Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Kalimpong movie Appa to feature Daya Hang Rai

8:18 AM
SNS | Kalimpong | April 24, 2018 : A young filmmaker of Kalimpong, Anmol Gurung, has scripted a movie and named it ‘Appa’ (father) where renowned actors from Nepal like Daya Hang Rai, Tulsi Ghimiray and Aruna Karki is all set to play major roles.

“The idea behind the film is to change the way our society looks at a father-son relationship,” Mr Gurung says. The shooting is scheduled to begin on 25 April at the historic Ghoom Railway Station in Darjeeling, while portions of the movie will also be shots in places like Sandakphu and Kalimpong.

“The main characters will be portrayed by Daya Hang Rai who has changed Nepali cinema’s dimensions, the legendary Tulsi Ghimiray the popular actor and filmmaker Aruna Karki,” Mr Gurung told reports here on Monday.

According to him, the shooting may wind up in 60 days, but the post-production process may take a year. “As such, we plan to release the movie on Father’s Day next year,” he said.

Mr Rai, meanwhile, said he is officially acting in India for the first time and that the story line of the film compelled him to sign it. “I was mesmerized by the story I listened to after Anmol Gurung sent it to me in an audio message format, and I did not want to miss an opportunity to work in it.

The subject is universal and people from all across the world can get connected to it,” the Nepalese actor said. Iconic filmmaker, Mr Ghimiray, who had said in the past that Nepal’s cinema and the cinema in Darjeeling Hills had a huge gap, on Monday said the standard of filmmaking here had radically gone up, with good technicians and actors fast coming up.

“Political elements often break us like people start branding us Nepal’s Nepali, Assam’s Nepali, and Burma’s Nepali,’ but art and culture always brings us together,” he said.

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री

6:17 PM

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री ..... राईसँग चलचित्र काम गर्न चाहनेहरूलाई सुनौलो अवसर


कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 19 मार्च २०१८:
भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति दयाहाङ राईले नेपालकै एउटा चलचित्रको काम समेत त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको छ। नेपाली चलचित्रमा नयाँ आयाम दिने सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई भारतबाट निर्माण हुने चलचित्रको कथा सुन्ने साथ राजी भएपछि नेपालको एउटा चलचित्रको काम त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको हो।
‘भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा राई पहिलोपल्ट काम गर्न लागेका छन्। उनी त्यस चलचित्रको कथाबाट आकर्षित भएका हुन्। सोही कारण उनले चलचित्रको झट्टै कार्य थालनीका निम्ति नेपालको एक चलचित्रको कार्य छोडेका हुन्’ दयाहाङ राईका नजिकका स्रोत भन्छन्। उक्त हल्लासम्बन्धि राई आफैले भने कुनै पुष्टि गरेका छैनन्। 
दयाहाङ राईले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्को ब्यानरमा निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा उनी मुख्य भुमिकामा रहनेछन्। भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको ठूलो पर्दाको चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट नायक दयाहाङ राईको यो पहिलो चलचित्र हुनेछ। उनले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति हस्ताक्षर गरिसकेका छन्। उक्त चलचित्रको छायाँङ्कन चाँढै आरम्भ हुने भएको छ। जसको निम्ति दयाहाङ राई कालेबुङ अप्रेल महिनाको पहिलो सातामा आउनेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले दयाहाङ राईसँग पहिलो पल्ट काम गर्ने अवसर पाएकोमा धेरै उत्साह जागेको बताएका छन्।
‘नेपाली चलचित्रमा प्राकृतिक कला प्रस्तुत गर्ने दयाहाङ राईको कला बेजोड छन्। उनीसँग काम गरेर चलचित्र निर्माण गर्नु सौभाग्य हो। यसैले धेरै उत्साहित छु’ अन्मोल गुरुङ भन्छन्। प्रेम, रोमान्स, बिछोड आदि कथा रहेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा दयाहाङको प्रस्तुती कस्तो हुने हो भन्ने चलचित्र निर्माता टोलिमा उत्सुक्ता जागेको छ।
यता चर्चित कलाकार दयाहाङ राईको भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको पहिलो नेपाली चलचित्रमा कार्य गर्न चाहना भएकाहरूका निम्ति सुनौलो अवसर खुलेको छ। चलचित्र निर्माण टोलि ‘माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्’ ले चलचित्रका निर्माण टोलिमा एकाधिक मानिसहरूको आवश्यक्ता रहेको भन्दै स्थानीय उत्सुक मानिसहरूलाई मौका दिने भएको छ।
हालमा दयाहाङ राईसँग निर्माण हुने चलचित्रमा काम गर्न चाहनेहरूका निम्ति 8 वटा रिक्त स्थानहरू रहेका छन्। जसमा इच्छुक व्यक्तिहरूले आवेदन गर्न सक्नेछन्। चलचित्र टोलिमा निम्न पदहरू रिक्त रहेका छन् – सेकेन्ड ए.डी (महिला), थर्ड ए.डी (पुरुष), निर्देशकका सहयोगी (पुरुष), सङ्गीत समुहका सहयोगी (पुरुष), ड्रेस पर्सन (महिला), कलाकार टोलिका सहयोगी (पुरुष/महिला), अनि स्पोट ब्योइ (पुरुष) चाहिएका छन्। आवेदकले फोनमार्फत् सम्पर्क गरेर जानकारी लिन सक्नेछ। सम्पूर्ण रिक्त पदका निम्ति आगमी 25 मार्च 2018 का दिन ‘सिनेमा क्याफे’ डेभिड ग्यास नजिक बिहान 11 बजेदेखि अडिसन सम्पन्न हुने भएको छ। यसकारण आगमी 24 मार्चभित्रमा ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट कलकार दयाहाङ राई अनि निर्देशक अन्मोल गुरुङसँग एकसाथ काम गर्न चाहनेहरूले आजनै आवेदन गर्न सक्ने माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले बताएका छन्।

