Showing posts with label teesta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teesta. Show all posts

Structures along Teesta River demolished by Darjeeling district administration

11:21 AM
Thirteen structures along Teesta demolished to avert mishaps

DARJEELING 21 Jul 2016 The Darjeeling district administration today  demolished 13 structures comprising houses and shops along the Teesta  River at 29th Mile on National Highway 10 under Kalimpong sub- division.

With rainfall battering the hills incessantly, the Teesta is flowing above the danger zone and has damaged several parts of the protection wall constructed by the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) to put the lives of 29th Mile residents in danger.

This morning, the district administration used bulldozers to raze the 13 structures located on the riverside. “Thirteen houses were demolished at 29th Mile this morning. Only recently two such structures were partially washed away by the raging river. And considering the danger to life, the structures have been demolished,” said Darjeeling district magistrate Anurag Srivastava. He added, “The demolition was done peacefully with most affected families even helping when the dismantling team reached the spot.”
Structures along Teesta River demolished by Darjeeling district administration
Teesta Bazar - Pic via Escape Enchanted
The NHPC has two hydel projects – Teesta Low Dam Project (132 mw) aRambi and Teesta Low Dam Project (160 mw) at Kalijhora. The 29th Mile area, which is a forest village along NH-10, has been facing the direct impact of the Rambi project that was commissioned in 2013.

According to the district administration, the evicted families have already been compensated by the NHPC but they chose to hang on to their houses. “Of the 13, the NHPC compensated 11 families two years ago while the remaining two refused the compensation. At that time it was agreed they would move from the area,” said Srivastava.

According to the district administration, the 13 houses at 29th Mile was constructed on forest land and compensation ranging from Rs 6 lakh to Rs14 lakh had been provided to the families. Asked about the rehabilitation of the displaced families, the DM said,

“As per our information, all these families have alternative houses constructed from the compensation amount received. Of the 13 houses, almost none had any furniture and it appears these families were just holding on to the structures despite receiving compensation.”

Apparently, Meena Sherpa, who owned two of the structures, had refused to accept the compensation offered saying it was not adequate. Today, watching her house and shops being dismantled, she said, “I had refused the compensation offered because it was not adequate. I have been living here since our grandfather’s time. I had asked for a week’s time but my property was razed to the ground without I being offered any settlement. I will meet the district administration regarding this.”

Manoj Chhetri, whose house-cum-restaurant was also demolished, was nostalgic but took solace from the fact that he had been compensated. “It is sad when the house you are living in for years gets demolished. But at least we have received the compensation with which we can build another home nearby,” he said.

NHPC officials expressed satisfaction and said that they were open to providing compensation to those who had refused earlier. “A committee was formed and a survey and assessment conducted to provide compensation as per approved norms. Two of them had refused but they can contact us and we will certainly offer them adequate compensation,” said NHPC senior manager Tingal Kispot.

Torrential rain continues to create havoc and numerous stretches of NH-10 and NH-55 linking Sikkim and Darjeeling have been hit by landslides. Landslides occurred on the Pankhabari road at Chilauney Dhura, Rati Khola road at Garidhura and Rohini road at Kargil Dara under Kurseong sub-division. The other places included Kali Mandir near Sevoke and between Karmatar and Jorethang in Sikkim but they were cleared for vehicular movement later in the day. In the last 24 hours, rainfall recorded in Kurseong was 102.4mm, Darjeeling84.2mm, Kalimpong 40mm and Siliguri 138mm.


Two arrested for Vivek Rasaily's murder in triveni picnic

9:48 AM
The first days of 2015 which saw a murder of Vivek Rasaily of  Dr Graham Homes area at Triveni under Rangli Ranglet OP under Darjeeling sub division. The 22 yr boy was stabbed in his chest who succumbed to injury on the way to Kalimpong Hospital. He was stabbed by Amir Biswakarma of Tista after a minor scuffle at picnic party yesterday . His PM was conducted today and the body was handed over to his kins. 
Vivek Rasaily
Vivek Rasaily
Vivek Rasaily was the president of GNSF a student wing of GNLF party who have termed the incident as political murder.MG Subba GNLF leader from Darjeeling today demanded that the main brain behind the incident should be arrested . 

Meanwhile A candle Rally was organised this evening by the GNLF party and Who Cares team. He was a member of the Team. Teesta police yesterday night arrested Amir Biswakarma the main accused and Vishal Thapa for helping amir. Both were handed to RR police post which produced both before Darjeeling Court slapping U/S 302 IPC . The police applied for remand for further investigation which court granted 5 days of Police remand.Meanwhile the funeral of the dead was conduced today.

Source: kalimpongnewsexpress

Fisheries department suspects the fish poisoned in Teesta

10:02 AM
A number of dead fish were found floating in the Teesta and on its banks in Saradapally area of Jalpaiguri town today and the fisheries department suspects the fish were poisoned.
Some of the dead fish spotted on the banks of the Teesta in Jalpaiguri on Tuesday. Picture by Biplab Basak
Some of the dead fish spotted on the banks of the Teesta in Jalpaiguri on Tuesday. Picture by Biplab Basak
"This morning, we noticed shoals of dead fish of different species and sizes floating dead or stuck in the mud of the river bank near our locality. We immediately informed the officers of the fisheries department who reached the spot," said Nripen Bairagi, a Saradapally resident.

