Showing posts with label poet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poet. Show all posts

Statue of Bhanu Bhakta to be installed on Nepali Bhasha Diwas

10:51 PM
A unique statue of eminent Nepali poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya will be installed

A unique statue of eminent Nepali poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya will be installed on Thursday by Congress MLA Shankar Malakar on the auspicious occasion of Nepali Bhasha Diwas at Milan More near Siliguri.

The idol made in a sitting position on stone with verses of the Ramayana engraved is the first one in Bengal. The idol was made by famous idol maker Amir Sundas with the cost around Rs 3 lakhs.
Deepak Neopane, a member of the Samity, said the main motive behind establishing the organisation is to celebrate the birth anniversary of Adhi Kavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya on an annual basis and boost the development of Nepali literature and culture.

Eminent personalities including Nar Bahadur Dahal, P Arjun, Gyanendra Khatiwada, Lok Nath Chapagai, Mukti Baral and others are invited as special guests. After the inauguration Bhasha Diwas will be observed followed by cultural show.

By Prashant Achary
Source : khabartaja2

२०१औं भानु-जयन्तीको सुसन्देश

9:52 AM
Nahakul Chhetri

सन् १८१४मा तनहूँ जिल्लाको रम्घा गाउँमा जन्म लिने भानुभक्त आचार्यलाई नेपाली साहित्यमा आदिकविको रूपमा मानिन्छ| भानुभक्त अघि पनि धेरै कविहरू थिए जस्तै-इन्दिरस, विद्यारण्यकेसरी अर्याल, हिनव्याकरणी आदि, तर उनीहरूको भाषा शुद्ध थिएन|भानुभक्तले नेपाली भाषा सरल,सरस औ शुद्ध बनाई त्यही मिठास रूपमा नेपाली रामायण जनसमूहलाई समर्पित गरे| यसलाई बाल,बनिता औ वृद्ध सबैले आत्मसाथ गरे|
भानु-जयन्तीको सुसन्देश

नेपाली समाजलाई शिछाको ज्योति प्रदान गर्ने भानुभक्तलाई सम्मान गर्ने काम सर्वप्रथम दारजीलिड•बाट ग्यावली, पारसमणि औ धरणीधरहरूले गरे औ उनीहरूकै प्रयासमा चौरस्तामा भानुभक्तको bust निर्माण भयो| तर हालमा दार्जीलिड• पहाडमा भानु जयन्ती त्यो उत्साह औ उल्लाससाथ सायद विरलै मनाइन्छ| जहाँ अन्य समुदायका मानिसहरू आ-आफ्ना जातीय साहित्यकारहरूलाई सह्रदयबाट इज्जत गर्छन् भने दार्जीलिड• पहाडमा "सूचना औ विभाग" मन्त्रालय,GTA,ले करले कार्यक्रम गरछन् भने प्राय सबै स्कुल, कलेज तथा सरकारी संस्थानहरू बन्द गरिन्छ|
साहित्यिक संस्थाहरूमध्ये पनि विशिष्ठ साहित्यकारहरूलाई आफ्नो संस्थामा ल्याउने होड़बाजी देखिन्छ|नेपाली साहित्य एउटा व्यपार नभएर समाजसेवा भएकोले हाम्रा विशिष्ठ साहित्यकारहरू त्यस ठाउँमा जान आवश्यक छ जहाँ भानुभक्त र नेपाली भाषाको प्रचार जरूरी छ|फेरि कतिपय संघ -संस्थाहरूमा भानु-जयन्ती कम तर पुस्तक विमोचन बढ़ी देखिन्छ|
समयको गति अनुसार नेपाली साहित्य अघि बढ़िरहेको छ औ यो गति द्रुत हुन अत्यावश्यक छ| जहाँ अन्य समुदायमा कुनै समारोह मानिलिऊ-"गाँधी जयन्ती" मा गाँन्धी केन्द्रित कार्यक्रम हुन्छ|
1974AD ले "पिञ्जराको सुँगा","आमाको सपना" तथा अम्बर बहादुर गुरूड•ले अगमसिंह गिरीका "नौला तारा उदाय" लाई गीती रूप दिएका छन्| यस्तै प्रकारले भानुभक्तलाई केन्द्र बनाएर वहाँको श्रद्धा अनुरूप श्लोक ,pop, hip hop ,blues, jazz तथा heavy metal गीत भने नाटक तथा कविता आवृत्ति गरे सायद भानुभक्त केन्द्रित कार्यक्रम हुनसक्छ औ न्याय-संगत पनि देखिन्छ|
भानुभक्तको२००औं जन्म जयन्ती उपलछ्यमा वहाँका खनाति र खनातिनी व्रतराज आचार्य औ प्रभा भट्टराई दार्जीलिड• भ्रमणमा आउँदा पहाडको खुलेर प्रशंसा गरेका थिए| फेरि ममता बनर्जीले पुरै साल २०१४ भरी भानु जयन्ती मनाउने वाचा गरेकी थिई जुन उसले पुरा गरिन| 
भानुभक्त हाम्रा जातीय कवि हुन्| हामीले उनको श्रद्धा गर्नु नेपाली समाजको सभ्य प्रतिरूप प्रस्तुत गर्नु हो| हामी सबै मिली स्वच्छ ह्रदयबाट आदिकविको श्रद्धा गरौं|

