Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Nepali language as one of the most takers during CBSE

2:23 PM
JAI GORKHA: Punjabi, Malayalam, Bengali, Nepali found most takers during CBSE boards

In the recently concluded CBSE board examinations, Punjabi, Malayalam and Tamil were the regional language papers with the most number of candidates in class X.

In class XII, the highest number of candidates appeared for Punjabi and Bengali papers, with Nepali coming in third.

The board offers 38 languages at the class XII level, and 34 at the class X level. These include Hindi, English and Urdu, along with a range of regional and some foreign languages.

Among the foreign languages, French was the most popular — 15,722 candidates in class X and 134 in class XII. German was the second most popular, with 2,611 in class X and 80 in class XII.

[Via: Indian Express]

Mamata Banerjee to lay foundation of first state university in Darjeeling - Binay Tamang

6:37 PM

Vivek Chhetri, TT, Jul 14, 2018, Darjeeling: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee will lay the foundation of a state university in Darjeeling next month, Gorkhaland Territorial Administration chief Binay Tamang said on Friday.

Tamang made the announcement at a GTA event to mark the 204th birth anniversary of Nepali poet Bhanubhakta Acharya here and said the varsity would be located at Mungpoo, 30km from Darjeeling town. The choice of Mungpoo has special significance: it is the place where Rabindranath Tagore stayed in the hills. It is now home to cinchona plantations.

"Chief minister Mamata Banerjee spoke to me (on Thursday). She told us she would lay the foundation of the state university in Mungpoo when she visits the hills next month," Tamang said on Friday.

The demand for a separate university has been an old one. The Tamang-led Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has long sought one. "The central university never came through but we are confident the state university will be functional from 2020," Tamang said.

EOI: Gorkhaland Territorial Adminstration chairman Binoy Tamang on Friday on the occasion of the Bhanubhakta Puruskar programme revealed the decision of the West Bengal government to set up a state university in Mungpo in Darjeeling.
Mungpo, incidentally, is full of memories of Rabindranath Tagore.
Tamang said he had a discussion with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on the sidelines of the Tea Advisory Council (TAC) meeting at Uttarkanya in Siliguri on Thursday with the demand that was first raised by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha GJM after its formation in 2007. “Today is not the right forum, but still I would like to share good news with the people of the hills. I had a meeting with the Bengal CM on Thursday and raised the issue of a Central university for the hills, which has been a long standing demand. Ten years have gone but those who had raised it (in reference to his predecessor Bimal Gurung)
failed to achieve anything. But today I would like to announce that within a month the Chief Minister will be in the hills to lay the foundation stone for a state university in Mungpo,” Tamang said.
After the 104-day agitation and strike were withdrawn in September 27, 2017, the Bengal Chief Minister during a state function had announced that a state university would be established in the hills. She had directed the district administration to identify the land where the university would come up. “The issue of land was taken up during review meetings with the state government, district administration and the GTA. The Darjeeling district administration had identified a land in Mungpo where the state university will be set-up,” Tamang said in the presence of the Darjeeling district magistrate.
GJM under Gurung had raised, among other demands, the issue of establishing a Central
university in the hills with the BJP-led Central government. GJM had also requested Darjeeling M.P. Jaswant Singh (in 2009) and S.S. Ahluwalia(2014) to take up the issue with the BJP top brass and the Central government but nothing concrete has materialized yet.
For higher education, students from the hills students have either to go to the North Bengal University  in Siliguri or to other cities incurring additional expenses and inconveniences to parents.

Via Telegraph

मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दिइन् हरियो झण्डा जीटीएले एनओसी दिए स्टेट युनिभर्सिटी स्थापना प्रक्रिया शुरू गरिने

6:03 PM
मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दिइन् हरियो झण्डा
जीटीएले एनओसी दिए स्टेट युनिभर्सिटी स्थापना प्रक्रिया शुरू गरिने

प्रतिविम्ब न्यूज
दार्जीलिङ 24 मार्च।

जीटीएले एनओसी दिएको खण्डमा राज्य सरकारले मङपूमा स्टेट युनिभर्सिटी स्थापना अनि निर्माणकार्य शुरू गरिहाल्ने आश्वासन मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दिएकी छिन्। हिजो विधानसभा भवनमा जीटीए क्षेत्रका तीनजना विधायकहरू अमरसिहँ राई, डा. रोहित शर्मा अनि सरिता राईले मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीसित भेटवार्ता गरेका थिए। सोही भेटवार्ताको क्रममा मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले उक्त आशय व्यक्त गरेको दार्जीलिङका विधायक अमरसिहँ राईले प्रेस विज्ञप्तिमार्फत जनाएका छन्।
अमरसिहँ राई।
अमरसिहँ राई।
विधायक राईले विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख गरेअनुसार, मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले विशेष स्टेट युनिभर्सिटिको स्थापनाको निम्ति मङपूमा जमीन पनि चिह्नित भइसकेको जनाउँदै जीटीएलाई आपत्ति नरहेको खण्डमा निर्माणकार्य पनि चाड़ै शुरू गरिने आश्वासन प्रदान गरिन्। जीटीएको तर्फबाट यस विषयमा कुनै आपत्ति नरहेको विधायकहरूले मुख्यमन्त्रीलाई जनाएको र यथाशीघ्र पहल गरिदिने अपील पनि गरेको पनि राईको भनाइ छ।
यसबाहेक राज्यका शिक्षामन्त्री पार्थ च्याटर्जीसित पनि विधायकहरूले भेटवार्ता गरेको र उक्त भेटवार्तामा मुख्यरूपले विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना, कालेबुङ पेदोङमा बीएड कलेज स्थापना अनि जीटीएक्षेत्रमा रहेको 31 वटा विद्यालयहरू जो अहिलेसम्म सरकारी मान्यता पाएका छैनन् ती विद्यालयहरूलाई मान्यता प्रदान गरिनुपर्ने विषयमा कुराकानी भएको पनि राईले विज्ञप्तिमा जनाएका छन्।  उक्त तीनैवटा विषयमा मन्त्री पार्थ च्याटर्जीले सकरात्मक पदक्षेपको आश्वासन दिँदै आगामी केही दिनभित्रमा विश्वविद्यालय अनि बीएड कलेज निर्माणसम्बन्धि आवश्यक जानकारी लिन विभागीय प्रतिनिधिलाई निरीक्षण भ्रमणमा पठाउने भएको र सोही बेला 31 वटा विद्यालयहरूको पनि निरीक्षण भ्रमण गरी सरकारी मान्यता प्रदान गरिने दिशामा पनि पहल शुरू गरिने पनि मन्त्री पार्थ च्याटर्जीले आश्वासन दिएको राईको भनाइ छ।

