my son," stated Chandramaya Sarki, mother of the deceased. 
18-year-old student Manish Sarki momo game victim
18-year-old student Manish Sarki 

Arvin Ghatani, a friend of the deceased also feels the same. "Manish used to play a lot of internet games specially on social media sites. The symbols and the images found on the walls of the pig sty also appear on the Momo game app," stated Ghatani. 

"We did not recover any suicide note. The cell phone belonging to the deceased will be examined by cyber experts. Following this, it can be ascertained whether the death was prompted by the suicide game," stated Harikrishna Pai, Additional Superintendent of Police, Kurseong

Elderly Couple murdered in Kalimpong, bodies dumped in septic tank

4:44 PM
The Kalimpong district police on Friday evening recovered the bodies of an elderly couple from the septic tank of their house in Pedong that has led to panic among the residents of the small hamlet.
Sherpa Couple murdered in Pedong Kalimpong
Sherpa Couple murdered in Pedong Kalimpong

The bodies of Phurtemba Sherpa (69) and his wife Kusum (55) were recovered by police after neighbours informed them about their being missing. The two are residents of Dokyong I Sericulture, Sakyong GP of Pedong.

According to police, the couple’s elder son Sangden has called his neighbours from Malda to inquire about his parents, who did not take his calls. “The elder son called up the neighbours to inquire about his parents. The door of the house was locked and a phone and a torch light that belonged to Phurtemba were found outside,” said Atul Vishwanathan, Kalimpong additional superintendent of police in Saturday.

Sangden is employed in the police department and is presently posted in the correctional home in Malda. His younger brother is a teacher in a private school in Bihar. “I got worried and called my brother and also our neighbors in Pedong to inquire because my father and mother were not taking my calls. I has spoken with my mother just a day before and had promised them to call back again on Friday,” Sangden said.

The bodies of Phurtemba and Kusum were discovered from the septic tank in the rear of their house by police. “We found the bodies in decomposed condition. There are deep cut marks on the foreheads of the couple. When we broke open the door, we found the house ransacked. We have started a case and are looking at every possible angle,” the ASP

The police official said it was difficult to say immediately when the murder may have taken place. “They (husband and wife) were last seen on August 16. We recovered the bodies on Friday evening. Now, whether the murder took place on Friday evening or Saturday morning, we are trying to ascertain,” Vishwanathan said.

Sniffer dogs have been called from Siliguri to help in the investigation. “We have got some clues and four to five names. Hopefully, the case will be detected very soon,” the ASP said.

The bodies have been sent for postmortem in the Kalimpong district hospital and report is awaited.

Via  (EOIC)

पेदोङमा सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्या; हत्यारा चाँढै पक्रा पर्न सक्ने पुलिसले दियो सङ्केत

2:34 PM
गफसफ.com, कालेबुङ 18 अगस्त।
पेदोङमा भएको सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्यालाई लिएर पुलिसले जाँच अभियान तिब्र बनाएको छ भने चाँडै नै हत्यारा पक्रा पर्न सक्ने कालेबुङ जिल्ला पुलिस उप-अधिक्षक अतुल विश्वनाथनले बताएका छन्। उनले आज घट्ना स्थलको भ्रमण गरेर जानकारी लिएपछि घट्ना सम्बन्धमा पुलिसले महत्वपूर्ण सुईँको फेला पार्न सकेको दाबी गरेका छन्।

‘हामीले घट्नाको हरेक कोणबाट जाँच गरिरहेका छौँ। जाँकको क्रममा केही महत्वपूर्ण क्लुहरू हामीले फेला पारेका छौँ’ जिल्ला पुलिस उपअधिक्षक विश्वनाथनले भने। यसक्रममा उनले सोही महत्वपूर्ण सुरागकै आधारमा हत्यारा चाँढै पक्रा पर्न सक्ने सम्भावना रहेको पनि बताएका छन्।
 स्व. फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (पति) अनि स्व. कुसुम सेर्पा (पत्नी)
 स्व. फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (पति) अनि स्व. कुसुम सेर्पा (पत्नी) 

