Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts

प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु - गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा

8:07 PM
गोर्खालीहरुलाई भारत भरी हेपेको कुरा कुनै नया कुरा होइन तेस्मा हामी गोर्खाली जाती डटेको नै छैनौ, "तेस्तो त भै रहन्छ" भनेर टाली दिन्छौ तर हिज आज यो हेपाइ ले रेखा पार गरेको के मलाइ अनि केही जागरुक जन्ताहरुलाई मात्र आभास भएको हो? आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भयो अस्पताल मा जो हिजो अस्ति दिल्ली को गुण्डाहरु ले कुटेर मर्नु र बाच्नु हुने स्थिती मा फ्याकी दिएको थियो। 

एति मात्र कहाँ हो र निकै छ नि एस्ता हरु अनि यो सब घटना भै सकेर के गर्छौ र फेस्बुक मा दुई तीन वटा पोस्ट हालेर शोक मनाउछौ, आफू ले मात्र देख्ने बजार को भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्छौ अनि बाँस! काम टर्यो मैले गर्ने कर्तव्य निभाए भनेर ठूलो श्वास फेरेर आफ्नो परिवार सङ रमाउछौ तर त्यो मरौ परेको परिवार मा के हुँदै होला अनि त्यो मरौ कस्ले गर्दा परेको हो? हामी आफै ले गर्दा, हो! हामी ले गर्दा त्यो घर मा मरौ परेको हो अरु बेला अरु ले हेप्दा हामी दरो भएर डटेर युद्ध गरेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन होला फेस्बुक र त्यो कोसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा हावा हावा को पोस्टर न टालेर खास रण भुमी मा ओर्लेको भए आज त्यो मरौ पर्थेन।

खुकुरी उठाउनु भनेको होइन, लडाइ गर्नु भनेको होइन खुन खराबा गर्नु भनेको होइन, मानव्ता हराएको सन्सार मा यो हेपाइ खानु परेको स्थिती मा राज्निती ले अलिकती पनि काम गरेको छैन ईतिहास साक्षी छ अनि बर्तमन पनि। के फाइदा करोड करोड को बाटो बनाएर जब हेपाइ मा हिड्नु पर्यो भने, के फाइदा पावर र पोजिसन को जस्ले आफ्नै घाँटी मा बाध्धिएको लुगा सिलाउने धागो पनि चुट्टाउन सकेन भने?

नचिनिने भएछौ भन्ने कविता त भुतकाल मै लेख्नु भएको थियो तेति बेला त न चिनिने भएको थिएछ हाम्रो जाती अब झन के भै सक्यो सबैलाई थाहा छ। प्रणय प्रधान त सबै हेपाइ को एउटा एक्जाम्पल मात्र हो तेस्तो एक्जाम्पल त कति छ कति जो मर्न पनि सक्दैन बाच्न पनि सक्दैन। अनि हामी के गर्न सक्छौ? केइ न केइ, अह! एति गर्न सक्छै फेस्बुक मा एउटा पोस्ट हाल्नु अनि नेताहरु ले कसै ले पत्तो न गर्ने भित्ता मा पोस्टर टाल्नु।

स्कुल कलेज मा एन्टि रेग्गिङ सर्टिफिकेट बनाउनु लगाउछ एड्मिस्सन गरि सकेर रेग्गिङ्ग न होस भनेर, यदि भएको ख्ण्ड मा जस्ले गर्छ तेस्लाइ प्रसासन ले डन्ड दिन्छ हामी गोर्खा जाती पनि त स्कुल भित्रै छौ अनि स्कुल को नाउ हो भारत। किन हामीलाई मात्र छुट्टाउछ? किन हामी मात्र हेप्पिन्छौ?हामी मिलेर किन बस्न सक्दैनौ?हामी डटेर किन लड्न सक्दैनौ? के हामी न बिकि बस्न सक्दैनौ?

आदत भै सक्यो आदत निहुरेर हिड्ने हेपाइ खाने कस्ले जिम्मेवारी उठाउछ हामी हेपिएको? को जिम्मेदार छ हाम्रो हेपाइ को? के हेपिएरै जीवन बिताउने आज प्रणय प्रधान को मृत्यु भएको छ यदि हाम्रो जाती हेपाइ न खाने भए अरु जाती सम्मान भए कसैले आँखा उठाएर हेर्न सक्दैन थियो तर भयो होइन? भोलि हाम्रो जाती को पनि एसरी अस्पताल मा मृत्यु न होस जोगाएर राखौ, यो जन्ता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ नेता ले याद राख्नु पर्छ अनि सर्कार ले याद राख्नु पर्छ।

अनिकेश प्रधान

Priyanka Lama murder case, family seeks justice

8:11 AM
Priyanka Lama Murdered -  Family and Friends Demand Justice

Special Report: Nand Poudel

Nagarkatta police have found a blood-drenched dead body of Priyanka Lama(24) on Saturday evening. She is the resident of Chadar Line near Hindi High School under Nagarkatta Block.

Priyanka's family has suspected her death as a murder and police has said it will be confirmed only after the post mortem of her dead body.
Priyanka Lama 

According to the report in the evening of the incident, Priyanka had just crossed the gate of her house talking over her phone when there was a sudden loud noise.

Her neighbour, a lady who came out hurriedly hearing the loud noise spotted her fallen on the ground drenched in a pool of blood. She informed Priyanka's mother about the incident who fainted seeing the condition of her daughter.

Priyanka was rushed to Sulkapada hospital by local people where she was declared dead.

Sources from her family said she died of a big wound over her head from a sharp weapon. Excess flow of blood from her ears is also spotted which is believed to claim her life. The reason behind the murder is unknown to the family and the police have resumed the investigation.

Police have assured the culprit to be brought to justice as soon as possible. After the brutal incident, local people in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity have demanded the police administration to bring the culprit to justice within 24 hours.

Priyanka Lama was the only daughter of late Chandre Lama a resident of Chadar Line, Nagarkatta. After her father's death 15 years ago she was brought up by her mother a widow, Aruna Lama who was bearing Priyanka's education.

