Showing posts with label study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label study. Show all posts

INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016

12:23 PM
The results are out for board exams,  ISC exams, Madhyamik  and ICSE 2016 and here are the toppers from the Indian Gorkha community across the country.

Mrinal Pradhan, Scored 98.75% in ISC, Mrinal Pradhan of St. Joseph's School, Darjeeling for scoring 98.75% in ISC exams and standing 2nd topper in West Bengal.The fact that he didn't take any tuition for his finals is what sets him apart. We are proud of you Mrinal and CONGRATULATIONS to You and North Point for upholding the Gorkha name.

Devika Rai Potential Hill Topper
TheDC team sends our Congratulations to Ms. Devika Rai a student of St Joseph's Gitdabling who appeared exams from St George's HS Pedong for scoring 86.6% in Madhyamik and for being the potential topper among all hill students. We are writing "Potential" as we are yet to get complete update from all the hill schools and not even DI office is aware of who topped in the hills, however Devika has likely scored the highest among all hill students.
INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016
INDIAN GORKHAS 10th 12th Board Exam TOPPERS LIST 2016
Manisha Tamang Scored 82% in Madhyamik -
Highest Among Nepali Schools, our Congratulations to Ms. Manisha Tamang of Dr. IB Thapa Nepali School, Siliguri for scoring 82% in Madhyamik and for being the topper among Nepali medium schools.Her achievement is highly praiseworthy and inspirational as one of our readers Mr. Pradeep Pradhan explained, "She was raised up in an orphanage children's home in Siliguri though not an orphan. Coming from a poor family didn't prevent her from excelling in her studies. Manisha went to Bhanubhakta Primary School School up to class 4 and then to Dr. IB Thapa Nepali School."

Sahil Pradhan and Supal Rai
Congratulations to Sahil Pradhan a student of St Robert's School, Darjeeling for scoring 85% in Madhyamik and for being the sub-division topper, and Supal Rai of Vidya Deep Educational Institute of Parbong, Pulbazar Bijanbari who appeared for exam from Chongtong High School for scoring 82.28% and emerging as Bijanbari Valley topper.Both Sahil and Supal are amazingly talented students, and the achievements of Supal is more praiseworthy as he comes from a small rural school and yet has managed to score such a high marks through his grit, determination and scholarship.We are PROUD of you Sahil and Supal and CONGRATULATIONS to You and St. Robert's, and Vidya Deep School for upholding the Gorkha name.

Anurag Mukhia and Aayush Raj Chettri
TheDC team sends our Congratulations to Anurag Mukhia of Himali Boarding School, Kurseong and Aayush Raj Chettri of Pinehall Academy, Soureni Mirik for scoring 95.25% in ISC, and 94.2% in ICSE.Both Anurag and Aayush come from the tea gardens and while Anurag is from Ringtong below Sonada, Aayush is from Soureni. Coming from rural areas and achieving such high marks in ISC and ICSE shows their grit, determination and scholarship.

Snigdha Pradhan of Loreto Convent School, Darjeeling for scoring 96% respectively in ICSE. It is noteworthy that Snigdha didn’t take any tuition in preparations for her finals

Suman Sharma of Sunshine School, Birpara for scoring 94% in ISC.
What sets Suman apart from other students is that he comes from a very humble family from Makrapara, one of the more impoverished regions in Dooars. Coming from a economically backward family and achieving 94% in ISC shows his grit, determination and scholarship.

Kritisha Pradhan from Lewis English School scored 90% in ICSE
"Kritisha Pradhan of Lewis English School Scored 90% in ICSE. She is daughter of Krishna Pradhan and she is from Panighatta."

Abigail Rai 92% Nagaland 
Abigail Rai From Queen Mary Higher Secondary School Mokokchung District of Nagaland State. The only Gorkha Girl who has bagged Rank 4 (Top-4) securing 92% Science Stream, in the recent Exam of NAGALAND BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION.NBSE.

Pravish Chteri from Nagaland scores 93.83% in HSLC
Mr.Pravish Chetri from ‪‎Kohima‬ Nagaland who has Secured-93.83% and Bagged Top-18 in Class-10 (Matriculation) in the recent Exam of Nagaland Board of School Education (HSLC).

Sidhhart Chhetri from Banarhat scores 96% in ICSE
Sidhhart Chhetri a student of Sarwan Memorial School, Banarhat for scoring 96% in ICSE.Sidhhart comes from Palashbari tea garden and is an amazingly talented student, and given that he comes from a small rural school and yet has managed to score such a high marks through his grit, determination and scholarship.