हिजो ममता व्यानर्जी अनि शिक्षा मन्त्री पार्थ च्याटर्जीसित बसिएको उक्त दुईवटा भेटवार्ता दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक विकास अनि व्यवस्थापनको दिशामा महत्त्वपूर्ण साबित हुने आफूहरूलाई विश्वास रहेको विधायक अमरसिहँ राईले विज्ञप्तिमा जनाएका छन्।

फोटोः अमरसिहँ राई।

Rs 26 crore for Darjeeling hill schools

7:08 AM

Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling: The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) has decided to invest around Rs 26 crore to build 56 school buildings across the Darjeeling hills.

Amar Singh Rai, Darjeeling MLA and member of the education department of the GTA's board of administrators, said: "Under the Sarva Siksha Mission, the GTA has decided to construct 20 primary school buildings and 36 upper primary school buildings. Tenders have already been floated."

Upper primary schools have classes till VIII.

Sources said that primary schools building would be built at a cost of Rs 28 lakh each while construction of a upper primary school building would cost of Rs 58 lakh.

In total, Rs 5.6 crore will be spent on building primary schools and Rs 20.88 crore for upper primary school buildings.

Rai said: "Our aim has been to give a major thrust in education in the hills. We have identified those schools which are situated in far-flung areas of the hills. The GTA is holding continuous meeting with the state government on various developmental initiatives."

" Following the meetings with the state government, it has been decided that 99 school buildings will be constructed in the hills. The 56 buildings that are being constructed is part of the first phase of work," Rai added.

The minister informed that the GTA was working in tandem with the state government to ensure that the educational standard is improved in the hills.

"We are committed to improving education in the hills and regain the past glory. We will go our best and will place our progress report before the public for them to judge," he said.

In the last couple of months, the state government and the GTA has regularised jobs of 137 ad-hoc teachers.

In January, Binay Tamang, the GTA chairman of the board of administrator, had handed approval letters to 429 secondary teachers, solving a decade long problem.

The secondary teachers had been given appointment in various hill schools in 2010 by the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council but with the approval only coming from DGHC education secretary and not the district inspector of schools, the teacher's post retirement benefits were in doubt.

However, with the DI giving its approval, after the GTA pursued the issue, the secondary teachers problem have also been solved.

Via Telegraph

Education strike in Darjeeling to protest linguistic imperialism

10:27 AM


Writes: Vivek Chhetri

Bimal Gurung yesterday called a two-day education strike in the hills this week and a series of marches during the chief minister's impending visit to protest the state government's move to make Bengali a compulsory subject at schools.

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president announced the agitation at a session convened by the party with Nepali literary figures, college professors, representatives of educational institutions in the hills and social organisations like Gorkha Dukha Niwarak Sammelan, teachers and other apolitical people here.

"The government is trying to force a language on us and its not acceptable. We will protest the move vehemently and I will personally take to the streets. We will request the closure of all educational institutions in the hills on June 1 and 2. I am hearing that they (Mamata Banerjee) will be coming to Darjeeling on June 4 and during this period, we will show our resentment by holding marches with black flags across the hills from June 4 to 8 (during chief minister's entire stay in the hills)," Gurung told the gathering at Gorkha Rangamanch Bhavan.

The protest against the Mamata government's decision to make the learning of Bengali compulsory at schools across the state seems to be moving out of the realms of political domain. Representatives of top schools in the hills, like St Paul's School and St Joseph's School (North Point), were preset at the meeting called by the Morcha.

Before Gurung had announced the strike, the gathering called upon him to start a strong movement on the matter.

In the hills, most students have English as their first language and Nepali as the second language. Making Bengali compulsory would mean that there would be no choice left and it would be a tall task for educational institutions in the hills to find teachers for Bengali language.

Gurung said he would participate in the marches from June 4 onwards in Darjeeling. In the hill town, the procession will be taken out from Ghoom to Darjeeling town, a distance of 8km.

He has called for similar marches across the hills and the Dooars and the Terai as well. "If the need arises, we might even call a general strike in the days to come," said Gurung.

Language has been a major issue in the hills, which had agitated for almost three decades for the recognition of Nepali in the Eight Schedule of the Constitution. Nepali was listed in the Constitution in 1992.

The Bengal government had recognised Nepali as an official language for the hills in 1961.

Jiwan Namdung, a Sahitya Academy award winner, said at the meeting that "making Bengali compulsory is wrong and unacceptable".

"Since the government is looking at making Bengali mandatory in the hills, can they reciprocate by making Nepali compulsory in the plains, too? We salute their decision to safeguard their language but they have to address our concerns, too," he said.

Prem Pradhan, also a Sahitya Academy award holder, spoke on similar lines and said the decision could be a sinister ploy to "suppress the Gorkhaland demand".

Bishal Thapa, the secretary of the Hill College Professors' Association, said: "While Bengali language is being made mandatory, provisions have not yet been made to make Nepali literature an option in the state civil services examinations. In State Eligibility Test, Nepali is not a language in which one can sit for the examination. There is a political motive behind the move to make Bengali compulsory."

Political observers believe if the state government does go ahead with the language decision, it might have to face widespread backlash given the sentiments attached to the language in the hills.

Gurung said: "Such giants of the society are with me today, not to support the Morcha but to stand by the community. I request all other parties to participate in the protest setting aside all political differences."

