Soureni GJM election committee meets in Phuguri

The Soureni branch of the GJM election committee today held its second meeting in Phuguri under the chairmanship of NK Rana. Regional secretary Purnasingh Rai, convener Binod Khaling and trade wing leader Binesh Khapangi were present in the meet that also saw the attendance of several representatives from sister organisations.

GJM election committee meets in Phuguri
GJM election committee meets in Phuguri
Binod Khaling talked of the significance of the upcoming general elections for the party while claiming the BJP will successfully address the primary issues of the hills. Taking a jab at independent candidate Mahendra P Lama, he said. “Even though Dr. Lama is our pride, the inappropriate nature of his candidature has resulted in scant support for him,” adding, “At present, he seems like a horse let loose after an ‘Ashwamegha yagya’, whoever gets hold of him first owns him.”

According to Khaling, under such existing circumstances, it would be foolish to expect Lama to carry forward the statehood issue.  

He claimed BJP candidate SS Ahluwalia, who is being backed by the GJM, has already tabled documents in the Rajya Sabha in favour of Gorkhaland and hence it is certain of him taking the statehood demand forward.

Slamming the TMC, the GJM leader said, “Since Mamata and the Trinamool never were in favour of a true solution for the demand of the Gorkhas, they have taken to slapping false cases against GJM leaders just ahead of the polls. At any cost, we must not let such a hypocritical and tyrannical party win the Darjeeling seat.”


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