Gorkha youth's film to be screened at the Cannes film festival

9:38 AM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, April 18: A 28-minute short film made by a Darjeeling youth who studied at the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute in Calcutta is set to be screened at the Cannes film festival.

Saurav Rai, who is from Bara Mangwa near Darjeeling, has named his film Gudh (Nest). Till now, it is the only film from India to be accepted by the cinefondation section of the Cannes festival that encourages budding filmmakers to showcase their work.

Gudh is based on Rai's childhood experiences.

"The film is the recollection of my childhood memories and my confusions," Rai said.

Rai, 30, is now based in Delhi and is working on a travelogue.

"When the hills were witnessing the statehood agitation in 1986, my family and I had to leave Bara Mangwa, about 40km from Darjeeling, first for Dharan and then for Kathmandu in Nepal. I grew up with my grandfather in Kathmandu and was away from my parents, who returned to the hills. Living away from my parents sowed the seeds of confusion in my life then," Rai said.

Saurav Rai
"I attended Mount Valley School in Kathmandu. Later, I studied in a school in Kalimpong where I failed thrice. I was then sent back to my village and from there, I went to Teesta Bridge High School," Rai added.

Rai joined St. Joseph's College (North Point) in Darjeeling as a student of mass communication and journalism and started making films.

"My experiences and observations from my village days helped me make my film," he said.

Till date, Rai has made eight short films, seven documentaries and three music videos.

In 2013, he was invited to Beijing to make documentaries on specific topics. In 2014, he was invited to the Munich Film Festival where his short film Barkhay Jhari (Monsoon Rain) was screened.

"I completed my film-making course this year. I will be leaving for Cannes on May 10," said Rai.

The film festival will be held in France from May 11 to May 22.

Via Telegraph

Saurav Rai's 'Gudh' only Indian entry in 69th Cannes Film Festival

12:56 PM
"Shout Out" to Mr. Saurav Rai whose film "Gudh" is the ONLY INDIAN FILM to be Officially Selected for the Prestigious 69th Cannes Film Festival.