[Via: Telegraph]

Darjeeling students denied to sit for admission test for Masters Program

6:48 PM
Students from the Darjeeling Hills denied the right to sit for admission test for Masters Program at Visva Bharati and Sikkim Central University due to the delayed final results by NBU. This is why Darjeeling needs Central University of its own.
Darjeeling 16th July 2016: 56 students from the Darjeeling Hills, all affiliated to North Bengal University denied the right to sit for admission test today for Masters Program at Education Department, Visva Bharati due to the delayed final results which are yet to be declared by NBU

56 Students who had travelled all the way to Bolpur to sit for admission test today at Education Department were categorically not allowed to sit for exam today as they could not show the concerned department officials their final mark sheets for verification. According to central university protocol and rules and regulations, there is no provision for showing the final mark sheets during the time of admission test. Only after the applying candidates have cleared the test and have been selected, do they normally have to show their final mark sheets for verification. However, today these 56 students were not allowed to sit for test on the premise that the Education Department had on their prospectus as well as their admission forms clearly mentioned that final mark sheets are to to obtained prior to admission, but nowhere has it been mentioned that final mark sheets are to be shown on the DAY OF ADMISSION TEST.
Darjeeling students denied to sit for admission test for Masters Program
North Bengal University
Few concerned officials of Visva Bharati are trying to help and console the students as they feel what was done today to these 56 student with no final mark sheets is against the rules and the spirit of the University. These students have submitted an application to the ViCe Chancellor asking him to intervene and allow them to sit for the admission test at a later date.

As of now, the aspiration and faith of these students remain in a limbo. If only one could have foreseen the unintended cost of last years election on the careers of our students, one would have been able to do all the needful lot avoid these kind of situation for the students. We have only a few days ago highlighted how the delayed results by NBU have cost some bright young minds their deserving seat in Sikkim University. Similar trend is being shown at Visa Bharati.

Sikkim Central University has given admission to second and third best choice of students this year, as they have denied the best students admission on the grounds that they don’t have their final year mark sheets.

Whether this is so by design or by default, we will let all of you decide...

Here are the facts.
Following the admission test, majority of the merit list candidates featured top ranking students from Darjeeling, but sadly they were denied admission, as their final year mark sheets were not available at the time of admission.

Having received numerous complaints, we decided to dig in and this is what we found
Explaining the situation, Sikkim University officials stated that “it is clearly mentioned in our Prospectus, if students are unable to produce their final mark sheets will not be given admission.” Given that this year, there was an election in West Bengal, unfortunately of which Darjeeling region is still a part, the final year graduation examinations got postponed by a month, so when Sikkim University demanded mark sheets by June 30th, 2016 all the students from Gorkhaland Territorial Administration who are forced to study under NBU, were unable to produce the same.

Traditionally, since the formation of Sikkim University, they allowed students to submit their mark sheets by the end of October, “but that system created a lot of problem... many students didn’t submit their mark sheets in October and pleaded with us to give them extensions, which we did, given they were pleading” says Vice Chancellor TB Subba. He added, “many of these students did not clear their Bachelors for long, and some of them have both Bachelors and Masters degree issued in the same year... so we decided we cannot allow this to continue.”

What happened in the past, as far as we can tell, is that Sikkim University officials did not do their duty proper, and allowed those who did not produce their Mark Sheet past October of the given year to continue. However, they didn’t seem to have any compunction on the failure of the University to keep a check on students who did not produce their Mark Sheets in the past, and instead decided to punish those who would apply this year.

When we called the SU VC Mr. Subba and asked him about chances of giving the meritorious students provisional admission till their results were declared, he said, “we have made this law and we cannot change it mid-way... we cannot change the law to accommodate students from NBU... they have had to apply within the given dates.”

But that is where SU hypocrisy gets highlighted, despite the fact that they had set June 30th as the last date for the students to show their final mark sheets, they extended the deadline to July 5th . Why so? Because Sikkim University themselves did not publish many of the results till July 3rd.

So while Sikkim University conveniently allowed provision for their own students to apply past the original deadline, they prevented students who had appeared for final examinations through NBU, from seeking admission, showing their lack of mark sheets as an excuse.

A SU Professor who was part of the admission committee earlier said, “I am no more part of the admissions committee, so I was unaware of the decisions they had taken, we had earlier allowed till Oct 30th for students to submit their mark sheets, which the new committee removed without informing anyone, including the faculty... it is about fairness, how can they arbitrarily extend dates to accommodate SU students, while leaving the students from NBU to suffer? This is not only unfair, but also reeks of a systematic provision to deny students from Darjeeling admissions here at SU.”
When we asked SU VC Mr. TB Subba on why provisional admission was not granted, he said, “a law professor drew our attention to that fact it would be illegal to give admission to students who haven’t finished their Bachelors exam to continue onto their Masters.”
So we decided to dig in and this is what we found.

All the ICSE schools in Darjeeling allow for Sikkim students to gain admission after their class 10 exams are over, and months before their results are declared it is not deemed illegal. Numerous Universities across India, including Premier - Indian Institute of Management's allow for students to join their courses while their results are being declared.

We are not sure why Sikkim University decided to prevent students from Darjeeling to join, however what happened is grossly unfair and we hope that the SU authorities allow for admission of meritorious students from across India provisonally, if necessary, instead of selectively preventing Darjeeling students to join in, due to arbitrary rules that specifically deny admission to our students.

Via TheDC

Roshan Giri's peal to state education minister Partha Chatterjee

1:25 PM
DARJEELING 5 July 2016 Gorkhaland Territorial Administration sabhasad Roshan Giri today said the state government has given a positive response to the demand for regularising teachers serving on voluntary basis in various high schools and higher secondary schools in the hills.

Today, Giri and the three MLAs from the hills called on state education minister Partha Chatterjee in Kolkata and served a memorandum of demand following which they got the assurance. Speaking from Kolkata, Giri said, “We met the state education minister today and submitted a memorandum of our demands regarding regularising the voluntary teachers. The minister gave us a patient hearing and positive assurance.”

At present, 519 teachers are serving voluntarily in 129 junior, high and higher secondary schools in the hills. However, these teachers now want to be regularised and have started various forms of agitation under the aegis of the Janmukti Insecure Secondary Teachers’ Organisation (JISTO) to pressurise the state government.
Roshan Giri accompanied by hill MLAs Amar Singh Rai, Sarita Rai and Rohit Sharma met state education minister Partha Chatterjee
Roshan Giri accompanied by hill MLAs Amar Singh Rai, Sarita Rai and Rohit Sharma
met state education minister Partha Chatterjee
Besides regularisation, the GTA also wants the state government to form an ad-hoc selection board, giving permanent status to the headmasters of various schools currently holding temporary posts and a raise in salary of the voluntary teachers.