Dawa Sherpa 89% and Urgen Sherpa 87% in HS from St. Robert's School Darjeeling 
St. Robert's School Darjeeling Dawa Sherpa with 89% and Urgen Sherpa 87% in Higher Secondary exams tops GTA region in Higher Secondary Examinations 2016. Dawa Sherpa has topped in HS Science stream with 89% and Urgen Sherpa has topped the Arts stream with 87% in Higher Secondary exams.In addition to Dawa Sherpa other St. Roberts students Subhash Tamang has scored 87.4%. Shailendra Pradhan has scored 85.2% and Sangay Tamang has scored 82%.

Prachi Chhetri scored 95.4% in 12 Commerce CBSE from Jharkhand
Gorkhali Daughter Miss Prachi Chhetri, Daughter of Sri Santosh Chhetri from Ranchi, Jharkhand, Scored 95.4% in 12 Commerce from CBSE Board.

Sushmita Rai Scored 90.02% in 12 Commerce CBSE from Ranchi
Sushmita Rai (Kuki), D/O Sri Subodh Rai Scored 90.02% in 12 Commerce from CBSE Board.

With Input from TheDC, Gorkha Youth, Ranchi

Yeti, actually existed - Himalayas mystery solved

9:15 AM
One of the greatest mysteries of the Himalayas may have finally been solved.

Genetic testing has led scientists to believe that the abominable snowman - the Yeti, actually existed but it was actually a cross between an ancient polar bear and brown bear.

Hair samples from what is believed to be that of the Yeti have been found to genetically match that of an ancient polar bear dating back 120,000 years.

Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University, conducted the research.

Dr Sykes has over many years assembled substantial physical evidence, which he has subjected to the most sophisticated DNA tests available, to answer scientifically the mystery of Bigfoot.

The professor said "This is an exciting and completely unexpected result".

Dr Sykes however said the finding does not mean ancient polar bears are still wandering around the Himalayas.

"But it could mean there is a sub species of brown bear in the high Himalayas which descended from the bear that was the ancestor of the polar bear. Or it could mean there has been more recent hybridisation between the brown bear and the descendent of the ancient polar bear," Dr Sykes said.

Bone chilling stories of the horrifying Yeti have been synonymous to the Himalayas for centuries with local people and some of the world's greatest mountaineers including legendary mountaineer Reinhold Messner, who became the first man to climb Everest without oxygen, claiming to have had a terrifying encounter with a large hairy, ape-like creature.

Himalayan folk lore is rife with tales of an elusive beast that have hardly been photographed.

Professor Sykes has collected and tested hair samples of several animals found in the Himalayas.

He tested two ancient hair samples which locals of high Himalayan villages claimed were that of the Yeti. One of the samples was that of an animal found in Ladakh (India) and the other from Bhutan, 800 miles away.

The DNA tests then compared the results to other animals' genomes stored on the GenBank database. Professor Sykes to his amazement found a 100% match with a sample from an ancient polar bear jawbone found in Svalbard, Norway, that dates back at least 40,000 years - and probably around 120,000 years.

This has made professor Sykes believe that the most likely explanation is that the Yeti is actually a hybrid between polar bears and brown bears.

A Yeti footprint on the base of Mount Everest taken by British climber Eric Shipton sparked a global interest in the abominable snowman post 1951.

Sorce : timesofindia

Too much social media may affect short-term memory - study

9:32 AM
Always online? Take a break!People who spend too much time browsing social media could be squandering their memories or losing important information, a new study has warned.
Contrary to common wisdom, an idle brain is in fact doing important work - and in the age of constant information overload, it's a good idea to go offline on a regular basis, according to a researcher from Stockholm's KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Erik Fransen, whose research focuses on short-term memory and ways to treat diseased neurons, said that a brain exposed to a typical session of social media browsing can easily become hobbled by information overload.

The result is that less information gets filed away in your memory.

The problem begins in a system of the brain commonly known as the working memory, or what most people know as short-term memory. That's the system of the brain that we need when we communicate, Fransen said.

"Working memory enables us to filter out information and find what we need in the communication. It enables us to work online and store what we find online, but it's also a limited resource," he said.

"At any given time, the working memory can carry up to three or four items. When we attempt to stuff more information in the working memory, our capacity for processing information begins to fail.

"When you are on Facebook, you are making it harder to keep the things that are 'online' in your brain that you need. "In fact, when you try to process sensory information like speech or video, you are going to need partly the same system of working memory, so you are reducing your own working memory capacity.

"And when you try to store many things in your working memory, you get less good at processing information," he said.