Mr. Rai is from Mangwa village near Kalimpong and was brought up in Kathmandu in 1986. "That's the year when the Gorkhaland agitation began," he said. The son of a cardamom businessman, Rai moved to his grandparents' residence. "It was during vacations that I came to my village. I often had problems co-relating my memories with my surroundings," the 29-year-old said.

Describing his Kathmandu days, Rai said he was a "naughty and terrible" student. "If I was promoted, it was only as a favour. Finally, my grandfather sent me to a village school. I had to walk down four hours daily to go there. It was as bad as chicken poop. That's when I understood that things would need to be changed," he recalled.

A drastic transformation happened when he was in Class VIII. His grades improved. It was during this time he was smitten by the film bug. "Cinema was my escape route," he confessed.
Saurav Rai's  'Gudh' only Indian entry in 69th Cannes Film Festival
Saurav Rai

Little did he then realise that some years later, movies would offer him a ticket to limelight. His Nepali language film - 'Gudh' - is based on his childhood memories with his mother in Mangwa. "The political demand for a separate state had affected me. There is a hint of that in my film too. But 'Gudh' isn't a narrative-based film. It has a lot of long shots and surreal elements. I was even told that I had defied the grammar of film-making while making it," he recalled.

Back in Mangwa, his family members are ecstatic. "My grandfather used to say that as a child, Einstein was a stupid guy. That was to give an assurance to all those who used to write me off because I was very bad student," he said. Today, Rai wants to thank 'this 76-year-old man' for his achievements. "He now wants to offer a goat to treat the villagers!" Rai said with a smile.

However, international acclaim isn't new to Rai. In 2014, his short film titled 'Monsoon Rain' was officially selected at the Munich film festival. Having watched a lot of cinema at SRFTI and during his Munich trip, what is his opinion about Bengali cinema? "I watched Ray and Sen's classics during my graduation at Darjeeling's St Joseph College," he said. From the next generation of directors, he likes Rituparno Ghosh's movies. "Among contemporary makers, I find Arghya Basu's works very interesting," Rai pointed out.

Along with his sound designer Ankita Purkayastha, Rai will be off to Cannes on May 10. Before that, he is writing a script for a feature film that will narrate untold stories and taboos of rural India.

brought up in Kathmandu in 1986. "That's the year when the Gorkhaland agitation began," he said. The son of a cardamom businessman, Rai moved to his grandparents' residence. "It was during vacations that I came to my village. I often had problems co-relating my memories with my surroundings," the 29-year-old said.

Saurav is completing his schooling from Satyajit Ray Institute for Film and Television.

We wish Saurav GOOD LUCK for Cannes and are hopeful he will bring Laurels not only to our community, but also our country.

Take a bow Saurav!! You have earned it!!

Source TheDC With inputs from Times of India

New Movie 'Hawaghar' on Gorkhaland‬ Agitation

8:22 PM
New Movie 'Hawaghar' - Seeks to Tell the ‪‎Gorkhaland‬ Tale

We too have our stories to tell, like every society has its own.

These stories stand tall, deeply rooted with the hills and valleys, joys and sorrows, soils and flowers as a foundation to the way of life for generations to come. Realising the fact that our stories are not documented enough, through popular and efficient medium and feeling that the responsibility now rests over the shoulders of this generation, the youths from Mirik, Kurseong and Darjeeling are coming up with a feature film 'Hawaghar'.

The film has its plot in a typical village of Darjeeling while the time period goes back to 1980s, when the hill was burning with Gorkhaland Andolan. The sole intention is to recreate, reflect and dramatically document the social, cultural, and economic impact of the revolution among the Gorkha lives and livelihood. 'Hawaghar' is not aligned politcally or ideologically towards any group or party that existed during that time, not out of fear or indifference but realising the need for neutrality to tell the story as accurately as possible. Rather, the viewers can expect a raw and rooted love story at its core, that had no time for love, due to chaos and struggle.

The film is directed by Kushal Ghimiray, who has already acted in a feature film 'Dhurva Taara' which was released last year. He is a lecturer in Southfield College, Darjeeling and has left his mark as a Nepali writer and dramatist with numerous works at his credit.