“There are schools in the hills that have headmasters who have been given temporary charge. We want permanent status for them for the smooth functioning of the schools. We also raised the issue of enhancement of salary of the voluntary teachers as assured by the state government in 2014,” Giri said.

According to the GTA sabhasad, the education minister assured the delegation that the process to regularise the voluntary teachers would start on receiving the green signal from the state chief secretary. “We have been assured that the minister would start the process to absorb the voluntary teachers, form an ad-hoc selection board and enhance salary once the state chief secretary gives the directions,” said Giri.

When asked for his comment on the development, JISTO coordinator Amit Gurung said, “We have not received any information yet about the meeting between the GTA and the state education minister. We will first wait for the details of the proposed ad-hoc selection board to see if it benefits us and comment only then.”

A discrepancy to be noted here is that on May 20 last month, the joint secretary of the state school education department had written to the home and hill affairs department stating that regularisation, absorption and appointment of voluntary teachers in the GTA could not be entertained until they secure their candidature through the West Bengal School Service Commission, which ironically, has remained defunct in the hills since 2003.

Telegraph - The GTA Sabha member in charge of education, Roshan Giri, met state education minister Partha Chatterjee today and demanded that an ad hoc selection board be formed to make the 500-odd voluntary teachers in the hills permanent.

Giri, who was accompanied by hill MLAs Amar Singh Rai, Sarita Rai and Rohit Sharma, said: "We have demanded that an ad hoc selection board be formed to absorb the 519 voluntary teachers in the hills. Since 2003, the SSC (School Service Commission) has been lying defunct and that is why the managing committees of the schools have had to recruit voluntary teachers. After having served for so long, it is justified that their (the teachers') services are regularised."

Chatterjee, however, said there would be no separate system for recruiting hill teachers. "The system followed in the plains will have to be followed in the hills as well," he said after meeting Giri at Bikash Bhavan in Calcutta.

Via   EOI and Telegraph

Pathetic condition of schools under GTA shame on concerned authorities

9:48 AM
WAKE UP NETAS - Especially Sabhasad In-charge of Education

Writes: Kiran Subba

Seeing these pictures, what can we say?
No shame to Managing Committee, no shame to Headmaster, no shame to area Sabhsad, no shame to Education Department Sabhsad Mr Roshan Giri, no shame to GTA Chief and especially no shame to education department District Inspector and ASI.

Inspection of these school have to be done immediately.
The Sabhsad in charge of education only talks about "Central University," but he has never talked about reformation in education polices, school curriculum, examination timetable and never sat for meetings with DI, ASI, head of various institutions under GTA for the purpose of policy making regarding the upliftment of educational standard of GTA schools.
Pathetic Condition of School under GTA
Water logged‬ due to seepage, the pathetic condition of classrooms at Mirik MURMAH PREM SUNDAR HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL

Instead he sits meeting with Governor, CM, Education Minister, HRD Minister and even with Prime Minister where he talks about the regularisation of "adhoc teachers" and enhancement of grade pay of adhoc teachers. He never makes use of the great opportunities he gets to change our education system fundamentally

Abysmal state of Barnsbeg High School, please note these pics are from different classes
After becoming Sabhsad in-Charge of Education under GTA
(1) How many schools you have visited?
(2) How many meetings you have arranged with headmaster for educational matters not political?
(3) How many times you have given a surprise visit to schools?
(4) How many times you had a meeting with District Inspector, ASI regarding school matters like
- Strength of students in primary school/high school
- Mid-day meals
- SC/ST, religious minority students facilities
- regarding quotas of GTA students in pharmaceutical studies, fisheries, horticulture, engineering, medical etc after class twelve.
- Games and sports
- Water, toilet electric facilities.
- Examination of infrastructural facilities
- Availability of teachers
- Primary teachers appointment etc.
(5) For how many students, you as being education department sabhsad, have given scholarships to toppers from GTA?
(6) Have you ever helped to the teachers of esteemed institution of GTA areas to get text book number (TB NUMBER) so that they can publish school text books?
(7) Have you ever arranged a meeting with teachers union to discuss about educational matters/not political?
(8) Have you ever paid a visit to the Govt High School in Darjeeling after becoming educational Sabhasad and conveyed any meeting with the headmaster and teachers regarding reviving the educational standard of school and accommodating more number of students?

We hope to get some answers from our honourable Sabhsad in-Charge of the education department, GTA

Via TheDC

Bikal Rai joins Advance Technical Training Centre [ATTC]

10:26 PM
Bikal Rai, we all know him... dont we? the youngest self made engineer of Sikkim. This 19-year-old boy is a class X passed out living with his mother and brother at Mangthang, 32 mile, east Sikkim.

According to the sources Bikal Rai have joined Advance Technical Training Centre [ATTC] at Bardang in East Sikkim, a dream comes true for further studies after four years for him. He had left his school after class X owing to his financial background. Bikal Rai will be joining the classes in ATTC from July this year (2016).

It was for his mother the young engineer couldn't leave Sikkim for further studies because there was no one to look after his mother as his father died some years ago. He decided to study in Sikkim so that he can also look after his mother.

Bikal Rai
Bikal Rai
He has already made hydro power generator which produce 2.3 volt energy that can lighten 3 bulbs and can charge up to 4 mobile phones at once. He has made fan (DC -3 voltage) which can give air like normal fans which we buy from hardware shops. He has made 2 excavator models by using syringe, drip pipe, plastic, tyre which has light, power steering and FM (93.5) radio in it. He has developed a vehicle battery charger. Local people go to him to charge their batteries. He has also made sensor car which moves on the sound of claps. He has recently launched his Semi Eco Friendly Car!!!.

With inputs from Sikkim Messenger

Smriti Irani to lay the foundation of the NIT in Sikkim

9:11 AM
Gangtok, June 8: The Union human resource development minister, Smriti Irani, is scheduled to visit Sikkim on June 24 and lay the foundation of the National Institute of Technology at Thekabong in East District on the same day.