'Sankee Samay' Pradip Lohagan’s first anthology released

11:35 AM
Kalimpong : Young Gorkha poet Pradip Lohagan’s first anthology “Sankee Samay” was released  on Sunday in Kalimpong. Noted poets Manoj Bogati, Ming Lawang and Raja Puniyani officially released the book at a function organized at Kalimpong Girl Sr. Sec School auditorium by the Kalimpong Charitra Publication and Sadak Kavita Samuha. The book is published by Yamburi Book Point, Kathmandu.

Release of Pradip Lohagan’s first anthology “Sankee Samay” in Kalimpong on Sunday.
Release of Pradip Lohagan’s first anthology
“Sankee Samay” in Kalimpong on Sunday.
Manoj Bogati in his address described the book as a progressive and factual representation of words against the system. He said the poems in Lohagun’s book talks about social changes and development. “Sankee Samay is an anthology for the new generation as it trends along the current times and has set a starting milestone for the genre,” Bogati added. Poet Raja Puniyani spoke in length about current Indian Nepali writing style and its attributes.

The function also saw poem recitals by noted poets, including Raja Puniyani and Sudhir Chettri along with other young poets Chewang Yonzon, DK Vaibha, Karna Birha, Ashadeep Rai and Vinod Sharma. The programme also had the presence of Kalimpong MLA Dr. Harka Bahadur Chettri, the GTF chairman Dr. Anos Das Pradhan, former Kalimpong College principle Kumar Chettri, advocate Amar Lama, poet Sanumit Rai, writer Sanjay Bisht, Kalimpong Municipality Chairman Jayan Lepcha and litterateur Tara Lohar, along with various other literature enthusiasts.

Source: EOI

Nima Sherpa's ‘Gaon Ko Katha’ Nepali audio-visual poem released

11:19 AM
Gorkha youth poet Nima Sherpa has released  Nepali audio-visual poem  ‘Gaon Ko Katha’ on monday.
First time in Darjeeling, the idea to document poems in an audio-visual format has been introduced in the field of Nepali poetry. Gorkha youth poet Nima Sherpa's endeavor of his visual poem, 'Gaon ko katha,' (village story) is a poem where the poet expresses his thoughts on the changing culture of the village, then and now.
 Darjeeling Press Guild
Darjeeling Press Guild
He always knew he had the poet’s streak in him, but circumstances had driven him to showcase his talent on a different platform. However, his dream has now come true as youth poet Nima Sherpa on Monday released his ‘Gaon Ko Katha’, an audio-visual poem.

The idea to “create” poetry is an innovative one for the hills, one that could perhaps carve the way for others to follow suit. But Nima’s achievement, gained through hard work and dedication, is not without its critics, with the principal one being none other than his father who labours in his field from dawn to dusk.

“We used to shoot for the ‘poetry’ even late at night in order to perfectly blend my poem with the visual presentation, which annoyed my father. He even called me mad,” Nima told the audience comprising poets, writers, journalists and students.