Hawaghar is co-directed and editing and cinmatography as well is done by Pallawib Rai. He has already worked as cinematographer, editor and associate director for music albums of 2015 Grammy Award winners Ricky Kej and Wouter Kellerman one of which was recently launched at United Nations COP21 (Paris) by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and President of France François Hollande. He was previously working for startups and in Mumbai and this is his third feature film as a part of cinematography team.

The lead role of the film is played by Kushal Ghimiray himself and Mansha Gurung, who have already rocked the screens as a lead couple around the hills with their film 'Dhurva Taara'. The other roles are being played by Dalleybhai Lepcha, Nasir Gurung, Bhawesh Lama, Naumta Pradhan, Hanak Thapa, Pushkar Singer, Sahil Lepcha, Pradeep Subba and Subeksha Rasaili some of whom have already acted in stage plays while some are freshers.

The story, screenplay and dialoue of film is created by Kushal Ghimiray and Pallawib Rai. Towards the technical side, the role of Chief Assistant Director is carried out by Utsav Pradhan while the cinematography team has extremely talented Abimanu Chettri and Benjamin Rai as associate Cinematographers with their rich experience of working for various production companies in Mumbai.

Fingers crossed!!! Hope they will be able to tell us our story.

Via TheDC

Gorkhey Film "Ek Dhakar Jiwan" makes to 20th International Short Film Festival

6:54 PM
After  bagging The Best Short Film Peace Award in the just concluded Gothenburg Independent Film Festival in Sweden Phurba Tshering Lama, a young filmmaker from Darjeeling, has made us all proud as his film "Ek Dhakar Jiwan" has been selected for the 20th edition of the International Short Film Festival. His film has been selected in the Indian Panorama Section. The festival will take place in Canada in march. It is a big honour for the Indian Gorkha community and country as a whole.

For Phurba who owns a production house in Darjeeling "FerryTale Pictures" this is like a dream come true. Phurba was born on 21st January, 1982 in Kurseong. He studied Literature from St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling and pursued Direction in Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. His debut short film ‘Ek Dhakar Jiwan / The Beaten Path’ won the Best Short Film Peace Award at Gothenburg Independent Film Festival and a Special Mention Jury at the Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival. He is currently working on his debut feature film titled as Macqee, in Darjeeling.
Gorkhey Film The Beaten Path (Ek Dhakar Jiwan) in 20th International Short Film Festival
Gorkhey Film The Beaten Path (Ek Dhakar Jiwan) in 20th International Short Film Festival
About the Film The Beaten Path (Ek Dhakar Jiwan)

India 2014; 27 min
Original version: Nepali
Genre: Drama, Short

Synopsis: In the face of an apparently meaningful world Balvir lives and coexists in the grand mosaic of nature like any other entity. However, his human spirit yearns to understand life especially from a sense of disorientation and confusion as a result of the material world.

Director: Phurba Tshering Lama
Writers: Phurba Tshering Lama, Gupta Pradhan (story)
Star: Man Bahadur Tamang
Cinematography: Ayan Saxena

His short film "Grey and Matter" went on to be project in Nepal Cine-Symposium, 2012 and SIGNS Film Festival / Kerela (India) 2013

Ek Dhakar Jiwan (The Beaten Path) has gone all the way to many festivals. Some of them are;
  • - Gothenburg Independent International Film Festival, 2014 / Sweden (Best Short Film Peace Award) 
  • - SIGNS International Film Festival, 2014 / India (National Competition Section)
  • - XX Film Festival Della Lessinia, 2014 / Italy (International Competition Section)
  • - IDFL Film Festival, 2014 /India (National Competition Section)
  • - Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival, 2015 / France (Special Mention Jury)
  • - JAGRAN International Film Festival / India (Top Shorts Section)
  • - WIZ-ART International Film Festival, 2015 / Ukraine (Special Screening) 
  • - Ajyal Youth Film Festival, 2015 / Doha (International Competition Section)
  • - International Short Film Festival, 2016 / Canada (International Competition Section)
Watch the Trailor of The Beaten Path (Ek Dhakar Jiwan)

His vast Experiences includes:-
  • - Visa Girl (Nepali Feature Film): Position: Chief AD / Casting Director / Supporting Role
  • - Sikkim University (Documentary): Chief AD / Post-production Supervisor
  • - Have made social documentaries for CARE International (in Nepal and Lucknow) and for 
  • - Himalayan Climate.
  • -Worked as a Chief AD for an IndiaMART Advertisement in Mumbai.
We wish him success in future.