Sikkim HRD principal secretary G.P. Upadhaya today said Irani would be in the state for at least three days, during which she was slated to hold interactions with ministers and bureaucrats and chair the meeting of a parliamentary committee on her ministry.

"The Union HRD ministry has accepted the proposal of setting up of the NIT campus at Thekabong. The Union HRD minister will lay the foundation of the campus during her visit to Sikkim on June 24," said Upadhaya.

Thekabong is nearly 30km from Gangtok and close to Pakyong where Sikkim's first airport is being built. The state government has acquired 172 acres of land for the campus.

The Sikkim NIT was set up in 2010 and is operating out of a government building at Rabong in South District on a temporary basis with six departments.
Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Pawan Chamling meeting the Union Minister for
Human Resource Development - file photo
Residents of Thekabong are happy that the NIT is coming up in their village. "Employment will be generated and villagers can do more business after the campus is established. We are grateful to the government for bringing the project to our area," said a villager, D.B. Chettri.

Upadhaya said Irani would hold a meeting with Sikkim ministers and bureaucrats at Chintan Bhawan here on June 26.

"State HRD minister R.B. Subba will place our demands before the Union minister at the meeting. There are four major demands: establishment of IIT/IIM and model degree colleges in the state, granting permission to start a state university and the upgrade of the Law College to National Law University," he said.

Irani will also visit a few government schools. "Our department is yet to finalise the schools which will be visited by the Union Minister. Keeping the time constraint in mind, we would take her to some schools in East District," said an HRD official.

On June 25, Irani will chair the meeting of the Consultative Committee of Parliament of the MHRD in Gangtok.

She is expected to leave Sikkim on June 26 or the next day.


Permission granted for MBBS admission in North Bengal Medical College Siliguri

9:24 AM
Siliguri June 5: The Medical Council of India has granted permission to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital in Siliguri for conducting admission to all 150 MBBS seats, including 50 provisional ones, for the 2016-2017 academic session.

The nod comes with a rider that adequate infrastructure should be provided to students before the next inspection of the MCI scheduled for later this year.

Samir Ghosh Roy, the NBMCH principal, said the MCI had given permission for admission to 150 MBBS seats for the 2016-2017 academic session that starts from August.

"The 150 seats include 50 that have been granted to us on a temporary basis. The permission has been given with a condition that we have to complete the infrastructure required for accommodating 150 students, like hostels, lecture theatres and auditorium before the next visit of the MCI," he said.

This is the fourth year that the MCI has granted permission to the NBMCH to take admission to 150 MBBS seats.
North Bengal Medical College District Darjeeling
North Bengal Medical College District Darjeeling
Prior to granting the 50 additional seats in 2013, NBMCH used to take admission to 100 MBBS seats.

An NBMCH source said the permission had been granted on the basis of a report of a three-member MCI team that had visited NBMCH in March.

"The MCI team appeared quite satisfied with the progress of the work in setting up infrastructure. That is why the MCI has granted permission. Another team is likely to visit the medical college anytime between September and December and the authorities have been directed to complete all structures by then," said the source.

Via Telegraph

HRD Minister Smriti Irani launches Sikkim's Online Admission and RUSA Portal

10:00 PM
Sikkim 3rd June 2016:Today, In a significant development in the field of higher education in Sikkim, admission to government degree colleges throughout the State will go online from this year onwards. The web portal for Online Admissions and State RUSA portals for Sikkim was digitally launched today by Union Minister for HRD Smt Smriti Zubin Irani via live webcast from Shastri Bhawan New Delhi.

The programme witnessed the largest ever digital launch of projects under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) under the auspices of the Hon'ble Union Minister. Together with the projects of Sikkim, the Minister launched RUSA projects for nine other states of the country.
Joining the live webcast at the State was Minister for Energy & Power & Labour Mr. D. D. Bhutia, Minister HRDD Mr. R.B Subba, Minister Roads & Bridges Mr. G.M. Gurung, Parliamentary Secretary HRDD Shri Shyam Pradhan, Principal Secretary HRDD cum SPD RUSA Sikkim Mr. G.P. Upadhyay, Director Higher Education HRDD cum Joint SPD RUSA Sikkim Mr. Jitendra Singh Raje, senior officers of State HRDD, Principal and faculty Sikkim Government College Tadong, and faculty and students from West Point Senior Secondary School.
HRD Minister Smriti Irani launches Sikkim's Online Admission and RUSA Portal
Sikkim's Online Admission and RUSA Portal was digitally launched today by
Union Minister for HRD Smt Smriti Zubin Irani via live webcast
 from Shastri Bhawan New Delhi.
While addressing the State of Sikkim, the Union Minister congratulated the State HRDD for the merit based and transparent system of 24 hour online admissions in all state run colleges. She termed it a unique initiative which will benefit over 6000 students.

The Union Minister was also joined by MP Lok Sabha from Sikkim Mr. P.D. Rai.
Later interacting with the team from Sikkim, Union Minister Smt Smriti Irani informed that the Ministry of HRD has sanctioned the long pending demand of the State to incorporate Bhutia and Lepcha languages in the post graduate courses under UGC.

She further informed that the State HRDD is entitled to introduce skill building courses recognized by the Government of India in Government colleges in the State.

The Union Minister also complimented the progress made by Sikkim under the scheme Badhe Bharat Padhe Bharat and RUSA. The Minister informed that she would soon be visiting Sikkim with her team from MHRD.

Minister Mr. D.D.Bhutia thanked and complimented Smt Irani and the Ministry for launching the online admission and RUSA Web portal for Sikkim.

Similarly Minister Mr. R.B.Subba thanked and congratulated the Union Minister and the entire team at MHRD for the new projects and for supporting the initiatives of Sikkim HRDD.

The Minister also placed a few pending demands of the State HRDD before the Union Minister. He requested for laying of foundation stone of the NIT at the earliest. He also proposed for a National Law School in Sikkim. Likewise, the Minister proposed for setting up government colleges in all four districts of Sikkim. He also requested for increase of 50 seats in Government BEd college. Union Minister assured that the demands placed by Minister HRDD Sikkim would be looked into by the Ministry.


INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016

12:23 PM
The results are out for board exams,  ISC exams, Madhyamik  and ICSE 2016 and here are the toppers from the Indian Gorkha community across the country.

Mrinal Pradhan, Scored 98.75% in ISC, Mrinal Pradhan of St. Joseph's School, Darjeeling for scoring 98.75% in ISC exams and standing 2nd topper in West Bengal.The fact that he didn't take any tuition for his finals is what sets him apart. We are proud of you Mrinal and CONGRATULATIONS to You and North Point for upholding the Gorkha name.

Devika Rai Potential Hill Topper
TheDC team sends our Congratulations to Ms. Devika Rai a student of St Joseph's Gitdabling who appeared exams from St George's HS Pedong for scoring 86.6% in Madhyamik and for being the potential topper among all hill students. We are writing "Potential" as we are yet to get complete update from all the hill schools and not even DI office is aware of who topped in the hills, however Devika has likely scored the highest among all hill students.
INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016
INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016
Manisha Tamang Scored 82% in Madhyamik -
Highest Among Nepali Schools, our Congratulations to Ms. Manisha Tamang of Dr. IB Thapa Nepali School, Siliguri for scoring 82% in Madhyamik and for being the topper among Nepali medium schools.Her achievement is highly praiseworthy and inspirational as one of our readers Mr. Pradeep Pradhan explained, "She was raised up in an orphanage children's home in Siliguri though not an orphan. Coming from a poor family didn't prevent her from excelling in her studies. Manisha went to Bhanubhakta Primary School School up to class 4 and then to Dr. IB Thapa Nepali School."

Sahil Pradhan and Supal Rai
Congratulations to Sahil Pradhan a student of St Robert's School, Darjeeling for scoring 85% in Madhyamik and for being the sub-division topper, and Supal Rai of Vidya Deep Educational Institute of Parbong, Pulbazar Bijanbari who appeared for exam from Chongtong High School for scoring 82.28% and emerging as Bijanbari Valley topper.Both Sahil and Supal are amazingly talented students, and the achievements of Supal is more praiseworthy as he comes from a small rural school and yet has managed to score such a high marks through his grit, determination and scholarship.We are PROUD of you Sahil and Supal and CONGRATULATIONS to You and St. Robert's, and Vidya Deep School for upholding the Gorkha name.

Anurag Mukhia and Aayush Raj Chettri
TheDC team sends our Congratulations to Anurag Mukhia of Himali Boarding School, Kurseong and Aayush Raj Chettri of Pinehall Academy, Soureni Mirik for scoring 95.25% in ISC, and 94.2% in ICSE.Both Anurag and Aayush come from the tea gardens and while Anurag is from Ringtong below Sonada, Aayush is from Soureni. Coming from rural areas and achieving such high marks in ISC and ICSE shows their grit, determination and scholarship.

Snigdha Pradhan of Loreto Convent School, Darjeeling for scoring 96% respectively in ICSE. It is noteworthy that Snigdha didn’t take any tuition in preparations for her finals

Suman Sharma of Sunshine School, Birpara for scoring 94% in ISC.
What sets Suman apart from other students is that he comes from a very humble family from Makrapara, one of the more impoverished regions in Dooars. Coming from a economically backward family and achieving 94% in ISC shows his grit, determination and scholarship.

Kritisha Pradhan from Lewis English School scored 90% in ICSE
"Kritisha Pradhan of Lewis English School Scored 90% in ICSE. She is daughter of Krishna Pradhan and she is from Panighatta."

Abigail Rai 92% Nagaland 
Abigail Rai From Queen Mary Higher Secondary School Mokokchung District of Nagaland State. The only Gorkha Girl who has bagged Rank 4 (Top-4) securing 92% Science Stream, in the recent Exam of NAGALAND BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION.NBSE.

Pravish Chteri from Nagaland scores 93.83% in HSLC
Mr.Pravish Chetri from ‪‎Kohima‬ Nagaland who has Secured-93.83% and Bagged Top-18 in Class-10 (Matriculation) in the recent Exam of Nagaland Board of School Education (HSLC).

Sidhhart Chhetri from Banarhat scores 96% in ICSE
Sidhhart Chhetri a student of Sarwan Memorial School, Banarhat for scoring 96% in ICSE.Sidhhart comes from Palashbari tea garden and is an amazingly talented student, and given that he comes from a small rural school and yet has managed to score such a high marks through his grit, determination and scholarship.

Dawa Sherpa 89% and Urgen Sherpa 87% in HS from St. Robert's School Darjeeling 
St. Robert's School Darjeeling Dawa Sherpa with 89% and Urgen Sherpa 87% in Higher Secondary exams tops GTA region in Higher Secondary Examinations 2016. Dawa Sherpa has topped in HS Science stream with 89% and Urgen Sherpa has topped the Arts stream with 87% in Higher Secondary exams.In addition to Dawa Sherpa other St. Roberts students Subhash Tamang has scored 87.4%. Shailendra Pradhan has scored 85.2% and Sangay Tamang has scored 82%.

Prachi Chhetri scored 95.4% in 12 Commerce CBSE from Jharkhand
Gorkhali Daughter Miss Prachi Chhetri, Daughter of Sri Santosh Chhetri from Ranchi, Jharkhand, Scored 95.4% in 12 Commerce from CBSE Board.

Sushmita Rai Scored 90.02% in 12 Commerce CBSE from Ranchi
Sushmita Rai (Kuki), D/O Sri Subodh Rai Scored 90.02% in 12 Commerce from CBSE Board.

With Input from TheDC, Gorkha Youth, Ranchi

West Bengal Madhyamik results to be announced on May 10

8:34 PM
The Madhyamik and Higher Secondary examinations results will be published on 10 May and 16 May respectively after the completion of the six phases of Assembly election in the state, following the order of the Supreme Court that results must be published by 10 May.