Officials from the fisheries department collected samples of water and mud from the river bank. "Our officers have collected water and other samples. These would be sent to Calcutta for confirmatory tests to find out if any toxic substance was put into the water. We have also informed our superiors and the district magistrate about the incident," said Partha Pratim Das, the assistant director of fisheries in Jalpaiguri.

As the news spread, hundreds of local people went to Jubilee Park and Saradapally areas on the banks of the Teesta to see the dead fish. Species like mourala, puti and boroli were seen floating on the water.

Some local residents said they had seen some fishermen taking away the dead fish from the area in the morning.

A similar incident was reported in the Karala river, which flows through the town, on November 2011. The fisheries department had to bring in fresh water from the Teesta-Mahananda Link Canal to flush out the contaminated water.

Police officials in Kotwali police station, on being told about the incident, said they had not received any intimation from the fisheries department.

Source: Telegraph

GTA to promote fishing in Teesta and Rangi

6:31 PM
The next time you head to the Darjeeling hills you can also pack your fishing kit.

The GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration) has taken up an initiative to promote angling tourism along the Rangit and Teesta rivers that flow through the region.
Hill body to promote fishing in Teesta and Rangit with help from tour conductors and UK organisation
Foreign tourists prepare for angling near Kalijhora in the Darjeeling hills on the banks of the Teesta and an angler with his catch, a golden mahseer. Telegraph pictures

Teesta and Rangit are among the few rivers in north Bengal where the golden mahseer, a fish that can weigh up to 40kg, can be found.

Tourists visiting north Bengal are not known to try out their angling skills although a lot of local people are into it.
Jyoti Kumar Rai, executive GTA Sabha member in-charge of the fisheries department, said: “We are realising the potential of angling tourism and in the next few days we will finalise the details. We will introduce fishing licence in the area, earmark spots for fishing and create the required infrastructure.”

Chandan Gupta, director of Calcutta-based Rogue Anglers’ Company, that promotes angling in the country, is helping the GTA with the project. “Golden mahseer is known as the aquatic tiger of the Asian sub-continent and is a much sought after trophy fish as it is one of the toughest game fish (fish caught for sport) around. The moment you say golden mahseer can be fished, there will be hundreds of foreigners rushing to the place,” he said.

A golden mahseer is known to be a strong fish and can it weigh up to 40kg which makes it a difficult catch.

Gupta, who conducts fishing vacations across the country, said in north Bengal golden mahseer is found from Jorethang in Sikkim to Sevoke in Darjeeling district.

“But of late you can only find those that come to the cold waters for spawning at Tribeni (the junction where the Teesta and Rangit rivers meet) and along the stretch (in the Teesta) till Kalijhora and Sevoke that is in GTA area,” said Gupta.

According to him, there are about 10 lakh registered rod and reel anglers in India. “We also have lot of clients from UK, USA, Israel, Netherlands and Russia. This is basically high-end tourism and we charge about USD 2,000 per person for a short fishing vacation in north Bengal,” said Gupta.

He added that anglers are known to bring equipment worth up to Rs 10 lakh for such holidays.

Foreigners, however, do not take their catch home. “They merely take photographs, measure and weigh the fish (if it is a golden mahseer) and let them off,” said Gupta.

Rai said the GTA was also looking at encouraging anglers to let go of their catch.

“We will strictly monitor to ensure that the fish caught by tourists is not taken,” he said.

In India, angling tourism is popular in places like Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

“All these places have a practice of issuing licence for a nominal amount,” Gupta said. “We will involve the Mahseer Trust, an international non-profit organisation based in the UK, to promote north Bengal as an angling destination.”

