Showing posts with label hate crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate crime. Show all posts

प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु - गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा

8:07 PM
गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा कुनै नया कुरा होइन तेस्मा हामी गोर्खाली जाती डटेको नै छैनौ, "तेस्तो त भै रहन्छ" भनेर टाली दिन्छौ तर हिज आज यो हेपाइ ले रेखा पार गरेको के मलाइ अनि केही जागरुक जन्ताहरुलाई मात्र आभास भएको हो? आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भयो अस्पताल मा जो हिजो अस्ति दिल्ली को गुण्डाहरु ले कुटेर मर्नु र बाच्नु हुने स्थिती मा फ्याकी दिएको थियो। 

एति मात्र कहाँ हो र निकै छ नि एस्ता हरु अनि यो सब घटना भै सकेर के गर्छौ र फेस्बुक मा दुई तीन वटा पोस्ट हालेर शोक मनाउछौ, आफू ले मात्र देख्ने बजार को भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्छौ अनि बाँस! काम टर्यो मैले गर्ने कर्तव्य निभाए भनेर ठूलो श्वास फेरेर आफ्नो परिवार सङ रमाउछौ तर त्यो मरौ परेको परिवार मा के हुँदै होला अनि त्यो मरौ कस्ले गर्दा परेको हो? हामी आफै ले गर्दा, हो! हामी ले गर्दा त्यो घर मा मरौ परेको हो अरु बेला अरु ले हेप्दा हामी दरो भएर डटेर युद्ध गरेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन होला फेस्बुक र त्यो कोसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा हावा हावा को पोस्टर न टालेर खास रण भुमी मा ओर्लेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन।

खुकुरी उठाउनु भनेको होइन, लडाइ गर्नु भनेको होइन खुन खराबा गर्नु भनेको होइन, मानव्ता हराएको सन्सार मा यो हेपाइ खानु परेको स्थिती मा राज्निती ले अलिकती पनि काम गरेको छैन ईतिहास साक्षी छ अनि बर्तमन पनि। के फाइदा करोड करोड को बाटो बनाएर जब हेपाइ मा हिड्नु पर्यो भने, के फाइदा पावर र पोजिसन को जस्ले आफ्नै घाँटी मा बाध्धिएको लुगा सिलाउने धागो पनि चुट्टाउन सकेन भने?

नचिनिने भएछौ भन्ने कविता त भुतकाल मै लेख्नु भएको थियो तेति बेला त न चिनिने भएको थिएछ हाम्रो जाती अब झन के भै सक्यो सबैलाई थाहा छ। प्रणय प्रधान त सबै हेपाइ को एउटा एक्जाम्पल मात्र हो तेस्तो एक्जाम्पल त कति छ कति जो मर्न पनि सक्दैन बाच्न पनि सक्दैन। अनि हामी के गर्न सक्छौ? केइ न केइ, अह! एति गर्न सक्छै फेस्बुक मा एउटा पोस्ट हाल्नु अनि नेताहरु ले कसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्नु।

स्कुल कलेज मा एन्टि रेग्गिङ सर्टिफिकेट बनाउनु लगाउछ एड्मिस्सन गरि सकेर रेग्गिङ्ग न होस भनेर, यदि भएको ख्ण्ड मा जस्ले गर्छ तेस्लाइ प्रसासन ले डन्ड दिन्छ हामी गोर्खा जाती पनि त स्कुल भित्रै छौ अनि स्कुल को नाउ हो भारत। किन हामीलाई मात्र छुट्टाउछ? किन हामी मात्र हेप्पिन्छौ?हामी मिलेर किन बस्न सक्दैनौ?हामी डटेर किन लड्न सक्दैनौ? के हामी न बिकि बस्न सक्दैनौ?

आदत भै सक्यो आदत निहुरेर हिड्ने हेपाइ खाने कस्ले जिम्मेवारी उठाउछ हामी हेपिएको? को जिम्मेदार छ हाम्रो हेपाइ को? के हेपिएरै जीवन बिताउने आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भएको छ यदि हाम्रो जाती हेपाइ न खाने भए अरु जाती सम्मान भए कसैले आँखा उठाएर हेर्न सक्दैन थियो तर भयो होइन? भोलि हाम्रो जाती को पनि एसरी अस्पताल मा मृत्यु न होस जोगाएर राखौ, यो जन्ता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ नेता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ अनि सर्कार ले याद राख्नु पर्छ।