Her mother's only future recourse Priyanka was working in a private bank in Kurseong branch after completing her graduation. She had come home on two day's leave and was supposed to join her duty the following Monday but met her mysterious fate on Sunday evening.

Her relatives and neighbours who are grieving her suspicious death are not ready to take it as a natural death. Her uncle Mr Ganesh Aley mourning her death has demanded a deeper investigation in the murder case.

शनिबार साँझ नगरकट्टा पुलिसले रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा एक युवतीको मृतदेह उद्धार गरेको छ । मृत युवतीको नाम प्रियंका लामा (२४) जो नगरकट्टा खण्ड अन्तर्गत हिन्दी हाई स्कुल छेउ चादर लाइनका स्थानीय वासीन्दा हुन । परिवारले प्रियंकालाई हत्या गरिएको आरोप लगाएको छ भने यता नगकरकट्टा पुलिसले मृत्युको कारण पोष्टमार्टम पछी जान्न सकिने बताएको छ । घटनालाई लिएर नगरकट्टामा शोकको लहर छाएको छ ।

घटनाको प्राप्त जानकारी अनुसार शनिबार साँझको समय प्रियंका मोबाइलमा बात गर्दै घरको फाटक मात्र पार गरेकी थिन । अचानक केही आहट सुनेपछी छिमेकी महिला वाहिर आउछीन र प्रियंकालाई रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा भूइमा लडी रहेको देखछिन । यस्तो दृष्य देखेर महिला चिचाउदै प्रियंकाको आमालाई बोलाउ छिन । केही क्षण अघि मात्र संघै बसेर कफी पिएको छोरीलाई रक्तम्बे अवस्थामा देखेपछी आमा अरुणा आले त्यहीनै मुर्छा परछिन । गाउलेहरुले तुरन्तै सुलकापाडा अस्पताल पुराएता पनि चिकित्सकले प्रियंकाको मृत्यु भई सकेको बताउछ ।

परिवार सूत्रले जनाए अनुसार प्रियंकाको मृत्यु कुनै धारिलो हतियार प्रहार गरेर भएको बतायो । कारण प्रियंकाका शिरमा गहिरो चोट रहेको छ र कानबाट धेरै खुन गएको पनि देखिएको बताएको छ । प्रियंकाको मृत्युको कारणबारे परिवार पनि अनभिज्ञनै रहेको छ । पुलिसले छानबीन शुरु गरेको छ । पुलिसले चाँडै दोषीलाई चिन्हित गरेर कानूनी सजाय दिने बताएको छ । तर यसरी एक जना युवतीको साँझपखनै हत्या भएकोले नगरकट्टावासीले असुरक्षित महशुस गरेका छन । र पुलिसले २४ घण्टा भित्र दोषीलाई प्रकाउ गर्न पर्ने माग गरेको छ ।

प्रियंका लामा नगरकट्टा चादरलाइन निवासी स्वः चन्द्रे लामाका एकलो छोरी हुन । चन्द्रे लामाको आज भन्दा १५ वर्ष अघिनै स्वरगारोहण भएको थियो । त्यपछी विद्यवी असाहय आमा अरुणा लामाले छोेरीको पालन पोषण अनि शिक्षा दान गराएका थिन । आमको एक मात्रा जीवनको साहारा छोरी प्रियंका थिन । जसले रा्रोसित शिक्षा आर्जन गरेर गत दिसम्बर महिनामा मात्र कुनै एक बेसरकारी व्यांकमा खारसाङ शाखामा नौकरी पाएकी थिन । दुई दिन छुट्टि हुँदा घर आएकी प्रियंका सोमबार काममा जानु थियो । तर आईतबार रातीनै प्रियंकाको रहस्मय मृत्यु भयो । प्रियंकाको परिवार आफन्ता लगायत छिमेकीहरुले यस घटनालाई कुनै पनि अवस्थामा मान लिन सकेको छैन । प्रियंकाका मामा गणेश आले भने, हामी धेरै मर्माहत छौं । यो हत्यो हो । पुलिसले गहराईमा गएर घटनाको छानबीन गर्नु पर्ने तिनले माग गरेका छन ।


Kalimpong Girl Murdered in Delhi

9:55 PM
Lakshmi Chettri, a 32 years old woman from 15th Mile Dalapchand Busty in Kalimpong, was found dead in her residence at 1 Desu Road, Mehrauli, New Delhi. The incident happened on 25th Oct.
Kalimpong Girl Murdered in Delhi

According the the Post Mortem reports, the case was that of Murder. The reason for the murder and the person/people behind it are still unknown.

Lakhsmi was survived by her farmer parents back at home, who stand devastated by the incident. The Darjeeling representatives at the North East Cell and in Delhi supported by other active members helped the family with Lakshmi's Cremation at Delhi itself.

The Team has further approached Higher Police officials in Delhi regarding the case, who have promised immediate and serious investigation in the matter.

Via The DC

Elderly Couple murdered in Kalimpong, bodies dumped in septic tank

4:44 PM
The Kalimpong district police on Friday evening recovered the bodies of an elderly couple from the septic tank of their house in Pedong that has led to panic among the residents of the small hamlet.
Sherpa Couple murdered in Pedong Kalimpong
Sherpa Couple murdered in Pedong Kalimpong

The bodies of Phurtemba Sherpa (69) and his wife Kusum (55) were recovered by police after neighbours informed them about their being missing. The two are residents of Dokyong I Sericulture, Sakyong GP of Pedong.

According to police, the couple’s elder son Sangden has called his neighbours from Malda to inquire about his parents, who did not take his calls. “The elder son called up the neighbours to inquire about his parents. The door of the house was locked and a phone and a torch light that belonged to Phurtemba were found outside,” said Atul Vishwanathan, Kalimpong additional superintendent of police in Saturday.