While the Madhyamik examination had commenced from 1 February and ended on 10 February, the HS examination was held from 15 to 29 February. Last year the Madhyamik results were published 74 days after the completion of the examination. This year the Madhyamik results are being published 90 days after the completion of the examination.
West Bengal Madhyamik results to be announced on May 10
West Bengal (WB) Madhyamik/WBSSE
The HS results, on the other hand, are being published 76 days after the examination. The process of declaring the results may have been delayed due to the ongoing Assembly elections in the state, an official of the Board said. The examiners of Madhyamik as well as the HS examination had completed correction of 90 per cent of the papers by mid-April, the official informed.

You can check you Madhyamik result online Here

Via: SNS

Rueben Memorial School: A Non-Profit Minority Educational Institution Celebrated Its Silver Jubilee.

8:29 AM
On 1st April 2016, Rueben Memorial School (RMS), the first english Nursery school of Chongtong Tea Estate celebrated its 25th Foundation Day. The school was established in the loving memory of Late Rueben Singh Rai, who was an Assistant Manager of Chongtong tea estate till the early 1970's. During his lifetime he had a great dream of starting a school in his locality. Unfortunately, due to his unexpected accidental death in 1972, his dream remained unfulfilled. After 19 years, his long cherished dream was brought to life through the unconditional efforts of his wife Late Sarah Rai and his family members, particularly his son Mr. Rabindra Peter Lulam (Rai). They started a non-profit educational institution in his memory and RMS was born on 1st April 1991, to provide quality education and moral values to the local children of the tea estate.

This nursery school started its journey with 2 classrooms, 26 students and 3 teachers. Today, RMS has grown big with more than 20 classrooms, with classes from Nursery to Class 12 (Arts), having more than six hundred students, twenty teaching faculties and five non-teaching staffs. In 2013, RMS was issued the Provisional Recognition No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the West Bengal Board of Higher Education. Presently, the school is seeking for a permanent recognition status as a minority school under the Church of North India Educational Board, Dioceses of Eastern Himalayas.

Since the very beginning the school has successfully produced cent percent results in the Board Examinations and the trend has continued till date. Three students have also been the Toppers in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) area in the years between 2010 to 2013, with the highest percentage being 88 per cent secured by Miss Reha Thapa and 79 per cent by both Mr. Dippal Rai and Mr. Amon Sherpa in the Madhyamik Examinations.

Today, many ex-students of the institution are pursuing higher education in different colleges and universities across the nation, some have become teachers and managers, some are working in offices and banks, few are working in the hotel industry both in India and in the Gulf countries, while some have joined the military services and few are in BPO sectors.

The Silver Jubilee Celebration of RMS began with the 'Thanksgiving Prayer Service'. In the prayer service Rev. Ranjit Saharaja Rai, an eighty eight year old, retired pastor of Church of North India (CNI), Rimbick was felicitated. Rev. Rai was formerly a soldier from 1948-53, after resigning from the army he started to teach in the Darjeeling Scottish Mission School. Since the early 1960's till date, Rev. Rai has tirelessly dedicated himself in preaching the gospel and good news to the local communities in the grassroot level. He had also offered the foundationstone laying prayer of RMS twenty five years ago.

The keynote address of the service was delivered by Rev. Roshan Thapa, CNI, Darjeeling Pastorate. He was also felicitated for his untiring committements towards the growth and prosperity of RMS. Mementos were also distributed to all the school teaching and non-teaching staffs, guests and well wishers of the school.

The RMS Family on its 25th Foundation Day extends their heartfelt gratitude to all their well wishers, the local community and administration for their unconditional love and support towards the school-building project.

Post-graduate courses in Bhutia, Lepcha and Limo languages - Sikkim University

10:36 AM
New courses in Sikkim

Gangtok, March 18: Sikkim University plans to launch post-graduate courses in Bhutia, Lepcha and Limo languages from the next academic session, said the assistant registrar of the Sikkim University.

The assistant registrar, Grace Chankapa, said the university had written to the Union ministry of human resource development and University Grants Commission seeking the approval for the courses.

"We may start the post-graduate programmes in three languages if the approval is given to us from the Union ministry of HRD and UGC. The vice-chancellor of Sikkim University T.B. Subba is regularly pursuing the matter with the two agencies. These three languages have been listed as endangered languages by the Unesco," said a senior official of the university.

Chankapa said if the approval was granted by the UGC, Sikkim University would be the first varsity to start the post-graduate course in the three languages.
Post-graduate courses in Bhutia, Lepcha and Limo languages - Sikkim University
Sikkim University
The Sikkim University presently offers post-graduation in 29 subjects, including Nepali. The three proposed languages are taught in government schools and in government colleges at the graduation level in Sikkim.

The students had requested Subba to start the three language courses so that they could pursue further studies in these languages, informed the university officials.

A source in the university said that once the approval was given by the UGC, the university would work on finalising the course and appointing teachers.


NBU Exams postponed due to Assembly elections 2016

11:23 AM
Siliguri, March 11: The North Bengal University (NBU) today postponed Part I, II and III examinations of BA, BSc and BCom honours and general streams from April 4 to May 25 as the previous dates clashed with the Assembly elections.

Sushanta Das, the controller of examinations at the NBU, said Part I, II and III papers of the BA, BSc, BCom (honours) and Part III papers of general courses would start from May 25 and end on June 9.

"After these exams are over, BA, BSc and BCom papers of Part I and Part II general courses will begin from June 13 and end on July 19," he said here.

Das said the decision had been taken after the district administrations of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri had requisitioned colleges under the varsity for election purposes.

"We have received letters from the authorities of Siliguri College and Parimal Mitra College in Malbazar, saying the respective district administrations had requisitioned the colleges for the Assembly elections on different days in March, April and May, that is till the completion of the election process. We have got to know that colleges in other districts, too, may be requisitioned for the purpose. Under these circumstances, we had to postpone the undergraduate examinations of the colleges affiliated to the NBU from April 4 to May 25," Das said.
NBU Exams postponed due to Assembly elections 2016
North Bengal University (NBU)
The controller of examinations said around two lakh students would be appearing for the undergraduate exams under the NBU.

"We will have around two lakh students appearing for the examinations in different colleges under the NBU this year. The new exam schedule will be dispatched to the colleges on Monday so that the authorities can inform their students," Das said.