अनिकेश प्रधान

दार्जीलिंग थाना इनचार्ज सौम्यजित रोई केशमा राहत को खबर

7:53 PM

बिगत दिन मा दार्जीलिंग सदर थाना इनचार्ज सौम्य जित रोईको गोर्खे सन्तान साथै नारी माथि गरेको अभद्र टिप्पणी साथै धम्कि बिरुद्ध GSSS ले Indian Union Cabinet Minister for Women & Child Development श्रीमती मेनुका गान्धीलाई अर्जी चडाएको थियो भने उनले उक्त केशमाथि कारबाहीगर्दै होम मिनिस्ट्रीलाई यसको छानबिन गर्ने साथै उचित कारबाई गर्न निबेदन पठाएकी थिए . आज उक्त केसको फलोअपमा GSSS द्वारा राष्ट्रिय प्रबक्ता अन्जनी शर्मा सहितको टोलिले National Commission for Women का Chairperson श्रीमती रेखा शर्मा लाई भेट गरेर उक्त केशमा यथा शीग्र हस्तछेप गर्दै नारीमाथि भएको यो अत्याचार बिरुद्ध कारबाई गर्ने साथै अझ सम्म जेलमा थुनिएका निर्दोष नारीहरु लाई यथाशिग्र छोडिनु पर्ने मांग राखे।

श्रीमती रेखा शर्मा सित भएको वार्तामा उनले आफु उक्त केश लिएर गम्भीर रहेको अनि अति चाडो नै उनि आफु नै दर्जील्लिंग जाने अनि केशको छानबिन गर्ने बचन दिएभने गोर्खा हरु लाई उनको दार्जीलिंग भ्रमण अवधि उनको साथ् दिने निबेदन पनि गरे। उनको उत्सुकतालाई देखेर अब यो केशले सकारात्मक बाटो पाउने साथै हाम्रो नारीहरु सित न्याई हुने कुरोमा GSSS विश्वस्त छ भने न्याई नपाए सम्म संघर्ष जारी  रहने छ .


Gorkha found murdered at Karong,Senapati Manipur

9:39 AM
Senapati Manipur, 11 Aug: In what could be termed as heinous crime, a Gorkha tenant from Kanglatongbi Mandir was found murdered this morning at a place near 3 Karong Villages Water Reservoirs, above Mao Karong, Senapati District Manipur.

The victim was identified as one Kumar Pokhrel, 35 years of age, s/o (L) Ram Chandra of Kanglatongbi Mandir and presently residing at Mao Karong for nearly two months. He was survived by his wife and one daughter.

The accused was identified as one K. Adahrii, aged about 49 years, s/o (L) Krehrii of Mao Karong Village. He is the present Chairman of Mao Karong village.

According to some villagers, the dead body was found only after the accused, who fled from the village after the incident, informed one of the villagers that he has committed the crime last night on suspicion of theft who has stolen a sum of Rs.79,000 from his house.
Gorkha found murdered at Karong,Senapati Manipur
Gorkha found murdered at Karong, Senapati Manipur
On hearing the news, Mao Karong villagers along with some Gorkha residents at Karong went out in search of the dead body and later found at the spot with some bruises on his legs. Villagers said that the victim must have succumbed to some internal injuries as no serious injury was found on his body except a small bruise on the left side of his forehead.

In this connection, elders and leaders of Mao Karong and Kanglatongbi Mandir including Senapati Gorkha Samaj brought about an amicable solution to the problem so as avoid unwanted consequences in future and decided not register the case at Police station, but settled the case according to customary law.

According to the case settlement, the accused has been fined a sum of Rs.4 lakhs as penalty for committing the crime and ex-communicated from the village.

The dead body was later taken to his native village for cremation this afternoon.

Via Herald Today

Gorkha Students JNU condemns rape and murder of gorkha girl from Assam and the Dalit girl in Kerala.

7:32 AM
"Gorkha Students, JNU condemns heinous acts of brutal rape and murder of gorkha girl from Assam and the Dalit girl, Jisha in Kerala. We condemn, in the strongest terms the despicable crimes committed against Jisha, against the girl from Assam who was brutally raped and murdered and to the continued apathy shown by the University officials towards the girl from Sikkim. We demand a proper investigation in all these cases with speedy trial for the perpetrators to be booked and be brought to justice." - Gorkha Students, JNU 

Gorkha Students, JNU  Condemn the rising atrocities on the Oppressed and Marginalized