उनले हत्यालाई पक्राउ गर्नका निम्ति पुलिसले जाँच कार्य गरिरहेको भन्दै स्निफर डग टोलि समेत बोलाइएको जानकारी दिएका छन्। उनले सेर्पा दम्पतिको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कीमा फ्याँकेको अवस्थामा फेला पारेको पुष्टि गर्दै उनीहरू दुवैको निधारमा गहिलो चोटको निशानी रहेको पनि बताएका छन्। हत्याराले कुन अभिष्टको निम्ति हत्या गरेको हो भन्न नसकिने बताउँदै घरभित्र तोडफोड गरिएको अवस्था रहेको कारण परिवार पक्षले आफ्ना घरभित्रको सामाग्रीहरू हराएको छ छैन त्यसबारे जानकारी दिएपछि मात्रै चोरीको घट्ना सँग जोड्न सकिने बताएका छन्। यसक्रममा उनले उक्त घट्नालाई लिएर कालेबुङ थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरिएर जाँच सुरु भएको पनि स्पष्ट पारेका छन्। 

स्मरण रहोस्, कालेबुङ जिल्लाको पेदोङ स्थित दाक्योङ सेरिकल्चर नजिक सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्याले सनसनी छाएको छ। पति फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (69) अनि पत्नी कुसुम सेर्पाको हत्यापछि उनीहरूको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कमा फ्याँकेको अवस्थामा पुलिसले शुक्रबार बेलुकी भेटेपछि उक्त घट्ना सार्वजनिक भएको हो। घट्नापछि पुलिसले शवको उद्घार गरेर आज कालेबुङ जिल्ला अस्पतालमा पोस्टमार्टम गरि परिवार पक्षलाई सुम्पिएको छ।

उक्त हत्या गत 16 अगस्तको राती नै भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ भने हत्याबारे शुक्रबार मात्र थाह लाग्न सकेको हो। पुलिस विभागमा नै कार्यरत छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले शुक्रबार दिउँसो घरमा आमा-बाबालाई फोन गर्दा फोन नउठाएपछि घट्नाबारे पत्तो लाग्न सकेको हो। छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले घरमा गरेको फोन नउठाएपछि आफ्ना छिमेकीहरूलाई आफ्नो घरमा गएर हेरिदिने खबर गरेपछि गाउँका आफन्तहरू घरमा गएर हेर्दा घर बन्द अवस्थामा अनि वरिपरिको दृष्य सन्दिघ रहेको थाह पाएपछि उनीहरूल तत्कालै पुलिसलाई सूचित गरेको थियो। घट्नाको जानकारी पाउन साथ घट्ना स्थलमा पुलिस पुगेर जाँच गर्न थालेपछि नै दुई दम्पतिको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कीमा हत्या पछि फ्याँकिदिएको अवस्थामा फेला पारेको हो।
‘मैले अघिल्लो दिन घरमा आमालाई फोन गरेर बात गरेको थिएँ। सधैँ झैँ भोलिपल्ट पनि मैले आमालाई फोन गरे तर फोन उठाएनन्। त्यसरीनै मैले बाबालाई पनि फोन गर्दा फोन उठाएनन्। उनीहरू दुवैले फोन नउठाएपछि मलाई चिन्ता लागेर भाइलाई पनि भने अनि गाउँका आफन्तहरूलाई घरमा गएर हेरिदिने भनेको थिए। आफन्तहरू आएर घरमा हेर्दा नै घट्नाबारे थाह पाउन सकिएको हो’ छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले बताएका छन्।

उनले आफन्तहरू घरमा आएर हेर्दा घर बाहिरबाट ताला लगाइदिएको अनि बाबाको फोन र टर्च आँगनमा लडिरहेको अनि आमाको फोन भने भित्र नै रहेको देखेपछि उनीहरूले नै पुलिसलाई सूचित गरेर बोलाउने कार्य गरेपछि मात्र घट्नाबारे पत्तो लाग्न सकेको पनि बताएका छन्।

Via गफसफ.com

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