Sangden is employed in the police department and is presently posted in the correctional home in Malda. His younger brother is a teacher in a private school in Bihar. “I got worried and called my brother and also our neighbors in Pedong to inquire because my father and mother were not taking my calls. I has spoken with my mother just a day before and had promised them to call back again on Friday,” Sangden said.

The bodies of Phurtemba and Kusum were discovered from the septic tank in the rear of their house by police. “We found the bodies in decomposed condition. There are deep cut marks on the foreheads of the couple. When we broke open the door, we found the house ransacked. We have started a case and are looking at every possible angle,” the ASP

The police official said it was difficult to say immediately when the murder may have taken place. “They (husband and wife) were last seen on August 16. We recovered the bodies on Friday evening. Now, whether the murder took place on Friday evening or Saturday morning, we are trying to ascertain,” Vishwanathan said.

Sniffer dogs have been called from Siliguri to help in the investigation. “We have got some clues and four to five names. Hopefully, the case will be detected very soon,” the ASP said.

The bodies have been sent for postmortem in the Kalimpong district hospital and report is awaited.

Via  (EOIC)

पेदोङमा सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्या; हत्यारा चाँढै पक्रा पर्न सक्ने पुलिसले दियो सङ्केत

2:34 PM
गफसफ.com, कालेबुङ 18 अगस्त।
पेदोङमा भएको सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्यालाई लिएर पुलिसले जाँच अभियान तिब्र बनाएको छ भने चाँडै नै हत्यारा पक्रा पर्न सक्ने कालेबुङ जिल्ला पुलिस उप-अधिक्षक अतुल विश्वनाथनले बताएका छन्। उनले आज घट्ना स्थलको भ्रमण गरेर जानकारी लिएपछि घट्ना सम्बन्धमा पुलिसले महत्वपूर्ण सुईँको फेला पार्न सकेको दाबी गरेका छन्।

‘हामीले घट्नाको हरेक कोणबाट जाँच गरिरहेका छौँ। जाँकको क्रममा केही महत्वपूर्ण क्लुहरू हामीले फेला पारेका छौँ’ जिल्ला पुलिस उपअधिक्षक विश्वनाथनले भने। यसक्रममा उनले सोही महत्वपूर्ण सुरागकै आधारमा हत्यारा चाँढै पक्रा पर्न सक्ने सम्भावना रहेको पनि बताएका छन्।
 स्व. फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (पति) अनि स्व. कुसुम सेर्पा (पत्नी)
 स्व. फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (पति) अनि स्व. कुसुम सेर्पा (पत्नी) 

उनले हत्यालाई पक्राउ गर्नका निम्ति पुलिसले जाँच कार्य गरिरहेको भन्दै स्निफर डग टोलि समेत बोलाइएको जानकारी दिएका छन्। उनले सेर्पा दम्पतिको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कीमा फ्याँकेको अवस्थामा फेला पारेको पुष्टि गर्दै उनीहरू दुवैको निधारमा गहिलो चोटको निशानी रहेको पनि बताएका छन्। हत्याराले कुन अभिष्टको निम्ति हत्या गरेको हो भन्न नसकिने बताउँदै घरभित्र तोडफोड गरिएको अवस्था रहेको कारण परिवार पक्षले आफ्ना घरभित्रको सामाग्रीहरू हराएको छ छैन त्यसबारे जानकारी दिएपछि मात्रै चोरीको घट्ना सँग जोड्न सकिने बताएका छन्। यसक्रममा उनले उक्त घट्नालाई लिएर कालेबुङ थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरिएर जाँच सुरु भएको पनि स्पष्ट पारेका छन्। 

स्मरण रहोस्, कालेबुङ जिल्लाको पेदोङ स्थित दाक्योङ सेरिकल्चर नजिक सेर्पा दम्पतिको हत्याले सनसनी छाएको छ। पति फुर्तेम्बा सेर्पा (69) अनि पत्नी कुसुम सेर्पाको हत्यापछि उनीहरूको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कमा फ्याँकेको अवस्थामा पुलिसले शुक्रबार बेलुकी भेटेपछि उक्त घट्ना सार्वजनिक भएको हो। घट्नापछि पुलिसले शवको उद्घार गरेर आज कालेबुङ जिल्ला अस्पतालमा पोस्टमार्टम गरि परिवार पक्षलाई सुम्पिएको छ।

उक्त हत्या गत 16 अगस्तको राती नै भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ भने हत्याबारे शुक्रबार मात्र थाह लाग्न सकेको हो। पुलिस विभागमा नै कार्यरत छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले शुक्रबार दिउँसो घरमा आमा-बाबालाई फोन गर्दा फोन नउठाएपछि घट्नाबारे पत्तो लाग्न सकेको हो। छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले घरमा गरेको फोन नउठाएपछि आफ्ना छिमेकीहरूलाई आफ्नो घरमा गएर हेरिदिने खबर गरेपछि गाउँका आफन्तहरू घरमा गएर हेर्दा घर बन्द अवस्थामा अनि वरिपरिको दृष्य सन्दिघ रहेको थाह पाएपछि उनीहरूल तत्कालै पुलिसलाई सूचित गरेको थियो। घट्नाको जानकारी पाउन साथ घट्ना स्थलमा पुलिस पुगेर जाँच गर्न थालेपछि नै दुई दम्पतिको शवलाई सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कीमा हत्या पछि फ्याँकिदिएको अवस्थामा फेला पारेको हो।
‘मैले अघिल्लो दिन घरमा आमालाई फोन गरेर बात गरेको थिएँ। सधैँ झैँ भोलिपल्ट पनि मैले आमालाई फोन गरे तर फोन उठाएनन्। त्यसरीनै मैले बाबालाई पनि फोन गर्दा फोन उठाएनन्। उनीहरू दुवैले फोन नउठाएपछि मलाई चिन्ता लागेर भाइलाई पनि भने अनि गाउँका आफन्तहरूलाई घरमा गएर हेरिदिने भनेको थिए। आफन्तहरू आएर घरमा हेर्दा नै घट्नाबारे थाह पाउन सकिएको हो’ छोरा सोङदेन सेर्पाले बताएका छन्।

