Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Letter to Home Minister for Gorkhaland

Text of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Letter to the Home Minister for Gorkhaland are as follows:

New Delhi, February 20, 2014

Hon’ble Mr Sushilkumar Shinde
Home Minister of India
New Delhi

“After Telangana, democracy demands creation of Gorkhaland state”

Respected Sir,

The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, the representative pan-India body of Indian Gorkhas, congratulates you on having got the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2013, passed by the Lok Sabha toward creation of the state of Telangana despite the lack of unanimity in the Andhra Pradesh State Assembly on the matter. The people of Telangana have aspired long to have a state of their own and you have bravely taken the steps, in spite of numerous political hurdles, to see that their dream is now fulfilled. In this, we see the true spirit of democracy at work.

The Gorkhas of India too have been petitioning the government in Delhi since 1907 for an administrative set up outside of West Bengal, with whom there is no commonality in terms of ethnicity, language, culture and history. But more than all these, it is the intense desire of the patriotic Gorkhas not to be misidentified as foreigners and settlers from a neighbouring country that underlines their demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland. 

The government has sidelined the demand for the creation of a state under Article 3 of the Constitution by setting up ineffective and misconceived agencies like the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council and the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, all of which have failed to satisfy the Gorkha people, and, in fact, which have only strengthened the feeling among the community, resident across the length and breadth of India, that the Central Government does not regard their aspirations as of any consequence.

Now that the United Progressive Alliance Government has seen it as democratically justifiable to heed the expectations of one group of citizens in Telangana region, it must also mete out equal justice to another group of citizens. We firmly urge you to accept the validity of the demand for a new state of Gorkhaland in the Darjeeling and Dooars region of West Bengal because it is voiced not just by the people of Darjeeling, but by Gorkha citizens from every part of India. In the spirit of justice, equality and democracy, please takes steps forthwith to legislate on the state of Gorkhaland in Parliament. 

Faithfully yours,
Munish Tamang
General Secretary, Central Program Cell,
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh

Source : The Darjeeling Chronicle

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