The misery of the oppressed seems to be unending in the world’s largest democracy. Every minute we come across stories from the length and the breadth of our country about oppressed communities and their daily struggle for existence. This agony of the oppressed goes unheard, unattended and unaddressed.  Democracy fails us and the ugly Brahmanical exploitative structure rears it’s hydra head everywhere. Recently, a young Dalit student, Jisha was raped and brutally murdered in Kerala. The perpetrators of this despicable and horrendous act are yet to be punished. The atrocity that went unto raping and killing the young woman is pure evil. How is it, that ‘a body’ becomes prone to more torture, pain, and abuse and why is it that ‘this body’ belongs to an adivasi, a dalit, a minority and a woman. Our political institutions and society are yet to address these issues. However, they are but symptoms of a larger malaise affecting us all. For Jisha and many others, her identity as a woman and a Dalit was enough for the perpetrators to carry out the abhorrent crime with impunity. Such acts have been historically ignored and neglected. Becoming all though more troubling when we see that the so called ‘progressive’ fonts pays only lip service to such gross injustices, thereby, confabulating this struggle for justice and equality
Gorkha Students, JNU  Condemn the rising atrocities on the Oppressed and Marginalized
 Rising atrocities on the Oppressed and Marginalized
In yet another similar incident, in Margherita, Assam, a young Gorkha girl of just 20 years was found to be raped and brutally murdered and thrown in a river (inset pic.1).  He deformed body later showed the degree of brutality meted out to her. When some public spirited citizens and organizations came forward and protested against such atrocity, the Tinsukia police rather than finding the culprits were quick to condemn such protests as fomenting anarchy. The police and the administration in no uncertain terms have tried to belittle the issue and with no media coverage of this heinous act, we fear that this incident too would be in the long lists of cases, where justice goes dying with the dead.

Sadly, this is not new. We encountered similar apathy of our government and our political leaders two years back when a student from Sikkim was sexually molested by her seniors and blackmailed into silence at the prestigious Visva-Bharati Central University in Bengal.  Social media uproar forced a few political leaders to speak on this, who vouched to fight for her and to put the accused behind the bars. Sadly, when the furore died down so did their promises. Till now, the girl still has to undergo medical treatment for her traumas while the culprits still roam free inside the campus, allegedly, because of help and protection from the officials of the University itself.  Her father however remains determined and continues to run from pillar to post hoping that one day he will be heard and his daughter will get the justice she deserves.

Our question remains, as to why that people from certain background are more easily prone to crime and criminals. Why is it easy for the perpetrators to carry out such horrendous acts without the fear of law or justice on the them.  Only too recently a girl from Manipur was abducted right from the middle of a street in a foiled attempt in the city of Bengaluru. Thankfully, the girl was able to free herself not because people chased away the perpetrator or caught him but because of the sheer grit and courage of the girl alone, while we see in the cctv captured video of the act that people stroll by in the vicinity as if nothing has happened. This is indeed shameful and reprehensible.

 Also, in continuation of the series of racial attacks. Closer to campus, on  May 2nd John Thapa and his friend John Rana hailing from Gorkhaland, were brutally beaten (inset pic. 2) up by the locals of Chakkarpur in Gurugram  for raising objection against throwing dirty water on them by the locals. Both of them were brutally beaten by rods and sticks by locals for daring to raise their voice. What is more disturbing is that last year similar kind of racial attack  had occurred on 18/05/2015 when Abishek Rai and his two friends all hailing from Teesta Valley, Gorkhaland, were brutally beaten up by their landlord's son and his friends in Gurugram. Everywhere there seems to be one common thing. The identity of the oppressed becomes an incentive for the oppressor to victimize them. These incidents clearly show that racism for people with certain ethnicity in India is daily living experience. It’s not alone limited to people from Northeast. Even non-north eastern people like the Gorkhas, the Ladakhis, and the Tibetans face it.

Also, it is alarming when we see that such casteist, racial, communal and linguistic discrimination seems to have permeated from our society and unto our political institutions as well. Allowing for a fascist and repressive system to thrive and which represses anything which comes as progressive or just. Such repression got showcased again when two people were killed over police firing in the Tawang District of Aruncahal Pradesh (inset pic 3). The victims were demanding the release of Gyatso, the Secretary of the Save Mon Region Federation (SMRF), who were questioning the building of the dams in an earthquake prone area and were demanding more local consensuses to be built on the issue. We have already seen such roughshodding when huge dams were built on the river Teesta in Sikkim and West Bengal repudiating the concerns raised by the locals about the adverse impact these dams might have on their life, livelihood and the environment. Sadly, we as a society seemed to have normalised this repression and given into the ideology advocated by this repressive regime that makes anyone standing against them typecast as criminals or anti-national. Such typecasting takes away from them their political rights and allows for the full force of the repressive machinery to be turned on them while the citizenry is lulled into looking the other way by the mantra of “greater good”. Such plundering of the tribal forest lands and flooding of huge hill areas are all carried out in the name of the greater good. However, the question remains whose greater good? Is it the good of the regimes over the blood of the oppressed nationalities or is it the blindness of the collective conscience which fails to see the dark side of this greater good? Violence against the oppressed communities has always been structured and programmed well by the authors of oppression, ever and always. History will never forget and forgive the killing of about 1500 people under the state repression during the 1986 Gorkhaland agitation or the atrocities that were meted out to people under the Armed Forces Special Power Act in the North East since 1958. Such state repression is sophisticatedly designed to combat and repress voices of dissent in any form.