उनले आफन्तहरू घरमा आएर हेर्दा घर बाहिरबाट ताला लगाइदिएको अनि बाबाको फोन र टर्च आँगनमा लडिरहेको अनि आमाको फोन भने भित्र नै रहेको देखेपछि उनीहरूले नै पुलिसलाई सूचित गरेर बोलाउने कार्य गरेपछि मात्र घट्नाबारे पत्तो लाग्न सकेको पनि बताएका छन्।

Via गफसफ.com

मिनाक्षी थापा हत्या मामिलामा दोषीहरुलाई आजिवन कारावास

5:57 PM
मिनाक्षी थापा हत्या मामिलामा महत्त्वपूर्ण फसेला: दोषीहरुलाई आजिवन कारावास

बलिउडको दुनियाँमा अहिले देखा परेका सनसनीपूर्ण समाचारहरूमा मुख्य बनेको छ नेपाली युवती मिनाक्षी थापाको हत्याको मामला अनि त्यसमाथि न्यायालयको आदेश। मुम्बईका सम्पूर्ण पत्र-पत्रिका र च्यानलहरूमा विगत तीनचार दिनदेखि यही समाचार नै प्रमुख बनेर देखा परिरहेको छ।

यहाँको दक्षिण मुम्बईको एउटा सत्रह न्यायालयले गत शुक्रबारका दिन आफ्नो महत्त्वपूर्ण आदेश सुनाउँदै उत्तर प्रदेशनिवासी अमित जयसवाल (36) अनि उसकी प्रेमिका प्रीति सुरिन (26) –लाई हिन्दी चलचित्रकी सङ्घर्षशील अभिनेत्री मिनाक्षी थापा (27) -को अपहरण अनि हत्याको अपराधमा दोषी ठहर गर्दै आजीवन कारावासको आदेश सुनाएको छ। अतिरिक्त सत्रह न्यायाधीश एसजी सेट्ठेले यो फसेला यी दुइ अपराधीहरूबिरुद्ध भारतीय दण्ड संहिताका धारा 302 (हत्या) अनि 364-ए (फिरौतीका लागि अपहरण) -अन्तर्गत सुनाएका हुन्।

पृष्ठभूमि – देहरादुनको प्रख्यात दुन स्कुलकी पूर्व छात्रा रहेकी मिनाक्षी सन् 2011 –मा सिने जगतमा आफ्नो प्रतिभा उजागर गर्ने उद्देश्यले मुम्बई आएकी थिइन्। यहाँ आएर उनले 404 नामक रहस्यमय फिल्ममा पहिलो चोटि काम गरेकी थिइन्। 2012 -को मार्च महिनामा मिनाक्षी थापाले मधुर भन्डारकरको चर्चित फिल्म हिरोइनमा एक विशेष भूमिका निर्वाह गरिरहेकी थिइन्। देरहादुन निवासी थापा मुम्बईको फिल्मी जगतमा आफ्नो प्रतिभा उजागर गरेर यशार्जन गर्नका लागि आएकी नेपाली ठिटीले आफ्नो प्रतिभाको आधारमै दुइ महिनामै भन्डारकरजस्ता नामी सिनेनिर्माताको फिल्ममा मौका पाएकी थिइन्। तर उनीसँगै सुटिङ युनिटमा काम गर्ने जुनियर कलाकारहरूको युगल जोड़ी जयसवाल अनि सुरिनलाई भने धनको लालच थियो। यी दुइ जोड़ीले मिनाक्षी देहरादुनको निकै ठुलो खानदानी घरानासित सम्बन्धित युवती हुनसक्ने शङ्कामा उनलाई अपहरण गरेर परिवारबाट फिरौतीको माग गर्ने कुत्सित योजना बनाए। यसको लागि दुवै अपराधीहरूले मिनाक्षीसँग घनिष्टता बढ़ाएर उनको मन जिते अनि आफुहरू सिने उद्योगसित सम्बन्धित रहेको दाबी गर्दै भविष्यमा ठुलो बजेटको चलचित्रमा मौका मिलाइदिने प्रतिश्रुतिहरू दिनथाले। सिने संसारमा आफ्नो नाउँ राख्नलाई मुम्बई आएकी नेपाली ठिटी मिनाक्षी पनि युगलको वचनमाथि विश्वास गरेर उनीहरूसित धेरै नजिक हुनथालिन्।
यसैबिच गोरखपुरमा एउटा सुटीङ गर्नुपर्ने बहानामा यी दुइजना अपराधीहरूले 13 मार्च, 2012 -का दिन मिनाक्षीलाई अलाहबाद लिएर गए। बिच बाटामा उसको अपहरण गरेर दुवैले मिनाक्षीकै फोन प्रयोग गर्दै देहरादुनमा रहेकी उनकी आमालाई धम्कीसहित भारतीय रुपियाँ 15 लाखको माग गरेर मेसेज पठाए। आफ्नी छोरीको प्राण बचाउनका लागि आमाले पैसा जोगाड़ गर्नथाले पनि ३० हजारभन्दा बेसी जम्मा गर्न सकिनन् र त्यति नै उनले पठाइन्। जब यी दुवै अपराधीले थाहा पाए मिनाक्षी कुनै ठुलो घरानाकी छोरी थिइनन् अनि उनकी आमा पनि यति मोटो रकम जुटाउनमा असफल छिन् भन्ने तब उनीहरूले प्रतिभाशाली नेपाली ठिटीको हत्या गर्ने योजना बनाए। किनभने मिनाक्षीलाई जिउँदो छाड़्दा आफुहरू पक्रा पर्ने आशङ्का बढ़ेर गएको थियो। यसैले दुवैले मिनाक्षीको हत्या गरे। पहिला मिनाक्षीको टाउको काटेर अलग गरे अनि लाश अहालबादको एउटा मलखानाको ट्याङ्कीमा लुकाइदिए। त्यसपछि लखनउमा छुरी लुकाएपछि यी दुवै जौनपुर जाने राज्य सरकारको बसमा चढ़े। यसैबिच काटिएको टाउको चाहिँ अपराधीहरूले लखनउदेखि जौनपुर जाने बाटाबिच फालिदिए। यद्यपि यी दुइले मिनाक्षीको परिवारमा फोन गरेर पैसा मागिरहने काम भने २ अप्रेलसम्म जारी राखे। हत्यापछि यी दुइले मिनाक्षीको मोबाइल फोन र क्रेडिट कार्डहरू आफुसित राखेका थिए।
यस हत्याको मामिलामाथि उच्च स्तरीय जाँच सुरू भयो अनि अपराधीहरूको दुर्भाग्यवश मामिला स्पेसल पब्लिक प्रोसिक्युटर अथवा विशेष सरकारी उकिल उज्ज्वल निकमजस्ता व्यक्तिको हातमा पुग्यो। अर्कोतिर पुलिसी छानबिनका प्रभारी पनि मुम्बईको अपराध जगतका नामी पुलिस अधिकारी हिमांशु रोयको अधीनमा पर्नगयो। त्यतिखेर हिमांशु रोय मुम्बई पुलिसको अपराध शाखामा संयुक्त आयुक्त अथवा जोइन्ट कमिस्नरका रुपमा सनसनी मच्चाउने अधिकारीका रुपमा परिचित थिए। यद्यपि पुलिसलाई मिनाक्षीको शव अनि शिर उद्धार गर्न एक महिनाको समय लागेको थियो। आतङ्कवादी हमलाहरूको मामिला हातमा लिएर देशका शत्रुहरूलाई मृत्युदण्डको फसेला सुनाउन न्यायाधीशहरूलाई बाध्य बनाउने उज्ज्वल निकमजस्ता उकिलले मिनाक्षीको मुद्दामा पनि हत्याराहरूलाई फाँसीको सजाय सुनाउने माग गरेका थिए। निकमले यस मामिलामा जम्मा ३५ जना साक्षीहरूको बयान लिएका थिए जसमा मुख्य रुपमा मिनाक्षीको परिवारका सदस्यहरूको भूमिका अहम् थियो। यसरी नै अभियुक्त सुरिनका पिताको गवाहीले पनि मामिलामा महत्त्वपूर्ण मोड़ ल्याएको थियो जब उनले यी तीनैजनालाई गोरखपुरमा भेटेको सत्य कबुलेका थिए।
अर्कोतिर यस हत्या मामिलाको सुनवाइ प्रक्रियामा गत ६ सालदेखि रुची राखेर आदेश पर्खिरहेका सम्बन्धित सबैको अघि न्यायालयको आदेश त्यो दिन आएको छ जुन दिन हिमांशु रोयले दक्षिण मुम्बईस्थित आफ्नो वासस्थानमा सरकारी पिस्तोलले आफ्नो मुखमा गोली ठोकी आत्महत्या गरे।
यस मामलामा रुची लिएर पर्खने सबैमा आज न्यायालयको फसेलाले राहत दिए तापनि अर्कोतिर मिनाक्षी अनि उनको परिवारलाई यसरी न्याय प्रदान गर्नमा महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्ने पुलिस कमिस्नरको आत्महत्याले सम्पूर्ण मुम्बईवासीहरूलाई जस्तै दुखित  तुल्याएको छ।

