GTA up against Scrub Typhus, holds awareness programme in kurseong

It may have taken some time, but the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) now seems to be taking an initiative on the fatal ailment called ‘Scrub Typhus’.

GTA Sabha member Yogendra Rai from Kurseong on Sunday held a press conference at the multipurpose hall of the Kurseong SD hospital to raise general awareness on the issue with help from experts in the field. Dr. AK Barui, an expert on Scrub Typhus, described various aspects of the sickness and said it is very easy to treat an infected person if ST is detected at an early stage. If a person complains of fever along with severe headache, he can be suspected of being infected. As per Barui, ST has not been diagnosed by blood tests, hence its treatment is done by taking note of the above symptoms including a black mark on the suspect’s skin called ‘eschar’ that is caused by the bite of the mite.

He added fever and headache are also associated with other illnesses such as typhoid and sometimes it becomes very difficult to find out whether a suspect is really suffering from Scrub Typhus. In such cases, treatment of the typhoid along with scrub typhus medication is subscribed simultaneously so that both get treated. Barui said ST in its early stage can be cured by Azithromycin, a medicine that costs only a few rupees. Instead of panicking, one must rather remain aware and in case of fever along with headache, the nearest health centres and medical officers should be contacted.

Meanwhile, the GTA sabhasad said once the pujas end, awareness programmes in rural and urban areas will be held with the support of NGOs and panchayat and municipal bodies. The Scrub Typhus disease is easily treatable, but lack of awareness among the people is the root of the problem, noted Rai. He added the advice given by doctors should be adhered to and hygiene maintained at home.

Scrub Typhus was first discovered in some areas of the hills a decade ago, but perhaps lack of proper awareness is still taking its toll on human life from time to time.

Source: EOI

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