In the recent times too we see how such forms of repression has permeated and penetrated even into our educational institutions like HCU, JNU, FTII or JU wherein all and any voices of dissent are criminalized. We have seen how the progressive environment of our own university too is being poisoned by the same repressive state apparatuses manifest in the recent dictatorial High level Enquiry Committee (HLEC) report and the farcical dossier which tries to isolate and profile certain sections of the student community and teachers as immoral and anti-national based on their caste, religion and racial ethnicity.

Such typecasting is what allows for certain sections of our society to be devoid of law and to their claim to its equality, justness or fairness. People with no claim to law are hence then found to be easy target of the repressive regime and the casteist and racial society that we have come to exist in. It is what has allowed the perpetrators of the heinous crime against Jisha to the reach the level of horrendousness yet unheard. It is what is making the Tinsukia administration and police to brush the horrible rape and murder of the bright young Gorkha girl under the carpet of nonchalance. It is the lulling and normalising of such depraved acts that has allowed the molesters in Shantiniketan to roam free, or the violent acts in Gurugram to be reported unheard. It is this ideology of supposed ‘growth’ which excels in repressing and killing its own people.

Gorkha Students, JNU condemns all such heinous acts and travesties of justice. We condemn, in the strongest terms the despicable crimes committed against Jisha, against the girl from Assam who was brutally raped and murdered and to the apathy shown by the University officials towards the girl from Sikkim. We demand a proper investigation in all these cases with speedy trial for the perpetrators to be booked and be brought to justice. Only the unity among an oppressed can break the chain of patriarchy, racism and castiesm!

Gorkha Students, JNU

Reliance Fresh CEO apologises to female customer on Sexual Harassment case, dismisses two staff

9:35 PM
Kolkata, March 6 :Reliance Fresh CEO Damodar Mall apologises to female customer on Sexual Harassment case in Kolkata Tendering an unconditional apology to a woman customer who complained of sexual harassment at a company outlet here, Reliance Fresh dismissed two store employees, said a top company official. Soon after Darjeeling Chronicle put out a Facebook post based on the customer's version, Reliance Fresh took action, sacked the offending staffers, welcomed customers back, apologized to the lady in question and put all details out on social.

The company also set up a two-member women’s committee to inquire into the incident.

In a posting on social media, Reliance Fresh CEO Damodar Mall tendered the apology to the woman.

“We welcome Rajshree ji (the customer) back to our store. We have terminated the offending staffer, Sumit Rajbhar, on account of gross indiscipline and breach of code of conduct,” Mall posted.

Mall said the services of the on-duty store manager was also terminated for dereliction of duty.
Reliance Fresh CEO apologises to female customer, dismisses two staff
Reliance Fresh CEO apologises to female customer, dismisses two staff
Extending a personal apology to the victim Ms. Rajashree Tamang Lama, he has said that Reliance Retail has constituted a high level prove committee comprising of a former DCP and a Legal counsel - both female - to take necessary action to provide justice for Ms. Rajashree Tamang Lama. According to him, a panel of Parbati Paul, retired deputy commissioner of police, and Sarita Joglekar, counsel at Reliance headquarters, will conduct an inquiry and report their findings within 72 hours from March 7.

Images captured on the closed-circuit television at the store have been given to Paul and others authorities.

The accused staff had flashed at Rajashree Tamang Lama, a final year law student at Calcutta University, following which she reported the matter to the duty manager, who allegedly did not take any serious action.

Here is his full apology letter, sent to TheDC on Twitter. 

Reliance Fresh stores have #ZeroTolerance towards misconduct. I share with our customers, particularly our women customers, 6 immediate and specific actions. 

1.We apologize to our valued customer Ms. RTL (we have abbreviated the name on her request) for the actions of Sumit Rajbar and Sumit Mitra of our Netaji Nagar store in Tollygunge.

2.We welcome Rajshree ji back to our store. 