स्रोत: चरित्र प्रकाशन


7:31 PM

MIRIK, 19th April: Family discussion resulted to a murder of younger brother at Mirik’s Jaman Singh Gaon under Thurbo Tea Garden.

The incident occurred on Wednesday night around 9 pm when younger brother trying to stop the fight of his two elder brothers was stabbed with sharp broken looking glass.

According to Mirik police Karan Dewan (25) and his Roshan Dewan were having discussion which turned into fight later when Nitesh Dewan alias Bhaichung (18) came and tried to stop them was stabbed by Karan.

Soon the relatives and villagers took blooded Nitesh to the hospital but died on the way.

Karan, Roshan and Nitesh are all cousin brothers and were gathered at aunt’s ‘antesty kria’ (13th day of traditional rites after death).

Mirik police have arrested Karan and booked a murder case while dead body of Nitesh was sent to North Bengal Medical & Hospital for post-mortem.

The reason of discussion and death has not been known so far but police is investigating into the matter.


TMC Demands Expediting Madan Tamang Murder Case Trial

2:54 PM

The Trinmool Congress yesterday organized a rally and demanded that the ongoing trial relating to Madan Tamang murder case be expedited. In addition, the TMC pasted posters across Darjeeling towns and question the delay by CBI in concluding the investigation and the delay in trial.

Speaking to the Press, TMC leader Ms. Sharada Subba said, "even after so many years have passed, those who murdered Gorkha leader Madan Tamang are roaming free and justice is yet to be delivered... so even though the matter is sub-judice we have been forced to comment."

When asked to comment on the timing of the demand for arresting Madan Tamang murder case being raised as protest over Language issue is intensifying, TMC working President NB Khawas said, "these are two separate issues, we will protest the delay in justice for the family of Late. Madan Tamang and we will continue this protest as long as justice is not delivered."

Widow seeks justice over husband's murder

6:07 PM

Writes : Mukesh Sharma

Kalimpong, 1 June :The widow of Chandan Pradhan whose dead body was found on 30th December at sevoke is asking for justice over the death of her husband.

Chandan Pradhan a contractor by profession was travelling with two of his friend Deepak Agarwal and Prem Puniya on the day of incident.

His body was recovered from a 300ft gorge near Coronation Bridge on NH31 in Kalimpong on 30th December.

He was returning back to home with his two friends but it was said they were engaged in some scuffle with some bikers but later police arrested both of his friend on suspicion.

Today the widow with Reeseka Chhetri , National Secretary of International Human Rights and crime control organization meet Kalimpong SP Ajeet Singh Yadav seeking justice.