You're also robbing the brain of time it needs to do some necessary housekeeping. The brain is designed for both activity and relaxation, Fransen said.

"The brain is made to go into a less active state, which we might think is wasteful; but probably memory consolidation, and transferring information into memory takes place in this state. Theories of how memory works explain why these two different states are needed.

"When we max out our active states with technology equipment, just because we can, we remove from the brain part of the processing, and it can't work," Fransen said.

Source :

New AIDS vaccine may completely eradicate HIV from body

9:31 PM
A promising new AIDS vaccine may be able to completely eradicate the deadly HIV from the body, a new study has claimed.

AIDS vaccine
The HIV/AIDS vaccine candidate developed at Oregon Health & Science University has demonstrated the capacity to effectively remove all traces of an AIDS-causing virus from non-human primates, researchers said.
The promising vaccine is being tested through the use of a non-human primate form of HIV, called simian immunodeficiency virus, or SIV, which causes AIDS in monkeys.
Following further development, it is hoped an HIV-form of the vaccine candidate can soon be tested in humans.
"To date, HIV infection has only been cured in a very small number of highly publicised but unusual clinical cases in which HIV-infected individuals were treated with anti-viral medicines very early after the onset of infection or received a stem cell transplant to combat cancer," said Louis Picker, associate director of the OHSU Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute.
"This latest research suggests that certain immune responses elicited by a new vaccine may also have the ability to completely remove HIV from the body," said Picker.
The Picker lab\'s approach involves the use of cytomegalovirus, or CMV, a common virus already carried by a large percentage of the population.
Researchers discovered that pairing CMV with SIV had a unique effect. They found that a modified version of CMV engineered to express SIV proteins generates and indefinitely maintains so-called "effector memory" T-cells that are capable of searching out and destroying SIV-infected cells.
T-cells are a key component of the body\'s immune system, which fights off disease, but T-cells elicited by conventional vaccines of SIV itself are not able to eliminate the virus.
The SIV-specific T-cells elicited by the modified CMV were different. About 50 per cent of monkeys given highly pathogenic SIV after being vaccinated with this vaccine became infected with SIV but over time eliminated all trace of SIV from the body.
In effect, the hunters of the body were provided with a much better targeting system and better weapons to help them find and destroy an elusive enemy.
"Through this method we were able to teach the monkey\'s body to better \'prepare its defences\' to combat the disease," said Picker.
"Our vaccine mobilised a T-cell response that was able to overtake the SIV invaders in 50 per cent of the cases treated. Moreover, in those cases with a positive response, our testing suggests SIV was banished from the host. We are hopeful that pairing our modified CMV vector with HIV will lead to a similar result in humans," said Picker.
The study was published in the journal Nature.

Source :

Why do men rape? Asia - Study

10:43 AM
CNN-- Why do rape perpetrators commit such acts?
In the first of its kind, a multi-country survey looked at how widespread rape and sexual violence is in six Asia-Pacific countries. And it also asked why.
A quarter of the men interviewed, said they had raped a woman or girl.
The report published in the medical journal The Lancet also brought insight into the socio-economic circumstances of the men who rape.
The study by the Partners for Prevention, comprised of several U.N. agencies, asked 10,178 men about their lives. They gathered information from the following countries: Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka.

How widespread is rape?

How widespread is rape?

The questionnaire did not contain the word "rape," because of the researcher's belief that most men do not think they have raped when they force women to have sex.
Instead, participants were asked questions like whether they ever "forced a woman who was not your wife or girlfriend at the time to have sex," if they ever "had sex with a woman who was too drunk or drugged to indicate whether she wanted it" or forced a partner, when she did not want to.
Here is the percentage of respondents who said they had raped a partner or non-partner.

In most countries, between one in five reported perpetrating a rape, although Papua New Guinea leads this proportion with more than half.
Rape of women in marriage was much more prevalent than non-partner rape, the survey found.

When does it start?

Early. More than half of respondents who raped a non-partner first did so as a teenager, with most of their first crimes occurring between the age of 15 and 19.

The study's authors say this "reinforces the need for early rape prevention if one is to intervene before the first rape is committed."

What's the likelihood of repeat offenses?

High. Nearly half of the respondents who said they had committed rape, perpetrated the crime on different women.

They were asked how many different women they had raped:

55.4% said they have raped 1 woman
28.3% said they have raped 2-3 women
12% said they have raped 4-10 women
4.2% said they have raped 10 or more women
Are women always the victim of sexual violence?


6.2% of respondents say they have raped a man and a woman as a single perpetrator
30.2% of respondents say they have raped a man and a woman among multiple perpetrators (with others/in a group setting)

Why did they commit rape?