Nepali-medium college in the Darjeeling hills PromisesTMC manifesto

11:10 AM
Promises: College for hills & varsity


Siliguri, March 11: The Trinamul manifesto has promised a Nepali-medium college in the Darjeeling hills, a new campus of Aliah University and a second agricultural university among other things for north Bengal.

The ruling party also promised to set up a centre of Netaji Subhas Open University in Jalpaiguri.

"A new campus of the Aliah University will be opened in North Bengal's minority-inhabited area....agricultural University would be established in North Bengal," says the manifesto. Right now, north Bengal has an agricultural university, Uttarbanga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, in Cooch Behar district.

The manifesto mentions a silk park in Malda where "many crores of rupees would be invested for construction" and wi-fi connectivity in Siliguri and Malda.

In the "Jangalmahal, Hills and Tea Estates" chapter, the document claims that the GTA has been allotted Rs 1,018 crore.

However, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha took objection to the Rs 1,018 crore claim.

"We don't know whether Trinamul is speaking about non-planned expenditure. But as far as funds under plan heads are concerned, the GTA has not received so much money from the state government. Trinamul should show copies of government orders on the allocation of the funds," said Binay Tamang, the assistant secretary of the Morcha.
Nepali-medium college in the Darjeeling hills PromisesTMC manifesto
TMC manifesto
Other than the Nepali-medium college, there is no mention of any other project for the hills. The manifesto doesn't make any promise with regard to tea plantation labourers though it reeled off the relief measures the government has provided to them so far.

"The manifesto shows Trinamul is least bothered about tea garden workers, particularly those in the sick and closed plantations. Not a single word has been written on closed tea gardens, fixing minimum wages for tea workers and alternative job opportunities for their dependants," said Mani Kumar Darnal, the joint general secretary of Intuc-affiliated National Union of Plantation Workers.


Bimal Gurung inaugurated the new building of the upcoming degree college in Bijanbari

7:33 AM

Darjeeling 2 Mar 2016 Gorkhaland Territorial Administration chief executive Bimal Gurung today inaugurated the new building of the upcoming degree college in Bijanbari, the construction of which started in 2012. Last month, the GTA chief also opened a new building of Mirik College keeping with the hill body’s plan to promote education in the hills.

The college was established in 1995 at Lower Samelbung, 5km from Bijanbari. Students had to face a lot of problems due to the distance. The college has now been shifted near the market area at Chungtung Tar and is spread over 6 acres of land. The new building is three-storeyed and the college offers B.A. general courses in History, English, Political Science, Economics and Nepali.

Sameer Sharma, the teacher in-charge of the college, said, “We had submitted a requirement request to the GTA following which the new building was built. Now that we have a new structure with more space and facilities, we will apply for Honours courses as well, although this will depend on the roll strength.”

The new building, which has been built at a cost of Rs7.3 crore, will be able to accommodate 450 students in 12 classrooms. The students come from areas such as Rimbick, Sukhaypokhari and Goke. The new building also has three staff rooms and a multi-purpose hall. It presently has six teaching and eight non-teaching staff members. “We will shift to the new building at the end of this week. And we hope to start the session in April when the Part 3 exams start,” said the teacher in-charge.

While unveiling the new building, the GTA chief executive said it was a gift to the people of Bijanbari and to the future of the students.

“There is more work to be done in the hills. The GTA will strive to work for the people. This college is a gift to the students of the region as they are our future,” said Gurung.

The GTA has promised to provide two buses to the college as has been done for Mirik College. “This college and the one in Mirik have been built from central government funds and nothing has come from the state government. Vidyasagar High school here will also be converted into a model school,” said Gurung.

The cost of the entire project is pegged at Rs7.3 crore and the new building has been constructed at half the cost, with more work to be taken up in the second phase. An administrative building, fencing of the campus, water supply, a science block, hostel facilities and a playground will be constructed later.


Centre could announce a central university for the hills - Bimal Gurung

8:27 AM
Gorkhaland Territorial Administration chief executive Bimal Gurung today said the Centre could announce a central university for the hills during Monday’s Budget session in Parliament. He said so while inaugurating the new building of Mirik College at Kowlay, about 2km away from Mirik town. The GTA has constructed the building at a cost of Rs7.60 crore. "The hills will get to hear some good news soon. I feel that a central university could be announced in tomorrow’s Budget session of Parliament. I am really hopeful about it," said the GTA chief. The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has long been demanding a central university for the hills, which also finds mention in the GTA agreement. According to Gurung, the hills’ getting a central university would be half the battle won as far as the statehood demand was concerned. "Getting a university means securing half of Gorkhaland. It will be a step forward towards achieving our statehood demand," he said.

The university nearest to the hills is the North Bengal University in Siliguri sub-division. Students from the hills need to travel more than 80km to Siliguri to attend classes at the NBU, compelling most of them to rent rooms or stay as paying guests leading to additional expenses. Gurung said the GTA would provide two buses and a hostel to Mirik College. "The college will require buses to ferry students as it is some distance from town. We will provide buses and a hostel facility as well. Work will soon start on the fencing around the college premises. We will see what can be done to renew the old building," said the GTA chief executive. The new academic session at Mirik College begins from April and the institution will now be able to accommodate about 1,000 students, up from the previous 750-800.
Centre could announce a central university for the hills - Bimal Gurung
Centre could announce a central university for the hills - Bimal Gurung
The new building is three- storeyed and houses 17 classrooms, two halls for holding general classes and more than 10,000 square feet of space. It is also equipped with 22 computers, an attic for a library and 32 CCTVs to monitor the campus area. In the second phase, the GTA will build staff quarters (the college presently has 35 teaching and non-teaching staff), a hostel, a science laboratory and an administrative building. Gurung today also laid the foundation stone for a Rs3.26-crore tanga road (pathway for the movement of horses) from Thurbo tea garden check-post to SorasalayGaon to promote tourism. "The GTA has several development plans for Mirik. We have started work on a 6km road to promote tourism. We hope to attract more tourists to this place," Gurung said. The state cabinet has agreed to upgrade Mirik into a sub-division. The place comes under Kurseong sub-division and is a major tourist attraction, mainly for the quaint Mirik Lake and the boat rides on offer.


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