After the meeting addressing a press meet widow Bijeta Chhetri Pradhan crying said “ My husband was brutally killed by Deepak Agarwal and Prem Puniya she alleged.

They were arrested but within a month they were out on bail and are roaming openly. From last five month we are seeking for justice.

We had only one male member who was hacked to death. My 10 years old daughter is always crying remembering her dad.

He said Prem Puniya called him on 28th December he stay at siliguri that night and on 29th December evening he said he was returning but he never returned.

She added that we being alone done not went to any political party as we had belief that we will get justice.

We visited Darjeeling SP who gave us a three month time but later Kalimpong being a district SP said it will be seen by new district.

Reseeka Chhetri National Secretary of International Human Rights and crime control organization said a case came yesterday at our office.

Bijeta informed about her case and seeking all the detail we today met SP Kalimpong who has assured us give justice in a month time. She said we will be moving to Kolkataa High court for cancelation of bail plea soon.

[Via : Kalimpong news Express]

Dead body found at Mela ground of Kalimpong

9:54 AM
Writes Mukesh Sharma

Kalimpong 27th May Dead body was found at the Mela ground of Kalimpong town this morning. The body was found lying in a pool of blood which poured out from his head section from the staircase of Mela Ground. Some player and local who comes to ground to play and exercise saw the body and informed Kalimpong Police which reached the spot and first identified the body. The dead body is identified as that of of Kushal Chhetri (38). Kushal Chhetri was working in a hotel at motar stand attached nearby to the spot. Police recovered the body and have sent it for autopsy at Kalimpong Sub Divisional Hospital. Police has started its investigation after registering a case .

Dead body of Kushal Chhetri (38)

Via kalimpongnewsexpress

2 held in Champa Chettri, Gorkha girl, rape and murder case

7:56 AM
Guwahati: The brutal rape and murder of beautician Champa Chettri, a 20-year-old in Baragolai, Tinsukia district of Assam, continues to boil Assam with police on Sunday claiming to have cracked the case by arresting two suspects.

The girl's charred and disfigured body was discovered floating on the Dihing River.

The police have since arrested two men - Biswajit Chettri and Moinul Ali - and charged them under Section 366, 376 and 342/34 of the IPC.

Champa Chettri was reported missing by her family on April 29 when she did not return from her workplace, a local beauty parlor.

Her body was found floating in Dihing river by some local youths on May 3.

After attempt to burn the body of the victim failed, the perpetrators are suspected to have dumped her body into the river.
People block a road with a burning tyre during a protest over the gang rape (Photo: PTI)
People block a road with a burning tyre during a protest over the gang rape (Photo: PTI)
Rakesh Furba Sherpa, president, Tinsukia Regional Committee of All Assam Gorkha Students Union, also wrote to the Prime Minister equating the barbaric incident of rape and murder with the 2012 Nirbhaya case.

 “It is sad that the 2012 Nirbhaya case has been repeated in Assam... I don't think you've learned anything about laws for women's safety despite all your foreign trips in the last two years," he wrote.

The Gorkha students also called a bandh in Tinsukia on Monday demanding strict action against the accused.

The Assam police which is tight-lipped about its findings claimed that they are probing the incident and waiting for forensic report.

Via deccanchronicle

Senapati Gorkha Samaj condemns brutal rape and murder of Pampha Rai

10:28 AM
Senapati, Apr 6 : The Senapati Gorkha Samaj, Senapati has also strongly condemned against the brutal rape and murder of Pampha Rai, reports our correspondent.

In a statement, Senapati Gorkha Samaj also conveyed solidarity to the victim’s family members.
Appealing to the authority concerned to deliver justice to the victim and her family, the statement also urged all the organizations in and around Senapati district to extend assistance by demanding befitting punishment to the accused.

Pampha Rai Murder accused banished from locality, JAC announces bandh on NH 39

9:08 AM
IMPHAL/KPI, Apr 4: The Joint Action Committee (JAC) against the brutal killing of Pampha Rai, 2nd MR, Imphal West has announced a bandh on NH-39 from 6 pm of April 5 till 6 pm of April 6 demanding punishment of the murder accused.

In a statement, the JAC said demanded the Govt to try the case in a fast track manner. It also demanded the Govt to take fitting action against the parents of the accused who misled the victim’s family.

The JAC sought the cooperation of all concerned in its fight for justice.

Meanwhile the murder of the woman continues to attract condemnations from all over.
Murder accused banished : A public meeting held today at Langjing Achouba has decided to banish Pampha Rai murder accused Palujam Jameson and his family from the locality.

The public meeting was jointly organised by the Langjing Achouba Development Committee, Langjing Achouba Women Welfare Association and the Western Star Club.
Pampha Rai Murder accused banished from locality, JAC announces bandh on NH 39
Pampha Rai Murder accused banished from locality, JAC announces bandh on NH 39
Similar punitive action would be initiated against people who are found giving shelter to Jameson and his family, reads another resolution of the meeting.

The meeting further resolved to support any course of action that may be taken up by the JAC constituted in connection with the murder of Pampha Rai.

Notably, Pampha Rai was found dead inside a room of Venus Hotel, Lamaka, Churachandpur in the morning of April 2.

Later, a mob attempted to dismantle the house of Jameson but police prevented them from vandalising the house.

On the other hand, the Executive Member of ADC Sadar Hills, Bhumi Prasad and newly formed Sadar Hills Gorkha today lodged their strong resentment over the murder of Pampha Rai and condemned the incident in the strongest term.

The ADC Sadar Hills Executive Member, who belongs to Gorkha community and represents the Gorkha people from Irang Part-II in Sadar Hills administration, condemned the murder of Pampha Rai in a hotel at Churachandpur on April 2.

The Executive Member also extended condolence to the bereaved family members and relatives in their time of sorrow and pain.

He also appealed the authority concerned to deliver justice to the victim and her family.

Meanwhile, Sadar Hills Gorkha Union also separately condemned the murder of Pampha Rai.
Hari Prasad Nepal, president, Sadar Hills Gorkha Union said that the heinous crime is unacceptable while conveying the union’s heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

The Sadar Hills Gorkha Union leader also urged the authority concerned to frame charge sheets against the culprit at the earliest and deliver justice to the victim and her family.