Sexual entitlement means a man feels he has a right to have sex, despite what the woman wants. Some respondents expressed they were bored, so rape was a pursuit of entertainment. Punishment was also cited as a reason, saying that some wanted to punish a female or was angry with the person.

Are there consequences for the rape?

Prison sentences were rare, with less than a quarter of the perpetrators receiving jail time. The study found:
55.2% said they felt guilt
35.7% said they were punished by friends or family
32.5% said they were arrested
22.9% said they were sent to prison

What's the background of a repeat rape offender?

Men with a history of victimization, such as experiencing childhood physical or sexual abuse, emotional abuse or neglect in childhood, were more likely to commit sexual violence than those without such a past, according to the study.
It also found that men who were poor or had no high school education were more likely to have raped in a group setting.
50% of multiple perpetrators had no high school education
74.8% of multiple perpetrators had ever married or co-habitated
60.5% of multiple perpetrators experienced childhood physical abuse
43.1% of multiple perpetrators rarely or never had their father at home

Source :

Fruit juices and smoothies risk to our health - Study

1:25 PM
Researchers from the US have pointed out that fruit juices and smoothies are now a new risk to our health because of the amount of sugar the healthy drinks are believed to contain.
Image courtesy Shutterstock

Barry Popkin and George Bray pointed the finger at high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks in 2004, causing a huge headache for the big manufacturers, including Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

Popkin, a distinguished professor at the department of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, told the Guardian that smoothies and fruit juice are the new danger.

He added that it’s kind of the next step in the evolution of the battle, and it’s a really big part of it because in every country they’ve been replacing soft drinks with fruit juice and smoothies as the new healthy beverage.

Researchers from the UK, USA and Singapore found that, in large-scale studies involving nurses, people who ate whole fruit, especially blueberries, grapes and apples, were less likely to get type 2 diabetes, which is obesity-related, but those who drank fruit juice were at increased risk.

People who swapped their fruit juice for whole fruits three times a week cut their risk by 7 percent.

The British Soft Drinks Association says that consumption of soft drinks containing added sugar has fallen by 9 percent over the last 10 years, while the incidence of obesity has risen by 15 percent.

The study is published in the journal Pediatric Obesity.

Source :

Indian men have the least sex

12:08 PM
A survey conducted by Men's Health found that males in India have sex an average of once a week, while Croatian men were the mostly likely to get dirty in parks, pools and cars.

When it comes to the sexcapades of men around the world, Croatians have the most partners in their lifetimes, Indians think their women are faking it, and British men and women are most likely to take a page from "50 Shades of Grey," according to a new survey.
Men's Health found that Indian men have sex less than once a week on average. This was the lowest rate among the 30 participating countries. Almost half of the Indian males surveyed (48%) said they believe their partners often fake orgasm, and the average man has had just three bedroom companions.


Meanwhile, men in Croatia reported having an average of 11 partners each, making them the most promiscuous guys on the planet. They were also more likely than males from other countries to get it on in parks, fields, pools and cars, according to The Telegraph.
British men and women were deemed the kinkiest based on the survey. British ladies had an average of nine partners each.
And men around the world might want to learn a thing or two from their Dutch brothers. The Netherlands was the only country where women said they were happy with the amount of foreplay that was offered.
Nearly 50,800 people around the world participated in the survey.


Men's Health India's managing editor Bobby Varkey told The Telegraph that Indians may live in noisy "joint homes," which prevents them from having sex as often as they'd like because of the lack of privacy. He said that having an extramarital affair is incredibly taboo in India. Varkey also drew a link between apparent sexual frustration among men and the nation's epidemic of rape and violence against women.
Ranjana Kumari of the Center for Social Research, however, challenged this notion. She pointed out that 95% of people in India are in arranged marriages, and half wed by the time they turn 18.
"Sexual access is very much there for men," she told The Telegraph. "I wouldn't want to generalise that India is a frustrated [sexual] culture. Rape isn't about sex but about men who think they can control women and instill fear in them."

Source :

Study : Eating raspberries can enhance fertility

12:00 PM
London, August 26 (ANI): A new study has claimed that eating raspberries could potentially enhance fertility in both men and women.

Eating raspberries can enhance fertility
Raspberries can enhance fertility

The berries are believed to have high levels of Vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient in male fertility , and magnesium that helps in the production of testosterone, the Daily Express reported.

Raspberries also contain 10 times additional antioxidants than tomatoes, and are potent in protecting sperm.

Even after a woman has conceived, the antioxidants continue to protect the embryo and decrease the risk of miscarriage. (ANI)
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