Source : Vivek Chhetri for Telegrapg

Life imprisonment for Sunil Rai found guilty in Teesta Rape Case

4:28 PM
Darjeeling, September 10: This is a brutal case of rape of a three year old child hailing from a remote village "Gafur Busty" Teesta. On the 18th Day of April 2014 at around 6pm this child was playing with some children at the courtyard of one Dil Kumar Darjee who runs a small restaurant. The accused Sunil Rai was present at the shop and taking chance of the children playing and on the pretext of buying sweets to the child picked up the child and took her towards the ground side a secluded area where he committed rape. The mother of the Victim girl was on the look out of the child as it was getting dark and could not see in the companion of the children who were seen in the courtyard of the Dil Kr Darjees shop. The shop owner and another vital witness one Smt Reshma Darjee had seen the accused Sunil Rai take away the victim child towards the ground side and on the basis of the said information they followed towards the ground side. After search for quite a long time they heard a sound of cry and in agony from the bush side and to an utter dismay they found the said victim child in semi conscious condition with blood stains from the lower side of her body. By this moment many villagers had gathered and on the eastern side of the hill amongst the bamboo groves they could see the accused Sunil Rai running away seeing the crowd gather. Some people started following the accused person who had taken the footpath road on the northern side of the bamboo grooves leading towards a cluster of houses. They all chased and by this time the accused entered the house of another co accused Prabal Pradhan who gave him shelter. In the mean time the accused was seen talking to one Sambhu Subba. Around 9 pm the police also came to the place of Prabal Pradhan but the accused could not be found. The said Prabal Pradhan and Sambhu was arrested. Sunil Rai was arrested from a hotel at Kalimpong the very next day.
Lime imprisonment for Teesta Rape Case guilty Sunil Rai
Lime imprisonment for Teesta Rape Case guilty Sunil Rai
The case was charge sheeted u/s 376(2)(1)/ 212 Indian Penal Code read with Section 6 of the Prevention of Children from Sexual offence act, 2012.
In total 17 witnesses were examined.
The Court gave an observation that the accused Sambhu Subba was acquitted as he had no role to play with respect to rape or harbouring (giving shelter to accused) BUT Sunil Rai was found guilty of the offences u/s 376 (2)(1)/ 212 I.P.C. read with 6 of POCSO Act 2012 and Prabal Pradhan u/s 212 for harbouring, on the 8th Day Of September 2014.
Additional Sessions Judge, Mr Santanu Mishra, Court II, pronounced the judgement in final form on the 9th Day of September 2014. The public prosecutor was Mr Pranay Rai.
Judgement in final form: Sunil Rai, found guilty u/s 376 (2)(1) /212 of the Indian Penal Code read with Sec 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012, sentenced to Rigorous Imprisonment for life and a fine of Rs 50,000/-. Prabal Pradhan is found guilty under Section 212 of the I.P.C. for harbouring the said accused and an addition fine of Rs 1000 in default an addition imprisonment for three months. The victim girl is entitled to get compensation from the state Government u/s 357 Cr.P.C. and from the State Government and District Legal Service Authority, Darjeeling u/s 357 A of the Criminal Procedure Code.
The uniqueness of the case: This is the first case in the district where such speedy trials within four months have ended in life imprisonment under POCSO Act 2012 in the absence of Fast Track Court in Darjeeling.
Following the Court verdict the father of victim said, “We are very happy with the verdict and coming from a very poor family never believed such justice would be delivered. This judgement must be published everywhere such that no such incidents like against our daughter can happen or will be attempted. I thank Mr Pranay Rai, Public Prosecutor who selflessly and sincerely helped and supported us in fighting the case and also extend my thankfulness to the I.O. Mr Saurav Ghosh and the S.P. Mr Akhilesh Chaturbedi for rendering all help.
Meanwhile, Darjeeling chief public prosecutor Mr. Pranay Rai expressed satisfaction over the verdict and said, "Rape is not only a Crime against the opposite sex but a crime against the entire society. It destroys not only the physicality but also the psychology of women and in this case a girl child who has not even seen the path of life. Rape is an offence against the basic human rights and also a violation of ones fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21, of the Indian Constitution. It is only through the Judiciary and conviction that can deter such crimes and can play a pivotal role as an instrument of social change. Darjeeling Court has set an axiomatic example that- law prevails".
Remarkably, this is the third case of life imprisonment after swearing in office by Pranay Rai as a chief public prosecutor since December 20, 2013.

Source: DT

Hill TMC plea for safety of Teesta people in the monsoon

9:29 AM
Kalimpong, June 16: The hill unit of the Trinamul Congress today said it would meet the party leadership in Calcutta tomorrow to seek its intervention to ensure the safety of the people threatened by the rise of the Teesta in the monsoon.

Construction on the Teesta III Dam
Construction on the Teesta III Dam
About 600 families living along the river at Teesta Bazar, 29 Mile and Geilkhola are in danger because of release of water from dams upstream and cracks on embankments.

Sanjog Gupta, the spokesman for Trinamul’s Kalimpong subdivisional committee, said a delegation of the hill unit led by president Rajen Mukhia would meet the party’s all India general secretary Mukul Roy in Calcutta tomorrow and apprise him of the situation.

“With the onset of the rainy season, the Teesta has started rising. Protection walls along the riverbanks are developing cracks. People are getting worried, especially since the NHPC authorities release water from the upstream dams at short notices. All three villages have a risk of being swept away if the river continues to rise,” Gupta said.

The villages are about 15km from Kalimpong.

Source: Telegraph

One killed in an accident along the NH-31A in Teesta

9:04 AM
Teesta : In yet another accident along the NH-31A, a person from Gyalsing, Sikkim was killed when the vehicle he was driving skidded of the road and fell 50 feet off a cliff in Rabijhora near Teesta late last night. The passenger vehicle laden with vegetables was returning to Gyelsing from Siliguri and was being driven by the deceased, Bishnulal Chettri, who was also the owner of the vehicle. The vehicle did not have any other passengers apart from Chettri.

The mangled remains of the vehicle near Teesta.
The mangled remains of the vehicle near Teesta.

A truck driver trailing the vehicle saw the accident and informed Teesta PS. The personnel from the station retrieved the body from the Teesta River with the help of local rafters. The body was sent to Kalimpong District Hospital last night for postmortem and has been handed over to the family members today. Police are still investigating on what caused the accident.

Source: EOI

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