The union also warned that it will not remain a mute spectator if the demands of JAC formed against the murder of Pampha Rai are not delivered in time and added that it will endorse and support any movement of the JAC in connection with the incident.

Via thesangaiexpress

AMGSU condemns rape and murder of Pampha Rai in Manipur

2:01 PM
Churachandpur, Manipur, April 03 2016: All Manipur Gorkha Students' Union (AMGSU) today expressed strong condemnation over the rape and murder of Pampha Rai whose body was recovered yesterday at Hotel Venus at Churachandpur.

Pampha Rai (30), d/o Bir Bahadur of 2nd MR, who originally hail from Kanglatongbi and Jamson Singh (27), s/o Tikendrajit Singh of Langjing Achouba Leikai had checked in at Room No 204 of Venus Hotel in Churachandpur on Saturday at around 10 am, LB Adhikari, general secretary, AMGSU, related.

He alleged that Jamson had sneaked out of the hotel room at around 4.30 pm after he allegedly raped and hung the lifeless body of Pampha Rai inside the bathroom.

The hotel owner came to know of the crime only when police personnel rushed and recovered the lifeless body of Pampha Rai inside the bathroom.

AMGSU has appealed the authorities concerned to frame charge sheets against Jamson who had surrendered himself at Bishnupur Police station and confessed his crime.
Demonstration in front of 2nd M.R Gate. Roads were close for some time in protest against
the killing from around 2 p.m on Sunday.
The student body further said that it will fully support and work together with the JAC formed against the rape and murder of Pampha Rai.

Meanwhile, the All Manipur Gorkha Students' Union has also expressed their strong resentment against the CO of 2nd MR for allegedly trying to prevent media persons from meeting the victim's family.

The students' body has appealed the public to support the JAC in delivering justice for the victim.

The following message was sent to us by our reader Prateet Pradhan

"As the Report of Murder of our Sister Pampha Rai of 2nd M.R family line came, AMGSU came into the contact of the family of the victims since early morning of Sunday, 3rd April. AMGSU helped to the family of the victims in all the possible ways like gathering public and leaders of other organisation, meeting advocates for legal advise, meeting Police personnels and conduct of the post mortem under video coverage. The union also supported the JAC form against the brutal killing of Pampha Rai and also the Vice President of the JAC has been appointed from the Union. The union shall also support JAC in further action." - Prateet Pradhan

The images are of demonstration in front of 2nd M.R Gate. Roads were close for some time in protest against the killing from around 2 p.m on Sunday.

Source: The Sangai Express

Darjeeling widow raped and murder in Gurgaon

10:34 PM

A woman found murdered in her rented room in Gurgaon last week was raped before she was killed, police said on Tuesday after the arrest of two suspected killers.

The 28-year-old widowed victim hailing from West Bengal`s Darjeeling worked in pubs and bars here.

She was murdered in Chakkarpur area on the Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road on February 23 owing to a monetary dispute with the accused, police said.

“A post-mortem by a board of doctors revealed she was raped. She was beaten to death by five men,” Ashok Kumar, incharge of Sector 29 police station here, told IANS.

Two accused Gabbar and Nitish, both aged about 25 and residents of Gurgaon villages, have been arrested whereas three other accused were absconding, Kumar said.


Kolkata HC Asks Morcha to File Affidavit on Madan Tamang Murder Case.

12:19 PM

Taking cognizance of the recent petition filed by Ms. Bharati Tamang, the wife of Late. Madan Tamang, the Kolkata High Court has asked Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to file an affidavit explaining why their bail should not be cancelled.

In her petition, Ms. Tamang had accused that despite being out on bail, GJM leaders have continued to get embroiled in criminal activities, as a result of which numerous cases have been filed against them. In her petition, she has said that, "GJM leaders are taking advantage of the bail and indulging in criminal activities... their bails should be cancelled."

The court is set to meet on Feb 26, to deliberate the case.

Madan Tamang murder case - Petition in Calcutta High Court seeking early hearing

10:08 AM
Calcutta, Feb 15: Bharati Tamang, the wife of ABGL president Madan Tamang who had been killed in Darjeeling in May 2010, today moved a petition in Calcutta High Court seeking early hearing of the applications for anticipatory bail by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung and others.

A CBI court in Calcutta had asked Gurung and 22 other accused in the Madan Tamang murder case on May 29 last year to surrender before it. They soon moved the high court to avoid the summons.

In her petition, Bharati claimed that as the hearing of the petitions moved by Gurung and others was not taking place and the judge had issued an interim stay on their arrest, she and other members of the AIGL had been facing regular threats from Morcha activists. She approached the division bench of Justice Asim Roy and Justice M.M. Banerjee, which was assigned to hear the pleas by the murder accused.
Madan Tamang who had been killed in Darjeeling in May 2010
Madan Tamang who had been killed in Darjeeling in May 2010
The bench advised Bharati to file an affidavit and assured her that they would hear her petition on Wednesday to fix an earlier date of hearing Gurung's petition.

The pleas by Gurung and others came up for hearing before the division bench last on February 9. But CBI counsel Ashraf Ali sought time till May because additional solicitor general, Maninder Singh, who had held the brief on behalf of the CBI in the particular case, would not be available.

The division bench expressed anguish over the delay on the part of CBI and postponed the hearing till May.

But today, Justice Roy, the senior judge of the division bench, told Bharati's counsel: "On Wednesday, I will try to fix a date in April for hearing of the case."


Darjeeling‬ Woman Murderd in Gurgaon, Body Stuffed in a Sack and Dumped

10:11 PM
A murder case was cracked inside the mortuary of the Lok Nayak Hospital after a SIM card was found concealed in a woman’s undergarments, moments before a post-mortem was conducted. Police have now identified the deceased and nabbed the killer.