‘Gaon Ko Katha’ was presented by the Darjeeling Press Guild in collaboration with the Mass Communication and Journalism Department of St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling.

Nima is a lecturer at the Ghoom-Jorebungalow Degree College and writing poetry in innovative ways is a ‘mantra’ he wants budding talents to inculcate.

“I interacted with several poets in Nepal and came to know that only a few of them had ever tried writing poetry using audio and still pictures. That was when it struck me to do something different, and the idea of a visual format was born,” he said, while giving credit to the music arranger and his cameraman friends, who had toiled even harder to create the ‘piece’ Nima had envisaged.

“Initially I was skeptical about how the work would come out. I was not sure about how synchronising the music and visuals of the village with my words would go. But all credit to the music arranger and cameramen for the end-product,” said an elated Nima, who shot all the visuals at his native Rampuria village in Takdah.

The poet also unveiled a short selection of poems from his ‘Kurup Phool Ko Gandh’, which was released in Nepal a week ago and will soon be available in the Darjeeling hills.

The audience was also treated to a 40-minute documentary titled ‘Paper Boat’ created by the students of the mass communication department. This was followed by poetry recitals by five poets invited especially for the programme.

Source: EOI

Adi Kavi Bhanu Bhakta anniversary jab at CM Mamata Banerjee

12:59 PM
A promise made by the chief minister three summers ago that stayed unfulfilled today bared the change in relations between the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and the state government.

 Mamata at the Bhanu Bhakta birth anniversary celebration in Kalimpong in July 2012
 Mamata at the Bhanu Bhakta birth anniversary
celebration in Kalimpong in July 2012
The Morcha wasted no time in pointing out that Mamata Banerjee had not kept her promise of a state-wide celebration of Adi Kavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya’s 200th birth anniversary that was today.

In 2011, two months after Mamata Banerjee came to power in Bengal, she sent an emissary to Darjeeling on the 197th birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta, whom hill people revere.

In the letter that theatre personality Bibhash Chakraborty brought to Darjeeling on July 13, 2011, Mamata had written: “I am pleased to announce that the 200th birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta in 2014 will be celebrated in the state with due respect and enthusiasm.”

Exactly a year later, Mamata herself went to Kalimpong in July 2013 and garlanded a picture of the Adi Kavi. Her relations with the Morcha were good then and there was hope in the region with the new set-up of the GTA about to take charge.

Binay Tamang felicitates Nepali dancer Usha Gomden in Darjeeling on Sunday
Binay Tamang felicitates Nepali dancer Usha
Gomden in Darjeeling on Sunday
“I couldn’t come last time on this occasion but had sent my representative. This time I planned my North Bengal tour in such a way that I can be here on this occasion,” Mamata said at the event.

“We just finished year-long celebrations of 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore and we are celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. I want the birth anniversary of noted Nepali poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya… in a similar manner and I assure you we will celebrate at all the block levels,” she said.

Today, on the 200th birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta, Morcha leader and GTA Sabha member Binay Tamang said: “She seems to have forgotten her promise but we will never forget our luminaries.”

Bimal Gurung, the Morcha chief and chief executive of the GTA, was present at the event at Gorkha Rangmanch Bhavan but he did not speak.

Between 1985 and 2011, no Left government marked the birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta, perhaps wary of Subash Ghisingh’s disinterest in the poet.

The government’s move to mark the anniversary of the late poet was revived because of Mamata, who then often said she would make the hills like “Switzerland”.

But her hill bonhomie ended on January 29, 2013, when she told a public meeting in Chowrasta that Darjeeling “is a part of us”, triggering protests.

More statehood protests by the Morcha followed after the former UPA government decided in favour of forming Telangana. In order to stop the Morcha agitation, ten GTA members and hundreds of the hill party’s supporters were arrested last year.

In the Lok Sabha elections, the Morcha was miffed that Trinamul had fielded Sikkim-born footballer Bhaichung Bhutia for the Darjeeling seat, and not a local face. It supported the BJP, a party which favours the creation of smaller states, but which has spelt out nothing clearly on Gorkhaland.

Today, Speaker Biman Banerjee said the birth annivarsary of Bhanu Bhakta was observed in the Bengal Assembly. Tamang today did not say anything about statehood, probably because it was a GTA event.