3.We have TERMINATED the offending staffer, Sumit Rajbhar, on account of gross indiscipline and breach of code of conduct.

4.We have TERMINATED the services of the store manager on duty, Sumit Mitra, on account of dereliction of duty. I am personally saddened by the aberration and action of the two abovementioned people to our #ZeroTolerance policy. We love customers and your respect and your experience means the world to us. 

5.Two women, Ms PARBATI PAUL, Dy Commissioner of Police (Retd) and Ms SARITA JOGLEKAR, Counsel at Reliance HQ, both highly-regarded professionals, will report back on their findings and recommendations to within a 72-HOUR DEADLINE beginning Monday, March 7. 

6.All digital information, from all 6 cameras/DVRs (both GE make) at our store, and every single staffer on duty in the store at the time is available to Ms Paul, Ms Joglekar and legal authorities.

Notwithstanding and all these actions, I remain DEEPLY DISTRESSED by the experience of Rajshree ji. I would like to reassure her and each and every customer that we treat you like our own family and me and my company will do WHATEVER it takes. 
- Damodar Mall, CEO, Reliance Fresh Value Formats

Culprit of Reliance Fresh Store Sexual Harassment case in Kolkata arrested

10:50 AM
Alleged culprit of Reliance Fresh Retail Outlet of Tollygunge Netaji Nagar , Kolkata Arrested by Kolkata Police in connection with an incident where a girl, a law student from Darjeeling, had faced a horrible incident of sexual harassment .

He will be produced before Magistrate tomorrow after which he shall be retained under judicial remand.

Recall, a law girl student was abusively treated by this staff with pant zip opened while she was undergoing shopping at this ill fated Reliance Fresh outlet at Tollygunge (Details here).

Girl speaking to VOS said Kolkata police gave tremendous support towards her accompanying a lady police officer to said outlet, here she (victim) identified the person immediately. Alleged person name is Sumit Raj Var aged 19 years old.

Reliance Fresh Store Sexual Harassment case
Reliance Fresh Store Sexual Harassment case

Via Vos

AMGSU condemn the attack on Gorkhas in Manipur

8:02 AM

Imphal: The All Manipur Gorkha Students’ Union (AMGSU) has strongly condemned the arrogant and high- handedness attitude of 4 four persons of Naga Tapon Village of IT Road Irang Part II Senapati for disrupting the observation of Saraswati Pooja and Quiz Competition  on February 13 at Irang Part II Govt High School, Panikheti where girl students and teaching staff were assulted.

According to a release, the offenders also brutally thrashed the innocent Panikheti village authority member Nar Bahadur Adhikari and his wife Kamala Adhikari. They have been admitted in Mission Hospital, Kangpokpi in serious conditions.

While condemning the inhuman act, AMGSU appeal all the students’ body to look into the matter as this is really a matter of concern for the students’ body and further urged the authority concerned to provide befitting punishment to those involved in the crime at the earliest.

Via thepeopleschronicle

Indian Gorkha Woman Jailed in Dubai with no help or support

8:47 AM

A housemaid in Dubai, who is originally from Darjeeling, Inaia, was jailed for life for allegedly strangling her employer’s baby last year.

The 29-year-old woman who has 2 children of her own, was sentenced at Dubai Court of First Instance in January of 2014 after being found guilty of murdering the infant.

Prosecutors said she strangled the baby girl with a scarf, however, the maid insisted in court that she HAD NOT KILLED the child, saying that SHE WAS A MOTHER HERSELF and would, therefore, NEVER HURT AN INFANT.

But prosecutors told the court that, on January 18, 2014 the maid had waited for her sponsors to leave home for work about 10AM before wrapping the scarf around the baby’s neck and strangling her.

They said the woman then continued with her work as normal.

The incident was reported to police by Zulekha Hospital in Dubai after the baby was taken there by a relative of the family, who live in Al Nahda.

The baby’s mother received a call about 3PM from her sister, who said the maid had called her and told her that the baby was not waking up and was having breathing difficulties.

The mother asked her sister to go around and check on her daughter.

The sister went to the house then rushed the baby to hospital after finding the infant wasn’t breathing.

Doctors pronounced the infant dead, and suspected foul play so they notified Dubai Police. Initially, the family refused to believe the maid could have killed the child.

They said the defendant was loved by their children and she was good at her job.

However, they added that the maid’s mother had recently died.

“We knew from her that her mother had passed away about a month before and we asked her to wait until her residency procedures were finished before going back,” said the father.

The Girl from Darjeeling is still languishing in Jail with no help or support... 

Can anyone help her please?

Source TheDc

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