‎Dhruva‬ Tara - Mirik's 1st Feature Film - Releasing on 3rd October 2015

1:42 PM
DhruvaTara is a maiden film of Mughlan Films and Arvind Raj Productions from Mirik. Shot extensively in and around Mirik Valley, it tells the story of four horsemen and the lives they lead. With unemployment and illiteracy all around, these men have no other option but to work as farm labourers and porters, ferrying local produce like squash, cardmom and potatoes to the plains. On the way, through the jungles, they meet all kinds of people and each one of them is a character unto himself. The effervescent Kancha, the stubborn Purnay, the stoic Pasang Jojo and the quiet Dhruva, who falls for the ethereal beauty Tara. Love, as they say, comes in various shades, it is their unique love story that holds the film together.

Made over a period of one and half years, this film is a labour of love of its makers who have overcome numerous odds to tell this story unfolding in our villages between two unlike souls.
‎Dhruva‬ Tara - Mirik's 1st Feature Film - Releasing in 3rd October 2015
DhruvaTara is a maiden film of Mughlan Films and Arvind Raj Productions from Mirik.
Because the film is shot extensively in real locations with a minimalist approach, it has gained a shade of an art house film with underplayed emotions and subdued acting. What uplifts the film, however, is the realistic protrayal of its lead characters and its soulful music which transports the film into another realm.

Releasing on 3rd October 2015, this film holds a lot of promise to its makers and also the discerning film viewing public in the hills as they will witness that local language films too have come of age and the standard is slowly but steadily improving which is a positive sign for our fledging film market in our hills.

Watch Dhruvatara Official Teaser

In a far-flung village in the hills surrounding the Mirik Valley, where people are farmers and are dependent upon the mercies of nature and God, where young people work as farm hands or porters, a quite love story enfolds between two unlike souls. A quiet and a reserved man Dhruva and an equally beautiful and mysterious Tara. In this landscape of hills and rivers, men and their horses, joyous beats of Madal and Murali and far from the madding crowd, two people come to love each other as naturally as the forest spring, flowing eternally. But nature sets its own course and Time plays a helping hand. Will Dhruva and Tara be able to win over the adversities of love and be together forever? Is it possible to cross the limits set by time and nature upon love? Will love really concur all? Come and see for yourself...

Movie's official FB page:

Via Dhruva Tara FB page

Geetanjali Thapa to act in Macqee with local production house

11:06 AM
Ferry Tale Pictures - a local production company led by Mr. Phurba Tshering Lama has landed one of the Best female actors in India, Geetanjali Thapa, to act in his upcoming new movie 'Macqee."
Geetanjali Thapa to act in Macqee with local production house
Geetanjali Thapa to act in Macqee
Ms. Geetanjali Thapa is an internationally acclaimed actor and has won the National Film Award for Best Actress(2013) and Best Actress in the 14th Annual New York Indian Film Festival for her performance in Liar's Dice.

She has also won Best Performance, Los Angeles Film Festival 2013 and Best Actress, Imagine India Award 2013, Madrid for her performance in I.D. directed by Kamal KM.

Her recent movie titled Tigers (Indian-International film directed by Danis Tanovic), also starring Emraan Hashmi was screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival.

Mr. Phurba Tshering Lama has previously won the Best Short Film Peace Award at the Gothenburg Independent Film Festival in Sweden, for his movie "Ek Dhakar Jiwan"
This is what dreams are made of... an Award winning local actor, acting in a movie by an Award winning local Director.


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