VIVEK CHHETRISource: Telegraph

Indo-Nepal poets' meet in Kalimpong

8:20 AM
Kalimpong- The Devkota-Lusun Prajgya Pratisthan today held the Indo-Nepal poets meet at Shyama Devi Hall in Kalimpong. A total of 14 poets from Nepal along with a number Indian Nepali poets recited their poems during the meet. Pratisthan president Ninu Chapagai welcomed the poets from Nepal, including Krishna Prasai, Mahesg Poudyal, Bhupin Hem Prabhash Rawat, Seema Aabahas, Jyoti Jungle, Pratik Dhakal, Hemendra Biswas, Hemant Yatri and Harigobind Luitel.

Dr. HB Chettri at the Indo-Nepal poets' meet in Kalimpong on Saturday.
Dr. HB Chettri at the Indo-Nepal poets' meet in
Kalimpong on Saturday.
Kalimpong MLA Dr. HB Chettri was also present in the meet today. Having kept his writing passion on the shelves due to his political commitment, Dr. Chettri said he has returned back to writing. “It is important to conduct such interactive programme between writers from India and Bhutan and I hope to attend more such programmes in the future,” he added. Dr. Chettri also recited one of his poems.

Chapagai said only the poets who are true to themselves will become immortal through their writing. “A real poet is a real human being and only he has true dreams. It is the responsibility of every poet to keep the passion alive and help the upliftment of Nepali literature,” he stated. He observed poets from both the countries write in the same language and the expressions are similar. Therefore more programmes like these between the countries should be given priority and said his organisation has always shown such commitments and continue in the future.

Source: EOI

Agam Singh Giri - अगम सिंह गिरी , 1928 - 1971

12:25 PM
Agam Singh Giri - अगम सिंह गिरी, a poet of distinction, is regarded as one who best represented the Indian Nepalese (Gorkha) people in Nepali literature. His five poetical collections are याद (Yaad) - Remembrance, आत्मा व्यथा (Atama Vyathaa) - Anguish, mine, आशु (Aashu) - Tears, जीवन गीत (Jivan Geet) - Life's songs, युद्ध र् योउधा (Youdha r Yoodhaa) - War and Warrior, जलेको प्रतिविम्ब र् रोएको प्रतिध्वनी (Jaleko Pratiwimba r Roeko Pratidhawni) A burning image and a weeping echo. The first collection was published in 1955 and the last one was published posthumously in 1978 and it was awarded the first Bhanu Puraskar in 1979 by the Nepali Academy of West Bengal.

Giri writes of sadness felt incessantly by him and a rather over-burdensome sadness prevades his poems. No product of any personal trauma, yet this sadness was intrinsic to Giri's own nature. The poets painful realisation of the sad plight of the Indian Nepalese of Gorkhas made it later more acute and the poet discursive. Nevertheless a majority of the best poems of Giri fall in the later category of his poems. In his first phase the poet alternated between inwardly cognizing his sadness as though in purity when poetry was for him 'a painful expression of an accursed life' and focusing it outward and bearing it in fusion with other feelings as an in-grown aspect of the existing social reality. The second choice or tendency perceptibly gained on the first.

Of the Indian Nepalis or Gorkhas, who, Giri felt, are today only a faint shadow of their former glorious self, he says:

You have become unrecognisable here
Blood in your cheeks has dried up
The light in your eyes is gone
You look like a child who has fallen asleep, sobbing
Like a prisoner tortured long
The ill-fated whose morsels are snatched away
And the house dispossessed
I have come only to see whether you are 'You'
But, you have become unrecognisable

Ever of romantic temperaments in his writings, Giri wrote lilting metrical lines and smoothly rhythmical free verse with equal ease. He opted increasingly for the second in his later days in an effort to selectively take in some of the agreeable aspects of modernist writing. He wrote युद्ध र् योउधा (Youdha r Yoodhaa) - War and Warrior making relevant to the Gorkhas on a grand scale the ringing declaration of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose 'You can perhaps force a man to shoulder a rifle but you can never make him fight to give his life for a cause which is not his own.'

Source - gorkhapedia

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