According to police, the 33-year-old woman was killed by her live-in partner who suspected her of cheating on him. The accused, 45-year-old Dhan Kumar Gurung, was arrested in Gurgaon, where he works with a hospital.

A native of  Darjeeling, the deceased had reportedly abandoned her husband and children a few years ago to live with the accused, who too had left his family.

The woman’s body was found stuffed inside a plastic sack in Central Delhi’s Daryaganj area on February 5. She was strangled with a dupatta and her feet were tied with a string.
Darjeeling‬ Woman Murderd in Gurgaon, Body Stuffed in a Sack and Dumped
Darjeeling‬ Woman Murderd in Gurgaon, Body Stuffed in a Sack and Dumped
The sack, meanwhile, was filled with potatoes and radish in an attempt to fool people.

Parmaditya, DCP (Central), said that the woman’s facial features suggested she hailed from north-east India. The sack in which her body was found bore the words ‘Kalash Tiptur Copra’, which led the police to Mithai Pul area in Lahori Gate — where these sacks are sold. Police then visited all guest houses and hotels in the area to check if the woman had checked in at any of them.

“We narrowed down to one dharamshala where this woman was believed to have stayed. The vital clues, however, came from the post-mortem room,” the DCP said.

The doctors who found the SIM card handed it over to the police, who were then able to identify the woman and the killer.

The problem allegedly began a few months ago when Gurung doubted her of being involved with other men. “He suspected that she had more SIM cards, which she would use to talk to other men,” the DCP said.

Recently, the woman had expressed her desire to visit her native home in Darjeeling. Police quoted the suspect as saying that he had insisted on accompanying her, which the woman did not agree to.

The accused then followed her to the dharamshala at Lahori Gate on February 3. An argument ensued between the couple, which ended with Gurung allegedly strangling her. After this, he reportedly bought a sack and some vegetables, stuffed her body inside and sealed it. Later, he took the sack to Daryanganj with help from an unsuspecting rickshaw puller.

Source The Hindu

Bharati Tamang to Write to High Court Over Expediting Madan Tamang Murder case Hearing 

8:39 AM

Writes: Vivek Chhetri

Bharati Tamang, the wife of slain ABGL leader Madan Tamang, has said she will write to the chief justice of Calcutta High Court to expedite the process of hearing the anticipatory bail pleas of Bimal Gurung and 22 other Morcha leaders named in the CBI chargesheet on the murder of her husband.

The Democratic Front, a conglomeration of four political outfits from the hills - the ABGL, CPRM, GNLF and Sikkim-Darjeeling Ekikaran Manch - today took the decision.

Pratap Khati, the convener of the front and general secretary of the ABGL, said: "Bharati Tamang has decided to write to the chief justice of Calcutta High Court to expedite the process of hearing the anticipatory bail application. We have faith in the judiciary system but the continuous delay in passing an order on the anticipatory bail application is making us frustrated. Even if bail has to be granted, let it be granted but we would request the court to pass an order on this application."

Bharati, who was seated beside Khati, said: "I will send the letter in the next few days."

The hearing of the anticipatory bail application is slated for November 17.

The CBI had named Gurung and senior Morcha leaders like Roshan Giri, Binay Tamang, Bhupendra Pradhan, Asha Gurung, Lt Col (retd) Ramesh Allay and others in a chargesheet filed at a city session court in Calcutta on May 29.

Harka Bahadur Chhetri, the Kalimpong MLA who resigned from the Morcha recently, is among the 23 named in the chargesheet.

Tamang was hacked to death in Darjeeling on May 21, 2010, by suspected Morcha supporters when he was preparing to hold a public meeting.

Source: Telegraph

Friends and Family Pay Their Last Respect to ASI Amod Gurung in ‪Mirik

5:30 AM

‬Friends and family from across Mirik region and Darjeeling assembled to pay their last respects to Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police Late. Amod Gurung.

The 40-year-old assistant sub-inspector of police in Darjeeling's Mirik who was assaulted on Ashtami evening by a group of drunken youths over a road rule violation died today.

ASI Amod Gurung and other on-duty policemen had stopped two motorbike-borne youths at Mirik Bazaar, 50km from Siliguri town, for speeding.

"Gurung spotted a two-wheeler moving at high speed and stopped it. There were two youths on the motorcycle. They were warned against rash driving and told to furnish the two-wheeler's documents," said Darjeeling police chief Amit P. Javalgi.

According to Javalgi, an SUV carrying seven other youths pulled over next to the motorcycle."They were all part of the same group. As the policemen asked for the papers of the two-wheeler again, the youths hurled bricks and stones at the assistant sub-inspector," he said.

As other policemen rushed to Gurung's rescue, the nine youths ran away, leaving the vehicles behind.

Gurung was taken to the block health centre in Mirik and later that night, shifted to a nursing home in Siliguri.

Javalgi said a case had been registered at Mirik police station and all seven youths who were in the SUV arrested. ‪Police‬ sources said they were yet to ascertain whether the accused youths had any political links.

The police across the state have come under attack several times in the past two years. On most occasions, they have been targeted allegedly by Trinamul members or by groups instigated by ruling party leaders.

At least two policemen have died at the hands of Trinamul activists and supporters since 2013. Calcutta police officer Tapas Chowdhury was shot dead during a clash in front of a Garden Reach college over student union elections in 2013.

Amit Chakrabarty, an officer posted in Birbhum's Dubrajpur, died last year after a bomb was hurled at policemen during a Trinamul faction clash.

Last year, the then officer in charge of Parui police station in Birbhum, Prosenjit Dutta, was seriously injured after bombs were hurled at his vehicle at Chowmandalpur village by suspected BJP activists. Earlier this year, a Trinamul leader in the same district was accused of slapping a sub-inspector when the officer objected to his misbehaviour inside a police station in Bolpur.

In April this year, alleged Trinamul-backed goons shot at a sub-inspector attached to Girish Park police station during the elections to the Calcutta Municipal Corporation.

[With inputs from: Telegraph, Pics: Madan Bal Tamang for TheDC]

Via TheDC

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