Khas Bharatiya Hitkari Sammelan demands for ST status

Khas Bharatiya Hitkari Sammelan has resolved to meet state Chief Minister Mamata Bannerjee, North Bengal Development Minister Gautam Deb and GTA chief Bimal Gurung to press on the demand for ST status for the Gorkha community. Organization’s central committee spokesperson Birendra Abjas today issued a press release congratulating the Tamang community for achieving a development board while it also thanked CM Mamata Bannerjee for announcing the development board.

Khas Bharatiya Hitkari Sammelan demands for ST status
Khas Bharatiya Hitkari Sammelan

Birendra has hailed the Tamang Development and Cultural board as a golden achievement. He mentioned, “One more golden chapter has been attached to the history of Indian Gorkhas and it is the separate development board for Tamangs.” The organization has also extended support to the demand of ST status being raised by the Khambu-Rai community. Birendra stated the Sammellan is always in favour of ST status demand by any tribal communities. 


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